Uses the Telegram Bot API as the communication channel to the server
Create a bot of your own by consulting @BotFather and use the bot token in the builder.
You also need to provide your user id which you can get by consulting @useridbot or the like.
Currently, it supports the following commands:
Retrieves basic information about the host machine.
Retrieves the screenshot of the host machine.
Retrieves the keystrokes recorded on the host machine.
Displays a messagebox on the host machine. Must be in the form:
/msgbox Title;;Message
Blocks keyboard and mouse inputs for a maximum of 60 seconds on the host machine.
No points for guessing.
Simulate a series of keystrokes. Must be in the form:
/keypress Something to type here
Simulate left mouse button click. Must be in the form:
/lclick <repetitions> <interval between subsequent clicks in milliseconds>
Simulate right mouse button click. Must be in the form:
/rclick <repetitions> <interval between subsequent clicks in milliseconds>
Simulate middle mouse button click. Must be in the form:
/mclick <repetitions> <interval between subsequent clicks in milliseconds>
Prepend a machine ID for targetted command. E.g: