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Cadence Compact Format (CCF)

Author: Faye Amacker
Status: RC1
Date: Feb 17, 2023
Revision: 20230217a


Cadence Compact Format (CCF) is a data format designed for compact, efficient, and deterministic encoding of Cadence external values.

Cadence is a resource-oriented programming language that introduces new features to smart contract programming. It's used by Flow blockchain and has a syntax inspired by Swift, Kotlin, and Rust. Its use of resource types maps well to the Move language.

CCF can be used as a hybrid data format. CCF-based messages can be fully self-describing or partially self-describing. Both are more compact than JSON-based messages. CCF-based protocols can send Cadence metadata just once for all messages of that type. Malformed data can be detected without Cadence metadata and without creating Cadence objects.

CCF obsoletes JSON-Cadence Data Interchange Format for use cases that do not require JSON.

Status of this Document

This document is a release candidate (RC1). There will be at least one more release candidate.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2022 Dapper Labs, Inc. and the persons identified as the document authors.

This document is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.


Currently, Cadence external values (e.g. transaction arguments and events) are being encoded using JSON-Cadence Data Interchange format, which is inefficient, verbose, and doesn't define deterministic encoding (canonical form).

CCF aims to provide more compact, efficient, and deterministic encoding of Cadence external values.

CCF leverages Internet Standards from IETF which are designed to be relevant for decades:

  • RFC 8949 defines the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR). CBOR is a stable, efficient, and extensible data format. CBOR is used by other standards such as W3C WebAuthn, IETF COSE (RFC 9052), and IETF CWT (RFC 8392).

  • RFC 8610 defines the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL). CDDL is a notation for unambiguously expressing CBOR and JSON data structures.

  • Appendix G of RFC 8610 defines the Extended Diagnostic Notation. EDN is a "diagnostic notation" used for conversing about encoded CBOR data items.

CBOR is used by CCF to deterministically encode values to their smallest form. CDDL notation is used in this document to define CCF. EDN is used to describe encoded examples.


The goal of CCF is to provide compact, efficient, and deterministic encoding of Cadence external values. To achieve this:

  • CCF leverages CBOR's data model with Preferred Serialization to deterministically encode values to their smallest form.

  • CCF separates Cadence type encoding from Cadence value encoding. This has two distinct advantages:

    • More compact encoding. Cadence type info is not repeatedly encoded unnecessarily in a message. E.g. for a homogeneous array of a Cadence composite type, each element will not have its Cadence composite type info encoded repeatedly.

    • Detachable Cadence type info. Although Cadence type info is required for decoding, CCF-based protocols can send a message's type info once instead of repeatedly sending it to the same client for all messages of that type.

CCF is designed to support:

  • All current and future Cadence types, including composite types. CCF supports schemaless encoding and is extensible for new Cadence types.

  • Compact encoding. Smaller encoded size is produced by:

    • CBOR's data model with CBOR Preferred Serialization, which produces more compact encoding than JSON.
    • Separate encoding of Cadence types and values to avoid repeatedly encoding the same Cadence type info unecessarily.
  • Compact communications. Detachable Cadence type info allows CCF-based protocols to optionally avoid resending the same Cadence type info for all messages matching that type. CCF-based protocols can cache and uniquely identify a Cadence type so it can be matched to Cadence value (such as an event) during decoding.

  • Deterministic encoding. CCF uses CBOR's Preferred Serialization to achieve deterministic encoding. Other parts of CBOR's Core Determinisitic Encoding Requirements are not needed by this specification.

  • Early detection of malformed data. CCF decoders can detect and reject malformed data without creating Cadence objects. CCF decoders can detect malformed data without having Cadence type info. If data is not malformed, then CCF decoders can proceed to detect and reject invalid CCF data as described in this document.

  • Extensibility. CCF encodes composite type information in a header (separate from data). Data refers to composite types by unique type ID, encoded as bytes. In the future, composite type information can be stored on-chain and header isn't necessary to be sent with data. Type ID can be an universal counter or hash value.

  • Interoperability and Reuse. CCF uses the same approach taken by COSE (RFC 9052) leveraging CBOR (RFC 8949). CCF leverages CBOR, which allows CCF codecs to use CBOR codecs under the hood.

  • Translation to JSON. CCF uses a subset of CBOR data model and RFC 8949 specifies how to convert data between CBOR and JSON.


It's good practice to leverage a standard data format (like CBOR) to define more specific data formats and protocols.

Although using a 100% custom data format instead of leveraging an existing data format can sometimes produce smaller encoded data size, the benefits of using CBOR outweigh this tradeoff.

Cadence is already using CBOR to encode internal values. Using CBOR to also encode external values is a good fit for multiple reasons.

Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a data format defined in IETF RFC 8949:

The Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a data format whose design goals include the possibility of extremely small code size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need for version negotiation. These design goals make it different from earlier binary serializations such as ASN.1 and MessagePack.

As an Internet Standard (not just a common RFC), CBOR is used to define other formats and protocols such as:

  • W3C WebAuthn - Web Authentication
  • IETF RFC 9052 - CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): Structures and Process
  • IETF RFC 8392 - CBOR Web Tokens (CWT)

This approach enables a COSE codec to use a CBOR codec under the hood. COSE codecs can focus on providing COSE-specific features rather than reinventing the wheel, which reduces complexity, cost of development, and risks.

As an Internet Standard, CBOR is designed to avoid requiring changes and remain relevant for decades.

CBOR is designed to allow extremely small code size (e.g. usable on constrained devices), fairly small message size, and extensibility without version negotiation.

CBOR was designed with security considerations in mind. It allows CBOR codecs to have separate detection of malformed data and invalid data.

CBOR defines deterministic encoding with Preferred Serialization and Core Deterministic Encoding Requirements.

CBOR is well-suited to replace JSON in data formats and protocols. Converting data between CBOR and JSON is defined in section 6 of RFC 8949. CBOR's data model extends JSON's data model with:

  • compact binary encodings
  • extension points (CBOR Tags and Simple Values)
  • deterministic encoding as already mentioned

As one example, CBOR Web Tokens is a modern binary alternative to the text-based JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Like CBOR Web Tokens, CCF is a modern binary alternative to an existing JSON-based data format. CCF uses CBOR to provide a compact, efficient, and deterministic data format.

Additional considerations for using CBOR include availability and quality of CBOR codecs in various programming languages.

Interoperability and Reuse of CBOR Codecs

High quality CBOR codecs are available in various programming languages.

In JavaScript, there are multiple CBOR codecs that are actively maintained. As one example, hildjj/node-cbor is maintained by Joe Hildebrand (former VP of Engineering at Mozilla and Distinguished Engineer at Cisco). It's a monorepo with several packages including a "cbor package compiled for use on the web, including all of its non-optional dependencies".

In Go, fxamacker/cbor is a fuzz-tested CBOR codec already used by Cadence for internal value encoding. It's fast, easy to use, and passed multiple security assessments this year without known problems. It is used by Arm Ltd., Chainlink, ConsenSys, Dapper Labs, Duo Labs (cisco), EdgeX Foundry, Microsoft, Mozilla, Oasis Labs, Tailscale, Taurus SA, and many others. GitHub reports fxamacker/cbor/v2 is used by over 1275 repositories.


This specification uses requirements terminology, CBOR terminology, and CDDL terminology.

Requirements Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

CBOR Terminology

This specification uses this subset of CBOR data items as defined in RFC 8949:

  • nil
  • bool
  • positive integer
  • negative integer
  • byte string
  • text string
  • bignum
  • array
  • tagged data item (tag): comprised of a tag number and tag content

CDDL Terminology

This specification uses CDDL notation to express CBOR data items:

  • nil: CBOR nil
  • bool: CBOR bool
  • uint: CBOR unsigned integer
  • nint: CBOR negative integer
  • bstr: CBOR byte string
  • tstr: CBOR text string
  • bigint: CBOR bignum
  • ? Foo: Foo is optional
  • (Foo): Foo is a group
  • Foo / Bar: either Foo or Bar
  • Foo Bar: Foo followed by Bar
  • [+ Foo]: one or more Foo in CBOR array
  • [* Foo]: zero or more Foo in CBOR array
  • #6.nnn(type): CBOR tag with tag number nnn and content type of "type".

Serialization Considerations

CCF is a data format that uses a subset of CBOR with additional requirements for validity and deterministic encoding.

Cadence Types and Values Encoding

Cadence values have types. For example:

  • true has the type Bool
  • "hello" has the type String
  • let aos: [String] = ["hello", "world"] declares aos of type [String].
  • let aoa: [AnyStruct] = ["hello", true] declares aoa of type [AnyStruct].

CCF encoding decouples value encoding from type encoding. For example:

  • Cadence booleans is encoded as a tuple of type and value: the Bool type and its value.
  • Cadence strings is encoded as a tuple of type and value: the String type and its value.

For compactness, encoders can omit encodings of Cadence type when:

  • Optional value is nil, provided that the optional type information is encoded in the outer container.
  • Element's type matches the outer container's element type.

For example, when encoding a Cadence container such as Array:

  • [String]: each element's type matches the outer container's element type, so encoders can omit encoding each element's type.
  • [AnyStruct]: each element's type cannot match the outer container's element type, so encoders must encode the type for each element.

Valid CCF Encoding Requirements

A CCF encoding is valid if it complies with "Valid CCF Encoding Requirements".

Encoders MUST produce valid CCF encodings from valid input items. Encoders are not required to check for invalid input items (e.g. invalid UTF-8 strings, duplicate dictionary keys, etc.) Applications MUST NOT provide invalid items to encoders.

Decoders MUST reject CCF encodings that are not valid unless otherwise specified in this section.

A CCF encoding complies with "Valid CCF Encoding Requirements" if it complies with the following restrictions:

  • CBOR data items MUST be well-formed and valid as defined in RFC 8949. E.g. CBOR text strings MUST contain valid UTF-8. As an exception, RFC 8949 requirements for CBOR maps are not applicable because CCF does not use CBOR maps.

  • CCF encodings must comply with specifications in "CCF Specified in CDDL Notation" section of this document.

  • MUST be unique in ccf-typedef-message or ccf-typedef-and-value-message.

  • composite-type.cadence-type-id MUST be unique in ccf-typedef-message or ccf-typedef-and-value-message.

  • field-name MUST be unique in composite-type.

  • MUST refer to

  • MUST be unique in the same composite-type-value data item.

  • MUST refer to in the same composite-type-value data item.

  • name MUST be unique in composite-type-value.fields.

  • All parameter lists MUST have unique identifier. For example, indentifier MUST be unique in

    • composite-type-value.initializers
    • function-value.parameters
  • Elements MUST be unique in restricted-type or restricted-type-value.

  • Keys MUST be unique in dict-value. Decoders are not always required to check for duplicate dictionary keys. In some cases, checking for duplicate dictionary key is not necessary or it may be delegated to the application.

Deterministic CCF Encoding Requirements

A CCF encoding is deterministic if it satisfies the "Deterministic CCF Encoding Requirements".

Encoders SHOULD emit CCF encodings that are deterministic. CCF-based protocols MUST specify when encoders are required to emit deterministic CCF encodings. For example:

  • a CCF-based protocol for encoding transaction arguments might want to specify that encoders MUST produce deterministic encodings of the values.
  • a CCF-based protocol for encoding script results might want to specify that encoders are not required to produce deterministic encodings of the values (if results are sent to clients that don't care about the values being deterministically encoded).

Decoders SHOULD check CCF encodings to determine whether they are deterministic encodings. CCF-based protocols MUST specify when decoders are required to check for deterministic encodings and how to handle nondeterministic encodings.

A CCF encoding satisfies the "Deterministic CCF Encoding Requirements" if it satisfies the following restrictions:

  • CCF encodings MUST satisfy "Valid CCF Encoding Requirements" defined in this document.

  • CCF encodings MUST satisfy "Core Deterministic Encoding Requirements" defined in RFC 8948 Section 4.2.1. As an exception, RFC 8949 requirements for CBOR maps are not applicable because CCF does not use CBOR maps.

