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Title: aah Routes Configuration Desc: Application Routes configuration - domains, subdomains and wildcard subdomain. Keywords: routes config, routes configuration, namespace routes, group routes, routes, nested routes

aah Routes Configuration

aah Routes configuration is used to configure application domains and subdomains, static and application routes.

Learn configuration syntax.

Table of Contents

Domain Configuration

One or more domain/subdomain configurations get configured.

domain_name_key { ... } configuration goes under config section domains { ... } in routes.conf.

# Domain/subdomain Key Name
# Choose a `unique keyname` to define domain section and its configuration.
# Tip: domain name address, port no values could be used to create a 
# meaningful domain key, etc.
# Doc:
domain_key_name {
  # Name of the domain routes config.
  name = "app name routes"

  # aah is natively multi-tenant. It supports domains and subdomains.
  # Config `host` is used to determine domain/subdomain for the incoming request.
  # Wildcard subdomain is supported too.
  # It is an environment specific value, so define it in profile configuration.
  # For example: In aah website, `prod` profile has mapping for
  # and
  host = "localhost"

  # Port is used along with config `host` to identify incoming request.
  # For standard port `80` and `443`, put empty string or a value
  # Default value is `8080`.
  port = "80"

  # Denotes whether a domain is a subdomain. Wildcard subdomain is supported.
  # Default value is `false`.
  subdomain = false

  # Redirect trailing slash is to enable automatic redirection if current
  # route can't be matched but a `route` for the path with or without
  # the trailing slash exists.
  # Default value is `true`.
  redirect_trailing_slash = true

  # aah supports `405 MethodNotAllowed` status with `Allow` header as per
  # `RFC7231`, perfect for RESTful APIs.
  # Default value is `true`.
  method_not_allowed = true

  # aah supports HTTP `OPTIONS` request automatic replies.
  # User defined `OPTIONS` routes take priority over automatic replies.
  # It is perfect for RESTful APIs.
  # Default value is `true`.
  auto_options = true

  # Default auth is used when route does not have attribute `auth` defined.
  # Supported values are
  #   - auth_scheme_key_name
  #   - anonymous
  #   - authenticated
  # Default value is empty string.
  default_auth = "auth_scheme_key_name"

  # Anti-CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery protection)
  # aah protects all HTML forms automatically.
  # Note: It is not applicable for API and WebSocket.
  # Default value is `true`.
  anti_csrf_check = true

  # CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
  # Doc:
  # Refer CORS documentation.

Routes Configuration

routes { ... } configuration goes under the config section domain_name_key { ... } in routes.conf.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Routes Configuration
# Doc:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
routes {
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Choose a `unique name` for each route name. It is unique within one domain
  # configuration. Route name is used to get the Route URL in the Controller-
  # ctx.RouteURL("index"), as an example.
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  index {
    # Path is used to match incoming request URL. It must begin with `/`.
    # aah supports two types of path parameter definitions:
    #   - `:paramName` is called as named parameter
    #   - `*paramName` is called as catch-all parameter
    # Supports route constraints for the parameter.
    # NOTE:
    # Each route section supports nested routes definitions `routes { ... }`
    # up to `n` level.
    # It is required value, no default.
    path = "/"

    # HTTP verb/method mapping.
    #   - Supports multiple `HTTP` verbs as comma-separated values
    #   - Supports lowercase and uppercase
    # Default value is `GET`.
    method = "GET"

    # Controller mapping for mapped `path` and `method`.
    # It becomes a fully qualified package path with controller name.
    # Examples- (controller is defined with or without package prefix. `/` prefix is optional)
    #   - UserController
    #   - v1/user/UserController
    #   - v2/user/UserController
    #   - v1/admin/permission/PermissionsController
    #   - v2/admin/permission/PermissionsController
    # It is the required value and not a default one.
    controller = "AppController"

    # Action mapping for the mapped controller.
    # Default value is mapped based on config attribute `method`.
    #   GET         => Index
    #   POST        => Create
    #   PUT, PATCH  => Update
    #   DELETE      => Delete
    #   OPTIONS     => Options
    #   HEAD        => Head
    #   TRACE       => Trace
    action = "Index"

