diff --git a/app/dashboard/management/commands/update_trust_bonus.py b/app/dashboard/management/commands/update_trust_bonus.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3baf483c972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/dashboard/management/commands/update_trust_bonus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from dashboard.models import Profile
+from dashboard.tasks import update_trust_bonus
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = 'Update every users trust_bonus score'
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--call-now',
+ type=int,
+ help="disable execution on celery and call now"
+ )
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ profiles = Profile.objects.all()
+ print(profiles.count())
+ for profile in profiles.iterator():
+ if (options['call_now']):
+ params = profile.as_dict
+ params['trust_bonus'] = profile.trust_bonus
+ print("Saving - %s - %s" % (profile.handle, params['trust_bonus']))
+ profile.save()
+ else:
+ update_trust_bonus.delay(profile.pk)
diff --git a/app/dashboard/models.py b/app/dashboard/models.py
index 82517d09cad..e8f4f75743a 100644
--- a/app/dashboard/models.py
+++ b/app/dashboard/models.py
@@ -4400,6 +4400,7 @@ def to_dict(self):
'card_title': f'@{self.handle} | Gitcoin',
'org_works_with': org_works_with,
'card_desc': desc,
+ 'trust_bonus': self.trust_bonus,
'avatar_url': self.avatar_url_with_gitcoin_logo,
'count_bounties_completed': total_fulfilled,
'works_with_collected': works_with_collected,
diff --git a/app/dashboard/tasks.py b/app/dashboard/tasks.py
index f0eb2901467..3cd4ffe69b5 100644
--- a/app/dashboard/tasks.py
+++ b/app/dashboard/tasks.py
@@ -246,6 +246,21 @@ def profile_dict(self, pk, retry: bool = True) -> None:
+@app.shared_task(bind=True, max_retries=3)
+def update_trust_bonus(self, pk):
+ """
+ :param self:
+ :param pk:
+ :return:
+ """
+ profile = Profile.objects.get(pk=pk)
+ params = profile.as_dict
+ if profile.trust_bonus != params.get('trust_bonus', None):
+ params['trust_bonus'] = profile.trust_bonus
+ print("Saving - %s - %s" % (profile.handle, params['trust_bonus']))
+ profile.save()
def maybe_market_to_user_slack(self, bounty_pk, event_name, retry: bool = True) -> None:
diff --git a/app/grants/admin.py b/app/grants/admin.py
index 76d594efde7..e49ac11b4e6 100644
--- a/app/grants/admin.py
+++ b/app/grants/admin.py
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class GrantAdmin(GeneralAdmin):
'active', 'visible', 'is_clr_eligible',
'migrated_to', 'region',
'grant_type', 'categories', 'description', 'description_rich', 'github_project_url', 'reference_url', 'admin_address',
- 'amount_received', 'amount_received_in_round', 'monthly_amount_subscribed',
+ 'amount_received', 'amount_received_in_round', 'monthly_amount_subscribed', 'defer_clr_to',
'deploy_tx_id', 'cancel_tx_id', 'admin_profile', 'token_symbol',
'token_address', 'contract_address', 'contract_version', 'network', 'required_gas_price', 'logo_svg_asset',
'logo_asset', 'created_on', 'modified_on', 'team_member_list',
diff --git a/app/grants/clr.py b/app/grants/clr.py
index 5be90eb2fa8..d7968bea8fc 100644
--- a/app/grants/clr.py
+++ b/app/grants/clr.py
@@ -415,7 +415,12 @@ def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainn
print(f"- starting slim grant calc at {round(time.time(),1)}")
grants_clr = run_clr_calcs(grant_contributions_curr, v_threshold, uv_threshold, total_pot)
print(f"- saving slim grant calc at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ total_count = len(grants_clr.items())
for grant_calc in grants_clr:
+ counter += 1
+ if counter % 10 == 0 or True:
+ print(f"- {counter}/{total_count} grants iter, pk:{grant_id}, at {round(time.time(),1)}")
pk = grant_calc['id']
grant = clr_round.grants.using('default').get(pk=pk)
latest_calc = grant.clr_calculations.using('default').filter(latest=True, grantclr=clr_round).order_by('-pk').first()
@@ -424,10 +429,12 @@ def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainn
clr_prediction_curve = copy.deepcopy(latest_calc.clr_prediction_curve)
clr_prediction_curve[0][1] = grant_calc['clr_amount'] # update only the existing match estimate
+ print(clr_prediction_curve)
clr_round.record_clr_prediction_curve(grant, clr_prediction_curve)
# if we are only calculating slim CLR calculations, return here and save 97% compute power
print(f"- done calculating at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}")
print(f"- starting grants iter at {round(time.time(),1)}")
@@ -460,7 +467,6 @@ def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainn
for amount in potential_donations:
# calculate clr with each additional donation and save to grants model
- # print(f'using {total_pot_close}')
predicted_clr, grants_clr, _, _ = calculate_clr_for_donation(
grant, amount, grant_contributions_curr, total_pot, v_threshold, uv_threshold
@@ -480,6 +486,8 @@ def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainn
clr_prediction_curve = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for x in range(0, 6)]
+ print(clr_prediction_curve)
clr_round.record_clr_prediction_curve(_grant, clr_prediction_curve)
if from_date > (clr_calc_start_time - timezone.timedelta(hours=1)):
@@ -487,4 +495,6 @@ def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainn
debug_output.append({'grant': grant.id, "clr_prediction_curve": (potential_donations, potential_clr), "grants_clr": grants_clr})
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}")
return debug_output
diff --git a/app/grants/clr2.py b/app/grants/clr2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a9bf054945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/grants/clr2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Define the Grants application configuration.
+Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+import copy
+from django.db import connection
+from django.utils import timezone
+import numpy as np
+from dashboard.models import Profile
+from grants.models import Grant, GrantCollection
+from townsquare.models import SquelchProfile
+def get_summed_contribs_query(grants, created_after, created_before, multiplier, network):
+ # only consider contribs from current grant set
+ grantIds = ''
+ for i in range(len(grants)):
+ grantIds += "'" + str(grants[i].id) + "'" + (', ' if i+1 != len(grants) else '')
+ summedContribs = f'''
+ -- drop the table if it exists
+ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempUserTotals;
+ -- group by ... sum the contributions $ value for each user
+ grants.use_grant_id as grant_id,
+ grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id as user_id,
+ SUM((grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'amount_per_period_usdt')::FLOAT * {float(multiplier)}),
+ MAX(dashboard_profile.as_dict ->> 'trust_bonus')::FLOAT as trust_bonus
+ INTO TEMP TABLE tempUserTotals
+ FROM grants_contribution
+ INNER JOIN dashboard_profile ON (grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id = dashboard_profile.id)
+ INNER JOIN grants_subscription ON (grants_contribution.subscription_id = grants_subscription.id)
+ grants_grant.id as grant_id,
+ (
+ WHEN grants_grant.defer_clr_to_id IS NOT NULL THEN grants_grant.defer_clr_to_id
+ ELSE grants_grant.id
+ ) as use_grant_id
+ FROM grants_grant
+ ) grants ON ((grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'id')::FLOAT = grants.grant_id)
+ grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'id' IN ({grantIds}) AND
+ grants_contribution.created_on >= '{created_after}' AND
+ grants_contribution.created_on <= '{created_before}' AND
+ grants_contribution.match = True AND
+ grants_subscription.network = '{network}' AND
+ grants_contribution.success = True AND
+ (grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'amount_per_period_usdt')::FLOAT >= 0 AND
+ NOT (
+ grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id IN (
+ SELECT squelched.profile_id FROM townsquare_squelchprofile squelched WHERE squelched.active = True
+ ) AND grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id IS NOT NULL
+ )
+ )
+ GROUP BY grants.use_grant_id, grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id;
+ -- index before joining in clr_query
+ CREATE INDEX ON tempUserTotals (grant_id, user_id);
+ SELECT * FROM tempUserTotals;
+ '''
+ return summedContribs
+def add_prediction_contrib_query(grant_id, amount):
+ predictionContrib = f'''
+ -- delete any previous prediction values from the contributions table
+ DELETE FROM tempUserTotals WHERE user_id = 999999999;
+ -- insert the prediction value into contributions (grant_id, user_id, amount, trust_bonus)
+ {"INSERT INTO tempUserTotals VALUES(" + str(grant_id) + ", 999999999, " + str(amount) + ", 1);" if amount != 0 else ""}
+ '''
+ return predictionContrib
+def get_calc_query(v_threshold):
+ pairwise = '''
+ -- produce the pairwise sums
+ c1.user_id,
+ c2.user_id as user_id_2,
+ SUM((c1.sum * c2.sum) ^ 0.5) pairwise
+ FROM tempUserTotals c1
+ INNER JOIN tempUserTotals c2 ON (c1.grant_id = c2.grant_id AND c2.user_id > c1.user_id)
+ GROUP BY c1.user_id, c2.user_id
+ '''
+ clrAmount = f'''
+ -- calculate the CLR amount for each grant
+ c1.grant_id,
+ -- add trust scores and threshold here
+ SUM((c1.sum * c2.sum) ^ 0.5 / (pw.pairwise / ({v_threshold} * GREATEST(c2.trust_bonus, c1.trust_bonus)) + 1)) final_clr
+ FROM tempUserTotals c1
+ INNER JOIN tempUserTotals c2 ON (c1.grant_id = c2.grant_id AND c2.user_id > c1.user_id)
+ INNER JOIN ({pairwise}) pw ON (c1.user_id = pw.user_id AND c2.user_id = pw.user_id_2)
+ GROUP BY c1.grant_id
+ ORDER BY c1.grant_id;
+ '''
+ # # CTE of pairwise, clrAmount and clrResult (this will return the clr_amount, number_contribtions and contribution_amount for each grant)
+ # clrResult = f'''
+ # -- group by ... sum the contributions $ value for each grant and place the clr
+ # c1.grant_id,
+ # -- use MAX/MIN because we know we will only match a single CLR here
+ # MAX(clr.final_clr) clr_amount,
+ # SUM(1) number_contributions,
+ # SUM(c1.sum) contribution_amount
+ # FROM tempUserTotals c1
+ # INNER JOIN ({clrAmount}) clr ON (c1.grant_id = clr.grant_id)
+ # GROUP BY c1.grant_id;
+ # '''
+ return clrAmount
+def fetch_grants(clr_round, network='mainnet'):
+ grant_filters = clr_round.grant_filters
+ collection_filters = clr_round.collection_filters
+ grants = clr_round.grants.filter(network=network, hidden=False, active=True, is_clr_eligible=True, link_to_new_grant=None)
+ if grant_filters:
+ # Grant Filters (grant_type, category)
+ grants = grants.filter(**grant_filters)
+ elif collection_filters:
+ # Collection Filters
+ grant_ids = GrantCollection.objects.filter(**collection_filters).values_list('grants', flat=True)
+ grants = grants.filter(pk__in=grant_ids)
+ return grants
+def calculate_clr_for_donation(grant_id, amount, cursor, total_pot, v_threshold):
+ # collect results
+ bigtot = 0
+ totals = {}
+ # find grant in contributions list and add donation
+ clr_query = add_prediction_contrib_query(grant_id, amount) + get_calc_query(v_threshold)
+ cursor.execute(clr_query)
+ for _row in cursor.fetchall():
+ bigtot += _row[1] if _row[1] else 0
+ totals[_row[0]] = {'clr_amount': _row[1]}
+ # check if saturation is reached
+ if bigtot >= total_pot: # saturation reached
+ # print(f'saturation reached. Total Pot: ${total_pot} | Total Allocated ${bigtot}. Normalizing')
+ for pk, grant_calc in totals.items():
+ grant_calc['clr_amount'] = ((grant_calc['clr_amount'] / bigtot) * total_pot)
+ else:
+ CLR_PERCENTAGE_DISTRIBUTED = (bigtot / total_pot) * 100
+ if bigtot == 0:
+ bigtot = 1
+ percentage_increase = np.log(total_pot / bigtot) / 100
+ for pk, grant_calc in totals.items():
+ grant_calc['clr_amount'] = grant_calc['clr_amount'] * (1 + percentage_increase) if grant_calc['clr_amount'] else 0
+ # find grant we added the contribution to and get the new clr amount
+ if grant_id and totals.get(grant_id):
+ clr = totals[grant_id]
+ return (
+ clr,
+ clr['clr_amount']
+ )
+ # print(f'info: no contributions found for grant {grant_id}')
+ return (totals, 0.0)
+def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainnet', only_grant_pk=None, what='full'):
+ import time
+ # setup
+ clr_calc_start_time = timezone.now()
+ debug_output = []
+ # one-time data call
+ total_pot = float(clr_round.total_pot)
+ v_threshold = float(clr_round.verified_threshold)
+ print(f"- starting fetch_grants at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ grants = fetch_grants(clr_round, network)
+ # override the grants list to the one selected
+ if only_grant_pk:
+ grants = grants.filter(pk=only_grant_pk)
+ print(f"- starting get data and sum at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # collect contributions for clr_round into temp table
+ initial_query = get_summed_contribs_query(grants, clr_round.start_date, clr_round.end_date, clr_round.contribution_multiplier, network)
+ # open cursor and execute the groupBy sum for the round
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ counter = 0
+ curr_agg = {}
+ # execute to populate shared state for the round
+ cursor.execute(initial_query) # (we could potential do better here by sharing this temp table between rounds)
+ for _row in cursor.fetchall():
+ if not curr_agg.get(_row[0]):
+ curr_agg[_row[0]] = {}
+ curr_agg[_row[0]][_row[1]] = _row[2]
+ if len(curr_agg) == 0:
+ print(f'- done - No Contributions for CLR {clr_round.round_num}. Exiting')
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}\n")
+ return
+ print(f"- starting current grant calc (free of predictions) at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ curr_grants_clr, _ = calculate_clr_for_donation(
+ None, 0, cursor, total_pot, v_threshold
+ )
+ if what == 'slim':
+ # if we are only calculating slim CLR calculations, return here and save 97% compute power
+ print(f"- saving slim grant calc at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ total_count = len(curr_grants_clr.items())
+ for grant_id, grant_calc in curr_grants_clr.items():
+ counter += 1
+ if counter % 10 == 0 or True:
+ print(f"- {counter}/{total_count} grants iter, pk:{grant_id}, at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # update latest calcs with current distribution
+ grant = clr_round.grants.using('default').get(pk=grant_id)
+ latest_calc = grant.clr_calculations.using('default').filter(latest=True, grantclr=clr_round).order_by('-pk').first()
+ if not latest_calc:
+ print(f"- - could not find latest clr calc for {grant_id} ")
+ continue
+ clr_prediction_curve = copy.deepcopy(latest_calc.clr_prediction_curve)
+ clr_prediction_curve[0][1] = grant_calc['clr_amount'] if grant_calc else 0.0 # update only the existing match estimate
+ print(clr_prediction_curve)
+ clr_round.record_clr_prediction_curve(grant, clr_prediction_curve)
+ grant.save()
+ # if we are only calculating slim CLR calculations, return here and save 97% compute power
+ print(f"- done calculating at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}\n")
+ return
+ # calculate clr given additional donations
+ total_count = grants.count()
+ print(f"- starting grants iter at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # calculate each grant as a distinct input
+ for grant in grants:
+ # five potential additional donations plus the base case of 0
+ potential_donations = [0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
+ # debug the run...