  • in ccf-typedef-and-value-message MUST be identical to its zero-based index in composite-typedef.

  • MUST be identical to the zero-based encoding order type-value.

  • inline-type-and-value MUST NOT be used when type can be omitted as described in "Cadence Types and Values Encoding".

  • The following data items MUST be sorted using bytewise lexicographic order of their deterministic encodings:

    • Type definitions MUST be sorted by cadence-type-id in composite-typedef.
    • dict-value key-value pairs MUST be sorted by key.
    • composite-type.fields MUST be sorted by name
    • composite-type-value.fields MUST be sorted by name.
    • composite-type-value.initializers MUST be sorted by identifier.
    • restricted-type.restrictions MUST be sorted by restriction's cadence-type-id.
    • restricted-type-value.restrictions MUST be sorted by restriction's cadence-type-id.

Security Considerations

CBOR security considerations are described in Section 10 of RFC 8949 (CBOR).

There are two types of data validation:

  • Is the data well-formed?
  • Is the data valid?

CBOR defines data well-formedness and a CBOR decoder MUST detect and reject malformed data before checking for validity.

CCF message validation should be done after passing checks for well-formedness. Invalid CCF messages should be rejected.

CCF decoder should detect and reject malformed or malicious data before creating Cadence objects and without requiring Cadence type info.

CCF Examples

Examples of JSON are in JSON-Cadence Data Interchange Format:

  • Minified JSON encoding size is used for comparisons.
  • Non-minified JSON encoding is shown for readability.

Examples of CCF encoded data are shown in hex or Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN) for readability.

For more info about EDN, see Appendix G of RFC 8610 (CDDL).

Cadence Simple Type Value

Cadence Int type with value 42 encoded to JSON is 27 bytes when minified.

  "type": "Int",
  "value": "42"

CCF encoding is 9 bytes:


It represents 130([132(4), 42]), where

  • 132(4) is Cadence Int.
  • 42 is raw value.

Cadence Homogenous Array with Simple Type Elements

Cadence [Int] type of value [1, 2, 3] encoded to JSON is 107 bytes when minified:

  "type": "Array",
  "value": [
      "type": "Int",
      "value": "1"
      "type": "Int",
      "value": "2"
      "type": "Int",
      "value": "3"

CCF encoding is 18 bytes:


It represents 130([134(132(4)), [1, 2, 3]]), where

  • 134(132(4)) is Cadence array of Int.
  • [1, 2, 3] is raw value.

Cadence Heterogenous Array with Simple Type Elements

Cadence [AnyStruct] type of value [1, "a", true] encoded to JSON is 112 bytes when minified:

  "type": "Array",
  "value": [
      "type": "Int",
      "value": "1"
      "type": "String",
      "value": "a"
      "type": "Bool",
      "value": true

CCF encoding is 34 bytes:


It represents 130([134(132(39)), [130([132(4), 1]), 130([132(1), "a"]), 130([132(0), true])]]), where

  • 134(132(39)) is Cadence array of AnyStruct.
  • 130([132(4), 1]) is first element (132(4) is Cadence Int, 1 is raw value)
  • 130([132(1), "a"]) is second element (132(1) is Cadence String, "a" is raw value)
  • 130([132(0), true]) is third element (132(0) is Cadence Boolean, true is raw value)

Cadence Homogenous Array with Composite Type Elements

Cadence composite types, such as struct, resource, and event, are encoded as detachable (not inlined) type info. Each encoded composite type info has an unique ID which is used to bind with Cadence value.

Cadence [Foo] type encoded to JSON is 353 bytes when minified:

  "type": "Array",
  "value": [
      "type": "Resource",
      "value": {
        "id": "S.test.Foo",
        "fields": [
            "name": "bar",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "1"
      "type": "Resource",
      "value": {
        "id": "S.test.Foo",
        "fields": [
            "name": "bar",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "2"
      "type": "Resource",
      "value": {
        "id": "S.test.Foo",
        "fields": [
            "name": "bar",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "3"

CCF encoding is 48 bytes (first 27 bytes for type and next 21 bytes for raw value):


It contains two data items: type and value.

