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File metadata and controls

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Data providers put a lot of effort in organizing and maintaining metadata that precisely describes their data files. This information is invaluable for users and for software developers that provide users with user-friendly VO-enabled applications. For example, such metadata can characterize the different axes of the reference system in which the data is expressed, or the history of a measurement, like the publication where the measurement was drawn from, the calibration type, and so forth. In order to be interoperable, this metadata must refer to some Data Model that is known to all parties: the IVOA defines and maintains such standardized Data Models that describe astronomical data in an abstract, interoperable way.

In order to enable such interoperable, extensible, portable annotation of data files, one needs:

  • A language to unambiguously and efficiently describe Data Models and their elements’ identifiers (VO-DML, [@vodml]).

  • Pointers linking a specific piece of information (data or metadata) to the Data Model element it represents1.

  • A mapping specification that unambiguously describes the mapping strategies that lead to faithful representations of Data Model instances in a specific format.

Without a consistent language for describing Data Models there can be no interoperability among them, through reuse of models by models, or in their use in other specifications. Such a language must be expressive and formal enough to enable the serialization of data types of growing complexity and the development of reusable, extensible software components and libraries that can make the technological uptake of the VO standards seamless and scalable.

For serializations to non-standard representations one needs to map the abstract Data Model to a particular format meta-model. For instance, the VOTable format defines RESOURCEs, TABLEs, PARAMs, FIELDs, and so forth, and provides explicit attributes such as units, UCDs, and utypes: in order to represent instances of a Data Model, one needs to define an unambiguous mapping between these meta-model elements and the Data Model language, so to make it possible for software to be able to parse a file according to its Data Model and to Data Providers to mark up their data products.

While one might argue that a standard for portable, interoperable Data Model representation would have been required before one could think about such a mapping, we are specifying it only at a later stage. In particular several different interpretations of UTYPEs have been proposed and used [@usages]. This specification aims to resolve this ambiguity.

As a matter of fact, existing files and services can be made compliant according to this specification by simply adding annotations and keeping the old ones. So they do not need to change them in such a way that would necessarily make them incompatible with existing software.

Several sections of this document are utterly informative: in particular, the appendices provide more information about the impact of this specification to the current and future IVOA practices.

This specification describes how to represent Data Model instances using the VOTable schema. This representation uses the <VODML> element introduced for this purpose in VOTable v1.4 [@votable] and the structure of the VOTable meta-model elements to indicate how instances of data models are stored in VOTable documents. We show many examples and give a complete listing of allowed mapping patterns.

In sections [-@sec:usecases] to [-@sec:info] we give an introduction to why and how the VODML elements can be used to hold pointers into the data models.

Section [-@sec:normative] is a rigorous listing of all valid annotations, and the normative part of the specification. [Section @sec:other] describes ideas how this specification might be used for annotating other tabular formats, and how to generalize it to other, more structured data serialization formats.

The appendices contain additional material. [Section @sec:schema] describes the VODML annotation element that was added to the VOTable schema to support this mapping specification. [Section @sec:clients] describes different types of client software and how they could deal with VOTables annotated according to the current specification.

Throughout the document we will refer to some real or example Data Models. Please remember that such models have been designed to be fairly simple, yet complex enough to illustrate all the possible constructs that this specification covers. They are not to be intended as actual DMs, nor, by any means, this specification suggests their adoption by the IVOA or by users and or Data Providers. In some cases we refer to actual DMs in order to provide an idea of how this specification relates to real life cases involving actual DMs.

Use Cases {#sec:usecases}

This specification provides a standardized mechanism for annotating VOTables. In this sense, it enables an indefinite number of use cases, each specific to the Data Model instances being represented in VOTable format.

However, to give a sense of what it is possible to accomplish with this specification, we provide some explicit use cases relative to the VO domain.

A typical usage scenario may be a VOTable naïve (see [@sec:clients]) client that is sensitive to certain models only, say STC. Such a tool can be written to understand annotation with STC types. Finding an element mapped to a type definition from STC it might infer for example that it represents a coordinate on the sky and use this information according to its requirements.

