A module that allows the user to use snmp operations in scripts
Killez has forked my project having added walk functionality among other things, so go show him some love
As of now the only operation available is snmp Get and can be called by using system.snmp.get('address', port, ['OID1', 'OID2', ...], 'community')
, This will return a python list with the length equal to the number of OIDs provided
You can also specify other variables like the snmp version, timeout or retry count by adding 'var=value' as an extra parameter at the end.
For example system.snmp.get('address', port, ['OID1', 'OID2'], 'community', 'version=1', 'timeout=2000', 'retry=2')
This will return a python list with the length of 2 containing the values of OID1 and OID2, or an error message.
It will perform the get operation on version 1, with a timeout of 2000ms and a retry count of 2.
If these variables are not given by the user it will use the defaults, meaning: version=2c, timeout=3000, retry=1
Currently this module does not have support for snmp v3