diff --git a/help/pics/teamcity/loghierarchy.png b/help/pics/teamcity/loghierarchy.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6af7bf4d5b7
Binary files /dev/null and b/help/pics/teamcity/loghierarchy.png differ
diff --git a/help/pics/teamcity/loghierarchy2.png b/help/pics/teamcity/loghierarchy2.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27667f2686d
Binary files /dev/null and b/help/pics/teamcity/loghierarchy2.png differ
diff --git a/help/pics/teamcity/versionnumber.png b/help/pics/teamcity/versionnumber.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4064a0e6688
Binary files /dev/null and b/help/pics/teamcity/versionnumber.png differ
diff --git a/help/pics/teamcity/versionnumber2.png b/help/pics/teamcity/versionnumber2.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f756b62ba6
Binary files /dev/null and b/help/pics/teamcity/versionnumber2.png differ
diff --git a/help/teamcityadvanced.md b/help/teamcityadvanced.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fbcd38c2c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/teamcityadvanced.md
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Advanced TeamCity usage
+As can be seen on the [TeamCity](teamcity.md) page FAKE is really easy to setup in TeamCity,
+it also support some advanced scenarios to integrate even deeper with it.
+## Displaying blocks in the log
+By default each Target already is displayed as a collapsible block in the log file :
+![Target blocks](pics/teamcity/loghierarchy.png "Target blocks")
+But blocks can be created in targets to separate operations more
+cleanly :
+let printHello name =
+ use __ = teamCityBlock (sprintf "Hello %s" name)
+ printfn "Hello %s !" name
+Target "Default" (fun () ->
+ printHello "Fake"
+ printHello "TeamCity"
+![Custom blocks](pics/teamcity/loghierarchy2.png "Custom blocks")
+## Reporting artifacts
+While TeamCity has a [great configurability](https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD10/Build+Artifact)
+in terms of artifacts, nothing beats specifying them in code.
+FAKE scripts also have the advantage of being versioned along the rest of your code, avoiding the need to
+keep complex artifact configurations when you need to support a new branch along with old ones or the need
+to configure artifacts in each build if you have multiple builds on the same repository.
+Target "NuGet" (fun () ->
+ Paket.Pack (fun p -> { p with OutputPath = "." })
+ !! "*.nupkg"
+ |> Seq.iter(PublishArtifact)
+## Customizing version numbers
+Each build is assigned a build number in TeamCity that is available as `TeamCityBuildNumber` from FAKE
+and that is shown in the TeamCity dashboard :
+![Default version numbers](pics/teamcity/versionnumber.png "Default version numbers")
+But TeamCity also support that builds customize their version number by reporting it directly, using this
+feature from FAKE is simple and when coupled with other parameters reported by TeamCity can allow complex
+versioning schemes.
+This code read versions from a release notes file and if TeamCity is detected label versions as pre-release
+when they come from a branch that isn't the default one or from a personal build :
+// Placed outside any Target
+let releaseNotes =
+ let fromFile = ReleaseNotesHelper.LoadReleaseNotes ("Release Notes.md")
+ if buildServer = TeamCity then
+ let buildNumber = int (defaultArg TeamCityBuildNumber "0")
+ let asmVer = System.Version.Parse(fromFile.AssemblyVersion)
+ let asmVer = System.Version(asmVer.Major, asmVer.Minor, buildNumber)
+ let prerelease =
+ if TeamCityBuildIsPersonal then "-personal"
+ else if getTeamCityBranchIsDefault () then "" else "-branch"
+ let nugetVersion = asmVer.ToString() + prerelease
+ ReleaseNotesHelper.ReleaseNotes.New(asmVer.ToString(), nugetVersion, fromFile.Date, fromFile.Notes)
+ else
+ fromFile
+SetBuildNumber releaseNotes.NugetVersion
+![Custom version numbers](pics/teamcity/versionnumber2.png "Custom version numbers")
+## Reporting test results
+In addition to artifacts, TeamCity also allow to report test results that will be
+visible in the dashboard directly from the build.
+Each test runner has a specific function to send it's result that can be found in the
+[TeamCityHelper API](apidocs/fake-teamcityhelper.html) like here for NUnit :
+Target "Tests" (fun () ->
+ testDlls
+ |> NUnit(fun p ->
+ { p with
+ OutputFile = outputFile
+ // If the build fails immediately the
+ // test results will never be reported
+ ErrorLevel = DontFailBuild
+ })
+ sendTeamCityNUnitImport outputFile
+*Note:* NUnit version 3 is a special case as it directly support TeamCity and it's
+enough to set `TeamCity = (BuildServer = TeamCity)` in
+[it's configuration](apidocs/fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3params.html).