Such a tool would not necessarily understand other models where such an STC type is used as a role. So, if the annotation refers to both the attribute’s role and type, even a naïve client can trivially find the information it needs. A more advanced client may want to read the Data Model Description File that describes the Data Model in a standardized, machine readable, fashion.

Other scenarios involve inheritance and polymorphism. Inheritance allows models to extend classes defined in other data models. Polymorphism is the common object-oriented design concept that says that the value of a property may be an instance of a subtype of the declared type. This is a common scenario, since different missions, instruments, or services may represent specializations of standard types. A client must be able to identify the information about a standard type, even if the serialization includes instances of its subtypes, as it usually happens in object-oriented languages and patterns.

Typed languages such as Java support a casting operation, which provides more information to the interpreter about the type it may expect a certain instance to be.

Serialize and de-serialize instances according to a data model. Using this specification (or software implementing it), a data provider can serialize the metadata for a dataset according to a data model. A client can build in memory a faithful representation of that instance according to the data provider's annotations, assuming the knowledge of a finite set of Data Model identifiers. For example, the client can find all the information about a Source by looking at a INSTANCE annotated with the with type src:source.Source, and interpret its components as the attributes of the object, identified by their identifier strings.

Model-unaware serialization and de-serialization. Model-unaware readers and writers can serialize and de-serialize instances according to specific data models by mapping the contents of a VOTable to model description files. This may include file browsing, code generation, data integration, etc.

VO-enabled plotting and fitting applications. An application whose main requirement is to display, plot, and/or fit data cannot be required to be aware of all data models. However, if these data models share some common representation of quantities, their errors, and their units, the application can discover these pieces of information and structure a plot, or perform a fit, with minimal user input: each point will be associated with an error bar, upper/lower limits, and other metadata. The application remains mostly Data Model-agnostic: it wouldn’t need to understand high-level concepts like Spectrum, or Photometry.

Validators. The existence of an explicit Data Model representation language and of a precise, unambiguous mapping specification enables the creation of universal validators, just as it happens for XML and XSD: the validator can parse the Data Model descriptions imported by the VOTable and check that the file represents valid instances of the Data Model.

VO Publishing Helper. A universal publisher application may help data providers in interactively mapping Data Models elements to their files or DB tables, either producing a VOTable template with the appropriate annotations, or by creating a DAL service on the fly. The VO Publisher application is not required to be DM-aware, since it can get all the information from the standardized description files.

VO Importer. Users and Data Providers may have non-compliant files that they want to convert to a VO-compliant format according to some data model: a DM-unaware Importer application may allow them to do so for any standard Data Model.

Extensibility. Most often each astronomical facility, instrument, or mission needs to express measurements and metadata attributes that are unique to the facility, instrument, or mission. A data provider may want to extend a Data Model, adding to the common information about astronomical sources and data products the metadata that is specific for their instruments or domain. The added metadata can be serialized in a standardized fashion so that the user can take advantage of the information.

The need for a mapping language

When encountering a data container, i.e. a file or database containing data, one may wish to interpret its contents according to some external, predefined data model. That is, one may want to try to identify and extract instances of the data model from amongst the information. For example in the global as view approach to information integration, one identifies elements (e.g. tables) defined in a global schema with views defined on the distributed databases2.

If one is told that the data container is structured according to some standard serialization format of the data model, one is done. I.e. if the local database is an exact implementation of the global schema, one needs no special annotation mechanism to identify these instances. An example of this is an XML document conforming to an XML schema that is an exact physical representation of the data model. We call such representations faithful.

But in an information integration project like the IVOA, which aims to homogenize access to many distributed heterogeneous data sets, databases and documents are in general not structured according to a standard representation of some predefined, global data model. The best one may hope for is to obtain an interpretation of the data set, defining it as a custom serialization of the result of a transformation of the global data model3. For example, even if databases themselves are exact replications of a global data model, results of general queries will be such custom serializations.

