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This is a repository that contains the code used to set up the cloud infrastructure for this blog post. The related GitHub repository with the Flask API can be found here.

1. Prerequisites

  • A GCP Project with a service account that has the following roles:
    • Editor
    • Service Usage Admin
    • Artifact Registry Administrator
    • Cloud Run Admin
    • Project IAM Admin

2. Deploying a new version of the infrastructure

  • If this is the first time deploying the infrastructure, perform the steps in section 3 of the README first. Otherwise, continue with the steps listed below.
  • Use the service account docker-pusher to push a Docker image to the artifact repository. See e.g. here.
  • Set docker_image in main/ to the name of the Docker image.
  • Create a Pull Request for merging the branch with your desired changes into main. A comment will be added with the output of terraform plan.
  • Create a new release through the GitHub UI. This will trigger the workflow that calls terraform apply.

3. Initializing the repository & architecture

3.1 Setting up the Terrafom state bucket

  • Download your service account key in the .json-format and store it as infra_service_account.json.
  • Run cp .env.template .env and add the absolute path to your service account in the .env file.
  • Create the bucket for the Terraform backend with:
    • source .env
    • terraform -chdir=backend init
    • terraform -chdir=backend apply
  • Find the name of the created GCP bucket in Cloud Storage on GCP, and enter it in main/

3.2 Deploying the initial architecture

  • Set the variable first_time in main/ to true.
  • Create the initial infrastructure with:
    • terraform -chdir=main init
    • terraform -chdir=main apply

3.3 Prepare the repository for deploying through CI/CD

  • Copy the contents of infra_service_account.json and paste them into a repository secret with the name GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS
  • Set the variable first_time in main/ to false.