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Table of Contents

Contribution Guidelines

Hello 👋 and welcome to Chapter, a project of freeCodeCamp.

We strictly enforce our "Code of Conduct", so please take a moment to read the 196 word policy.

Join our chat to get connected with the project's development team.

Contributing Code

Consider the following options when you are ready to contribute code.

  • - a ready-to-code development environment that launches in the cloud.
  • Traditional Dev Environment - the common method of developing on a computer you control.

Using GitPod

Open in Gitpod

All pull requests will have a GitPod link to allow for quickly opening an "ready-to-code" development environment for that specific issue / task. Follow the GitPod documentation to configure your account, setup an "ephemeral" workspace, and access a running application.

Using a Traditional Dev Environment

This approach is more common and involves the step below to setup and configuring a development environment within a local, virtual, or remote operating system that you own or control.

Step 1 - Fork the Repository on GitHub

'Forking' is a step where you get your own copy of Chapter's repository (a.k.a repo) on GitHub.

Follow these steps to fork the repository:

  1. Go to the Chapter repository on GitHub and click the "Fork" button in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. After the repository has been forked, you will be taken to your copy of the Chapter repository at

Your forked copy may be used to submit suggested changes to the Chapter repository via branches and pull requests.

Step 2 - Prepare the Terminal and Git Environment

Prerequisite: A Linux-compatible command line shell must exist on your development device in order to run commands in these docs. Options vary by operating system, but include:

  • Linux - the pre-installed terminal, usually running a bash or sh shell, should work in its default "out of the box" configuration.
  • Mac - the pre-installed Terminal in MacOS, usually running a zsh shell, should work in its default "out of the box" configuration.
  • Windows - options for running a Linux terminal and shell within Windows include:

Prerequisites: Git must exist (run git --version to check) within your development terminal / shell.

  1. Decide if you will authenticate to GitHub using SSH or HTTPS.

    • SSH - uses SSH key authentication instead of a username and password.
    • HTTPS - uses a GitHub username and personal access token (PAT). For security, use a PAT and not a GitHub password.
  2. Change directories (cd) to where you want your Chapter fork to be cloned by Git.

    Note: Windows using WSL + a Linux distro will maintain its own file system. Use a sub-directory within the Linux shell /home/yourusername/ filesystem path. The alternative, using a directory within _C:_ or /mnt/c, will cause everything to run very slowly.

  3. Clone your GitHub fork of Chapter using the SSH or HTTP method you selected above. Replace YOUR_USER_NAME with your GitHub username.

    • SSH method - git clone
    • HTTPS method - git clone

Cloning will download your fork, referred to as the origin, into a chapter sub-directory in the current directory.

  1. Configure the Chapter repository as the upstream. This allows you to regularly synchronize code changes from the upstream to your origin fork.

    cd chapter
    git remote add upstream
  2. Ensure the origin and upstream configuration is correct:

    git remote -v

    The output should look something like below:

     origin (fetch)
     origin (push)
     upstream (fetch)
     upstream (push)
Step 3 - Decide Whether to Run the Application Now, or Later

It's possible to contribute simple changes, like to, without running the application. However, for many situations you will need to get the application running to view pages, see your code in action, and test changes.

If you want to proceed immeditely with running the client, database, and server, then follow the steps in the Running the Application section, below. Then, return here and continue to the next step of this section.

Step 4 - Make Changes and Test the Code 🔥

You are almost ready to make changes to files, but before that you should always follow these steps:

  1. Validate that you are on the main branch

    git status

    You should get an output like this:

     On branch main
     Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.
     nothing to commit, working directory clean

    If you are not on main or your working directory is not clean, resolve any outstanding files/commits and checkout main:

    git checkout main
  2. Sync the latest changes from the upstream Chapter main branch to your local fork's main branch. This is very important to keep things synchronized and avoid "merge conflicts".

    Note: If you have any outstanding Pull Request that you made from the main branch of your fork, you will lose them at the end of this step. You should ensure your pull request is merged by a moderator before performing this step. To avoid this scenario, you should always work on a branch separate from main.

    This step will sync the latest changes from the main repository of chapter.

