diff --git a/packages/gatsby-image/README.md b/packages/gatsby-image/README.md
index 07decc2b12096..b4b436e63357c 100644
--- a/packages/gatsby-image/README.md
+++ b/packages/gatsby-image/README.md
@@ -435,4 +435,4 @@ While you could achieve a similar effect with plain CSS media queries, `gatsby-i
   to use a gif with `gatsby-image`, it won't work. For now, the best workaround is
   to [import the gif directly](/docs/adding-images-fonts-files).
 - Lazy loading behavior is dependent on `IntersectionObserver` which is not available
-  in some fairly common browsers including Safari and IE. A polyfill is recommended.
+  in IE. A polyfill is recommended.