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Docker container for 'debos' tool.


docker pull godebos/debos

Debos needs virtualization to be enabled on the host and shared with the container.

Check that kvm is enabled and writable by the user running the docker container by running ls /dev/kvm


/!\ This container should be used as an executable, i.e. there is no need to add debos after godebos/debos.

To build recipe.yaml:

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --device /dev/kvm --user $(id -u) --workdir /recipes --mount "type=bind,source=$(pwd),destination=/recipes" --security-opt label=disable godebos/debos <RECIPE.yaml>

If debos fails to run the KVM fakemachine backend and the /dev/kvm device exists on your host, you may need to add the owning group of the device as a supplementary group of the container. This will work if ls -l /dev/kvm indicates that the owning group has read-write access to the device. Adding the supplementary group may be unsafe depending on the owning group of /dev/kvm, but it could be required depending on your login provider. To add the group, add --group-add "$(stat -c '%g' /dev/kvm)" to your docker run command before godebos/debos. See Docker run reference -- Additional Groups for more information.

Container build

To build the debos container image from current git branch:

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t godebos/debos .


Unit tests

Run unit tests:

docker-compose -f docker/unit-tests.test.yml up --build --exit-code-from=sut