diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bcdb1c586 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +[run] +branch = True + +[report] +show_missing = True +omit = + google/pubsub/__init__.py +exclude_lines = + # Re-enable the standard pragma + pragma: NO COVER + # Ignore debug-only repr + def __repr__ + # Ignore pkg_resources exceptions. + # This is added at the module level as a safeguard for if someone + # generates the code and tries to run it without pip installing. This + # makes it virtually impossible to test properly. + except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/MANIFEST.in b/owl-bot-staging/v1/MANIFEST.in new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4daeccbde --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/MANIFEST.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +recursive-include google/pubsub *.py +recursive-include google/pubsub_v1 *.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c7897d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +Python Client for Google Pubsub API +================================================= + +Quick Start +----------- + +In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps: + +1. `Select or create a Cloud Platform project.`_ +2. `Enable billing for your project.`_ +3. Enable the Google Pubsub API. +4. `Setup Authentication.`_ + +.. _Select or create a Cloud Platform project.: https://console.cloud.google.com/project +.. _Enable billing for your project.: https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/modify-project#enable_billing_for_a_project +.. _Setup Authentication.: https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/auth.html + +Installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Install this library in a `virtualenv`_ using pip. `virtualenv`_ is a tool to +create isolated Python environments. The basic problem it addresses is one of +dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. + +With `virtualenv`_, it's possible to install this library without needing system +install permissions, and without clashing with the installed system +dependencies. + +.. _`virtualenv`: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/ + + +Mac/Linux +^^^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + source /bin/activate + /bin/pip install /path/to/library + + +Windows +^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + \Scripts\activate + \Scripts\pip.exe install \path\to\library diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/conf.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99cf05e5f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# +# google-pubsub documentation build configuration file +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its +# containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys +import os +import shlex + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. 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Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +# +# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. +# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. +language = None + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +# today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and +# directories to ignore when looking for source files. +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all +# documents. +# default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +# add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +# add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. They are ignored by default. +# show_authors = False + +# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. +pygments_style = "sphinx" + +# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. +# modindex_common_prefix = [] + +# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. +# keep_warnings = False + +# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing. +todo_include_todos = True + + +# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- + +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for +# a list of builtin themes. +html_theme = "alabaster" + +# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme +# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +html_theme_options = { + "description": "Google Client Libraries for Python", + "github_user": "googleapis", + "github_repo": "google-cloud-python", + "github_banner": True, + "font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, sans", + "head_font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, serif", + "code_font_family": "'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas', monospace", +} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +# html_theme_path = [] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# " v documentation". +# html_title = None + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +# html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +# html_logo = None + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +# html_favicon = None + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ["_static"] + +# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or +# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. 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Default is True. +# html_show_sphinx = True + +# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +# html_show_copyright = True + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the +# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. +# html_use_opensearch = '' + +# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). +# html_file_suffix = None + +# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index. +# Sphinx supports the following languages: +# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja' +# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr' +# html_search_language = 'en' + +# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default. +# Now only 'ja' uses this config value +# html_search_options = {'type': 'default'} + +# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that +# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used. +# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js' + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = "google-pubsub-doc" + +# -- Options for warnings ------------------------------------------------------ + + +suppress_warnings = [ + # Temporarily suppress this to avoid "more than one target found for + # cross-reference" warning, which are intractable for us to avoid while in + # a mono-repo. + # See https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/blob + # /2a65ffeef5c107c19084fabdd706cdff3f52d93c/sphinx/domains/python.py#L843 + "ref.python" +] + +# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- + +latex_elements = { + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + # 'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + # 'preamble': '', + # Latex figure (float) alignment + # 'figure_align': 'htbp', +} + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, +# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). +latex_documents = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-pubsub.tex", + u"google-pubsub Documentation", + author, + "manual", + ) +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +# latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +# latex_use_parts = False + +# If true, show page references after internal links. +# latex_show_pagerefs = False + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# latex_show_urls = False + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# latex_domain_indices = True + + +# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- + +# One entry per manual page. List of tuples +# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). +man_pages = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-pubsub", + u"Google Pubsub Documentation", + [author], + 1, + ) +] + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# man_show_urls = False + + +# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- + +# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, +# dir menu entry, description, category) +texinfo_documents = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-pubsub", + u"google-pubsub Documentation", + author, + "google-pubsub", + "GAPIC library for Google Pubsub API", + "APIs", + ) +] + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# texinfo_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# texinfo_domain_indices = True + +# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' + +# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False + + +# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. +intersphinx_mapping = { + "python": ("http://python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", None), + "gax": ("https://gax-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", None), + "google-auth": ("https://google-auth.readthedocs.io/en/stable", None), + "google-gax": 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+1,7 @@ +API Reference +------------- +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + pubsub_v1/services + pubsub_v1/types diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/publisher.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/publisher.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a132656d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/publisher.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Publisher +--------------------------- + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher + :members: + :inherited-members: + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers + :members: + :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/schema_service.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/schema_service.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cb7a0496 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/schema_service.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +SchemaService +------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service + :members: + :inherited-members: + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.pagers + :members: + :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/services.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/services.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ab7d9e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/services.rst @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Services for Google Pubsub v1 API +================================= +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + publisher + schema_service + subscriber diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/subscriber.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/subscriber.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f2c74a41 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/subscriber.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Subscriber +---------------------------- + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber + :members: + :inherited-members: + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.pagers + :members: + :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/types.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/types.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..964dfe575 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/pubsub_v1/types.