diff --git a/help/templates/template.cshtml b/help/templates/template.cshtml
index 2716d50ecd2..3d2d3ee50b5 100644
--- a/help/templates/template.cshtml
+++ b/help/templates/template.cshtml
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
Creating custom tasks
Soft dependencies
TeamCity integration
+ TeamCity integration (Advanced)
Running canopy tests
Octopus Deploy
TypeScript support
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityHelper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityHelper.fs
index 99b9a292441..f26350ae131 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityHelper.fs
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityHelper.fs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Fake.TeamCityHelper
/// Encapsulates special chars
-let inline EncapsulateSpecialChars text =
+let inline EncapsulateSpecialChars text =
|> replace "|" "||"
|> replace "'" "|'"
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ let inline EncapsulateSpecialChars text =
let scrub = RemoveLineBreaks >> EncapsulateSpecialChars
/// Send message to TeamCity
-let sendToTeamCity format message =
- if buildServer = TeamCity then
+let sendToTeamCity format message =
+ if buildServer = TeamCity then
|> scrub
|> sprintf format
|> fun m -> postMessage (LogMessage(m, true))
/// Send message to TeamCity
-let sendStrToTeamCity s =
+let sendStrToTeamCity s =
if buildServer = TeamCity then postMessage (LogMessage(RemoveLineBreaks s, true))
/// Open Named Block
@@ -32,120 +32,127 @@ let sendOpenBlock = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[blockOpened name='%s']"
/// Close Named Block
let sendCloseBlock = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[blockClosed name='%s']"
+/// Open Named Block that will be closed when the block is disposed
+/// Usage: `use __ = teamCityBlock "My Block"`
+let teamCityBlock name =
+ sendOpenBlock name
+ { new System.IDisposable
+ with member __.Dispose() = sendCloseBlock name }
/// Sends an error to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityError error = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[buildStatus status='FAILURE' text='%s']" error
/// Sends an NUnit results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNUnitImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='nunit' file='%s']" path
-/// Sends an FXCop results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an FXCop results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityFXCopImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='FxCop' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an JUnit Ant task results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an JUnit Ant task results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityJUnitImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='junit' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an Maven Surefire results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an Maven Surefire results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCitySurefireImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='surefire' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an MSTest results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an MSTest results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityMSTestImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='mstest' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an Google Test results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an Google Test results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityGTestImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='gtest' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an Checkstyle results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an Checkstyle results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityCheckstyleImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='checkstyle' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an FindBugs results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an FindBugs results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityFindBugsImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='findBugs' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an JSLint results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an JSLint results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityJSLintImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='jslint' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an ReSharper inspectCode.exe results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an ReSharper inspectCode.exe results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityReSharperInspectCodeImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='ReSharperInspectCode' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an FxCop inspection results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an FxCop inspection results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityFxCopImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='FxCop' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an PMD inspections results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an PMD inspections results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityPmdImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='pmd' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an PMD Copy/Paste Detector results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an PMD Copy/Paste Detector results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityPmdCpdImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='pmdCpd' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an ReSharper dupfinder.exe results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an ReSharper dupfinder.exe results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityDotNetDupFinderImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='DotNetDupFinder' path='%s']" path
-/// Sends an dotcover, partcover, ncover or ncover3 results filename to TeamCity
+/// Sends an dotcover, partcover, ncover or ncover3 results filename to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityDotNetCoverageImport path = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[importData type='dotNetCoverage' path='%s']" path
type TeamCityDotNetCoverageTool = | DotCover | PartCover | NCover | NCover3 with override x.ToString() = match x with | DotCover -> "dotcover" | PartCover -> "partcover" | NCover -> "ncover" | NCover3 -> "ncover3"
-/// Sends an dotcover, partcover, ncover or ncover3 results filename to TeamCity
-let sendTeamCityDotNetCoverageImportForTool path (tool : TeamCityDotNetCoverageTool) =
+/// Sends an dotcover, partcover, ncover or ncover3 results filename to TeamCity
+let sendTeamCityDotNetCoverageImportForTool path (tool : TeamCityDotNetCoverageTool) =
sprintf "##teamcity[importData type='dotNetCoverage' tool='%s' path='%s']" (string tool |> scrub) (path |> scrub)
|> sendStrToTeamCity
/// Sends the full path to the dotCover home folder to override the bundled dotCover to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityDotCoverHome = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage dotcover_home='%s']"
/// Sends the full path to NCover installation folder to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNCover3Home = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage ncover3_home='%s']"
/// Sends arguments for the NCover report generator to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNCover3ReporterArgs = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage ncover3_reporter_args='%s']"
/// Sends the path to NCoverExplorer to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNCoverExplorerTool = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage ncover_explorer_tool='%s']"
/// Sends additional arguments for NCover 1.x to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNCoverExplorerToolArgs = sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage ncover_explorer_tool_args='%s']"
/// Sends the value for NCover /report: argument to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNCoverReportType : int -> unit = string >> sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage ncover_explorer_report_type='%s']"
/// Sends the value for NCover /sort: argument to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityNCoverReportOrder : int -> unit = string >> sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage ncover_explorer_report_order='%s']"
/// Send the PartCover xslt transformation rules (Input xlst and output files) to TeamCity
let sendTeamCityPartCoverReportXslts : seq -> unit =
Seq.map (fun (xslt, output) -> sprintf "%s=>%s" xslt output)
>> Seq.map EncapsulateSpecialChars
>> String.concat "|n"
>> sprintf "##teamcity[dotNetCoverage partcover_report_xslts='%s']"
- >> sendStrToTeamCity
+ >> sendStrToTeamCity
/// Starts the test case.
