DBG.js Debugging Keywords for JavaScript
see DBG.html for demo
// logs the line and the function scope at this line
// logs an alternate message instead of the function scope
DBG = 'alternate message';
// logs an array instead of a message
DBG = ['report', 'this is the way it is'];
// Log a breakpoint entry
BRK = "breakpoint";
// Log the current time
// demonstraites a simple function logging the line number and scope
function wait5sec() {
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
while ((new Date()).getTime() - start < 5000);
DBG = "waiting";
// demonstraites the TIME keyword which creates a timestamp for the last time that line was accessed
// timer
//output a DBG report.
DBGReport = DBG;
Getting the DBG object always returns the array of DBG logs. You can look at the DBG object using either Firebug, Webkit Instpector or Internet Explorer Debeloper Tools.