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Types for Google Pubsub v1 API +============================== + +.. automodule:: google.pubsub_v1.types + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0a03eed8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.client import PublisherClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.async_client import PublisherAsyncClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.client import SchemaServiceClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.async_client import SchemaServiceAsyncClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.client import SubscriberClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.async_client import SubscriberAsyncClient + +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import AcknowledgeRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import CreateSnapshotRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import DeadLetterPolicy +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import DeleteSnapshotRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import DeleteSubscriptionRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import DeleteTopicRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import DetachSubscriptionRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import DetachSubscriptionResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ExpirationPolicy +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import GetSnapshotRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import GetSubscriptionRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import GetTopicRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListSnapshotsRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListSnapshotsResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListSubscriptionsRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListSubscriptionsResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListTopicSnapshotsRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListTopicSnapshotsResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListTopicsRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListTopicsResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import MessageStoragePolicy +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ModifyAckDeadlineRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ModifyPushConfigRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import PublishRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import PublishResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import PubsubMessage +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import PullRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import PullResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import PushConfig +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import ReceivedMessage +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import RetryPolicy +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import SchemaSettings +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import SeekRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import SeekResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import Snapshot +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import StreamingPullRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import StreamingPullResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import Subscription +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import Topic +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import UpdateSnapshotRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import UpdateSubscriptionRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.pubsub import UpdateTopicRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import CreateSchemaRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import DeleteSchemaRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import GetSchemaRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import ListSchemasRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import ListSchemasResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import Schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import ValidateMessageRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import ValidateMessageResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import ValidateSchemaRequest +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import ValidateSchemaResponse +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import Encoding +from google.pubsub_v1.types.schema import SchemaView + +__all__ = ('PublisherClient', + 'PublisherAsyncClient', + 'SchemaServiceClient', + 'SchemaServiceAsyncClient', + 'SubscriberClient', + 'SubscriberAsyncClient', + 'AcknowledgeRequest', + 'CreateSnapshotRequest', + 'DeadLetterPolicy', + 'DeleteSnapshotRequest', + 'DeleteSubscriptionRequest', + 'DeleteTopicRequest', + 'DetachSubscriptionRequest', + 'DetachSubscriptionResponse', + 'ExpirationPolicy', + 'GetSnapshotRequest', + 'GetSubscriptionRequest', + 'GetTopicRequest', + 'ListSnapshotsRequest', + 'ListSnapshotsResponse', + 'ListSubscriptionsRequest', + 'ListSubscriptionsResponse', + 'ListTopicSnapshotsRequest', + 'ListTopicSnapshotsResponse', + 'ListTopicsRequest', + 'ListTopicsResponse', + 'ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest', + 'ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse', + 'MessageStoragePolicy', + 'ModifyAckDeadlineRequest', + 'ModifyPushConfigRequest', + 'PublishRequest', + 'PublishResponse', + 'PubsubMessage', + 'PullRequest', + 'PullResponse', + 'PushConfig', + 'ReceivedMessage', + 'RetryPolicy', + 'SchemaSettings', + 'SeekRequest', + 'SeekResponse', + 'Snapshot', + 'StreamingPullRequest', + 'StreamingPullResponse', + 'Subscription', + 'Topic', + 'UpdateSnapshotRequest', + 'UpdateSubscriptionRequest', + 'UpdateTopicRequest', + 'CreateSchemaRequest', + 'DeleteSchemaRequest', + 'GetSchemaRequest', + 'ListSchemasRequest', + 'ListSchemasResponse', + 'Schema', + 'ValidateMessageRequest', + 'ValidateMessageResponse', + 'ValidateSchemaRequest', + 'ValidateSchemaResponse', + 'Encoding', + 'SchemaView', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b0e37433 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-pubsub package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e4f49d6e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +from .services.publisher import PublisherClient +from .services.publisher import PublisherAsyncClient +from .services.schema_service import SchemaServiceClient +from .services.schema_service import SchemaServiceAsyncClient +from .services.subscriber import SubscriberClient +from .services.subscriber import SubscriberAsyncClient + +from .types.pubsub import AcknowledgeRequest +from .types.pubsub import CreateSnapshotRequest +from .types.pubsub import DeadLetterPolicy +from .types.pubsub import DeleteSnapshotRequest +from .types.pubsub import DeleteSubscriptionRequest +from .types.pubsub import DeleteTopicRequest +from .types.pubsub import DetachSubscriptionRequest +from .types.pubsub import DetachSubscriptionResponse +from .types.pubsub import ExpirationPolicy +from .types.pubsub import GetSnapshotRequest +from .types.pubsub import GetSubscriptionRequest +from .types.pubsub import GetTopicRequest +from .types.pubsub import ListSnapshotsRequest +from .types.pubsub import ListSnapshotsResponse +from .types.pubsub import ListSubscriptionsRequest +from .types.pubsub import ListSubscriptionsResponse +from .types.pubsub import ListTopicSnapshotsRequest +from .types.pubsub import ListTopicSnapshotsResponse +from .types.pubsub import ListTopicsRequest +from .types.pubsub import ListTopicsResponse +from .types.pubsub import ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest +from .types.pubsub import ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse +from .types.pubsub import MessageStoragePolicy +from .types.pubsub import ModifyAckDeadlineRequest +from .types.pubsub import ModifyPushConfigRequest +from .types.pubsub import PublishRequest +from .types.pubsub import PublishResponse +from .types.pubsub import PubsubMessage +from .types.pubsub import PullRequest +from .types.pubsub import PullResponse +from .types.pubsub import PushConfig +from .types.pubsub import ReceivedMessage +from .types.pubsub import RetryPolicy +from .types.pubsub import SchemaSettings +from .types.pubsub import SeekRequest +from .types.pubsub import SeekResponse +from .types.pubsub import Snapshot +from .types.pubsub import StreamingPullRequest +from .types.pubsub import StreamingPullResponse +from .types.pubsub import Subscription +from .types.pubsub import Topic +from .types.pubsub import UpdateSnapshotRequest +from .types.pubsub import UpdateSubscriptionRequest +from .types.pubsub import UpdateTopicRequest +from .types.schema import CreateSchemaRequest +from .types.schema import DeleteSchemaRequest +from .types.schema import GetSchemaRequest +from .types.schema import ListSchemasRequest +from .types.schema import ListSchemasResponse +from .types.schema import Schema +from .types.schema import ValidateMessageRequest +from .types.schema import ValidateMessageResponse +from .types.schema import ValidateSchemaRequest +from .types.schema import ValidateSchemaResponse +from .types.schema import Encoding +from .types.schema import SchemaView + +__all__ = ( + 'PublisherAsyncClient', + 'SchemaServiceAsyncClient', + 'SubscriberAsyncClient', +'AcknowledgeRequest', +'CreateSchemaRequest', +'CreateSnapshotRequest', +'DeadLetterPolicy', +'DeleteSchemaRequest', +'DeleteSnapshotRequest', +'DeleteSubscriptionRequest', +'DeleteTopicRequest', +'DetachSubscriptionRequest', +'DetachSubscriptionResponse', +'Encoding', +'ExpirationPolicy', +'GetSchemaRequest', +'GetSnapshotRequest', +'GetSubscriptionRequest', +'GetTopicRequest', +'ListSchemasRequest', +'ListSchemasResponse', +'ListSnapshotsRequest', +'ListSnapshotsResponse', +'ListSubscriptionsRequest', +'ListSubscriptionsResponse', +'ListTopicSnapshotsRequest', +'ListTopicSnapshotsResponse', +'ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest', +'ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse', +'ListTopicsRequest', +'ListTopicsResponse', +'MessageStoragePolicy', +'ModifyAckDeadlineRequest', +'ModifyPushConfigRequest', +'PublishRequest', +'PublishResponse', +'PublisherClient', +'PubsubMessage', +'PullRequest', +'PullResponse', +'PushConfig', +'ReceivedMessage', +'RetryPolicy', +'Schema', +'SchemaServiceClient', +'SchemaSettings', +'SchemaView', +'SeekRequest', +'SeekResponse', +'Snapshot', +'StreamingPullRequest', +'StreamingPullResponse', +'SubscriberClient', +'Subscription', +'Topic', +'UpdateSnapshotRequest', +'UpdateSubscriptionRequest', +'UpdateTopicRequest', +'ValidateMessageRequest', +'ValidateMessageResponse', +'ValidateSchemaRequest', +'ValidateSchemaResponse', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/gapic_metadata.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/gapic_metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c5b86bd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/gapic_metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ + { + "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods", + "language": "python", + "libraryPackage": "google.pubsub_v1", + "protoPackage": "google.pubsub.v1", + "schema": "1.0", + "services": { + "Publisher": { + "clients": { + "grpc": { + "libraryClient": "PublisherClient", + "rpcs": { + "CreateTopic": { + "methods": [ + "create_topic" + ] + }, + "DeleteTopic": { + "methods": [ + "delete_topic" + ] + }, + "DetachSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "detach_subscription" + ] + }, + "GetTopic": { + "methods": [ + "get_topic" + ] + }, + "ListTopicSnapshots": { + "methods": [ + "list_topic_snapshots" + ] + }, + "ListTopicSubscriptions": { + "methods": [ + "list_topic_subscriptions" + ] + }, + "ListTopics": { + "methods": [ + "list_topics" + ] + }, + "Publish": { + "methods": [ + "publish" + ] + }, + "UpdateTopic": { + "methods": [ + "update_topic" + ] + } + } + }, + "grpc-async": { + "libraryClient": "PublisherAsyncClient", + "rpcs": { + "CreateTopic": { + "methods": [ + "create_topic" + ] + }, + "DeleteTopic": { + "methods": [ + "delete_topic" + ] + }, + "DetachSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "detach_subscription" + ] + }, + "GetTopic": { + "methods": [ + "get_topic" + ] + }, + "ListTopicSnapshots": { + "methods": [ + "list_topic_snapshots" + ] + }, + "ListTopicSubscriptions": { + "methods": [ + "list_topic_subscriptions" + ] + }, + "ListTopics": { + "methods": [ + "list_topics" + ] + }, + "Publish": { + "methods": [ + "publish" + ] + }, + "UpdateTopic": { + "methods": [ + "update_topic" + ] + } + } + } + } + }, + "SchemaService": { + "clients": { + "grpc": { + "libraryClient": "SchemaServiceClient", + "rpcs": { + "CreateSchema": { + "methods": [ + "create_schema" + ] + }, + "DeleteSchema": { + "methods": [ + "delete_schema" + ] + }, + "GetSchema": { + "methods": [ + "get_schema" + ] + }, + "ListSchemas": { + "methods": [ + "list_schemas" + ] + }, + "ValidateMessage": { + "methods": [ + "validate_message" + ] + }, + "ValidateSchema": { + "methods": [ + "validate_schema" + ] + } + } + }, + "grpc-async": { + "libraryClient": "SchemaServiceAsyncClient", + "rpcs": { + "CreateSchema": { + "methods": [ + "create_schema" + ] + }, + "DeleteSchema": { + "methods": [ + "delete_schema" + ] + }, + "GetSchema": { + "methods": [ + "get_schema" + ] + }, + "ListSchemas": { + "methods": [ + "list_schemas" + ] + }, + "ValidateMessage": { + "methods": [ + "validate_message" + ] + }, + "ValidateSchema": { + "methods": [ + "validate_schema" + ] + } + } + } + } + }, + "Subscriber": { + "clients": { + "grpc": { + "libraryClient": "SubscriberClient", + "rpcs": { + "Acknowledge": { + "methods": [ + "acknowledge" + ] + }, + "CreateSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "create_snapshot" + ] + }, + "CreateSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "create_subscription" + ] + }, + "DeleteSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "delete_snapshot" + ] + }, + "DeleteSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "delete_subscription" + ] + }, + "GetSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "get_snapshot" + ] + }, + "GetSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "get_subscription" + ] + }, + "ListSnapshots": { + "methods": [ + "list_snapshots" + ] + }, + "ListSubscriptions": { + "methods": [ + "list_subscriptions" + ] + }, + "ModifyAckDeadline": { + "methods": [ + "modify_ack_deadline" + ] + }, + "ModifyPushConfig": { + "methods": [ + "modify_push_config" + ] + }, + "Pull": { + "methods": [ + "pull" + ] + }, + "Seek": { + "methods": [ + "seek" + ] + }, + "StreamingPull": { + "methods": [ + "streaming_pull" + ] + }, + "UpdateSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "update_snapshot" + ] + }, + "UpdateSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "update_subscription" + ] + } + } + }, + "grpc-async": { + "libraryClient": "SubscriberAsyncClient", + "rpcs": { + "Acknowledge": { + "methods": [ + "acknowledge" + ] + }, + "CreateSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "create_snapshot" + ] + }, + "CreateSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "create_subscription" + ] + }, + "DeleteSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "delete_snapshot" + ] + }, + "DeleteSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "delete_subscription" + ] + }, + "GetSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "get_snapshot" + ] + }, + "GetSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "get_subscription" + ] + }, + "ListSnapshots": { + "methods": [ + "list_snapshots" + ] + }, + "ListSubscriptions": { + "methods": [ + "list_subscriptions" + ] + }, + "ModifyAckDeadline": { + "methods": [ + "modify_ack_deadline" + ] + }, + "ModifyPushConfig": { + "methods": [ + "modify_push_config" + ] + }, + "Pull": { + "methods": [ + "pull" + ] + }, + "Seek": { + "methods": [ + "seek" + ] + }, + "StreamingPull": { + "methods": [ + "streaming_pull" + ] + }, + "UpdateSnapshot": { + "methods": [ + "update_snapshot" + ] + }, + "UpdateSubscription": { + "methods": [ + "update_subscription" + ] + } + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b0e37433 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-pubsub package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4de65971c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2aa30c85 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .client import PublisherClient +from .async_client import PublisherAsyncClient + +__all__ = ( + 'PublisherClient', + 'PublisherAsyncClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/async_client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/async_client.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3df6a5ad5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/async_client.py @@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import functools +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .transports.base import PublisherTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport +from .client import PublisherClient + + +class PublisherAsyncClient: + """The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, + and to send messages to a topic. + """ + + _client: PublisherClient + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = PublisherClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = PublisherClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + schema_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.schema_path) + parse_schema_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_schema_path) + subscription_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.subscription_path) + parse_subscription_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_subscription_path) + topic_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.topic_path) + parse_topic_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_topic_path) + common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.common_billing_account_path) + parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) + common_folder_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.common_folder_path) + parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_common_folder_path) + common_organization_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.common_organization_path) + parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_common_organization_path) + common_project_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.common_project_path) + parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_common_project_path) + common_location_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.common_location_path) + parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(PublisherClient.parse_common_location_path) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + PublisherAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return PublisherClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(PublisherAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + PublisherAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return PublisherClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(PublisherAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + return PublisherClient.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) # type: ignore + + @property + def transport(self) -> PublisherTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + PublisherTransport: The transport used by the client instance. + """ + return self._client.transport + + get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(PublisherClient).get_transport_class, type(PublisherClient)) + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + transport: Union[str, PublisherTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", + client_options: ClientOptions = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the publisher client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ~.PublisherTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It + won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + self._client = PublisherClient( + credentials=credentials, + transport=transport, + client_options=client_options, + client_info=client_info, + + ) + + async def create_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.Topic, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Topic: + r"""Creates the given topic with the given name. See the [resource + name rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Topic( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic, dict]): + The request object. A topic resource. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the topic. It must have the format + ``"projects/{project}/topics/{topic}"``. ``{topic}`` + must start with a letter, and contain only letters + (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes (``-``), + underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes (``~``), + plus (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must be + between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not + start with ``"goog"``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic: + A topic resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.Topic(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Topic: + r"""Updates an existing topic. Note that certain + properties of a topic are not modifiable. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_update_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + topic = pubsub_v1.Topic() + topic.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateTopicRequest( + topic=topic, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.UpdateTopicRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the UpdateTopic method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic: + A topic resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic.name", request.topic.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def publish(self, + request: Union[pubsub.PublishRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + messages: Sequence[pubsub.PubsubMessage] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.PublishResponse: + r"""Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_publish(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PublishRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.publish(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.PublishRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the Publish method. + topic (:class:`str`): + Required. The messages in the request will be published + on this topic. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + messages (:class:`Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage]`): + Required. The messages to publish. + This corresponds to the ``messages`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.PublishResponse: + Response for the Publish method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic, messages]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.PublishRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + if messages: + request.messages.extend(messages) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.publish, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.Cancelled, + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.InternalServerError, + core_exceptions.ResourceExhausted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.GetTopicRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Topic: + r"""Gets the configuration of a topic. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetTopicRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetTopic method. + topic (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the topic to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic: + A topic resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.GetTopicRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_topics(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListTopicsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + project: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTopicsAsyncPager: + r"""Lists matching topics. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_topics(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topics(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListTopics` method. + project (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + topics. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``project`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers.ListTopicsAsyncPager: + Response for the ListTopics method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ListTopicsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project is not None: + request.project = project + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_topics, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("project", request.project), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTopicsAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_topic_subscriptions(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsAsyncPager: + r"""Lists the names of the attached subscriptions on this + topic. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_topic_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_subscriptions(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the + `ListTopicSubscriptions` method. + topic (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the topic that subscriptions are + attached to. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsAsyncPager: + Response for the ListTopicSubscriptions method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_topic_subscriptions, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_topic_snapshots(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsAsyncPager: + r"""Lists the names of the snapshots on this topic. Snapshots are + used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_topic_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_snapshots(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListTopicSnapshots` + method. + topic (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the topic that snapshots are + attached to. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsAsyncPager: + Response for the ListTopicSnapshots method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_topic_snapshots, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic + may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic + with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing + subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their ``topic`` + field is set to ``_deleted-topic_``. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_topic(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteTopicRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `DeleteTopic` + method. + topic (:class:`str`): + Required. Name of the topic to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def detach_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse: + r"""Detaches a subscription from this topic. All messages retained + in the subscription are dropped. Subsequent ``Pull`` and + ``StreamingPull`` requests will return FAILED_PRECONDITION. If + the subscription is a push subscription, pushes to the endpoint + will stop. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_detach_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DetachSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.detach_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DetachSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the DetachSubscription + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.DetachSubscriptionResponse: + Response for the DetachSubscription + method. Reserved for future use. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.detach_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. + + Replaces any existing policy. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `SetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `GetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def test_iam_permissions( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + r"""Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. + + If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest`): + The request object. Request message for + `TestIamPermissions` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~iam_policy_pb2.PolicyTestIamPermissionsResponse: + Response message for ``TestIamPermissions`` method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.test_iam_permissions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def __aenter__(self): + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-pubsub", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "PublisherAsyncClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/client.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52ab9bbf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/client.py @@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .transports.base import PublisherTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc import PublisherGrpcTransport +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +class PublisherClientMeta(type): + """Metaclass for the Publisher client. + + This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving + support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance + objects. + """ + _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[PublisherTransport]] + _transport_registry["grpc"] = PublisherGrpcTransport + _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + def get_transport_class(cls, + label: str = None, + ) -> Type[PublisherTransport]: + """Returns an appropriate transport class. + + Args: + label: The name of the desired transport. If none is + provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. + + Returns: + The transport class to use. + """ + # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. + if label: + return cls._transport_registry[label] + + # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one + # in the dictionary). + return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) + + +class PublisherClient(metaclass=PublisherClientMeta): + """The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, + and to send messages to a topic. + """ + + @staticmethod + def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): + """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. + + Convert "*.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.googleapis.com" to + "*.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.mtls.googleapis.com" respectively. + Args: + api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. + Returns: + str: converted mTLS api endpoint. + """ + if not api_endpoint: + return api_endpoint + + mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( + r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" + ) + + m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) + name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() + if mtls or not googledomain: + return api_endpoint + + if sandbox: + return api_endpoint.replace( + "sandbox.googleapis.com", "mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + ) + + return api_endpoint.replace(".googleapis.com", ".mtls.googleapis.com") + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "pubsub.googleapis.com" + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + ) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + PublisherClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + PublisherClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( + filename) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> PublisherTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + PublisherTransport: The transport used by the client + instance. + """ + return self._transport + + @staticmethod + def schema_path(project: str,schema: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified schema string.""" + return "projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}".format(project=project, schema=schema, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_schema_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a schema path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/schemas/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def subscription_path(project: str,subscription: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified subscription string.""" + return "projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}".format(project=project, subscription=subscription, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_subscription_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a subscription path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/subscriptions/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def topic_path(project: str,topic: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified topic string.""" + return "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_topic_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a topic path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/topics/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" + return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" + return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" + return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" + return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + use_client_cert = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false") + use_mtls_endpoint = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") + if use_client_cert not in ("true", "false"): + raise ValueError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` must be either `true` or `false`") + if use_mtls_endpoint not in ("auto", "never", "always"): + raise MutualTLSChannelError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT` must be `never`, `auto` or `always`") + + # Figure out the client cert source to use. + client_cert_source = None + if use_client_cert == "true": + if client_options.client_cert_source: + client_cert_source = client_options.client_cert_source + elif mtls.has_default_client_cert_source(): + client_cert_source = mtls.default_client_cert_source() + + # Figure out which api endpoint to use. + if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: + api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint + elif use_mtls_endpoint == "always" or (use_mtls_endpoint == "auto" and client_cert_source): + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + else: + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + return api_endpoint, client_cert_source + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Union[str, PublisherTransport, None] = None, + client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the publisher client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, PublisherTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + if isinstance(client_options, dict): + client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + + api_endpoint, client_cert_source_func = self.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) + + api_key_value = getattr(client_options, "api_key", None) + if api_key_value and credentials: + raise ValueError("client_options.api_key and credentials are mutually exclusive") + + # Save or instantiate the transport. + # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport + # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. + if isinstance(transport, PublisherTransport): + # transport is a PublisherTransport instance. + if credentials or client_options.credentials_file or api_key_value: + raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " + "provide its credentials directly.") + if client_options.scopes: + raise ValueError( + "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " + "directly." + ) + self._transport = transport + else: + import google.auth._default # type: ignore + + if api_key_value and hasattr(google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials"): + credentials = google.auth._default.get_api_key_credentials(api_key_value) + + Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) + self._transport = Transport( + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, + host=api_endpoint, + scopes=client_options.scopes, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, + quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + def create_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.Topic, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Topic: + r"""Creates the given topic with the given name. See the [resource + name rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Topic( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic, dict]): + The request object. A topic resource. + name (str): + Required. The name of the topic. It must have the format + ``"projects/{project}/topics/{topic}"``. ``{topic}`` + must start with a letter, and contain only letters + (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes (``-``), + underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes (``~``), + plus (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must be + between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not + start with ``"goog"``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic: + A topic resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.Topic. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.Topic): + request = pubsub.Topic(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_topic] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Topic: + r"""Updates an existing topic. Note that certain + properties of a topic are not modifiable. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_update_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + topic = pubsub_v1.Topic() + topic.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateTopicRequest( + topic=topic, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.UpdateTopicRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the UpdateTopic method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic: + A topic resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest): + request = pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_topic] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic.name", request.topic.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def publish(self, + request: Union[pubsub.PublishRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + messages: Sequence[pubsub.PubsubMessage] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.PublishResponse: + r"""Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_publish(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PublishRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.publish(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.PublishRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the Publish method. + topic (str): + Required. The messages in the request will be published + on this topic. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + messages (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage]): + Required. The messages to publish. + This corresponds to the ``messages`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.PublishResponse: + Response for the Publish method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic, messages]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.PublishRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.PublishRequest): + request = pubsub.PublishRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + if messages is not None: + request.messages = messages + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.publish] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.GetTopicRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Topic: + r"""Gets the configuration of a topic. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetTopicRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetTopic method. + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic: + A topic resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.GetTopicRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.GetTopicRequest): + request = pubsub.GetTopicRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_topic] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_topics(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListTopicsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + project: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTopicsPager: + r"""Lists matching topics. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_topics(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topics(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListTopics` method. + project (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + topics. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``project`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers.ListTopicsPager: + Response for the ListTopics method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ListTopicsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ListTopicsRequest): + request = pubsub.ListTopicsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project is not None: + request.project = project + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_topics] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("project", request.project), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTopicsPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_topic_subscriptions(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsPager: + r"""Lists the names of the attached subscriptions on this + topic. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_topic_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_subscriptions(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the + `ListTopicSubscriptions` method. + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic that subscriptions are + attached to. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsPager: + Response for the ListTopicSubscriptions method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest): + request = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_topic_subscriptions] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_topic_snapshots(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsPager: + r"""Lists the names of the snapshots on this topic. Snapshots are + used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_topic_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_snapshots(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListTopicSnapshots` + method. + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic that snapshots are + attached to. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsPager: + Response for the ListTopicSnapshots method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest): + request = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_topic_snapshots] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_topic(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest, dict] = None, + *, + topic: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic + may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic + with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing + subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their ``topic`` + field is set to ``_deleted-topic_``. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_topic(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteTopicRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `DeleteTopic` + method. + topic (str): + Required. Name of the topic to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([topic]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest): + request = pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_topic] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("topic", request.topic), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def detach_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse: + r"""Detaches a subscription from this topic. All messages retained + in the subscription are dropped. Subsequent ``Pull`` and + ``StreamingPull`` requests will return FAILED_PRECONDITION. If + the subscription is a push subscription, pushes to the endpoint + will stop. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_detach_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DetachSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.detach_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DetachSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the DetachSubscription + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.DetachSubscriptionResponse: + Response for the DetachSubscription + method. Reserved for future use. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest): + request = pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.detach_subscription] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + + def set_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. + + Replaces any existing policy. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `SetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.set_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does not have a + policy set. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `GetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if + any, should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.get_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + r"""Tests the specified IAM permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. + + If the function does not exist, this will return an empty set + of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest`): + The request object. Request message for + `TestIamPermissions` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, + if any, should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + Response message for ``TestIamPermissions`` method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.test_iam_permissions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-pubsub", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "PublisherClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/pagers.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/pagers.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82de4edc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/pagers.py @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator + +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub + + +class ListTopicsPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_topics`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``topics`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTopics`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``topics`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., pubsub.ListTopicsResponse], + request: pubsub.ListTopicsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListTopicsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListTopicsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.ListTopicsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.Topic]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.topics + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTopicsAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_topics`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``topics`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTopics`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``topics`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicsResponse]], + request: pubsub.ListTopicsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListTopicsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListTopicsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.ListTopicsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.Topic]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.topics: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTopicSubscriptionsPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_topic_subscriptions`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subscriptions`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTopicSubscriptions`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subscriptions`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse], + request: pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.subscriptions + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTopicSubscriptionsAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_topic_subscriptions`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subscriptions`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTopicSubscriptions`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subscriptions`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]], + request: pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[str]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.subscriptions: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTopicSnapshotsPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_topic_snapshots`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``snapshots`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTopicSnapshots`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``snapshots`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse], + request: pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.snapshots + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTopicSnapshotsAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_topic_snapshots`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``snapshots`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTopicSnapshots`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``snapshots`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]], + request: pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[str]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.snapshots: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..004f40449 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from typing import Dict, Type + +from .base import PublisherTransport +from .grpc import PublisherGrpcTransport +from .grpc_asyncio import PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +# Compile a registry of transports. +_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[PublisherTransport]] +_transport_registry['grpc'] = PublisherGrpcTransport +_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport + +__all__ = ( + 'PublisherTransport', + 'PublisherGrpcTransport', + 'PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/base.