-let StartTestCase testCaseName =
+let StartTestCase testCaseName =
sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[testStarted name='%s' captureStandardOutput='true']" testCaseName
/// Finishes the test case.
-let FinishTestCase testCaseName (duration : System.TimeSpan) =
- let duration =
+let FinishTestCase testCaseName (duration : System.TimeSpan) =
+ let duration =
|> round
|> string
- sprintf "##teamcity[testFinished name='%s' duration='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars testCaseName) duration
+ sprintf "##teamcity[testFinished name='%s' duration='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars testCaseName) duration
|> sendStrToTeamCity
-/// Ignores the test case.
-let IgnoreTestCase name message =
+/// Ignores the test case.
+let IgnoreTestCase name message =
StartTestCase name
- sprintf "##teamcity[testIgnored name='%s' message='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars name)
+ sprintf "##teamcity[testIgnored name='%s' message='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars name)
(EncapsulateSpecialChars message) |> sendStrToTeamCity
-/// Ignores the test case.
-let IgnoreTestCaseWithDetails name message details =
+/// Ignores the test case.
+let IgnoreTestCaseWithDetails name message details =
IgnoreTestCase name (message + " " + details)
/// Finishes the test suite.
-let FinishTestSuite testSuiteName =
+let FinishTestSuite testSuiteName =
EncapsulateSpecialChars testSuiteName |> sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='%s']"
/// Starts the test suite.
-let StartTestSuite testSuiteName =
+let StartTestSuite testSuiteName =
EncapsulateSpecialChars testSuiteName |> sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='%s']"
/// Reports the progress.
@@ -159,7 +166,7 @@ let ReportProgressFinish message = EncapsulateSpecialChars message |> sendToTeam
/// Create the build status.
/// [omit]
-let buildStatus status message =
+let buildStatus status message =
sprintf "##teamcity[buildStatus '%s' text='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars status) (EncapsulateSpecialChars message)
/// Reports the build status.
@@ -175,33 +182,27 @@ let PublishArticfact path = PublishArtifact path
let SetBuildNumber buildNumber = EncapsulateSpecialChars buildNumber |> sendToTeamCity "##teamcity[buildNumber '%s']"
/// Reports a build statistic.
-let SetBuildStatistic key value =
- sprintf "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='%s' value='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars key)
+let SetBuildStatistic key value =
+ sprintf "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='%s' value='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars key)
(EncapsulateSpecialChars value) |> sendStrToTeamCity
/// Reports a parameter value
-let SetTeamCityParameter name value =
- sprintf "##teamcity[setParameter name='%s' value='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars name)
+let SetTeamCityParameter name value =
+ sprintf "##teamcity[setParameter name='%s' value='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars name)
(EncapsulateSpecialChars value) |> sendStrToTeamCity
/// Reports a failed test.
-let TestFailed name message details =
- sprintf "##teamcity[testFailed name='%s' message='%s' details='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars name)
+let TestFailed name message details =
+ sprintf "##teamcity[testFailed name='%s' message='%s' details='%s']" (EncapsulateSpecialChars name)
(EncapsulateSpecialChars message) (EncapsulateSpecialChars details) |> sendStrToTeamCity
/// Reports a failed comparison.
-let ComparisonFailure name message details expected actual =
- sprintf
- "##teamcity[testFailed type='comparisonFailure' name='%s' message='%s' details='%s' expected='%s' actual='%s']"
- (EncapsulateSpecialChars name) (EncapsulateSpecialChars message) (EncapsulateSpecialChars details)
+let ComparisonFailure name message details expected actual =
+ sprintf
+ "##teamcity[testFailed type='comparisonFailure' name='%s' message='%s' details='%s' expected='%s' actual='%s']"
+ (EncapsulateSpecialChars name) (EncapsulateSpecialChars message) (EncapsulateSpecialChars details)
(EncapsulateSpecialChars expected) (EncapsulateSpecialChars actual) |> sendStrToTeamCity
-/// Gets the recently failed tests
-let getRecentlyFailedTests() = appSetting "teamcity.tests.recentlyFailedTests.file" |> ReadFile
-/// Gets the changed files
-let getChangedFilesInCurrentBuild() = appSetting "teamcity.build.changedFiles.file" |> ReadFile
/// The Version of the TeamCity server. This property can be used to determine the build is run within TeamCity.
let TeamCityVersion = environVarOrNone "TEAMCITY_VERSION"
@@ -212,10 +213,334 @@ let TeamCityProjectName = environVarOrNone "TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME"
let TeamCityBuildConfigurationName = environVarOrNone "TEAMCITY_BUILDCONF_NAME"
/// Is set to true if the build is a personal one.
-let TeamCityBuildIsPersonal =
+let TeamCityBuildIsPersonal =
match environVarOrNone "BUILD_IS_PERSONAL" with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false
/// The Build number assigned to the build by TeamCity using the build number format or None if it's not on TeamCity.
let TeamCityBuildNumber = environVarOrNone "BUILD_NUMBER"
+module private JavaPropertiesFile =
+ open System.Text
+ open System.IO
+ open System.Globalization
+ type PropertiesFileEntry =
+ | Comment of text : string
+ | KeyValue of key : string * value : string
+ module private Parser =
+ type CharReader = unit -> char option
+ let inline (|IsWhitespace|_|) c =
+ match c with
+ | Some c -> if c = ' ' || c = '\t' || c = '\u00ff' then Some c else None
+ | None -> None
+ type IsEof =
+ | Yes = 1y
+ | No = 0y
+ let rec readToFirstChar (c: char option) (reader: CharReader) =
+ match c with
+ | IsWhitespace _ ->
+ readToFirstChar (reader ()) reader
+ | Some '\r'
+ | Some '\n' ->
+ None, IsEof.No
+ | Some _ -> c, IsEof.No
+ | None -> None, IsEof.Yes
+ let inline (|EscapeSequence|_|) c =
+ match c with
+ | Some c ->
+ if c = 'r' || c = 'n' || c = 'u' || c = 'f' || c = 't' || c = '"' || c = ''' || c = '\\' then
+ Some c
+ else
+ None
+ | None -> None
+ let inline isHex c = (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+ let readEscapeSequence (c: char) (reader: CharReader) =
+ match c with
+ | 'r' -> '\r'
+ | 'n' -> '\n'
+ | 'f' -> '\f'
+ | 't' -> '\t'
+ | 'u' ->
+ match reader(), reader(), reader(), reader() with
+ | Some c1, Some c2, Some c3, Some c4 when isHex c1 && isHex c2 && isHex c3 && isHex c4 ->
+ let hex = System.String([|c1;c2;c3;c4|])
+ let value = System.UInt16.Parse(hex, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
+ char value
+ | _ ->
+ failwith "Invalid unicode escape"
+ | _ -> c
+ let inline readKey (c: char option) (reader: CharReader) (buffer: StringBuilder) =
+ let rec recurseEnd (result: string) =
+ match reader () with
+ | Some ':'
+ | Some '='
+ | IsWhitespace _ -> recurseEnd result
+ | Some '\r'
+ | Some '\n' -> result, false, None, IsEof.No
+ | None -> result, false, None, IsEof.Yes
+ | Some c -> result, true, Some c, IsEof.No
+ let rec recurse (c: char option) (buffer: StringBuilder) (escaping: bool) =
+ match c with
+ | EscapeSequence c when escaping ->
+ let realChar = readEscapeSequence c reader
+ recurse (reader()) (buffer.Append(realChar)) false
+ | Some ' ' -> recurseEnd (buffer.ToString())
+ | Some ':'
+ | Some '=' when not escaping -> recurseEnd (buffer.ToString())
+ | Some '\r'
+ | Some '\n' -> buffer.ToString(), false, None, IsEof.No
+ | None -> buffer.ToString(), false, None, IsEof.Yes
+ | Some '\\' -> recurse (reader ()) buffer true
+ | Some c -> recurse (reader ()) (buffer.Append(c)) false
+ recurse c buffer false
+ let rec readComment (reader: CharReader) (buffer: StringBuilder) =
+ match reader () with
+ | Some '\r'
+ | Some '\n' ->
+ Some (Comment (buffer.ToString())), IsEof.No
+ | None ->
+ Some(Comment (buffer.ToString())), IsEof.Yes
+ | Some c ->
+ readComment reader (buffer.Append(c))
+ let inline readValue (c: char option) (reader: CharReader) (buffer: StringBuilder) =
+ let rec recurse (c: char option) (buffer: StringBuilder) (escaping: bool) (cr: bool) (lineStart: bool) =
+ match c with
+ | EscapeSequence c when escaping ->
+ let realChar = readEscapeSequence c reader
+ recurse (reader()) (buffer.Append(realChar)) false false false
+ | Some '\r'
+ | Some '\n' ->
+ if escaping || (cr && c = Some '\n') then
+ recurse (reader ()) buffer false (c = Some '\r') true
+ else
+ buffer.ToString(), IsEof.No
+ | None ->
+ buffer.ToString(), IsEof.Yes
+ | Some _ when lineStart ->
+ let firstChar, _ = readToFirstChar c reader
+ recurse firstChar buffer false false false
+ | Some '\\' -> recurse (reader ()) buffer true false false
+ | Some c ->
+ recurse (reader()) (buffer.Append(c)) false false false
+ recurse c buffer false false true
+ let rec readLine (reader: CharReader) (buffer: StringBuilder) =