    Update your local copy of the freeCodeCamp upstream repository:

    git fetch upstream

    Hard reset your main branch with the chapter main:

    git reset --hard upstream/main

    Push your main branch to your origin to have a clean history on your fork on GitHub:

    git push origin main --force

    You can validate if your current main matches the upstream/main or not by performing a diff:

    git diff upstream/main

    If you don't get any output, you are good to go to the next step.

  3. Create a fresh new branch

    Working on a separate branch for each issue helps you keep your local work copy clean. You should never work on the main branch. This will soil your copy of Chapter and you may have to start over with a fresh clone or fork.

    Check that you are on main as explained previously, and branch off from there by typing:

    git checkout -b fix/update-readme

    Your branch name should start with fix/, feat/, docs/, etc. Avoid using issue numbers in branches. Keep them short, meaningful and unique.

    Some examples of good branch names are:

    • fix/update-nav-links
    • fix/sign-in
    • docs/typo-in-readme
    • feat/sponsors
  4. Edit files and write code on your preferred code editor, such as VS Code.

    Then, check and confirm the files you are updating:

    git status

    This should show a list of unstaged files that you have edited.

     On branch feat/documentation
     Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/feat/documentation'.
     Changes not staged for commit:
     (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
     (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
  5. Always Run Code Quality Tools

    Verify all automated code quality checks will pass before submitting a pull request because PRs with failures will not be merged.

    To run the checks locally use npm run lint-and-test OR npm run test:watch to start "watch" mode.

  6. Stage the changes and make a commit

    In this step, you should only mark files that you have edited or added yourself. You can perform a reset and resolve files that you did not intend to change if needed.

    git add path/to/my/changed/file.ext

    Or, you can add all the unstaged files to the staging area using the below handy command:

    git add .

    Only the files that were moved to the staging area will be added when you make a commit.

    git status


     On branch feat/documentation
     Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/feat/documentation'.
     Changes to be committed:
     (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

    Now, you can commit your changes with a short message like so:

    git commit -m "fix: my short commit message"

    We highly recommend making a conventional commit message. This is a good practice that you will see on some of the popular Open Source repositories. As a developer, this encourages you to follow standard practices.

    Some examples of conventional commit messages are:

    • fix: update API routes
    • feat: attend event
    • fix(docs): update database schema image

    Keep your commit messages short. You can always add additional information in the description of the commit message.

  7. Next, you can push your changes to your fork.

    git push origin branch-name-here

    For example if the name of your branch is fix/signin then your command should be:

    git push origin fix/signin
Step 5 - Propose a Pull Request (PR)
  1. A yellow message bar should appear on the top of your GitHub fork page ( after you've committed & pushed changes to a branch on your fork. Follow the green Compare and Pull Request button to open a new "Open a pull request" form page.

  2. The main branch of the Chapter project should automatically show as being compared with your proposed changes, like:

    [base repository: freeCodeCamp/chapter] [base:main] <- [your fork] [your proposed branch]

  3. Write a descriptive title in the title field. A common pattern you may like to follow is: Type(optional scope): With a Thoughtful Title.

    • Example: feat(client): Send Email on Attendance Confirmation
    • Type examples
      • chore: Changes that are not related to code, tests, or docs.
      • docs: Changes to the contributing guidelines, etc.
      • feat: A new feature
      • fix: A bug fix
      • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
      • test: Changes related to tests
    • (Scope) examples: api, build, ci, client, db, perf, style, ui
  4. Write a more detailed explaination of the changes in the form's text area.

    The text area will automatically include a checklist of items to confirm before submitting the pull request.

    At the end of your PR's description, you may append a pattern like Closes #1337 to tell GitHub to automatically close a specific issue number when the PR is accepted and merged.

Submit the form and you have successfully created a PR. Congratulations! 🎉

Running the Application

Prerequisite: Follow the Contributing Code section, above, before continuing to the next step in this section. If you are using GitPod, then this section is unnecessary as GitPod will run the appliction.

Step 1 - Install Node.js and Dependencies

Prerequisite: Node.js 16+ and npm 8+ must be installed


  • To check Node.js, run node --version and the output should be like v16.#.#
  • If Node.js is not installed, or using an older version, then:
    • (Recommended) Use NVM to manage multiple version of Node.js and run nvm install within the root code directory.
    • Or, install or update the latest version of Node.js. Be sure to close and re-open your terminal for the changes to take effect.
  • To check npm, run npm --version and the output should be like 8.#.#
  • Update npm to the latest version by running npm i -g npm@8 in the root code directory.

Run npm i to install all of the necessary dependencies.

This step will automatically read and process the package.json file. Most notably it:

  • Downloads all Node package dependencies to the node_modules sub-directory
  • Creates the .env configuration file if one does not exist.

    Note: this is done "magically" via the postinstall hook.

Step 2 - Run the App Using Docker Mode OR Manual Mode

There are two approaches to running the Chapter application.

Based on your experience or preference, decide between the two options:

  • Docker Mode: typically easier if you just want to start the application for the first time or don't want to run a local PostgreSQL database on your host computer. It will take longer to "boot up" the container than manual-mode and can be slow to reload some types of code changes.
  • Manual Mode: more of a "hands-on" method, is more lightweight in that it's faster to "boot" and faster to refresh for some code changes, requires more knowledge of running PostgreSQL and configuring localhost services to play nice with the code.

See Running Remotely if you are using a remote server.

Docker Mode

Prerequisite: Docker must exist on your system:

  • Windows & WSL - Docker Desktop
    • Docker Desktop must be installed even when running WSL2 (Windows Subsystem Linux)
    • Close and re-open your terminal after the installation finishes.
    • Do not use Powershell or Git Bash to run commands. Rather, use a Linux / Ubuntu shell as noted above in "Using a Traditional Dev Environment > Step 2 - Prepare the Terminal and Git Environment".
  • Mac - Docker Desktop
  • Linux

Ensure the Docker tools are installed:

  • Docker using docker --version and it should output something like Docker version 19.03.13...
  • Docker Compose using docker-compose --version and it should output something like docker-compose version 1.28.5...

Make sure DB_PORT=54320 is set in .env.

Run Docker Compose docker-compose up from the root code directory and wait for the successful output as shown in the following example.

Note: This could take minutes for each line to appear.

db_1      | ... LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
client_1  | ready - started server on http://localhost:3000
app_1     | Listening on http://localhost:5000/graphql

Once Docker is running:

  • The server will automatically restart anytime you save a .ts or .js file used by the server.
  • You can run any command within the container by prefixing it with docker-compose exec app, e.g. docker-compose exec app npm install express
  • If you, or someone else via a commit, updates Dockerfile or the contents of its build directory, run docker-compose build to get the new image. Then, run docker-compose up to start the container's services.

Manual Mode

This is a much lighter development footprint than Docker Mode, but you will need to manually manage the client-server, database, and API server.

Prerequisite: PostgreSQL must exist and be configured.

Set DB_PORT=5432 in .env.

Run npm run both to start the api-server and client-server:

Step 3 - Prepare the Database for Development The database may be empty and / or need to be recreated to get the last schema changes.

See the Initializing the Database section, below, before continuing to the next step in this section.

Step 4 - View the Running Application Once the app has started you should be able to pull up these URLs in your web browser:

Note, MailHog is not started automatically in manual mode. The easiest way to do that is via Docker: docker run --rm --network host mailhog/mailhog, but if you prefer to install it manually, instructions are on their repository

Step 5 - Log In As Different Users

The database is seeded with several types of user. To experiment with different roles, you can run these commands in your terminal:

  • npm run change-user (an owner with full permissions)
  • npm run change-user (an administrator of chapter 1)

Adding a New Feature

In order to understand where to start, it may help to familiarize yourself with our tech stack. For more details:

Tech Stack Overview

The database we use is PostgreSQL, which we interact with via Prisma. Prisma maps between our database and our code, providing a fully type-safe way to interact with the database. The Express server itself uses Apollo GraphQL server to handle requests from the client. Apollo needs to know the GraphQL schema and we define that by using TypeGraphQL since it lets us automate schema generation and uses decorators for a clean syntax.

The Chapter client uses the React framework Next.js with Apollo Client for data fetching. Since we are generating a GraphQL schema we can use GraphQL Code Generator to convert the schema into a set of TypeScript types and, more importantly, functions to get the data from the server. As a result we know exactly what we're allowed to request from the server and the shape of the data it returns.

After you have added new feature, to make sure it stays working, we recommend using Cypress. It will automatically test different scenarios starting in the client side of the application, communicating with the server, and warning you if something unexpected happens.