Type data item represents 128([138([h'', "S.test.Foo", [["bar", 132(4)]]])]) , where

  • h'' is unique ID 0. This ID is used inside value data item to bind type with raw value.
  • S.test.Foo is location and identifier.
  • [["bar", 132(4)]] is field definition of one field: "bar" field of Cadence Int.

Value data item represents 130([134(131(h'')), [[1], [2], [3]]]), where

  • 134(131(h'')) is Cadence array of type identified by ID 0.
  • [[1], [2], [3]]] is array of Foo resouce raw field data.

Cadence Homogenous Array with Composite Type Elements (One Field Type Is Abstract)

Composite field baz is abstract type.

Cadence [Foo] type encoded to JSON is 508 bytes when minified:

  "type": "Array",
  "value": [
      "type": "Resource",
      "value": {
        "id": "S.test.Foo",
        "fields": [
            "name": "bar",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "1"
            "name": "baz",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "1"
      "type": "Resource",
      "value": {
        "id": "S.test.Foo",
        "fields": [
            "name": "bar",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "2"
            "name": "baz",
            "value": {
              "type": "String",
              "value": "a"
      "type": "Resource",
      "value": {
        "id": "S.test.Foo",
        "fields": [
            "name": "bar",
            "value": {
              "type": "Int",
              "value": "3"
            "name": "baz",
            "value": {
              "type": "Bool",
              "value": true

CCF encoding is 81 bytes (first 36 bytes for type and next 45 bytes for raw value):


It contains two data items: type and value.

Type data item represents 128([138([h'', "S.test.Foo", [["bar", 132(4)], ["baz", 132(39)]]])]), where

  • h'' is unique ID 0. This ID is used inside value data item to bind type with raw value.
  • S.test.Foo is location and identifier.
  • ["bar", 132(4)] is first field definition: "bar" field of Cadence Int.
  • ["baz", 132(39)] is second field definition: "baz" field of Cadence AnyStruct.

Value data item represents 130([134(131(h'')), [[1, 130([132(4), 1])], [2, 130([132(1), "a"])], [3, 130([132(0), true])]]]), where

  • 134(131(h'')) is Cadence array of type identified by ID 0.
  • [1, 130([132(4), 1])] is first resource raw field data.
  • [2, 130([132(1), "a"])] is second resource raw field data.
  • [3, 130([132(0), true])] is third resource raw field data.

FeesDeducted Event

FeesDeducted event is encoded as detachable (not inlined) type info.

This example of FeesDeducted event encoded to JSON is 298 bytes when minified:

  "type": "Event",
  "value": {
    "id": "A.f919ee77447b7497.FlowFees.FeesDeducted",
    "fields": [
        "name": "amount",
        "value": {
          "type": "UFix64",
          "value": "0.00002969"
        "name": "inclusionEffort",
        "value": {
          "type": "UFix64",
          "value": "1.00000000"
        "name": "executionEffort",
        "value": {
          "type": "UFix64",
          "value": "0.00000575"

CCF encoding is 119 bytes (first 101 bytes for type and next 18 bytes for raw value):


It contains two data items: type and value.

Type data item represents 128([139([h'', "A.f919ee77447b7497.FlowFees.FeesDeducted", [["amount", 132(23)], ["inclusionEffort", 132(23)], ["executionEffort", 132(23)]]])]) , where

  • h'' is unique ID 0. This ID is used inside value data item to bind type with raw value.
  • "A.f919ee77447b7497.FlowFees.FeesDeducted" is location and identifier.
  • [["amount", 132(23)], ["inclusionEffort", 132(23)], ["executionEffort", 132(23)]] is field definition with 3 fields: "amount" field of Cadence UFix64, "inclusionEffort" field of Cadence UFix64, and "executionEffort" field of Cadence UFix64.

Value data item represents 130([131(h''), [2969, 100000000, 575]]), where

  • 131(h'') is type identified by ID 0.
  • [2969, 100000000, 575] is FeesDeducted event raw field data.

Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN)

This document uses diagnostic notation as defined in Appendix G of RFC 8610.