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/base.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4da881c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import abc +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union +import pkg_resources + +import google.auth # type: ignore +import google.api_core +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + 'google-pubsub', + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +class PublisherTransport(abc.ABC): + """Abstract transport class for Publisher.""" + + AUTH_SCOPES = ( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', + ) + + DEFAULT_HOST: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com' + def __init__( + self, *, + host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + """ + # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. + if ':' not in host: + host += ':443' + self._host = host + + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": self.AUTH_SCOPES} + + # Save the scopes. + self._scopes = scopes + + # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate + # defaults. + if credentials and credentials_file: + raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") + + if credentials_file is not None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( + credentials_file, + **scopes_kwargs, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id + ) + elif credentials is None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) + + # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. + if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): + credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) + + # Save the credentials. + self._credentials = credentials + + def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): + # Precompute the wrapped methods. + self._wrapped_methods = { + self.create_topic: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_topic: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.publish: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.publish, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.Cancelled, + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.InternalServerError, + core_exceptions.ResourceExhausted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_topic: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_topics: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_topics, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_topic_subscriptions: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_topic_subscriptions, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_topic_snapshots: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_topic_snapshots, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_topic: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_topic, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.detach_subscription: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.detach_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + } + + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.Topic], + Union[ + pubsub.Topic, + Awaitable[pubsub.Topic] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Topic, + Awaitable[pubsub.Topic] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def publish(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.PublishRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.PublishResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.PublishResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetTopicRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Topic, + Awaitable[pubsub.Topic] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_topics(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicsRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_topic_subscriptions(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_topic_snapshots(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def detach_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], + Union[policy_pb2.Policy, Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], + Union[policy_pb2.Policy, Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Union[ + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse, + Awaitable[iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse], + ], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + +__all__ = ( + 'PublisherTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/grpc.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/grpc.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd8bb68dc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/grpc.py @@ -0,0 +1,567 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +import google.auth # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .base import PublisherTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO + + +class PublisherGrpcTransport(PublisherTransport): + """gRPC backend transport for Publisher. + + The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, + and to send messages to a topic. + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Sequence[str] = None, + channel: grpc.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is + ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. + + Raises: + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + + return grpc_helpers.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: + """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. + """ + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def create_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.Topic], + pubsub.Topic]: + r"""Return a callable for the create topic method over gRPC. + + Creates the given topic with the given name. See the [resource + name rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). + + Returns: + Callable[[~.Topic], + ~.Topic]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/CreateTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.Topic.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Topic.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_topic'] + + @property + def update_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest], + pubsub.Topic]: + r"""Return a callable for the update topic method over gRPC. + + Updates an existing topic. Note that certain + properties of a topic are not modifiable. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateTopicRequest], + ~.Topic]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/UpdateTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Topic.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_topic'] + + @property + def publish(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.PublishRequest], + pubsub.PublishResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the publish method over gRPC. + + Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.PublishRequest], + ~.PublishResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'publish' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['publish'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/Publish', + request_serializer=pubsub.PublishRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.PublishResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['publish'] + + @property + def get_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetTopicRequest], + pubsub.Topic]: + r"""Return a callable for the get topic method over gRPC. + + Gets the configuration of a topic. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetTopicRequest], + ~.Topic]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/GetTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.GetTopicRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Topic.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_topic'] + + @property + def list_topics(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicsRequest], + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list topics method over gRPC. + + Lists matching topics. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTopicsRequest], + ~.ListTopicsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_topics' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_topics'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/ListTopics', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListTopicsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListTopicsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_topics'] + + @property + def list_topic_subscriptions(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest], + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list topic subscriptions method over gRPC. + + Lists the names of the attached subscriptions on this + topic. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest], + ~.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_topic_subscriptions' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_topic_subscriptions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/ListTopicSubscriptions', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_topic_subscriptions'] + + @property + def list_topic_snapshots(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest], + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list topic snapshots method over gRPC. + + Lists the names of the snapshots on this topic. Snapshots are + used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest], + ~.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_topic_snapshots' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_topic_snapshots'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/ListTopicSnapshots', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_topic_snapshots'] + + @property + def delete_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete topic method over gRPC. + + Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic + may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic + with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing + subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their ``topic`` + field is set to ``_deleted-topic_``. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteTopicRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/DeleteTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_topic'] + + @property + def detach_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest], + pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the detach subscription method over gRPC. + + Detaches a subscription from this topic. All messages retained + in the subscription are dropped. Subsequent ``Pull`` and + ``StreamingPull`` requests will return FAILED_PRECONDITION. If + the subscription is a push subscription, pushes to the endpoint + will stop. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DetachSubscriptionRequest], + ~.DetachSubscriptionResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'detach_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['detach_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/DetachSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['detach_subscription'] + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], policy_pb2.Policy]: + r"""Return a callable for the set iam policy method over gRPC. + Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified + function. Replaces any existing policy. + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetIamPolicyRequest], + ~.Policy]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "set_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/SetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], policy_pb2.Policy]: + r"""Return a callable for the get iam policy method over gRPC. + Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetIamPolicyRequest], + ~.Policy]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "get_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/GetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse + ]: + r"""Return a callable for the test iam permissions method over gRPC. + Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + Returns: + Callable[[~.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + ~.TestIamPermissionsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "test_iam_permissions" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/TestIamPermissions", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] + + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + +__all__ = ( + 'PublisherGrpcTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/grpc_asyncio.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/grpc_asyncio.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e369f866f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisher/transports/grpc_asyncio.py @@ -0,0 +1,572 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore +from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .base import PublisherTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .grpc import PublisherGrpcTransport + + +class PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport(PublisherTransport): + """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for Publisher. + + The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, + and to send messages to a topic. + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + + _grpc_channel: aio.Channel + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + """ + + return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: aio.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: + """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return + the same channel. + """ + # Return the channel from cache. + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def create_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.Topic], + Awaitable[pubsub.Topic]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create topic method over gRPC. + + Creates the given topic with the given name. See the [resource + name rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). + + Returns: + Callable[[~.Topic], + Awaitable[~.Topic]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/CreateTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.Topic.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Topic.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_topic'] + + @property + def update_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Topic]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update topic method over gRPC. + + Updates an existing topic. Note that certain + properties of a topic are not modifiable. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateTopicRequest], + Awaitable[~.Topic]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/UpdateTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Topic.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_topic'] + + @property + def publish(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.PublishRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.PublishResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the publish method over gRPC. + + Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.PublishRequest], + Awaitable[~.PublishResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'publish' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['publish'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/Publish', + request_serializer=pubsub.PublishRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.PublishResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['publish'] + + @property + def get_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetTopicRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Topic]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get topic method over gRPC. + + Gets the configuration of a topic. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetTopicRequest], + Awaitable[~.Topic]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/GetTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.GetTopicRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Topic.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_topic'] + + @property + def list_topics(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicsRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list topics method over gRPC. + + Lists matching topics. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTopicsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListTopicsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_topics' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_topics'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/ListTopics', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListTopicsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListTopicsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_topics'] + + @property + def list_topic_subscriptions(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list topic subscriptions method over gRPC. + + Lists the names of the attached subscriptions on this + topic. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_topic_subscriptions' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_topic_subscriptions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/ListTopicSubscriptions', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_topic_subscriptions'] + + @property + def list_topic_snapshots(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list topic snapshots method over gRPC. + + Lists the names of the snapshots on this topic. Snapshots are + used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_topic_snapshots' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_topic_snapshots'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/ListTopicSnapshots', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_topic_snapshots'] + + @property + def delete_topic(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete topic method over gRPC. + + Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if + the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic + may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic + with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing + subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their ``topic`` + field is set to ``_deleted-topic_``. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteTopicRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_topic' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_topic'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/DeleteTopic', + request_serializer=pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_topic'] + + @property + def detach_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the detach subscription method over gRPC. + + Detaches a subscription from this topic. All messages retained + in the subscription are dropped. Subsequent ``Pull`` and + ``StreamingPull`` requests will return FAILED_PRECONDITION. If + the subscription is a push subscription, pushes to the endpoint + will stop. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DetachSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[~.DetachSubscriptionResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'detach_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['detach_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Publisher/DetachSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['detach_subscription'] + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set iam policy method over gRPC. + Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified + function. Replaces any existing policy. + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetIamPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Policy]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "set_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/SetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get iam policy method over gRPC. + Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetIamPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Policy]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "get_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/GetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Awaitable[iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse], + ]: + r"""Return a callable for the test iam permissions method over gRPC. + Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + Returns: + Callable[[~.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Awaitable[~.TestIamPermissionsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "test_iam_permissions" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/TestIamPermissions", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] + + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + + +__all__ = ( + 'PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3887454c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .client import SchemaServiceClient +from .async_client import SchemaServiceAsyncClient + +__all__ = ( + 'SchemaServiceClient', + 'SchemaServiceAsyncClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/async_client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/async_client.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e14380ce --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/async_client.py @@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import functools +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema +from .transports.base import SchemaServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport +from .client import SchemaServiceClient + + +class SchemaServiceAsyncClient: + """Service for doing schema-related operations.""" + + _client: SchemaServiceClient + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = SchemaServiceClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = SchemaServiceClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + schema_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.schema_path) + parse_schema_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.parse_schema_path) + common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.common_billing_account_path) + parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) + common_folder_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.common_folder_path) + parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_folder_path) + common_organization_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.common_organization_path) + parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_organization_path) + common_project_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.common_project_path) + parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_project_path) + common_location_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.common_location_path) + parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_location_path) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SchemaServiceAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return SchemaServiceClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(SchemaServiceAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SchemaServiceAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return SchemaServiceClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(SchemaServiceAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + return SchemaServiceClient.