To record test coverage locally, run npm run both:coverage before starting cypress with npm run cypress:run. This will generate a cypress-coverage/lcov-report folder in the root directory. Open the index.html file in your browser to see the coverage report.

To see the coverage of an single spec, you can either run npm run cypress:run -- --spec cypress/e2e/path_to/your_spec.js or run npm run cypress:open and run the spec through the UI.

Where to Find the Code

  • The database schema is defined in server/prisma/schema.prisma
  • GraphQL object types are defined by files in server/src/graphql-types
  • Resolvers for the GraphQL queries are defined in server/src/controllers
  • The client accesses the data via hooks defined in client/src/generated/generated.tsx
  • To create new hooks, modify queries.ts and mutations.ts files in client/src/modules/**/graphql
  • Client pages are defined according to Next.js's routing e.g. client/src/pages/dashboard/events/[id]/edit.tsx handles pages like /dashboard/events/1/edit
  • Cypress test coverage spec files should go in /cypress/e2e, roughly mirroring the client pages pattern

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we need help with right now?

We are in the early stages of development on this new application, but we value any contributions and insights. In order to prevent duplication, please browse and search our "Good First Issue" list and existing issues.

Please join our chat to stay in the loop.

I found a typo. Should I report an issue before I can make a pull request?

For typos and other wording changes, you can directly open pull requests without first creating an issue. Issues are more for discussing larger problems associated with code or structural aspects of the application.

I am new to GitHub and Open Source, where should I start?

Please read our How to Contribute to Open Source Guide.

Feel free to ask us questions on our "Good First Issue" list or join our chat. Please be polite and patient and our community members will be glad to guide you to next steps.

When in doubt, you can reach out to current lead(s):

Name GitHub Role
Oliver Eyton-Williams @ojeytonwilliams Project Lead
Jim Ciallella @allella Documentation, Newbie Questions, & Schema
Fran Zeko @Zeko369 Admin UI, routes, models, and data migrations
Ayotomide Oladipo @tomiiide Public-facing client pages / forms
Timmy Chen @timmyichen API
Patrick San Juan @pdotsani Google Authentication
Jonathan Seubert @megajon Email
Vaibhav Singh @vaibhavsingh97 Heroku 1-click deployment
Quincy Larson @QuincyLarson Executive Lead

You are a champion :).

How do I enable CodeSee?

Uncomment the CODESEE variable in .env and restart.

CodeSee is a developer tool that helps with debugging and understanding the application as it's used. When you first start Chapter you will see a red eye. If you click on it you can register with CodeSee. After that the eye turns blue and lets you start and stop recording.

To learn more, take a look at their docs or just click the button and find out.

How do I work with dependencies?

The client and server are npm workspaces. This means that adding and removing packages work slightly differently from the usual. All that changes is that commands are run from root with the -w=name-of-workspace flag.

For example, to add a new express to the client, run npm i -w=client express. Similarly, to remove it, run npm un -w=client express.

Updating dependencies

We rely on renovate to update dependencies automatically.

How do I make authenticated graphql queries from Apollo Studio Explorer to Apollo Server?

In order to make authenticated graphql queries from Apollo Studio(works only when running on Gitpod):

  • Update the cookieSession config to following:
    sameSite: 'none',
    secure: true,
  • Enable Include cookies option under Connection Settings inside Apollo Studio
  • Login to Chapter as an admin to access authenticated queries
Where to find the issues to contribute?

The repository's contribute page is a good place to go if you are looking to get started with beginner friendly issue.

Server-side Technical Documentation

API Specification

We use GraphQL to define the API structure of the application.

The GraphQL Playground has "Docs" and "Schema" tabs on the right side of the page. You can see them if you are already Running the Application at http://localhost:5000/graphql

To make authenticated GraphQL queries, read the FAQ

.env Configuration File

Running Locally

An important, local .env configuration file exists in the root code directory. It's used to store environment variables and their associated values.

Any changes to .env will not and should not be committed into your origin fork or the Chapter upstream. Plus, a .gitignore rule exists to prevent it. Do not remove this rule or otherwise attempt to commit your .env to any Git repository.

Keeping your .env out of the repositories is important because the file will contain "secrets" (usernames, passwords, API keys) and other values which are specific to you and your local development environment.