    # Auth scheme keyname (from security.auth_schemes { ... }) for the route.
    # Supported values are
    #   - auth_scheme_key_name
    #   - anonymous
    #   - authenticated
    # Default value is derived in any one these three ways:
    #   - Checks if parent route `auth` attribute value is defined and inherits it.
    #   - If not, then checks if `default_auth` attribute config value is defined
    # and inherits it.
    #   - Otherwise, it becomes undefined (empty string)
    # When undefined, possible outcomes are:
    #   - If auth schemes are defined in security.conf, then `403 Forbidden`
    #   - Otherwise, aah treats it as `anonymous`
    auth = "anonymous"

    # Max HTTP request body size gives the ability to control route request body size.
    # It gets applied to payload supported HTTP verbs, such as POST, PUT and DELETE.
    # Default value is from app config `request.max_body_size` which is `5mb`.
    max_body_size = "5mb"

    # Anti-CSRF config attribute is used to enable/disable CSRF protection.
    #   - For RESTful API route, disable it
    #   - Generally do not disable Anti-CSRF for web applications
    # Default value is `true`.
    anti_csrf_check = true

  # and so on ..

Catch-All Route Configuration

Since v0.12.0 Catch-all route support introduced at domain level as an Opt-In feature, its disabled by default.

  • If Catch-all route is not defined then existing flow applies (i.e. 404 route not found)
  • Define section catch_all { ... } at domain level config in routes.conf
  • All the route configuration attributes are supported. If path and method value provided in the catch-all section then its ignored, since those value is defaults to *


catch_all {
  controller = "CatchAllController"
  action = "Handle"

Samples of Nested Routes

Configuring nested routes (aka group routes and namespace) in aah is easy. Basically just define section routes { ... } with route any routes definition.

Take a look at the below config structure illustration:

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Routes Configuration
# Doc:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
routes {
  # unique route name
  <route_name1> {
    # this route attributes

    # child routes - level 1
    routes {
      # unique route name
      <route_name11> {
        # this route attributes

        # child routes - level 2
        routes {
          # unique route name
          <route_name111> {

            # you can go on any level with your creativity

        } # end - child routes - level 2
    } # end - child routes - level 1

  # unique route name
  <route_name2> {
    # same as above

Tips for nested Routes

Route Attribute Description
path Inherits parent path config as-is if child config is not defined; otherwise aah prefixes parent path with child path
method Provided value otherwise default value used; i.e. GET.
controller Inherits parent controller config as-is if child config is not defined
action Value is chosen based on HTTP verb if it is not defined
auth Inherits parent auth config as-is if child config is not defined
authorization Inherits parent authorization config as-is if child one is not defined
max_body_size If it is not specified, then uses request.max_body_size config value from aah.conf
anti_csrf_check Default value is true for web applications. It does not apply for REST API applications.

Note: If you have APIs within a web application, then set this attribute to false


# Let us say controller `UserController` and
# it has actions `List`, Index, `Create`, `Update`, `Delete`, `Settings` and `UpdateSettings`.

# URLs are:
Get Users            - GET    /v1/users
Create User          - POST   /v1/users
Get User             - GET    /v1/users/:id
Update User          - PATCH  /v1/users/:id
Delete User          - DELETE /v1/users/:id
Get User Settings    - GET    /v1/users/:id/settings
Update User Settings - PATCH  /v1/users/:id/settings

#### NOTE: This is just to demonstrate the nested routes. Creativity has no end, right? :)
routes {
  v1_api {
    path = "/v1"

    routes {
      # /v1/users
      users {
        path = "/users"
        controller = "UserController"
        action = "List"

        routes {
          # /v1/users
          create_user {
            method = "POST"

          routes {
            path = "/:id"

            routes {
              # /v1/users/:id
              get_user {
                # Inherits from parent[[s]]

              # /v1/users/:id
              update_user {
                method = "PATCH"

              # /v1/users/:id
              delete_user {
                method = "DELETE"

              # /v1/users/:id/settings
              get_user_settings {
                path = "/settings"
                action = "Settings"

              # /v1/users/:id/settings
              update_user_settings {
                path = "/settings"
                method = "PATCH"
                action = "UpdateSettings"
      } # end users routes section
  } # end v1_api