+ match readToFirstChar (reader ()) reader with
+ | Some '#', _
+ | Some '!', _ ->
+ readComment reader (buffer.Clear())
+ | Some firstChar, _ ->
+ let key, hasValue, c, isEof = readKey (Some firstChar) reader (buffer.Clear())
+ let value, isEof =
+ if hasValue then
+ // We know that we aren't at the end of the buffer, but readKey can return None if it didn't need the next char
+ let firstChar = match c with | Some c -> Some c | None -> reader ()
+ readValue firstChar reader (buffer.Clear())
+ else
+ "", isEof
+ Some (KeyValue(key, value)), isEof
+ | None, isEof -> None, isEof
+ let inline textReaderToReader (reader: TextReader) =
+ let buffer = [| '\u0000' |]
+ fun () ->
+ let eof = reader.Read(buffer, 0, 1) = 0
+ if eof then None else Some (buffer.[0])
+ let parseWithReader reader =
+ let buffer = StringBuilder(255)
+ let mutable isEof = IsEof.No
+ seq {
+ while isEof <> IsEof.Yes do
+ let line, isEofAfterLine = readLine reader buffer
+ match line with
+ | Some line -> yield line
+ | None -> ()
+ isEof <- isEofAfterLine
+ }
+ let parseTextReader (reader: TextReader) =
+ let reader = Parser.textReaderToReader reader
+ Parser.parseWithReader reader
+/// TeamCity build parameters
+/// See [Predefined Build Parameters documentation](https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD10/Predefined+Build+Parameters) for more information
+module TeamCityBuildParameters =
+ open System
+ open System.IO
+ let private get (fileName: string option) =
+ match fileName with
+ | Some fileName when (fileName <> null) && (fileExists fileName) ->
+ use stream = File.OpenRead(fileName)
+ use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
+ reader
+ |> JavaPropertiesFile.parseTextReader
+ |> Seq.choose(function
+ | JavaPropertiesFile.Comment _ -> None
+ | JavaPropertiesFile.KeyValue(k, v) -> Some (k,v))
+ |> Map.ofSeq
+ | _ ->
+ Map.empty
+ let private systemFile = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE")
+ let private system = lazy(get (Some systemFile))
+ /// Get all system parameters
+ let getAllSystem () = system.Value
+ /// Get the value of a system parameter by name
+ let tryGetSystem name = system.Value |> Map.tryFind name
+ let private configurationFile = lazy (tryGetSystem "teamcity.configuration.properties.file")
+ let private configuration = lazy (get configurationFile.Value)
+ /// Get all configuration parameters
+ let getAllConfiguration () = configuration.Value
+ /// Get the value of a configuration parameter by name
+ let tryGetConfiguration name = configuration.Value |> Map.tryFind name
+ let private runnerFile = lazy (tryGetSystem "teamcity.runner.properties.file")
+ let private runner = lazy (get runnerFile.Value)
+ /// Get all runner parameters
+ let getAllRunner () = runner.Value
+ /// Get the value of a runner parameter by name
+ let tryGetRunner name = runner.Value |> Map.tryFind name
+ let private all = lazy (
+ if buildServer = TeamCity then
+ seq {
+ // Environment variables are available using 'env.foo' syntax in TeamCity configuration
+ for pair in System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables() do
+ let pair = pair :?> System.Collections.DictionaryEntry
+ let key = pair.Key :?> string
+ let value = pair.Value :?> string
+ yield sprintf "env.%s" key, value
+ // Runner variables aren't available in TeamCity configuration so we choose an arbitrary syntax of 'runner.foo'
+ for pair in runner.Value do yield sprintf "runner.%s" pair.Key, pair.Value
+ // System variables are prefixed with 'system.' as in TeamCity configuration
+ for pair in system.Value do yield sprintf "system.%s" pair.Key, pair.Value
+ for pair in configuration.Value do yield pair.Key, pair.Value
+ }
+ |> Map.ofSeq
+ else
+ Map.empty)
+ /// Get all parameters
+ /// System ones are prefixed with 'system.', runner ones with 'runner.' and environment variables with 'env.'
+ let getAll () = all.Value
+ /// Get the value of a parameter by name
+ /// System ones are prefixed with 'system.', runner ones with 'runner.' and environment variables with 'env.'
