Basic CLI (Command Line Interpreter) library for Arduino.
The CLI class first allows the user to register commands (i.e. a combination of a name and a function address) into a linked list.
Then, on every 'LF' (Line Feed) char received on the Serial Interface, the class checks whether the input command name matches a registered one. In this case, the corresponding function is executed.
NB1 : Each command name is 8 characters MAX by default.
NB2 : The functions associated to the commands shall be "void function(void)" typed.
- in the setup() Arduino sketch function, register all your commands by using RegisterCmd() method and open the serial port (see example below)
- in the loop() Arduino sketch function, call the Run() method to allow CLI execution (see example below)
NB : If you don't use the Arduino serial monitor, make sure your terminal application is configured with a 'LF' char for New Line ('CR' char is ignored).
Arduino sketch example :
#include <Cli.h>
Cli cli = Cli(&Serial);
void FunctionHello(void) {Serial.println("\"functionHello\" is being executed!");}
void FunctionByebye(void) {Serial.println("\"functionByebye\" is being executed!");}
void FunctionSeeyou(void) {Serial.println("\"functionSeeyou\" is being executed!");}
void setup(){
void loop(){