+ counter += 1
+ if counter % 10 == 0 or True:
+ print(f"- {counter}/{total_count} grants iter, pk:{grant.id}, at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # if no contributions have been made for this grant then the pairwise will fail and no match will be discovered
+ if not curr_agg.get(grant.id):
+ grants_clr = None
+ potential_clr = [0.0 for x in range(0, 6)]
+ else:
+ potential_clr = []
+ for amount in potential_donations:
+ # no need to run the calculation multiple times for amount=0 (will always be the same result)
+ if amount == 0:
+ # use the current distribution calc
+ grants_clr = curr_grants_clr.get(grant.id)
+ predicted_clr = grants_clr['clr_amount'] if grants_clr else 0.0
+ else:
+ # this is used when you want to count final distribution and ignore the prediction
+ if what == 'final':
+ # ignore the other ones
+ grants_clr = None
+ predicted_clr = 0.0
+ else:
+ # calculate clr with each additional donation
+ grants_clr, predicted_clr = calculate_clr_for_donation(
+ grant.id, amount, cursor, total_pot, v_threshold
+ )
+ # record each point of the predicition
+ potential_clr.append(predicted_clr)
+ # save the result of the prediction
+ if save_to_db:
+ _grant = Grant.objects.get(pk=grant.id)
+ clr_prediction_curve = list(zip(potential_donations, potential_clr))
+ base = clr_prediction_curve[0][1]
+ _grant.last_clr_calc_date = timezone.now()
+ _grant.next_clr_calc_date = timezone.now() + timezone.timedelta(minutes=60)
+ # check that we have enough data to set the curve
+ can_estimate = True if base or clr_prediction_curve[1][1] or clr_prediction_curve[2][1] or clr_prediction_curve[3][1] else False
+ if can_estimate:
+ clr_prediction_curve = [[ele[0], ele[1], ele[1] - base] for ele in clr_prediction_curve ]
+ else:
+ clr_prediction_curve = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for x in range(0, 6)]
+ print(clr_prediction_curve)
+ # save the new predicition curve via the model
+ clr_round.record_clr_prediction_curve(_grant, clr_prediction_curve)
+ _grant.save()
+ debug_output.append({'grant': grant.id, "clr_prediction_curve": (potential_donations, potential_clr), "grants_clr": grants_clr})
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}\n")
+ return debug_output
diff --git a/app/grants/clr3.py b/app/grants/clr3.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27d821beebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/grants/clr3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Define the Grants application configuration.
+Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+import copy
+from django.db import connection
+from django.utils import timezone
+import numpy as np
+from grants.models import Contribution, Grant, GrantCollection
+from townsquare.models import SquelchProfile
+def fetch_grants(clr_round, network='mainnet'):
+ grant_filters = clr_round.grant_filters
+ collection_filters = clr_round.collection_filters
+ grants = clr_round.grants.filter(network=network, hidden=False, active=True, is_clr_eligible=True, link_to_new_grant=None)
+ if grant_filters:
+ # Grant Filters (grant_type, category)
+ grants = grants.filter(**grant_filters)
+ elif collection_filters:
+ # Collection Filters
+ grant_ids = GrantCollection.objects.filter(**collection_filters).values_list('grants', flat=True)
+ grants = grants.filter(pk__in=grant_ids)
+ return grants
+def get_summed_contribs_query(grants, created_after, created_before, multiplier, network):
+ # only consider contribs from current grant set
+ grantIds = ''
+ for i in range(len(grants)):
+ grantIds += "'" + str(grants[i].id) + "'" + (', ' if i+1 != len(grants) else '')
+ summedContribs = f'''
+ -- group by ... sum the contributions $ value for each user
+ grants.use_grant_id as grant_id,
+ grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id as user_id,
+ SUM((grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'amount_per_period_usdt')::FLOAT * {float(multiplier)}),
+ MAX(dashboard_profile.as_dict ->> 'trust_bonus')::FLOAT as trust_bonus
+ FROM grants_contribution
+ INNER JOIN dashboard_profile ON (grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id = dashboard_profile.id)
+ INNER JOIN grants_subscription ON (grants_contribution.subscription_id = grants_subscription.id)
+ grants_grant.id as grant_id,
+ (