+ let tryGet name = all.Value |> Map.tryFind name
+/// Get files changed between builds in TeamCity
+module TeamCityChangedFiles =
+ /// The type of change that occured
+ type ModificationType =
+ | FileChanged
+ | FileAdded
+ | FileRemoved
+ | FileNotChanged
+ | DirectoryChanged
+ | DirectoryAdded
+ | DirectoryRemoved
+ /// Describe a change between builds
+ type FileChange = {
+ /// Path of the file that changed, relative to the current checkout directory ('system.teamcity.build.checkoutDir')
+ filePath: string
+ /// Type of modification for the file
+ modificationType: ModificationType
+ ///
+ revision: string option }
+ let private getFileChanges' () =
+ match TeamCityBuildParameters.tryGetSystem "teamcity.build.changedFiles.file" with
+ | Some file when fileExists file ->
+ Some [
+ for line in ReadFile file do
+ let split = line.Split(':')
+ if split.Length = 3 then
+ let filePath = split.[0]
+ let modificationType =
+ match split.[1].ToUpperInvariant() with
+ | "CHANGED" -> FileChanged
+ | "ADDED" -> FileAdded
+ | "REMOVED" -> FileRemoved
+ | "NOT_CHANGED" -> FileNotChanged
+ | "DIRECTORY_CHANGED" -> DirectoryChanged
+ | "DIRECTORY_ADDED" -> DirectoryAdded
+ | "DIRECTORY_REMOVED" -> DirectoryRemoved
+ | _ -> failwithf "Unknown change type: %s" (split.[1])
+ let revision =
+ match split.[2] with
+ | "" -> None
+ | revision -> Some revision
+ yield { filePath = filePath; modificationType = modificationType; revision = revision }
+ else
+ failwithf "Unable to split change line: %s" line
+ ]
+ | _ -> None
+ let private fileChanges = lazy (getFileChanges' ())
+ /// Changed files (since previous build) that are included in this build
+ /// See [the documentation](https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD10/Risk+Tests+Reordering+in+Custom+Test+Runner) for more information
+ let get () = fileChanges.Value
+let private getRecentlyFailedTests' () =
+ match TeamCityBuildParameters.tryGetSystem "teamcity.tests.recentlyFailedTests.file" with
+ | Some file when fileExists file -> Some(ReadFile file)
+ | _ -> None
+let private recentlyFailedTests = lazy (getRecentlyFailedTests' ())
+/// Name of recently failing tests
+/// See [the documentation](https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD10/Risk+Tests+Reordering+in+Custom+Test+Runner) for more information
+let getTeamCityRecentlyFailedTests () = recentlyFailedTests.Value
+/// Get the branch of the main VCS root
+let getTeamCityBranch () = TeamCityBuildParameters.tryGetConfiguration "vcsroot.branch"
+/// Get the display name of the branch as shown in TeamCity
+/// See [the documentation](https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD10/Working+with+Feature+Branches#WorkingwithFeatureBranches-branchSpec) for more information
+let getTeamCityBranchName () =
+ match TeamCityBuildParameters.tryGetConfiguration "teamcity.build.branch" with
+ | Some _ as branch -> branch
+ | None -> TeamCityBuildParameters.tryGetConfiguration "vcsroot.branch"
+/// Get if the current branch is the one configured as default
+let getTeamCityBranchIsDefault () =
+ if buildServer = TeamCity then
+ match TeamCityBuildParameters.tryGetConfiguration "teamcity.build.branch.is_default" with
+ | Some "true" -> true
+ | Some _ -> false
+ | None ->
+ // When only one branch is configured, TeamCity doesn't emit this parameter
+ getTeamCityBranch().IsSome
+ else
+ false
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityRESTHelper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityRESTHelper.fs
index 7379fa95840..75b9fde5b97 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityRESTHelper.fs
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/TeamCityRESTHelper.fs
@@ -6,27 +6,27 @@ module Fake.TeamCityRESTHelper
let prepareURL restURL (serverURL : string) = serverURL.Trim '/' + restURL
/// Returns the REST version of the TeamCity server
-let getRESTVersion serverURL username password =
+let getRESTVersion serverURL username password =
|> prepareURL "/httpAuth/app/rest/version"
|> REST.ExecuteGetCommand username password
/// Record type which stores VCSRoot properties
-type VCSRoot =
+type VCSRoot =
{ URL : string
Properties : Map
VCSName : string
Name : string }
/// Record type which stores Build properties
-type Build =
+type Build =
{ ID : string
Number : string
Status : string
WebURL : string }
/// Record type which stores Build configuration properties
-type BuildConfiguration =
+type BuildConfiguration =
{ ID : string
Name : string
WebURL : string
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type BuildConfiguration =
Builds : Build seq }
/// Record type which stores TeamCity project properties
-type Project =
+type Project =
{ ID : string
Name : string
Description : string
@@ -45,40 +45,44 @@ type Project =
BuildConfigs : string seq }
/// [omit]
-let getFirstNode serverURL username password url =
+let getFirstNode serverURL username password url =
|> prepareURL url
|> REST.ExecuteGetCommand username password
|> XMLDoc
|> DocElement
+let private parseBooleanOrFalse s =
+ let ok, parsed = System.Boolean.TryParse s
+ if ok then parsed else false
/// Gets information about a build configuration from the TeamCity server.
-let getBuildConfig serverURL username password id =
+let getBuildConfig serverURL username password id =
sprintf "/httpAuth/app/rest/buildTypes/id:%s" id
|> getFirstNode serverURL username password
- |> parse "buildType" (fun n ->
+ |> parse "buildType" (fun n ->
{ ID = getAttribute "id" n
Name = getAttribute "name" n
Description = getAttribute "description" n
WebURL = getAttribute "webUrl" n
- Paused = getAttribute "paused" n |> System.Boolean.Parse
+ Paused = getAttribute "paused" n |> parseBooleanOrFalse
ProjectID = parseSubNode "project" (getAttribute "id") n
Builds = [] })
/// Gets informnation about a project from the TeamCity server.