There are 3 top level CCF messages: ccf-typedef-message, ccf-typedef-and-value-message, and ccf-type-and-value-message.

  • ccf-typedef-message is a list of type definitions for Cadence composite types.
  • ccf-typedef-and-value-message is a Cadence value preceded by a list of type definitions of referenced Cadence composite types.
  • ccf-type-and-value-message is a Cadence value preceded by builtin or known composite Cadence type(s).

Cadence types are encoded as inline-type (inlined) or as composite-typedef (not inlined).

Cadence data is encoded depending on its type. For example, Cadence UInt8 is encoded as CBOR positive integer, Cadence String is encoded as CBOR text string, Cadence Address is encoded as CBOR byte string, and Cadence struct data is encoded as an array of its raw field data.

Cadence Types and Type Values

Cadence types and Cadence type values (run-time types) are encoded differently. They contain different data because they are used differently.

Cadence types are used to decode Cadence data, so they only contain information needed for decoding. For example, composite type's field info is needed to decode composite value. However, interface type's field info isn't needed to decode values implementing interface type.

Cadence type value is a Cadence value which provides comprehensive information about a type. For example, composite type value and interface type value contain info about both fields and initializers.

CCF Specified in CDDL Notation


; CCF uses CBOR tag numbers 128-255, which are unassigned by IANA.

; NOTE: when changing values, also update uses in rules!

; CBOR tag numbers (128-135) for root objects
cbor-tag-typedef = 128
cbor-tag-typedef-and-value = 129
cbor-tag-type-and-value = 130
; 131-135 are reserved

; CBOR tag numbers (136-183) for types

; inline types
cbor-tag-type-ref = 136
cbor-tag-simple-type = 137
cbor-tag-optional-type = 138
cbor-tag-varsized-array-type = 139
cbor-tag-constsized-array-type = 140
cbor-tag-dict-type = 141
cbor-tag-reference-type = 142
cbor-tag-restricted-type = 143
cbor-tag-capability-type = 144
; 145-159 are reserved

; composite types
cbor-tag-struct-type = 160
cbor-tag-resource-type = 161
cbor-tag-event-type = 162
cbor-tag-contract-type = 163
cbor-tag-enum-type = 164
; 165-175 are reserved

; interface types
cbor-tag-struct-interface-type = 176
cbor-tag-resource-interface-type = 177
cbor-tag-contract-interface-type = 178
; 179-183 are reserved

; CBOR tag numbers (184-231) for type value

; non-composite and non-interface type values
cbor-tag-type-value-ref = 184
cbor-tag-simple-type-value = 185
cbor-tag-optional-type-value = 186
cbor-tag-varsized-array-type-value = 187
cbor-tag-constsized-array-type-value = 188
cbor-tag-dict-type-value = 189
cbor-tag-reference-type-value = 190
cbor-tag-restricted-type-value = 191
cbor-tag-capability-type-value = 192
cbor-tag-function-type-value = 193
; 194-207 are reserved

; composite type values
cbor-tag-struct-type-value = 208
cbor-tag-resource-type-value = 209
cbor-tag-event-type-value = 210
cbor-tag-contract-type-value = 211
cbor-tag-enum-type-value = 212
; 213-223 are reserved

; interface type values
cbor-tag-struct-interface-type-value = 224
cbor-tag-resource-interface-type-value = 225
cbor-tag-contract-interface-type-value = 226
; 227-231 are reserved

ccf-message = (
    / ccf-typedef-and-value-message
    / ccf-type-and-value-message

ccf-typedef-message =
    ; cbor-tag-typedef

composite-typedef = [
    + (
        / resource-type
        / contract-type
        / event-type
        / enum-type
        / struct-interface-type
        / resource-interface-type
        / contract-interface-type

; id is a unique identifier used by CCF to associate composite/interface type information
; with value through type-ref and type-value-ref.
id = bstr

; cadence-type-id is an identifier used by Cadence to identify types.
cadence-type-id = tstr

composite-type = [
    id: id,
    cadence-type-id: cadence-type-id,
    fields: [
        + [
            field-name: tstr,
            field-type: inline-type

