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MLPerf Machine Learning Benchmark Suite - Benchmark Results

MLPerf is a Machine Learning Benchmark that provides various kinds of Machine Learning Benchmarks. Quanting from their website, the benchmark aims to do: "Fair and useful benchmarks for measuring training and inference performance of ML hardware, software, and services".

The software and models for the benchmarks are provided in their github repositories in and Benchmarks are provides for both training and inference of models. Inference include Cloud scenario as well as Edge scenario.

In this repository, we focus on inference of models for edge and mobile benchmarks.

Models used in the benchmark

  • Documentation and Models used in MLPerf Edge benchmark: link
  • Documentation and Models used in MLPerf Mobile benchmark: link

Model preparation

Some of the models have to processed with additional steps before they can be used in TIDL. These steps are described here:
MLPerf model preparation for TIDL


Dataset Model Name Input Size GigaMACs Accuracy% Task Available Notes
ImageNet MobileNetV1 224x224 0.569 71.676 Top-1% Classification Y mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.tflite
ImageNet ResNet50 224x224 4.096 76.456 Top-1% Classification Y resnet50_v1.5.tflite
ImageNet MobileNetV2EdgeTPU 224x224 0.991 75.6 Top-1% Classification Y mobilenet_edgetpu_224_1.0_float.tflite
COCO MobileNetV1SSD 300x300 1.237 23.0 AP[.5:.95]% Detection Y ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2018_01_28.tflite
COCO MobileNetV2SSD 300x300 1.875 22.0 AP[.5:.95]% Detection Y ssd_mobilenet_v2_300_float.tflite
COCO ResNet34SSD 1200x1200 20.0 AP[.5:.95]% Detection Y ssd_resnet34-ssd1200.onnx
ADE20K 32 Class DeepLabV3LiteMNV2 512x512 5.336 54.8 MeanIoU% Segmentation Y deeplabv3_mnv2_ade20k_float.tflite


  • The attribution to their original authors and the licenses of the original sources are in a license.txt file along with each model.
  • GigaMACS: Complexity in Giga Multipy-Accumulations (lower, the better).
  • Accuracy: Accuracy obtained after the training, as reported in the MLPerf documentation.


[1] MLPerf Inference Benchmark, Vijay Janapa Reddi and Christine Cheng and David Kanter and Peter Mattson and Guenther Schmuelling and Carole-Jean Wu and Brian Anderson and Maximilien Breughe and Mark Charlebois and William Chou and Ramesh Chukka and Cody Coleman and Sam Davis and Pan Deng and Greg Diamos and Jared Duke and Dave Fick and J. Scott Gardner and Itay Hubara and Sachin Idgunji and Thomas B. Jablin and Jeff Jiao and Tom St. John and Pankaj Kanwar and David Lee and Jeffery Liao and Anton Lokhmotov and Francisco Massa and Peng Meng and Paulius Micikevicius and Colin Osborne and Gennady Pekhimenko and Arun Tejusve Raghunath Rajan and Dilip Sequeira and Ashish Sirasao and Fei Sun and Hanlin Tang and Michael Thomson and Frank Wei and Ephrem Wu and Lingjie Xu and Koichi Yamada and Bing Yu and George Yuan and Aaron Zhong and Peizhao Zhang and Yuchen Zhou, 2019, arXiv:1911.02549,

[2] MlCommons: Machine learning innovation to benefit everyone,

[3] MLPerf Inference Benchmark Suite:

[4] MLPerf Inference Overview:

[5] MLPerf Inference v0.7 Results: