Releases: getzep/zep
Releases · getzep/zep
v0.5.0: EntityExtractor!
What's Changed
- We've added an EntityExtractor, providing a feature rich Named Entity Recognition capability to Zep!
Full Changelog: v0.4.6...v0.5.0
v0.4.6: Improve OpenAI API Retries, Bigfixes
What's Changed
- Improve OpenAI API Retries with new OpenAIRetryClient Wrapper by @danielchalef in #77
- Fix tiktoken race condition by @danielchalef in #73
- pgvector make OPTFLAGS="" in Dockerfile.postgres_flyio by @danielchalef in #74
- Update by @danielchalef in #75
Full Changelog: v0.4.5...v0.4.6
Bugfixes, Improve Docker Compose deployment
What's Changed
- Summarizer not summarizing all messages with large batch message puts by @danielchalef in #72
- Postgres build OPTFLAGS="" by @danielchalef in #71
- docker compose healthcheck for postgres by @danielchalef in #69
- deploy to render by @danielchalef in #65
- Deploy to by @danielchalef in #66
Full Changelog: v0.4.4...v0.4.5
Bugfixes, Configure with ENV variables
What's Changed
- Fix for #52 by @danielchalef in #58
- Flyio postgres container by @danielchalef in #59
- Allow zep to start without config file by @danielchalef in #61
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.4
Bugfixes, OpenAI API retry and timeout, Build versioning
What's Changed
- Upgrade cosign version by @danielchalef in #43
- Bugfixes for Extractors and SummaryPoint calculation by @danielchalef in #47
- inject build versioning at link time. display version with flag/log by @danielchalef in #48
- add retry and timeout to openai calls by @danielchalef in #49
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3
Bugfixes and refactor of Embedding Extractor
What's Changed
- Bugfixes: token count in search results, unit tests by @danielchalef in #28
- refactor embedding extractor and putMessages code by @danielchalef in #38
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
Bump version to semver Zep server container
v0.4.1 Update docker-postgres-build.yml (#17)
Initial public release.
See README for installation instructions.