+ WHEN grants_grant.defer_clr_to_id IS NOT NULL THEN grants_grant.defer_clr_to_id
+ ELSE grants_grant.id
+ ) as use_grant_id
+ FROM grants_grant
+ ) grants ON ((grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'id')::FLOAT = grants.grant_id)
+ grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'id' IN ({grantIds}) AND
+ grants_contribution.created_on >= '{created_after}' AND
+ grants_contribution.created_on <= '{created_before}' AND
+ grants_contribution.match = True AND
+ grants_subscription.network = '{network}' AND
+ grants_contribution.success = True AND
+ (grants_contribution.normalized_data ->> 'amount_per_period_usdt')::FLOAT >= 0 AND
+ NOT (
+ grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id IN (
+ SELECT squelched.profile_id FROM townsquare_squelchprofile squelched WHERE squelched.active = True
+ ) AND grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id IS NOT NULL
+ )
+ )
+ GROUP BY grants.use_grant_id, grants_contribution.profile_for_clr_id;
+ '''
+ return summedContribs
+def get_totals_by_pair(contrib_dict):
+ '''
+ gets pair totals between current round, current round
+ args:
+ aggregated contributions by pair nested dict
+ {
+ grant_id (str): {
+ user_id (str): aggregated_amount (float)
+ }
+ }
+ returns:
+ pair totals between current round
+ {user_id (str): {user_id (str): pair_total (float)}}
+ '''
+ tot_overlap = {}
+ # start pairwise match
+ for _, contribz in contrib_dict.items():
+ for k1, v1 in contribz.items():
+ if k1 not in tot_overlap:
+ tot_overlap[k1] = {}
+ # pairwise matches to current round
+ for k2, v2 in contribz.items():
+ if k2 not in tot_overlap[k1]:
+ tot_overlap[k1][k2] = 0
+ tot_overlap[k1][k2] += (v1 * v2) ** 0.5
+ return tot_overlap
+def calculate_clr(aggregated_contributions, pair_totals, trust_dict, v_threshold, total_pot):
+ '''
+ calculates the clr amount at the given threshold and total pot
+ args:
+ aggregated contributions by pair nested dict
+ {
+ grant_id (str): {
+ user_id (str): aggregated_amount (float)
+ }
+ }
+ pair_totals
+ {user_id (str): {user_id (str): pair_total (float)}}
+ trust_dict
+ {user_id (str): trust_score (float)}
+ v_threshold
+ float
+ total_pot
+ float
+ returns:
+ total clr award by grant, analytics, normalized by the normalization factor
+ [{'id': proj, 'number_contributions': _num, 'contribution_amount': _sum, 'clr_amount': tot}]
+ saturation point
+ boolean
+ '''
+ bigtot = 0
+ totals = {}
+ for proj, contribz in aggregated_contributions.items():
+ tot = 0
+ _num = 0
+ _sum = 0
+ # start pairwise matches
+ for k1, v1 in contribz.items():
+ _num += 1
+ _sum += v1
+ # pairwise matches to current round
+ for k2, v2 in contribz.items():
+ if int(k2) > int(k1):
+ tot += ((v1 * v2) ** 0.5) / (pair_totals[k1][k2] / (v_threshold * max(trust_dict[k2], trust_dict[k1])) + 1)
+ if type(tot) == complex:
+ tot = float(tot.real)
+ bigtot += tot
+ totals[proj] = {'number_contributions': _num, 'contribution_amount': _sum, 'clr_amount': tot}
+ if bigtot >= total_pot: # saturation reached
+ # print(f'saturation reached. Total Pot: ${total_pot} | Total Allocated ${bigtot}. Normalizing')
+ for key, t in totals.items():
+ t['clr_amount'] = ((t['clr_amount'] / bigtot) * total_pot)
+ else:
+ CLR_PERCENTAGE_DISTRIBUTED = (bigtot / total_pot) * 100
+ if bigtot == 0:
+ bigtot = 1
+ percentage_increase = np.log(total_pot / bigtot) / 100
+ for key, t in totals.items():
+ t['clr_amount'] = t['clr_amount'] * (1 + percentage_increase)
+ return totals
+def run_clr_calcs(curr_agg, trust_dict, v_threshold, total_pot):
+ '''
+ clubbed function that runs all calculation functions
+ args:
+ curr_agg :
+ {
+ grantId (int): {
+ profileId (str): amount (float)
+ }
+ }
+ trust_dict :
+ {
+ profileId (str): trust_bonus (float)
+ }
+ v_threshold : float
+ total_pot : float
+ returns:
+ grants clr award amounts (dict)
+ '''
+ # get pair totals
+ ptots = get_totals_by_pair(curr_agg)
+ # clr calcluation
+ totals = calculate_clr(curr_agg, ptots, trust_dict, v_threshold, total_pot)
+ return totals
+def calculate_clr_for_donation(curr_agg, trust_dict, grant_id, amount, v_threshold, total_pot):
+ '''
+ clubbed function that runs all calculation functions and returns the result for a single grant_id
+ args:
+ curr_agg :
+ {
+ grantId (int): {
+ profileId (str): amount (float)
+ }
+ }
