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Giulio Canti edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 7 revisions


  • make type class members pipe-ables
  • make all functions pipe-able
  • change HKT encoding
  • remove mutable modules (Array, Map, NonEmptyArray, Record, Set, Tuple)
  • switch to readonly arrays / tuples everywhere
  • change ReadonlyNonEmptyArray definition to readonly [A, ...Array<A>]
  • drop CJS
  • migration path (codemods?)


  • migration path


  • apFirst -> zipLeftPar
  • apSecond -> zipRightPar
  • mapLeft -> mapError
  • bimap -> mapBoth
  • chain* -> flatMap*
  • chainFirst -> tap
  • chainRec -> flatMapRec
  • wilt -> partitionMapE
  • wither -> filterMapE
  • orElseFirst -> tapError
  • Lazy -> LazyArg
  • alt -> combineK
  • zero -> emptyK
  • concat -> combine
  • apS -> bindPar
  • Alt -> SemigroupK
  • Alternative -> MonoidK
  • Chain -> Flattenable
  • ChainRec -> FlattenableRec
  • Extend -> Extendable
  • NaturalTransformation -> FunctionK
  • Semigroupoid -> Composable
  • Witherable -> FilterableWithEffect


  • FromOption module
  • add logging helpers (log, logError)
  • add filter helpers
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