The .env file is automatically created via the Running the Application section when you follow Step 1 - Install Node and Run npx.

This configuration pattern is based on the dotenv package and is also popular in other frameworks and programming languages.

The initial values of the .env will be copied from the .env.example file. However, you should not attempt to add any of your personal configuration values / secrets to the .env.example file. The purpose of .env.example is as a template to declare any variable names the application will need and any values in it are "dummy" / example values purely as a guide to help other developers with their .env file.

Running Remotely

When not running locally, the client needs to be passed the server's location by changing your .env file to include NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL=<https://address.of.graphql.server:port>. For example, if you started Chapter with npm run both and hosted it on then the address will be


PostgreSQL is our database and Prisma is used to map tables to JS objects.


Our database schema and ER Diagrams are available online using a custom GitHub pages domain using the SchemaSpy format.

Updates to the gh-pages branch and online schema are automatically triggered by commits to the main branch.

Username and Password

  • Set your specific values in .env.
  • For security, it's ideal to change the username and password from the default values.

Host and Port

  • In Docker Mode, the Docker database container will be exposed to the host computer on Host: localhost and Port: 54320. Thus, avoiding potential port conflicts in the case your computer is running PostgreSQL locally for other projects.
  • In Manual Mode, the PostgreSQL port will be as you configured it, the default being Host: localhost and Port: 5432
  • If you're using a remote PostgreSQL server, then the Host and Port will be provided by the service. You'll also need to update the DB_URL value in .env.

Admin Tools

  • pgAdmin, Postico or Table Plus, can use your mode's Host and Port values as described above.
  • psql Client
    • In Docker Mode - psql -h localhost -p 54320 -U postgres. You don't have to run docker-compose exec... commands to "talk" to the PostgreSQL container.
    • In Manual Mode - psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

Using Prisma and NPM

Initializing the Database

If starting the application for the first time, or syncronizing with the latest development changes, then the following must occur

  • build a server with npm run -w=server build, to create prisma/seed.js file.
  • drop the database - delete the schema and data.
  • apply all migrations - bring the schema up to date.
  • seed the database - fill the database with example data.

The npm run db:migrate:reset command will do all three tasks by running prisma migrate reset which handles all three tasks. It also builds the server, since the seed script needs to be compiled to run.

Creating a new table

The prisma.schema file is the single source of truth for the database schema.

Test schema changes

To update prisma.schema without creating a migration use npm run db:reset. Once you're happy with the changes, go to the next section to see how to create a migration.

Creating a Migration

When you have changed the schema.prisma file, these changes will need to be applied to the database.

First seed the database using the original schema

git stash -- server/prisma/schema.prisma
npm run db:reset
git stash pop

Then, create a migration using the new schema.

npm run db:migrate:dev

This will guide you through the process of creating a migration, including the steps required to resolve any issues. Even if there are errors, check the created migration file to see if it looks correct or has any warnings.

Once the migration file has been created and warnings addressed, the file should be committed to the repository.

Authorizing GraphGQL requests with @Authorized decorator

Overview of roles

Chapter has a role based permission system, with specific permission assigned to one or multiple roles, on one or more different scopes.

Available role scopes

  • Instance role - per instance - every registered user has instance role.
  • Chapter role - per chapter - chapter role is created for user when explicitly joining chapter, or performing on event actions requiring chapter role. Ie. Attending event. Elevated chapter role for one chapter, doesn't impact chapter roles for different chapters.
  • Event role - per event - chapter role is created for user when attending an event. Elevated event role (permissions) for a one event doesn't impact event roles for different events.

Note: in MVP Event roles are not used.

@Authorized decorator

Decorator is available as an import from type-graphql.

import { Authorized } from 'type-graphql';

Adding decorator in the resolver before specific mutation or query, wraps it in the authorization logic. Only after successful authorization, the code within decorated operation will be executed.

  @Mutation(() => Event)
  async createEvent(
    @Arg('chapterId', () => Int) chapterId: number,
    @Arg('data') data: CreateEventInputs,
    @Ctx() ctx: Required<ResolverCtx>,
  ): Promise<Event | null> {
    /* ... */

To make sure authorization will check permissions for correct chapter or event, certain arguments are required in the request.

