All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
- fix static fileserver matching rules (432b8d7)
- fix [issue #9] static operator occur panic (1be6d62)
- fix deepcopy operator, to fix all request share the same operator object problem (0d72142)
- fix user must provide route path at least in one way (af8d5d5)
- fix wrap binding request error by statuserros (3b9cd61)
- fix handle statuserrors for message in response (5e7387e)
- fix 修改注入方法名称 (30cf8a0)
- feat supoort statuscode (6d6e24e)
- fix 修改 groupOperator 的方法为小些,内部方法 (73fd9ac)
- fix listen addr bug (6150195)
- fix 增加 listenAndServe 启动 和 shutdown 关闭 (fd04e19)