Johnny-Five is an Open Source, JavaScript Arduino programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
Why JavaScript? NodeBots: The Rise of JavaScript Robotics
Johnny-Five artwork by Mike Sgier
Wireless Nodebot NEW!
- Recommended Starting Kit: Sparkfun Inventor's Kit
- Download Arduino IDE
- Plug in your Arduino or Arduino compatible microcontroller via USB
- Open the Arduino IDE, select: File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata
- Click the "Upload" button.
If the upload was successful, the board is now prepared and you can close the Arduino IDE.
git clone git:// && cd johnny-five
npm install
Install the module with:
npm install johnny-five
var five = require("johnny-five"),
// or "./lib/johnny-five" when running from the source
board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
// Create an Led on pin 13 and strobe it on/off
// Optionally set the speed; defaults to 100ms
(new five.Led(13)).strobe();
Note: Node will crash if you try to run johnny-five in the node REPL, but board instances will create their own contextual REPL. Put your script in a file.
- Accelerometer
- Accelerometer Pan Tilt
- Photoresistor
- Photoresistor Servo
- Potentiometer
- Sensor
- Sensor Fsr Servo
- Sensor Fsr
- Sensor Ir Led Receiver
- Sensor Slider
- Slider Log
- Slider Pan
- Slider Servo Control
- Sensor Temperature
- Tinkerkit Blink
- Tinkerkit Button
- Tinkerkit Continuous Servo
- Tinkerkit Combo
- Tinkerkit Gyroscope
- Tinkerkit Joystick
- Tinkerkit Linear Pot
- Tinkerkit Rotary
- Tinkerkit Thermistor
- Tinkerkit Tilt
- Tinkerkit Touch
All contributions must adhere to the Idiomatic.js Style Guide, by maintaining the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2012 Rick Waldron Licensed under the MIT license.