-let getProject serverURL username password id =
+let getProject serverURL username password id =
sprintf "/httpAuth/app/rest/projects/id:%s" id
|> getFirstNode serverURL username password
- |> parse "project" (fun n ->
+ |> parse "project" (fun n ->
{ ID = getAttribute "id" n
Name = getAttribute "name" n
Description = getAttribute "description" n
WebURL = getAttribute "webUrl" n
- Archived = getAttribute "archived" n |> System.Boolean.Parse
+ Archived = getAttribute "archived" n |> parseBooleanOrFalse
BuildConfigs = parseSubNode "buildTypes" getChilds n |> Seq.map (getAttribute "id") })
/// Gets all projects on the TeamCity server.
-let getProjects serverURL username password =
+let getProjects serverURL username password =
getFirstNode serverURL username password "/httpAuth/app/rest/projects"
|> parse "projects" getChilds
|> Seq.map (getAttribute "id")
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/XMLHelper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/XMLHelper.fs
index ad98dc5081b..45948f400ad 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/XMLHelper.fs
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/XMLHelper.fs
@@ -11,88 +11,90 @@ open System.Xml.XPath
open System.Xml.Xsl
/// Reads a value from a XML document using a XPath
-let XMLRead failOnError (xmlFileName : string) nameSpace prefix xPath =
- try
+let XMLRead failOnError (xmlFileName : string) nameSpace prefix xPath =
+ try
let document = new XPathDocument(xmlFileName)
let navigator = document.CreateNavigator()
let manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(navigator.NameTable)
if prefix <> "" && nameSpace <> "" then manager.AddNamespace(prefix, nameSpace)
let expression = XPathExpression.Compile(xPath, manager)
- seq {
+ seq {
match expression.ReturnType with
- | XPathResultType.Number | XPathResultType.Boolean | XPathResultType.String ->
+ | XPathResultType.Number | XPathResultType.Boolean | XPathResultType.String ->
yield navigator.Evaluate(expression).ToString()
- | XPathResultType.NodeSet ->
+ | XPathResultType.NodeSet ->
let nodes = navigator.Select(expression)
while nodes.MoveNext() do
yield nodes.Current.Value
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "XPath-Expression return type %A not implemented" expression.ReturnType
- with exn ->
+ with exn ->
if failOnError then failwithf "XMLRead error:\n%s" exn.Message
else Seq.empty
/// Reads a value from a XML document using a XPath
/// Returns if the value is an int and the value
-let XMLRead_Int failOnError xmlFileName nameSpace prefix xPath =
- let headOrDefault def seq =
+let XMLRead_Int failOnError xmlFileName nameSpace prefix xPath =
+ let headOrDefault def seq =
if Seq.isEmpty seq then def
else Seq.head seq
XMLRead failOnError xmlFileName nameSpace prefix xPath
|> Seq.map Int32.TryParse
- |> (fun seq ->
+ |> (fun seq ->
if failOnError then Seq.head seq
else headOrDefault (false, 0) seq)
/// Creates a XmlWriter which writes to the given file name
-let XmlWriter(fileName : string) =
+let XmlWriter(fileName : string) =
let writer = new XmlTextWriter(fileName, null)
/// Writes an XML comment to the given XmlTextWriter
-let XmlComment comment (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
+let XmlComment comment (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
writer.WriteComment comment
/// Writes an XML start element to the given XmlTextWriter
-let XmlStartElement name (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
+let XmlStartElement name (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
writer.WriteStartElement name
/// Writes an XML end element to the given XmlTextWriter
-let XmlEndElement(writer : XmlTextWriter) =
+let XmlEndElement(writer : XmlTextWriter) =
/// Writes an XML attribute to current element of the given XmlTextWriter
-let XmlAttribute name value (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
+let XmlAttribute name value (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
writer.WriteAttributeString(name, value.ToString())
/// Writes an CData element to the given XmlTextWriter
-let XmlCDataElement elementName data (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
+let XmlCDataElement elementName data (writer : XmlTextWriter) =
XmlStartElement elementName writer |> ignore
writer.WriteCData data
XmlEndElement writer
/// Gets the attribute with the given name from the given XmlNode
-let getAttribute (name : string) (node : #XmlNode) = node.Attributes.[name].Value
+let getAttribute (name : string) (node : #XmlNode) =
+ let attribute = node.Attributes.[name]
+ if attribute <> null then attribute.Value else null
/// Gets a sequence of all child nodes for the given XmlNode
-let getChilds (node : #XmlNode) =
- seq {
+let getChilds (node : #XmlNode) =
+ seq {
for x in node.ChildNodes -> x
/// Gets the first sub node with the given name from the given XmlNode
-let getSubNode name node =
+let getSubNode name node =
getChilds node
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name = name)
|> Seq.head
/// Parses a XmlNode
-let parse name f (node : #XmlNode) =
+let parse name f (node : #XmlNode) =
if node.Name = name then f node
else failwithf "Could not parse %s - Node was %s" name node.Name
@@ -100,9 +102,9 @@ let parse name f (node : #XmlNode) =
let parseSubNode name f = getSubNode name >> parse name f
/// Loads the given text into a XmlDocument
-let XMLDoc text =
+let XMLDoc text =
if isNullOrEmpty text then null
- else
+ else
let xmlDocument = new XmlDocument()
xmlDocument.LoadXml text
@@ -111,23 +113,23 @@ let XMLDoc text =
let DocElement(doc : XmlDocument) = doc.DocumentElement
/// Replaces text in the XML document specified by a XPath expression.