; interface-type doesn't include field info because it's not needed for
; decoding values implementing interface type.
interface-type = [
    id: id,
    cadence-type-id: tstr,

struct-type =
    ; cbor-tag-struct-type

resource-type =
    ; cbor-tag-resource-type

event-type =
    ; cbor-tag-event-type

contract-type =
    ; cbor-tag-contract-type

enum-type =
    ; cbor-tag-enum-type

struct-interface-type =
    ; cbor-tag-struct-interface-type

resource-interface-type =
    ; cbor-tag-resource-interface-type

contract-interface-type =
    ; cbor-tag-contract-interface-type

inline-type =
    / optional-type
    / varsized-array-type
    / constsized-array-type
    / dict-type
    / reference-type
    / restricted-type
    / capability-type
    / type-ref

simple-type =
    ; cbor-tag-simple-type

optional-type =
    ; cbor-tag-optional-type

varsized-array-type =
    ; cbor-tag-varsized-array-type

constsized-array-type =
    ; cbor-tag-constsized-array-type
        array-size: uint,
        element-type: inline-type

dict-type =
    ; cbor-tag-dict-type
        key-type: inline-type,
        element-type: inline-type

reference-type =
    ; cbor-tag-reference-type
      authorized: bool,
      type: inline-type,

restricted-type =
    ; cbor-tag-restricted-type
      cadence-type-id: cadence-type-id,
      type: inline-type,
      restrictions: [+ inline-type]

capability-type =
    ; cbor-tag-capability-type
    ; use an array as an extension point
        ; borrow-type

type-ref =
    ; cbor-tag-type-ref

; simple-type-id is an enumeration.
simple-type-id = &(
    bool-type-id: 0,
    string-type-id: 1,
    character-type-id: 2,
    address-type-id: 3,
    int-type-id: 4,
    int8-type-id: 5,
    int16-type-id: 6,
    int32-type-id: 7,
    int64-type-id: 8,
    int128-type-id: 9,
    int256-type-id: 10,
    uint-type-id: 11,
    uint8-type-id: 12,
    uint16-type-id: 13,
    uint32-type-id: 14,
    uint64-type-id: 15,
    uint128-type-id: 16,
    uint256-type-id: 17,
    word8-type-id: 18,
    word16-type-id: 19,
    word32-type-id: 20,
    word64-type-id: 21,
    fix64-type-id: 22,
    ufix64-type-id: 23,
    path-type-id: 24,
    capability-path-type-id: 25,
    storage-path-type-id: 26,
    public-path-type-id: 27,
    private-path-type-id: 28,
    auth-account-type-id: 29,
    public-account-type-id: 30,
    auth-account-keys-type-id: 31,
    public-account-keys-type-id: 32,
    auth-account-contracts-type-id: 33,
    public-account-contracts-type-id: 34,
    deployed-contract-type-id: 35,
    account-key-type-id: 36,
    block-type-id: 37,
    any-type-id: 38,
    any-struct-type-id: 39,
    any-resource-type-id: 40,
    meta-type-type-id: 41,
    never-type-id: 42,
    number-type-id: 43,
    signed-number-type-id: 44,
    integer-type-id: 45,
    signed-integer-type-id: 46,
    fixed-point-type-id: 47,
    signed-fixed-point-type-id: 48,
    bytes-type-id: 49,
    void-type-id: 50,
    function-type-id: 51,

ccf-typedef-and-value-message =
    ; cbor-tag-typedef-and-value
      typedef: composite-typedef,
      type-and-value: inline-type-and-value 
ccf-type-and-value-message =
    ; cbor-tag-type-and-value

inline-type-and-value = [
      type: inline-type,
      value: value,
value =
    / simple-value
    / optional-value
    / array-value
    / dict-value
    / composite-value
    / path-value
    / capability-value
    / function-value
    / type-value

optional-value = nil / value

array-value = [* value]

dict-value = [* (key: value, value: value)]

