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Missing features
Dylan Trotter edited this page Mar 28, 2017
11 revisions
- decorators
- lambdas
- pow operator
- relative imports
- importing module members
- wildcard import
- __builtin__
- __future__
- __main__
- _winreg
- abc
- aifc
- anydbm
- argparse
- array
- ast
- asynchat
- asyncore
- atexit
- audioop
- base64
- BaseHTTPServer
- bdb
- binascii
- binhex
- bisect
- bsddb
- bz2
- calendar
- Carbon
- cgi
- cgitb
- chunk
- cmath
- cmd
- code
- codecs
- codeop
- collections
- namedtuple
- colorsys
- compileall
- ConfigParser
- contextlib
- Cookie
- cookielib
- copy
- copy_reg
- cPickle
- cProfile
- crypt
- cStringIO
- csv
- ctypes
- curses
- datetime
- dbhash
- dbm
- decimal
- difflib
- dis
- distutils
- doctest
- DocXMLRPCServer
- dumbdbm
- dummy_thread
- dummy_threading
- encodings
- ensurepip
- errno
- exceptions
- fcntl
- filecmp
- fileinput
- findertools
- fnmatch
- formatter
- fpectl
- fractions
- ftplib
- functools
- future_builtins
- gc
- gdbm
- gensuitemodule
- getopt
- getpass
- gettext
- glob
- grp
- gzip
- hashlib
- heapq
- hmac
- hotshot
- htmlentitydefs
- HTMLParser
- httplib
- imaplib
- imghdr
- imp
- importlib
- imputil
- inspect
- io
- itertools
- json
- keyword
- lib2to3
- linecache
- locale
- logging
- macpath
- mailbox
- mailcap
- marshal
- math
- md5
- mhlib
- mimetools
- mimetypes
- MimeWriter
- mimify
- mmap
- modulefinder
- multifile
- multiprocessing
- mutex
- netrc
- nntplib
- numbers
- operator
- optparse
- os
- parser
- pdb
- pickle
- pickletools
- pipes
- pkgutil
- platform
- plistlib
- popen2
- poplib
- posix
- posixfile
- pprint
- profile
- pstats
- pty
- pwd
- py_compile
- pyclbr
- pydoc
- Queue
- quopri
- random
- re
- readline
- resource
- rexec
- rfc822
- rlcompleter
- robotparser
- runpy
- sched
- ScrolledText
- select
- sha
- shelve
- shlex
- shutil
- signal
- SimpleHTTPServer
- SimpleXMLRPCServer
- site
- smtpd
- smtplib
- sndhdr
- socket
- SocketServer
- spwd
- sqlite3
- ssl
- stat
- statvfs
- string
- StringIO
- stringprep
- struct
- subprocess
- sunau
- symbol
- symtable
- sys
- sysconfig
- syslog
- tabnanny
- tarfile
- telnetlib
- tempfile
- termios
- test
- textwrap
- thread
- threading
- time
- timeit
- Tix
- Tkinter
- token
- tokenize
- trace
- traceback
- ttk
- tty
- turtle
- types
- unicodedata
- unittest
- urllib
- urllib2
- urlparse
- user
- UserDict
- UserList
- UserString
- uu
- uuid
- warnings
- wave
- weakref
- webbrowser
- whichdb
- wsgiref
- xdrlib
- xml
- xmlrpclib
- zipfile
- zipimport
- zlib