+ trust_dict :
+ {
+ profileId (str): trust_bonus (float)
+ }
+ grant_id ; int
+ amount ; int
+ v_threshold : float
+ total_pot : float
+ returns:
+ (grant clr award amounts (dict), clr_amount (float), number_contributions (int), contribution_amount (float))
+ '''
+ # make sure contributions exist
+ if curr_agg.get(grant_id) or not grant_id:
+ # find grant in contributions list and add donation
+ if amount:
+ trust_dict['999999999999'] = 1
+ curr_agg[grant_id]['999999999999'] = amount
+ grants_clr = run_clr_calcs(curr_agg, trust_dict, v_threshold, total_pot)
+ # find grant we added the contribution to and get the new clr amount
+ if grants_clr.get(grant_id):
+ grant_clr = grants_clr.get(grant_id)
+ return (
+ grant_clr,
+ grant_clr['clr_amount'],
+ grant_clr['number_contributions'],
+ grant_clr['contribution_amount']
+ )
+ else:
+ grants_clr = None
+ # print(f'info: no contributions found for grant {grant}')
+ return (grants_clr, 0.0, 0, 0.0)
+def predict_clr(save_to_db=False, from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainnet', only_grant_pk=None, what='full'):
+ import time
+ # setup
+ clr_calc_start_time = timezone.now()
+ debug_output = []
+ # one-time data call
+ total_pot = float(clr_round.total_pot)
+ v_threshold = float(clr_round.verified_threshold)
+ print(f"- starting fetch_grants at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # grants, contributions = fetch_data(clr_round, network)
+ grants = fetch_grants(clr_round, network)
+ if only_grant_pk:
+ grants = grants.filter(pk=only_grant_pk)
+ print(f"- starting get data and sum at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # collect contributions for clr_round into temp table
+ initial_query = get_summed_contribs_query(grants, clr_round.start_date, clr_round.end_date, clr_round.contribution_multiplier, network)
+ # open cursor and execute the groupBy sum for the round
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ counter = 0
+ curr_agg = {}
+ trust_dict = {}
+ # execute to populate shared state for the round
+ cursor.execute(initial_query) # (we could potential do better here by sharing this temp table between rounds)
+ for _row in cursor.fetchall():
+ if not curr_agg.get(_row[0]):
+ curr_agg[_row[0]] = {}
+ trust_dict[_row[1]] = _row[3]
+ curr_agg[_row[0]][_row[1]] = _row[2]
+ if len(curr_agg) == 0:
+ print(f'- done - no Contributions for CLR {clr_round.round_num}. Exiting')
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}\n")
+ return
+ print(f"- starting current grant calc (free of predictions) at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ curr_grants_clr = run_clr_calcs(curr_agg, trust_dict, v_threshold, total_pot)
+ if what == 'slim':
+ # if we are only calculating slim CLR calculations, return here and save 97% compute power
+ print(f"- saving slim grant calc at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ total_count = len(curr_grants_clr.items())
+ for pk, grant_calc in curr_grants_clr.items():
+ counter += 1
+ if counter % 10 == 0 or True:
+ print(f"- {counter}/{total_count} grants iter, pk:{pk}, at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # update latest calcs with current distribution
+ grant_calc = curr_grants_clr[pk]
+ grant = clr_round.grants.using('default').get(pk=pk)
+ latest_calc = grant.clr_calculations.using('default').filter(latest=True, grantclr=clr_round).order_by('-pk').first()
+ if not latest_calc:
+ print(f"- - could not find latest clr calc for {grant.pk} ")
+ continue
+ clr_prediction_curve = copy.deepcopy(latest_calc.clr_prediction_curve)
+ clr_prediction_curve[0][1] = grant_calc['clr_amount'] # update only the existing match estimate
+ print(clr_prediction_curve)
+ clr_round.record_clr_prediction_curve(grant, clr_prediction_curve)
+ grant.save()
+ # if we are only calculating slim CLR calculations, return here and save 97% compute power
+ print(f"- done calculating at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}\n")
+ return
+ print(f"- starting grants iter at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # calculate clr given additional donations
+ total_count = grants.count()
+ for grant in grants:
+ # five potential additional donations plus the base case of 0
+ potential_donations = [0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
+ # debug the run...