-let XPathReplace xpath value (doc : XmlDocument) =
+let XPathReplace xpath value (doc : XmlDocument) =
let node = doc.SelectSingleNode xpath
if node = null then failwithf "XML node '%s' not found" xpath
- else
+ else
node.Value <- value
/// Replaces the inner text of an xml node in the XML document specified by a XPath expression.
-let XPathReplaceInnerText xpath innerTextValue (doc : XmlDocument) =
+let XPathReplaceInnerText xpath innerTextValue (doc : XmlDocument) =
let node = doc.SelectSingleNode xpath
if node = null then failwithf "XML node '%s' not found" xpath
- else
+ else
node.InnerText <- innerTextValue
/// Selects a xml node value via XPath from the given document
-let XPathValue xpath (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
+let XPathValue xpath (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
let nsmgr = XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable)
namespaces |> Seq.iter nsmgr.AddNamespace
let node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsmgr)
@@ -135,63 +137,63 @@ let XPathValue xpath (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
else node.InnerText
/// Replaces text in a XML file at the location specified by a XPath expression.
-let XmlPoke (fileName : string) xpath value =
+let XmlPoke (fileName : string) xpath value =
let doc = new XmlDocument()
doc.Load fileName
XPathReplace xpath value doc |> fun x -> x.Save fileName
/// Replaces the inner text of an xml node in a XML file at the location specified by a XPath expression.
-let XmlPokeInnerText (fileName : string) xpath innerTextValue =
+let XmlPokeInnerText (fileName : string) xpath innerTextValue =
let doc = new XmlDocument()
doc.Load fileName
XPathReplaceInnerText xpath innerTextValue doc |> fun x -> x.Save fileName
/// Replaces text in a XML document specified by a XPath expression, with support for namespaces.
-let XPathReplaceNS xpath value (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
+let XPathReplaceNS xpath value (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
let nsmgr = XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable)
namespaces |> Seq.iter nsmgr.AddNamespace
let node = doc.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsmgr)
if node = null then failwithf "XML node '%s' not found" xpath
- else
+ else
node.Value <- value
/// Replaces inner text in a XML document specified by a XPath expression, with support for namespaces.
-let XPathReplaceInnerTextNS xpath innerTextValue (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
+let XPathReplaceInnerTextNS xpath innerTextValue (namespaces : #seq) (doc : XmlDocument) =
let nsmgr = XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable)
namespaces |> Seq.iter nsmgr.AddNamespace
let node = doc.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsmgr)
if node = null then failwithf "XML node '%s' not found" xpath
- else
+ else
node.InnerText <- innerTextValue
/// Replaces text in a XML file at the location specified by a XPath expression, with support for namespaces.
-let XmlPokeNS (fileName : string) namespaces xpath value =
+let XmlPokeNS (fileName : string) namespaces xpath value =
let doc = new XmlDocument()
doc.Load fileName
XPathReplaceNS xpath value namespaces doc |> fun x -> x.Save fileName
/// Replaces inner text of an xml node in a XML file at the location specified by a XPath expression, with support for namespaces.
-let XmlPokeInnerTextNS (fileName : string) namespaces xpath innerTextValue =
+let XmlPokeInnerTextNS (fileName : string) namespaces xpath innerTextValue =
let doc = new XmlDocument()
doc.Load fileName
XPathReplaceInnerTextNS xpath innerTextValue namespaces doc |> fun x -> x.Save fileName
/// Loads the given text into a XslCompiledTransform.
-let XslTransformer text =
+let XslTransformer text =
if isNullOrEmpty text then null
- else
+ else
let xslCompiledTransform = new XslCompiledTransform()
XMLDoc(text) |> xslCompiledTransform.Load
/// Transforms a XmlDocument using a XslCompiledTransform.
/// ## Parameters
/// - `xsl` - The XslCompiledTransform which should be applied.
/// - `doc` - The XmlDocument to transform.
-let XslTransform (xsl : XslCompiledTransform) (doc : XmlDocument) =
+let XslTransform (xsl : XslCompiledTransform) (doc : XmlDocument) =
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream()
use textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, new UTF8Encoding(false))
use writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(textWriter, xsl.OutputSettings)
@@ -206,10 +208,10 @@ let XslTransform (xsl : XslCompiledTransform) (doc : XmlDocument) =
/// Transforms a XML file using a XSL stylesheet file.
/// ## Parameters
/// - `stylesheetUri` - The Uri for the XSL stylesheet file.
/// - `fileName` - The XML file to transform.
-let XmlTransform (stylesheetUri : string) (fileName : string) =
+let XmlTransform (stylesheetUri : string) (fileName : string) =
let doc = new XmlDocument()
doc.Load fileName
let xsl = new XslCompiledTransform()