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Your ultimate guide to code generation productivity for Dart and Flutter
July 2024

An in-person talk at FlutterCon about code generation and efficient codebase maintenance

Flutter, Dart, code generation


Code Generation with Dart & Flutter: The Ultimate Guide
April 2024

An article on pushing Dart and Flutter development experience productivity further by adopting techniques like code generation

Flutter, Dart


Mobile Tech Stack at Tide
February 2024

A virtual talk by Anna and Oleksandr Leushchenko for Flutter Global Summit'24 about technology choices at Tide

Flutter, Dart


"Code generation for productive Dart and Flutter development" at Observable
February 2024

A guest podcast at Observable show on the official Flutter team YouTube channel

Flutter, Dart, code generation


Native to Flutter: A tale of Tide’s transformation
December 2023

An in-person talk at the LeadDev Berlin Conference about a transformation journey of a product company from using native mobile technologies to Flutter

Flutter, Dart


Впровадження Flutter у Tide: досвід провідної фінтех платформи з Великої Британії (Bringing Flutter to Tide: a case study of a leading fintech platform in the UK)
November 2023

A live online talk at the CTO fwdays'23 conference about a transformation journey of a product company from using native mobile technologies to Flutter

Flutter, Dart


Code less, deliver even more
November 2023

A virtual talk at the Flutteristas Conference about creating a code-generating package

Flutter, Dart


Ефективна реалізація комунікації з RESTful API у Flutter додатках (Effective implementation of communication with RESTful API in Flutter applications)
October 2023

A hands-on workshop about API integration at a Ukrainian dev meetup

Flutter, Dart


Mobile apps distribution with Firebase
September 2023

An in-person talk at the Firebase Flutter Festival about Firebase Apps Distribution.

Flutter, Dart, Firebase


Basic and advanced networking in Dart and Flutter
September 2023

A hands-on workshop at Flutter&Friends conference about API integration.

Flutter, Dart


From native to Flutter in less than a year
July 2023

A virtual talk at WeAreDevelopers World Congress about a transformation journey of a product company from using native mobile technologies to Flutter

Flutter, Dart


Live technical interviews for Flutter roles
July 2023

An in-person Flutter dev interview at FlutterCon.

Flutter, Dart, interview


Flutter for all: platforms, users, developers
May 2023

An online talk at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2023 about Flutter.

Flutter, Dart


Перевірки у Dart та Flutter тестах: найповніша шпаргалка
Mar 2023

Тут ви знайдете найповнішу шпаргалку з перевірок доступних у Dart та Flutter тестах з детальними коментарями!

Dart, Flutter, testing


Сила комʼюніті
Mar 2023

An online talk at the Google Developer Student Club about the power of the community (UA).

Community, Career development


The power of the community
Mar 2023

An online talk at the Women in Tech Day by WeAreDevelopers LIVE about the power of the community.

Community, Career development


Assertions in Dart and Flutter tests: an ultimate cheat sheet
Feb 2023

An online talk at the Flutter Global Summit conference about an ultimate cheat sheet for assertions in Dart and Flutter tests.

Dart, Flutter, testing


Private Dart and Flutter packages
Jan 2023

A video about managing private dependencies in Flutter applications.

Dart, Flutter, Private packages


Assertions in Dart and Flutter tests: an ultimate cheat sheet
Dec 2022

An ultimate cheat sheet for assertions in Dart and Flutter tests with many details explained.

Dart, Flutter, testing


Building Flutter apps in Lego style
Sep 2022

In-person talk at the Flutter Vikings conference about Flutter applications architecture.

Dart, Flutter, architecture


Fun with code generation
Aug 2022

In-person talk at the Flutter Vikings conference about Code generation with build_runner.

Dart, Flutter, build_runner


How I was preparing for my talk at Flutter Vikings in August 2022, with a few possibly reusable tips
Aug 2022

I share what it takes me to prepare a quality technical talk, what my struggles are, and the tricks that I use to make this stressful process a pleasant journey.

Public speaking


Hocus pocus: painless headers customization of REST API requests in Flutter
Aug 2022

How to provide different headers to individual, selected, most, or all REST API requests without explicitly passing them as parameters when using retrofit code generating package or alike.

