V2.3 :
- Websocket server for live invaders.
- Preferences for invaders states, ?marked, etc.
- A way to rotate the map (like google maps).
- Directions API for up to 25 invaders...
- Change routes files organization and create a 'mapping' directory to divide tasks of mapping.js.
- Séparer ce qui est relatif aux fonctions utilitaires (ajout d'invader pur et dur) et ce qui est relatif à la map elle-même (ajout du marker sur la map) => créer deux classes différentes initialisées.
- Compteur d'invaders qui change quand on ajoute ou retire un invader.
- Validate modal when pressing enter.
- MaJ release notes on main page.
- Store invader image & info if not already done.
- Help page (for example for invader multiple status or filters)
V3 :
- Make VaderMap a more general and open service for people who want to share editable maps.
- Private/public maps.
- Map chat for contributors.
- Global users can create X maps and then pay for more.
- Maps specificity :
- Choose a set of icons you want to use...
- Make the invaders map into a specific section/fork of VaderMap (special case).
- Phone application (APK ?).