; composite-value is used to encode struct, contract, enum, event, and resource.
composite-value = [+ (field: value)]

path-value = [
    domain: uint,
    identifier: tstr,

capability-value = [
    address: address-value,
    path: path-value

simple-value =
    / bool-value
    / character-value
    / string-value
    / address-value
    / uint-value
    / uint8-value
    / uint16-value
    / uint32-value
    / uint64-value
    / uint128-value
    / uint256-value
    / int-value
    / int8-value
    / int16-value
    / int32-value
    / int64-value
    / int128-value
    / int256-value
    / word8-value
    / word16-value
    / word32-value
    / word64-value
    / fix64-value
    / ufix64-value

void-value = nil
bool-value = bool
character-value = tstr
string-value = tstr
address-value = bstr .size 8
uint-value = bigint .ge 0
uint8-value = uint .le 255
uint16-value = uint .le 65535
uint32-value = uint .le 4294967295
uint64-value = uint .le 18446744073709551615
uint128-value = bigint .ge 0
uint256-value = bigint .ge 0
int-value = bigint
int8-value = (int .ge -128) .le 127
int16-value = (int .ge -32768) .le 32767
int32-value = (int .ge -2147483648) .le 2147483647
int64-value = (int .ge -9223372036854775808) .le 9223372036854775807
int128-value = bigint
int256-value = bigint
word8-value = uint .le 255
word16-value = uint .le 65535
word32-value = uint .le 4294967295
word64-value = uint .le 18446744073709551615
fix64-value = (int .ge -9223372036854775808) .le 9223372036854775807
ufix64-value = uint .le 18446744073709551615

function-value = [
    cadence-type-id: cadence-type-id,
    parameters: [
        * [
            label: tstr,
            identifier: tstr,
            type: type-value
    return-type: type-value

type-value =
    / simple-type-value
    / optional-type-value
    / varsized-array-type-value
    / constsized-array-type-value
    / dict-type-value
    / struct-type-value
    / resource-type-value
    / contract-type-value
    / event-type-value
    / enum-type-value
    / struct-interface-type-value
    / resource-interface-type-value
    / contract-interface-type-value
    / function-type-value
    / reference-type-value
    / restricted-type-value
    / capability-type-value
    / type-value-ref

simple-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-simple-type-value

optional-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-optional-type-value

varsized-array-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-varsized-array-type-value

constsized-array-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-constsized-array-type-value
        array-size: uint,
        element-type: type-value

dict-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-dict-type-value
        key-type: type-value,
        element-type: type-value

struct-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-struct-type-value

resource-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-resource-type-value

event-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-event-type-value

contract-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-contract-type-value

enum-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-enum-type-value

struct-interface-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-struct-interface-type-value

resource-interface-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-resource-interface-type-value

contract-interface-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-contract-interface-type-value

composite-type-value = [
    id: id,
    cadence-type-id: cadence-type-id,
    ; type is only used by enum type value
    type: nil / type-value,
    fields: [
        + [
            name: tstr,
            type: type-value
    initializers: [
        * [
            * [
                label: tstr,
                identifier: tstr,
                type: type-value

function-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-function-type-value

reference-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-reference-type-value
      authorized: bool,
      type: type-value,

restricted-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-restricted-type-value
      cadence-type-id: cadence-type-id,
      type: type-value,
      restrictions: [+ type-value]

capability-type-value =
    ; cbor-tag-capability-type-value
    ; use an array as an extension point
      ; borrow-type

type-value-ref =
    ; cbor-tag-type-value-ref



This document would not exist without Ramtin M. Seraj and Bastian Müller.

Ramtin and Bastian's contributions on this effort is hard to list exhaustively because they inspire individuals and teams to produce impactful results.

Ramtin M. Seraj led the effort to require a deterministic and more compact alternative to JSON-Cadence Data Interchange Format. This document's "Objectives" section includes and adds to the initial objectives Ramtin listed (in a notion) for a binary format for Cadence external values.

Bastian Müller helped the author understand details related to Cadence types and values, which made writing this document possible. Bastian also led the PR reviews of this document, contributed changes, asked great questions during CCF meetings, and identified sections that needed clarification (in both the CDDL notation and English text).