+ counter += 1
+ if counter % 10 == 0 or True:
+ print(f"- {counter}/{total_count} grants iter, pk:{grant.id}, at {round(time.time(),1)}")
+ # if no contributions have been made for this grant then the pairwise will fail and no match will be discovered
+ if not curr_agg.get(grant.id):
+ grants_clr = None
+ potential_clr = [0.0 for x in range(0, 6)]
+ else:
+ potential_clr = []
+ for amount in potential_donations:
+ # no need to run the calculation multiple times for amount=0 (will always be the same result)
+ if amount == 0:
+ # use the current distribution calc
+ grants_clr = curr_grants_clr.get(grant.id)
+ predicted_clr = grants_clr['clr_amount'] if grants_clr else 0.0
+ else:
+ # this is used when you want to count final distribution and ignore the prediction
+ if what == 'final':
+ # ignore the other ones
+ grants_clr = None
+ predicted_clr = 0.0
+ else:
+ # calculate clr with each additional donation
+ grants_clr, predicted_clr, _, _ = calculate_clr_for_donation(
+ curr_agg, trust_dict, grant.id, amount, v_threshold, total_pot
+ )
+ # reset potential_donations
+ if amount and curr_agg.get(grant.id):
+ del curr_agg[grant.id]['999999999999']
+ # record each point of the predicition
+ potential_clr.append(predicted_clr)
+ # save the result of the prediction
+ if save_to_db:
+ _grant = Grant.objects.get(pk=grant.id)
+ clr_prediction_curve = list(zip(potential_donations, potential_clr))
+ base = clr_prediction_curve[0][1]
+ _grant.last_clr_calc_date = timezone.now()
+ _grant.next_clr_calc_date = timezone.now() + timezone.timedelta(minutes=60)
+ # check that we have enough data to set the curve
+ can_estimate = True if base or clr_prediction_curve[1][1] or clr_prediction_curve[2][1] or clr_prediction_curve[3][1] else False
+ if can_estimate:
+ clr_prediction_curve = [[ele[0], ele[1], ele[1] - base] for ele in clr_prediction_curve ]
+ else:
+ clr_prediction_curve = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for x in range(0, 6)]
+ print(clr_prediction_curve)
+ # save the new predicition curve via the model
+ clr_round.record_clr_prediction_curve(_grant, clr_prediction_curve)
+ _grant.save()
+ debug_output.append({'grant': grant.id, "clr_prediction_curve": (potential_donations, potential_clr), "grants_clr": grants_clr})
+ print(f"\nTotal execution time: {(timezone.now() - clr_calc_start_time)}\n")
+ return debug_output
diff --git a/app/grants/management/commands/analytics_clr2.py b/app/grants/management/commands/analytics_clr2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa0f6f1bada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/grants/management/commands/analytics_clr2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Define the Grant subminer management command.
+Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.db import connection
+from django.utils import timezone
+from dashboard.models import Profile
+from grants.clr2 import calculate_clr_for_donation, fetch_grants, get_summed_contribs_query
+from grants.models import GrantCLR
+def analytics_clr(from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainnet'):
+ # setup
+ # clr_calc_start_time = timezone.now()
+ debug_output = [['grant_id', 'grant_title', 'number_contributions', 'contribution_amount', 'clr_amount']]
+ # one-time data call
+ total_pot = float(clr_round.total_pot)
+ v_threshold = float(clr_round.verified_threshold)
+ print(total_pot)
+ grants = fetch_grants(clr_round, network)
+ # collect contributions for clr_round into temp table
+ initial_query = get_summed_contribs_query(grants, clr_round.start_date, clr_round.end_date, clr_round.contribution_multiplier, network)
+ # open cursor and execute the groupBy sum for the round
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ # execute to populate shared state for the round
+ cursor.execute(initial_query)
+ # calculate clr analytics output
+ for grant in grants:
+ _, clr_amount = calculate_clr_for_donation(
+ grant.id,
+ 0,
+ cursor,
+ total_pot,
+ v_threshold
+ )
+ debug_output.append([grant.id, grant.title, grant.positive_round_contributor_count, float(grant.amount_received_in_round), clr_amount])
+ return debug_output
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = 'calculate clr base analytic results for all clr rounds or for a specific clr round'
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument('network', type=str, default='mainnet', choices=['rinkeby', 'mainnet'])
+ parser.add_argument('clr_pk', type=str, default="all")
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ network = options['network']
+ clr_pk = options['clr_pk']
+ if clr_pk == "all":
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(is_active=True)
+ else:
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(pk=clr_pk)
+ if active_clr_rounds:
+ for clr_round in active_clr_rounds:
+ print(f"calculating CLR results for round: {clr_round.round_num} {clr_round.sub_round_slug}")
+ analytics = analytics_clr(
+ from_date=timezone.now(),
+ clr_round=clr_round,
+ network=network
+ )
+ print(analytics)
+ print(f"finished CLR results for round: {clr_round.round_num} {clr_round.sub_round_slug}")
+ else:
+ print("No active CLRs found")
diff --git a/app/grants/management/commands/analytics_clr3.py b/app/grants/management/commands/analytics_clr3.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6bc715e633e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/grants/management/commands/analytics_clr3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Define the Grant subminer management command.
+Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.db import connection
+from django.utils import timezone
+from grants.clr3 import calculate_clr_for_donation, fetch_grants, get_summed_contribs_query
+from grants.models import GrantCLR
+def analytics_clr(from_date=None, clr_round=None, network='mainnet'):
+ # setup
+ # clr_calc_start_time = timezone.now()
+ debug_output = [['grant_id', 'grant_title', 'number_contributions', 'contribution_amount', 'clr_amount']]
+ # one-time data call
+ total_pot = float(clr_round.total_pot)
+ v_threshold = float(clr_round.verified_threshold)
+ print(total_pot)
+ grants = fetch_grants(clr_round, network)
+ # collect contributions for clr_round into temp table
+ initial_query = get_summed_contribs_query(grants, clr_round.start_date, clr_round.end_date, clr_round.contribution_multiplier, network)
+ # open cursor and execute the groupBy sum for the round
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ curr_agg = {}
+ trust_dict = {}
+ # execute to populate shared state for the round
+ cursor.execute(initial_query) # (we could potential do better here by sharing this temp table between rounds)
+ for _row in cursor.fetchall():
+ if not curr_agg.get(_row[0]):
+ curr_agg[_row[0]] = {}
+ trust_dict[_row[1]] = _row[3]
+ curr_agg[_row[0]][_row[1]] = _row[2]
+ # calculate clr analytics output
+ for grant in grants:
+ _, clr_amount, num_contribs, contrib_amount = calculate_clr_for_donation(
+ curr_agg, trust_dict, grant.id, 0, v_threshold, total_pot
+ )
+ # debug_output.append([grant.id, grant.title, num_contribs, contrib_amount, clr_amount])
+ debug_output.append([grant.id, grant.title, grant.positive_round_contributor_count, float(grant.amount_received_in_round), clr_amount])
+ return debug_output
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = 'calculate clr base analytic results for all clr rounds or for a specific clr round'
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument('network', type=str, default='mainnet', choices=['rinkeby', 'mainnet'])
+ parser.add_argument('clr_pk', type=str, default="all")
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ network = options['network']
+ clr_pk = options['clr_pk']
+ if clr_pk == "all":
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(is_active=True)
+ else:
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(pk=clr_pk)
+ if active_clr_rounds:
+ for clr_round in active_clr_rounds:
+ print(f"calculating CLR results for round: {clr_round.round_num} {clr_round.sub_round_slug}")
+ analytics = analytics_clr(
+ from_date=timezone.now(),
+ clr_round=clr_round,
+ network=network
+ )
+ print(analytics)
+ print(f"finished CLR results for round: {clr_round.round_num} {clr_round.sub_round_slug}")
+ else:
+ print("No active CLRs found")
diff --git a/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr.py b/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr.py
index a425e1b2633..33cec050cae 100644
--- a/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr.py
+++ b/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
clr_pk = options['clr_pk']
what = options['what']
sync = options['sync']
- print (network, clr_pk, what, sync)
+ print ('clr', network, clr_pk, what, sync)
if clr_pk and clr_pk.isdigit():
active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(pk=clr_pk)
diff --git a/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr2.py b/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac395a9471a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Define the Grant subminer management command.
+Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.utils import timezone
+from grants.clr2 import predict_clr
+from grants.models import GrantCLR
+from grants.tasks import process_predict_clr
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = 'calculate CLR estimates for all grants'
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument('network', type=str, default='mainnet', choices=['rinkeby', 'mainnet'])
+ parser.add_argument('clr_pk', type=str, default="all")
+ parser.add_argument('what', type=str, default="full")
+ parser.add_argument('sync', type=str, default="false")
+ # slim = just run 0 contribution match upcate calcs
+ # full, run [0, 1, 10, 100, calcs across all grants]
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ network = options['network']
+ clr_pk = options['clr_pk']
+ what = options['what']
+ sync = options['sync']
+ print ('clr2', network, clr_pk, what, sync)
+ if clr_pk and clr_pk.isdigit():
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(pk=clr_pk)
+ else:
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(is_active=True)
+ if active_clr_rounds:
+ for clr_round in active_clr_rounds:
+ if sync == 'true':
+ # run it sync -> useful for payout / debugging
+ predict_clr(
+ save_to_db=True,
+ from_date=timezone.now(),
+ clr_round=clr_round,
+ network=network,
+ what=what,
+ )
+ else:
+ # runs it as celery task.
+ process_predict_clr(
+ save_to_db=True,
+ from_date=timezone.now(),
+ clr_round=clr_round,
+ network=network,
+ what=what,
+ )
+ else:
+ print("No active CLRs found")
diff --git a/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr3.py b/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr3.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8941d53ae30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/grants/management/commands/estimate_clr3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Define the Grant subminer management command.
+Copyright (C) 2021 Gitcoin Core
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.utils import timezone
+from grants.clr3 import predict_clr
+from grants.models import GrantCLR
+from grants.tasks import process_predict_clr
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = 'calculate CLR estimates for all grants'
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument('network', type=str, default='mainnet', choices=['rinkeby', 'mainnet'])
+ parser.add_argument('clr_pk', type=str, default="all")
+ parser.add_argument('what', type=str, default="full")
+ parser.add_argument('sync', type=str, default="false")
+ # slim = just run 0 contribution match upcate calcs
+ # full, run [0, 1, 10, 100, calcs across all grants]
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ network = options['network']
+ clr_pk = options['clr_pk']
+ what = options['what']
+ sync = options['sync']
+ print ('clr3', network, clr_pk, what, sync)
+ if clr_pk and clr_pk.isdigit():
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(pk=clr_pk)
+ else:
+ active_clr_rounds = GrantCLR.objects.filter(is_active=True)
+ if active_clr_rounds:
+ for clr_round in active_clr_rounds:
+ if sync == 'true':
+ # run it sync -> useful for payout / debugging
+ predict_clr(
+ save_to_db=True,
+ from_date=timezone.now(),
+ clr_round=clr_round,
+ network=network,
+ what=what,
+ )
+ else:
+ # runs it as celery task.
+ process_predict_clr(
+ save_to_db=True,
+ from_date=timezone.now(),
+ clr_round=clr_round,
+ network=network,
+ what=what,
+ )
+ else:
+ print("No active CLRs found")