- Add unit tests for UI configuration methods (5.0.5)
- Add unit tests for setup entry points in ics_calendar/init.py
- Figure out how to get entries named something other than "ICS Calendar" when looking at separate entries in Setup (5.0.4)
- [] Determine if #193 is a problem ics_calendar can resolve or not
- Revamp UI config, especially for URLs (see #133, #116, #169)
- Fix #166; use homeassistant.helpers.httpx_client.get_async_client along with httpx_auth to handle authentication (5.0.5)
- Remove methods and unit tests
- Break UI config into config_flow and options_flow
- Allow reconfigure of options
- Name & unique ID should be kept, everything else can be reconfigured
- Users that want to change the name can use HA's entity configuration to do that
- Add support for more advanced authentication mechanisms