Role scope Required arguments in GraphQL request
Instance -
Chapter chapterId or eventId
Event eventId

By default this means only logged in user can be authorized.


flowchart LR;
    A["Authorize\n(logged in)"]
    I{Is allowed by\nInstance role?}
    CP{Is user banned\nfrom chapter?}
    C{Is allowed by\nChapter role?}
    E{Is allowed by\nEvent role?}
    N[Not authorized]

    I-->|No| CP;
    I-->|Yes| Y;
    CP-->|Not banned| C;
    CP-->|Banned| N;
    C-->|No| E;
    C-->|Yes| Y;
    E-->|Yes| Y;
    E-->|No| N;


Adding @Authorize(Permissions.EventEdit) before mutation editing event will authorize user if one of the following applies:

  • Their Instance role has Permissions.EventEdit permission.
  • User is not banned on the chapter, on which edited event is, and for that chapter their Chapter role has Permission.EventEdit permission.
  • Their Event role, for the edited event, has Permission.EventEdit permission.

Otherwise request will be rejected.


If your problem isn't resolved in the sections below, then visit our chat for assistance. Or, create an issue for new bugs or topics.

Application Troubleshooting
  • Problem: Where do application registration and other emails go?
    Solution: All email are captured and saved by Mailhog. Simply open http://localhost:8025/ to see captured emails. For account registration, the email validation link can be opened in the browser to complete the registration process.

  • Problem: The applications shows

    The table public.chapters does not exist in the current database
    or Invalid'prisma_1.prisma.chapters.findMany()

    Solution: The database needs to be initialized. Run npm run db:reset to clear and re-create the database tables.

  • Problem: I have come back after a long period of time, and chapter isn't working.
    Solution: As we develop Chapter, it is often necessary to change the environment variables we use. In case .env file being outdated, try replacing it with .env.example.

Linux Docker Troubleshooting
Node / NPM Troubleshooting
  • Problem: You are getting this error

    notsup Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"}

    Solution: Upgrade to npm version 7 or 8, like npm install -g npm@latest or by getting the latest version of NodeJS from your Linux package manager. Or, install nvm.

  • Problem: You are getting these errors

    npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm'
    Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename '/usr/bin/npm'

    Solution: see or

    • Problem: if you are using Windows / WSL + Ubuntu Terminal, and the application shows

    npx /bin/sh^M bad interpreter: No such file or directory

    Solution: likely happens when Node.js is already installed on Windows, but it also needs to be installed within the Linux subsystem / terminal, such as installing it with apt on in Ubuntu.

General Docker Troubleshooting
  • Problem: You are getting this error running

    ERROR: for chapter-npx-test_db_1 Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint chapter-npx-test_db_1 (....): Bind for failed: port is already allocated. ERROR: for db Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint chapter-npx-test_db_1

    Solution: Make sure Docker isn't already running and bound to port 54320.

  • Note: To shut down Docker on Linux, press Ctrl + C in the terminal where it was started.

  • Note: To purge old images, which can sometimes be the source of errors, run docker-compose rm && docker image prune -a

WSL Troubleshooting
  • Install Linux for Windows with WSL.
  • Problem: You are getting this error

    WSL2 Installation is Incomplete

    Solution: Follow the steps to install the missing component.

  • Problem: You are getting this error

    WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80070057

    Solution: this is common on older CPUs which does not support Virtulization, HyperV or SLAT - Solution: Open Powershell and change back to WSL 1 using wsl --set-default-version 1

Windows / WSL + Docker Troubleshooting
  • Problem: You are getting this error

    Docker Desktop requires Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise (######+) or Windows 10 Home (#####.####+)

    Solution: Windows 10 is running an old / unsupported version and needs to be updated before Docker will install.

  • Problem: You are getting this error

    Failed to execute script docker-composer

    Solution: Start Docker Desktop via the Windows Start Menu and restart Git Bash.

  • Problem: Docker / WSL2 consumes all your system's RAM and is very slow

    Solution: Limit resources

  • Problem: You are getting this error

    Windows Defender Firewall has blocked some features of this app

    Solution: Allow Access.

  • Problem: You are getting either of these errors:

    • The Docker Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: Unsupported config option for 'platform'
    • Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'))

    Solution: Docker Desktop for Windows must be installed on the host Windows operating system.