Flutter, Dart, REST API, Code generation


Нетворкінг у Flutter додатках — про просте і складне на прикладі Tide
Jul 2022

Ця серія із шести частин представляє інструменти та підходи, які полегшують реалізацію рівня API у Flutter додатках.

Flutter, Dart, build_runner, freezed, json_serializable, dio, retrofit


DartPad воркшопи від Flutter GDE
Jun 2022

Оглядова стаття з посиланнями на DartPad воркшопи від Flutter GDE, представленими на Google I/O.

Flutter, Dart, DartPad


Flutter: one framework to rule them all
Jun 2022

An online talk at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 about Flutter productivity and developer experience.

Flutter, Dart


Basic and advanced networking in Dart and Flutter — the Tide way
Jun 2022

An online talk at the Flutter Global Summit'22 about API layer implementation in Flutter applications.

Flutter, Dart, build_runner, freezed, json_serializable, dio, retrofit


Basic and advanced networking in Dart and Flutter — the Tide way
May 2022

This six-part series presents tools and approaches that facilitate API layer implementation in Flutter and Dart applications we use at Tide.

Flutter, Dart, build_runner, freezed, json_serializable, dio, retrofit


Consistent design with Flutter Theme
May 2022

A DartPad workshop dedicated to consistent styling of Flutter widgets.

Flutter, Theme, Widgets, Material Design


Trash talk
Feb 2022

An online talk at the Flutter Vikings conference about Garbage Collector in Dart.

Flutter, Dart, Garbage Collector


Yet another localization approach in Flutter
Dec 2021

An online talk at the Flutter Global Summit 21 Vol.2 conference about how Flutter applications can be localized with build_runner and i69n package.

Flutter, localization, i69n, build_runner


Ще один підхід до локалізації Flutter-додатків, якого вам бракувало
Oct 2021

Розповідаю, до чого призвело моє прагнення поєднати локалізацію Flutter-додатка з механізмом генерації коду через build_runner.

Flutter, localization, i69n, build_runner


Як покращити Dart-колекції з бібліотекою dartx
Jun 2021

Ділюся своїм досвідом з покращення читабельності та лаконічності Dart-коду у роботі з колекціями за допомогою бібліотеки dartx на прикладі повсякденних завдань Flutter-розробника.

Dart, Flutter, Collections, dartx, Dart extensions


Flutter: What? Why? How? Where?
Jun 2021

An online talk at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2021 about what Flutter is and why you should consider it as a technology choice.

Flutter, Dart, Dash


Dart collections with DartX extensions
May 2021

Learn about elegant single-line operations on Dart collections provided by dartx package vs using plain Dart for everyday development tasks.

Dart, Flutter, Collections, dartx, Dart extensions


Code less, deliver more
Apr 2021

An online talk at the Flutteristas conference 2021 about how code generation works in Flutter and what typical tasks it can facilitate in mobile apps development.

Dart, Flutter, build_runner, Space exploration history


Yet another localization approach in Flutter
May 2020

Flutter app localization with i69n pub package allows providing translations in .yaml files and autogenerates dart code with build_runner watch command.

Flutter, localization, i69n, build_runner


HttpClient and Proxy
Nov 2018

Fixing the bug you probably didn’t even know about on Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS.

Xamarin, Proxy, HttpClient, Xamarin.Droid, Xamarin.iOS


Disabling cut/paste menu on Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker
Oct 2018

Here is how custom renderers and digging into source code can help to prevent a user from cutting and pasting invalid text to Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker entry field.

Xamarin, Xamarin.Droid, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin Forms, DatePicker


Controls and layouts with rounded corners with Xamarin.Forms.Effect
Sep 2018

It is not a rare case when a UI designer creates an app design full of elements with nicely rounded corners. Check out the implementation of this requirement with Xamarin.Forms.Effect.

Xamarin, Xamarin.Droid, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin Forms, Xamarin Effect


Selectable read-only multiline text field in Xamarin.Forms
Aug 2018

Implementing a text field that lets user copy a part of long text without allowing content alteration in Xamarin.Forms.

Xamarin, Xamarin.Droid, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin Forms, Input field