To interpret such a custom serialization one generally needs extra information that can provide a mapping of the serialization to the original model. If the serialization format is known, this mapping may be given in phrases containing elements both from the serialization format and the data model. For example if our serialization contains data stored in ‘rows’ in one or more ‘tables’ that each have a unique ‘name’ and contain ‘columns’ also with a ‘name’, you might be able to say things like:

  • The rows in this table named SOURCE contain instances of object type ‘Source’ as defined in data model ‘SourceDM’.

  • The type’s ‘name’ attribute (having datatype ‘string’, a primitive type) also acts as the identifier of the Source instances and is stored in the single column with ID 'name'.

  • The type’s ‘classification’ attribute is stored in the table column CLASSIFICATION (from the data model we know its datatype is an enumeration with certain values, e.g. ‘star’, ‘galaxy’, ‘agn’).

  • The type’s ‘position’ attribute (being of structured data type ‘SkyCoordinate’ defined in model ‘SourceDM’) is stored over the two columns RA and DEC, where RA stores the SkyCoordinate’s attribute ‘longitude’, DEC stores the ‘latitude‘ attribute. Both must be interpreted using an instance of the SkyCoordinateSystem type, This instance is stored in 1) another document elsewhere, referenced by a reference to a URI, or 2) in this document, by means of an identifier.

  • Instances from the collection of luminosities of the Source instances are stored in the same row as the source itself. Columns MAG_U and ERR_U give the ‘magnitude’ and ‘error’ attributes of type LuminosityMeasurement in the “u band”, an instance of the Filter type. (stored elsewhere in this document (‘a reference to this Filter instance is ...’). Columns MAG_G and ERR_G ... etc.

  • Luminosity instances also have a filter relation that points to instances of the PhotometryFilter structured data type, defined in the IVOA PhotDM model, whose package is imported by the SourceDM.

In this example the emphasized words refer to concepts defined in VO-DML, a meta-model that is used as a formal language for expressing data models. The use of such a modeling language lies in the fact that it provides formal, simple, and implementation neutral definitions of the possible structure, the ‘type’ and ‘role’ of the elements from the actual data models that one may encounter in the serialization (SourceDM). This can be used to constrain or validate the serialization, but more importantly it allows us to formulate mapping rules between the serialization format (itself a kind of meta-model) and the meta-model, independent of the particular data models used; for example rules like:

  • An object type MUST be stored in an ‘INSTANCE’.

  • A ‘primitive type’ MUST be stored in a ‘COLUMN’.

  • A reference MUST identify an object type instance represented elsewhere, possibly in another ‘table’, possibly in the same table, possibly in another document.

  • An attribute SHOULD be stored in the same table as its containing object type.

  • etc

Clearly free-form English sentences as the ones in the example are not what we are after. If we want to be able to identify how a data model is represented in some custom serialization we need a formal, computer readable mapping language.

One part of the mapping language should be anchored in a formally defined serialization language. After all, for some tool to interpret a serialization, it MUST understand its format. A completely freeform serialization is not under consideration here. This document assumes VOTable, even though a discussion on other formats is provided in [@sec:other].

The mapping language must support the interpretation of elements from the serialization language in terms of elements from the data model. If we want to define a generic mapping mechanism, one by which we can describe how a general data model is serialized inside a VOTable, it is necessary to use a general data model language as the target for the mapping, such as the one described above. This language can give formal and more explicit meaning to data modeling concepts, possibly independent of specific languages representation languages such as XML schema, Java, or the relational model.

This document uses VO-DML as the target language.

The final ingredient in the mapping language is a mechanism that ties the components from the two different meta-models together into sentences. This generally requires some kind of explicit annotation, some meta-data elements that provide an identification of source to target structure. This document uses an extension to VOTable with a VODML element which can provide this link in a rather simple manner.

This solution is sufficient and it is in some sense the simplest and most explicit approach for annotating a VOTable. It may not be the most natural or suitable approach for other meta-models such as FITS or TAP_SCHEMA. We discuss this at the end of this document.


  1. This used to be the assumed role of the @utype attribute in VOTable and for example TAP. This document is based on the new VODML element in VOTable 1.4 [@votable].

  2. See, for example,

  3. Or alternatively as a transformation of a (standard) serialization of the data model.