English | 简体中文
Arklet 提供了 SOFAArk 基座和模块的运维接口,通过 Arklet 可以轻松灵活的进行 Ark Biz 的发布和运维。
Arklet 内部由 ArkletComponent 构成
- ApiClient: The core components responsible for interacting with the outside world
- ApiClient: 负责与外界交互的核心组件
- CommandService: Arklet 暴露能力指令定义和扩展
- OperationService: Ark Biz 与 SOFAArk 交互,增删改查,封装基础能力
- HealthService: 基于基座、模块系统等指标统计健康和稳定性
当然,您也可以通过实现 ArkletComponent 接口来扩展 Arklet 的组件功能。
Arklet 通过外部暴露指令 API,通过每个 API 映射的 CommandHandler 内部处理指令。
CommandHandler 相关扩展属于 CommandService 组件统一管理
你可以通过继承 AbstractCommandHandler 来自定义扩展指令
下面所有的指令 API 都是通过 POST(application/json) 请求格式访问 arklet
使用的是 http 协议,1238 端口
JVM 启动参数覆盖默认端口
- URL:
- input sample:
- output sample:
"desc":"query all ark biz(including master biz)",
"desc":"list all supported commands",
"desc":"uninstall one ark biz",
"desc":"switch one ark biz",
"desc":"install one ark biz",
- URL:
- 输入例子:
"bizName": "test",
"bizVersion": "1.0.0",
// local path should start with file://, alse support remote url which can be downloaded
"bizUrl": "file:///Users/jaimezhang/workspace/github/sofa-ark-dynamic-guides/dynamic-provider/target/dynamic-provider-1.0.0-ark-biz.jar"
- 输出例子(success):
"message":"Install Biz: dynamic-provider:1.0.0 success, cost: 1092 ms, started at: 16:07:47,769"
- 输出例子(failed):
"message":"Biz: dynamic-provider:1.0.0 has been installed or registered."
- URL:
- 输入例子:
- 输出例子(success):
- 输出例子(failed):
"message":"Uninstall biz: test:1.0.0 not found."
- URL:
- 输入例子:
- 输出例子:
- URL:
- 输入例子:
- 输出例子:
"mainClass":"embed main",
- URL:
- 输入信息:
- 输出信息:
"code": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"healthData": {
"jvm": {
"max non heap memory(M)": -9.5367431640625E-7,
"java version": "1.8.0_331",
"max memory(M)": 885.5,
"max heap memory(M)": 885.5,
"used heap memory(M)": 137.14127349853516,
"used non heap memory(M)": 62.54662322998047,
"loaded class count": 10063,
"init non heap memory(M)": 2.4375,
"total memory(M)": 174.5,
"free memory(M)": 37.358726501464844,
"unload class count": 0,
"total class count": 10063,
"committed heap memory(M)": 174.5,
"java home": "****\\jre",
"init heap memory(M)": 64.0,
"committed non heap memory(M)": 66.203125,
"run time(s)": 34.432
"cpu": {
"count": 4,
"total used (%)": 131749.0,
"type": "****",
"user used (%)": 9.926451054656962,
"free (%)": 81.46475495070172,
"system used (%)": 6.249762806548817
"masterBizInfo": {
"webContextPath": "/",
"bizName": "bookstore-manager",
"bizState": "ACTIVATED",
"bizVersion": "1.0.0"
"pluginListInfo": [
"artifactId": "web-ark-plugin",
"groupId": "com.alipay.sofa",
"pluginActivator": "com.alipay.sofa.ark.web.embed.WebPluginActivator",
"pluginName": "web-ark-plugin",
"pluginUrl": "file:/****/2.2.3-SNAPSHOT/web-ark-plugin-2.2.3-20230901.090402-2.jar!/",
"pluginVersion": "2.2.3-SNAPSHOT"
"artifactId": "runtime-sofa-boot-plugin",
"groupId": "com.alipay.sofa",
"pluginActivator": "com.alipay.sofa.runtime.ark.plugin.SofaRuntimeActivator",
"pluginName": "runtime-sofa-boot-plugin",
"pluginUrl": "file:/****/runtime-sofa-boot-plugin-3.11.0.jar!/",
"pluginVersion": "3.11.0"
"masterBizHealth": {
"readinessState": "ACCEPTING_TRAFFIC"
"bizListInfo": [
"bizName": "bookstore-manager",
"bizState": "ACTIVATED",
"bizVersion": "1.0.0",
"webContextPath": "/"
- 输入例子:
"type": "system",
// [OPTIONAL] if metrics is null -> query all system health info
"metrics": ["cpu", "jvm"]
- 输出例子:
"code": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"healthData": {
"jvm": {...},
"cpu": {...},
// "masterBizHealth": {...}
- 输入例子:
"type": "biz",
// [OPTIONAL] if moduleName is null and moduleVersion is null -> query all biz
"moduleName": "bookstore-manager",
// [OPTIONAL] if moduleVersion is null -> query all biz named moduleName
"moduleVersion": "1.0.0"
- 输出例子:
"code": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"healthData": {
"bizInfo": {
"bizName": "bookstore-manager",
"bizState": "ACTIVATED",
"bizVersion": "1.0.0",
"webContextPath": "/"
// "bizListInfo": [
// {
// "bizName": "bookstore-manager",
// "bizState": "ACTIVATED",
// "bizVersion": "1.0.0",
// "webContextPath": "/"
// }
// ]
- 输入例子:
"type": "plugin",
// [OPTIONAL] if moduleName is null -> query all biz
"moduleName": "web-ark-plugin"
- 输出例子:
"code": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"healthData": {
"pluginListInfo": [
"artifactId": "web-ark-plugin",
"groupId": "com.alipay.sofa",
"pluginActivator": "com.alipay.sofa.ark.web.embed.WebPluginActivator",
"pluginName": "web-ark-plugin",
"pluginUrl": "file:/****/web-ark-plugin-2.2.3-20230901.090402-2.jar!/",
"pluginVersion": "2.2.3-SNAPSHOT"
使用 endpoint 来查询 k8s 模块的健康信息
** 默认配置 **
- endpoints path:
- endpoints 服务端口:
** http 结果码 **
: 所有健康指标都健康UNHEALTHY(400)
: 至少有一个健康指标已经不健康ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND(404)
: 遇到异常
- url:
- method: GET
- 输出例子
"healthy": true,
"code": 200,
"codeType": "HEALTHY",
"data": {
"jvm": {...},
"masterBizHealth": {...},
"cpu": {...},
"masterBizInfo": {...},
"bizListInfo": [...],
"pluginListInfo": [...]
- url:{moduleType} (moduleType must in ['biz', 'plugin'])
- method: GET
- 输出例子
"healthy": true,
"code": 200,
"codeType": "HEALTHY",
"data": {
"bizListInfo": [...],
// "pluginListInfo": [...]
- url:{moduleType}/moduleName/moduleVersion (moduleType must in ['biz', 'plugin'])
- method: GET
- 输出例子
"healthy": true,
"code": 200,
"codeType": "HEALTHY",
"data": {
"bizInfo": {...},
// "pluginInfo": {...}