A list of all the paths supported by the GitHub v3 API
This module is compiled by scraping
and collecting all the <code>
snippets that start with HTTP verbs.
npm install github-api-endpoints --save
You can use it programatically:
const endpoints = require('github-api-enpoints')
// 485
endpoints.filter(e => e.includes('GET /gists'))
// [
// 'GET /gists',
// 'GET /gists/:gist_id/comments',
// 'GET /gists/:gist_id/comments/:id',
// 'GET /gists/:id',
// 'GET /gists/:id/:sha',
// 'GET /gists/:id/commits',
// 'GET /gists/:id/forks',
// 'GET /gists/:id/star',
// 'GET /gists/public',
// 'GET /gists/starred'
// ]
Or you can install it globally and use it on the command line:
npm i -g github-api-endpoints
github-api-endpoints | grep branches | grep DELETE
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/enforce_admins
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_pull_request_reviews
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks/contexts
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/teams
# DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/users
See endpoints.json
You can also get a list of URL paths:
const paths = require('github-api-endpoints/paths.json')
For the raw list of paths, see paths.json
npm install
npm test
- chai: BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
- cheerio: Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server
- got: Simplified HTTP requests
- http-verbs: Export http verbs as constants.
- lodash: Lodash modular utilities.
- mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework
- standard: JavaScript Standard Style
- standard-markdown: Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™