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139 lines (109 loc) · 5.83 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (109 loc) · 5.83 KB


List of defined shortcuts and (some) commands and some useful native Vim shortcuts/commands:


Between Files

  • <Ctrl-P> to start navigation in current project

    • <Ctrl-P> to recall last fuzzy search text
    • enter text to fuzzy filter file names
    • <Ctrl-z> allows to select multiple files
    • <Ctrl-k>/<Ctrl-j> or arrows move up/down in the list
    • <Ctrl-v> opens selected files in vertical split
    • <Ctrl-s> opens selected files in horizontal split
  • <Leader>tt finds and opens correlative source/test file. See more shortcuts in ExUnit section below.

In file

  • <F1> shows Elixir docs for function under cursor.
  • <Ctrl-@> opens functions list for fuzzy search
  • <Leader>l opens all lines in the file for fuzzy search
  • <Ctrl-]> jump to definition of function/module under cursor
  • <Ctrl-T> return from previous jump
  • <Leader>;; search word under cursor, show match list and propmt to jump
  • <Ctrl-Enter> same as above, but only in GVim
  • % jumps to matching do/end tag, brackets, braces, etc. Also can be used after <Ctrl-V> or v to select function/text block.

Use Vim marks :help marks to navigate quickly between several positions in file or between files.

  • ma .. mz set mark which is available only in current file
  • mA .. mZ set global mark which is available across files.
  • a`` .. z`` jumps between marks in current file (so many files may have ma mark)
  • A`` .. Z`` jumps between global marks and switches buffers if necessary.
  • ```.`` jumps to last edited position

In file using Tagbar

  • <F4> opens/closes Tagbar window.
  • <Enter> or click on function name takes you to function definition.
  • <p> on function name takes you to function definition, but focus stays in tagbar.
  • <P> on function name opens function in preview window.
  • <Ctrl-W><Ctrl-Z> or :pc close preview window.

More on tagbar page.


  • <F2> to save current file to disk.

  • ZZ to save current file and close it. In GVim it keeps editor open.

  • :bdd closes current buffer, but keeps window split.

  • <F3> to toggle current fold open/close.

  • zR to open all folds.

  • zM to close all folds.

  • <Ctrl-K><Ctrl-L> highlight word under cursor in whole file.

  • <Ctrl-K><Ctrl-I> will toggle indent lines if you need to copy text.

  • <Ctrl-K><Ctrl-P> toggles comment on current line/selection

  • <Ctrl-K><Ctrl-[> adds comment on current line/selection

  • <Ctrl-K><Ctrl-]> removes comment from current line/selection It is impossible at all to map <Ctrl-/> in Vim :(. So please get used to these shortcuts.

  • <Leader>= to align vertically => map keys.

  • <Leader>- to align vertically -> function/case clauses.

  • <Leader>: to align vertically : map or Keyword list keys.

  • <Leader>eq to align vertically = assignment signs.

  • <Leader>$ or <Leader>trailing to remove trailing spaces from all lines.


  • :make to compile changed files and show only errors
  • <Leader>xc to compile changed files and show errors+warnings
  • <Leader>x! to compile whole project and show errors+warnings
  • :cw to open quickfix window
  • ]e go to next error/warning
  • [e go to previous error/warning


  • <Leader>xa runs ExUnit tests on whole project

  • <Leader>xf runs ExUnit tests on current file

  • <Leader>xl runs ExUnit tests on current line of current file

  • <Leader>xx repeats last executed command

  • <Leader>wa runs in background ExUnit tests on whole project

  • <Leader>wf runs in background ExUnit tests on current file

  • <Leader>wl runs in background ExUnit tests on current file:line

  • <Leader>ww runs again in background last executed command

  • <Leader>ws or <Leader>wc stop automatic test execution on save.

  • :cw to open quickfix window

  • ]e go to next error

  • [e go to previous error

  • <Leader>tt opens correlative source/test file

  • <Leader>ts opens correlative source/test file in horizontal split

  • <Leader>tv opens correlative source/test file in vertical split

  • <Leader>t! opens correlative source/test, creates directories if necessary

  • <Leader>tg or <Leader>gt opens last auto-run test file

Commands wf, wl, xf and xl will jump to corresponding test file if issued in source file buffer.


  • <Leader>te execute ExUnit test under cursor with tracing and window with trace output (mnemonics: Trace Exunit)
  • <Leader>ty execute selected text with tracing and show trace (mnemonics: Trace Yanked).

In trace window

  • <Enter> opens file with module/function under cursor and changes window
  • p opens file with module/function under cursor and stays in trace window
  • % jumps to matching call/return lines
  • ;, , jumps back/forward to same function call
  • (, ) jumps back/forward to next function call/return (skips messages)
  • {, } jumps back/forward over repeated function calls
  • F3 opens arguments fold; also when cursor is on function call/ret line

More on vim-elixir-smarttrace page.

Git integration

  • :Gstatus - show modified files and staged status
    • - (in normal mode) on file name moves between staged/unstaged mode
    • p (in normal mode) on file name allows to stage/unstage only parts of the file.
    • d (in normal mode) on file name opens diff between working copy and repository
    • :Gcommit starts commit of staged files (use save/exit to commit, clear message to abort)
  • :Gdiff - shows diff between current file and repository

More on vim-figutive page.


  • <Ctrl-X> opens XTerm in current directory