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) # type: ignore + + @property + def transport(self) -> SchemaServiceTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + SchemaServiceTransport: The transport used by the client instance. + """ + return self._client.transport + + get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(SchemaServiceClient).get_transport_class, type(SchemaServiceClient)) + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + transport: Union[str, SchemaServiceTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", + client_options: ClientOptions = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the schema service client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ~.SchemaServiceTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It + won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + self._client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=credentials, + transport=transport, + client_options=client_options, + client_info=client_info, + + ) + + async def create_schema(self, + request: Union[gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + schema: gp_schema.Schema = None, + schema_id: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> gp_schema.Schema: + r"""Creates a schema. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.CreateSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the CreateSchema method. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the project in which to create the + schema. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + schema (:class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema`): + Required. The schema object to create. + + This schema's ``name`` parameter is ignored. The schema + object returned by CreateSchema will have a ``name`` + made using the given ``parent`` and ``schema_id``. + + This corresponds to the ``schema`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + schema_id (:class:`str`): + The ID to use for the schema, which will become the + final component of the schema's resource name. + + See + https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names + for resource name constraints. + + This corresponds to the ``schema_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema: + A schema resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent, schema, schema_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + if schema is not None: + request.schema = schema + if schema_id is not None: + request.schema_id = schema_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_schema(self, + request: Union[schema.GetSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> schema.Schema: + r"""Gets a schema. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetSchema method. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the schema to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema: + A schema resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = schema.GetSchemaRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_schemas(self, + request: Union[schema.ListSchemasRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListSchemasAsyncPager: + r"""Lists schemas in a project. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_schemas(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSchemasRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_schemas(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListSchemas` + method. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + schemas. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.pagers.ListSchemasAsyncPager: + Response for the ListSchemas method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = schema.ListSchemasRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_schemas, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListSchemasAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_schema(self, + request: Union[schema.DeleteSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Deletes a schema. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_schema(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `DeleteSchema` + method. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. Name of the schema to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = schema.DeleteSchemaRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def validate_schema(self, + request: Union[gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + schema: gp_schema.Schema = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse: + r"""Validates a schema. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_validate_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.validate_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ValidateSchema` + method. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the project in which to validate + schemas. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + schema (:class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema`): + Required. The schema object to + validate. + + This corresponds to the ``schema`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateSchemaResponse: + Response for the ValidateSchema method. + Empty for now. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent, schema]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + if schema is not None: + request.schema = schema + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.validate_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def validate_message(self, + request: Union[schema.ValidateMessageRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> schema.ValidateMessageResponse: + r"""Validates a message against a schema. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_validate_message(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateMessageRequest( + name="name_value", + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.validate_message(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateMessageRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ValidateMessage` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateMessageResponse: + Response for the ValidateMessage method. + Empty for now. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = schema.ValidateMessageRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.validate_message, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. + + Replaces any existing policy. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `SetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `GetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def test_iam_permissions( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + r"""Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. + + If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest`): + The request object. Request message for + `TestIamPermissions` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~iam_policy_pb2.PolicyTestIamPermissionsResponse: + Response message for ``TestIamPermissions`` method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.test_iam_permissions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def __aenter__(self): + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-pubsub", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "SchemaServiceAsyncClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/client.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e4b32957 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/client.py @@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema +from .transports.base import SchemaServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc import SchemaServiceGrpcTransport +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +class SchemaServiceClientMeta(type): + """Metaclass for the SchemaService client. + + This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving + support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance + objects. + """ + _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[SchemaServiceTransport]] + _transport_registry["grpc"] = SchemaServiceGrpcTransport + _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + def get_transport_class(cls, + label: str = None, + ) -> Type[SchemaServiceTransport]: + """Returns an appropriate transport class. + + Args: + label: The name of the desired transport. If none is + provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. + + Returns: + The transport class to use. + """ + # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. + if label: + return cls._transport_registry[label] + + # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one + # in the dictionary). + return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) + + +class SchemaServiceClient(metaclass=SchemaServiceClientMeta): + """Service for doing schema-related operations.""" + + @staticmethod + def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): + """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. + + Convert "*.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.googleapis.com" to + "*.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.mtls.googleapis.com" respectively. + Args: + api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. + Returns: + str: converted mTLS api endpoint. + """ + if not api_endpoint: + return api_endpoint + + mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( + r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" + ) + + m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) + name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() + if mtls or not googledomain: + return api_endpoint + + if sandbox: + return api_endpoint.replace( + "sandbox.googleapis.com", "mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + ) + + return api_endpoint.replace(".googleapis.com", ".mtls.googleapis.com") + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "pubsub.googleapis.com" + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + ) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SchemaServiceClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SchemaServiceClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( + filename) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> SchemaServiceTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + SchemaServiceTransport: The transport used by the client + instance. + """ + return self._transport + + @staticmethod + def schema_path(project: str,schema: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified schema string.""" + return "projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}".format(project=project, schema=schema, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_schema_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a schema path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/schemas/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" + return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" + return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" + return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" + return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + use_client_cert = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false") + use_mtls_endpoint = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") + if use_client_cert not in ("true", "false"): + raise ValueError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` must be either `true` or `false`") + if use_mtls_endpoint not in ("auto", "never", "always"): + raise MutualTLSChannelError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT` must be `never`, `auto` or `always`") + + # Figure out the client cert source to use. + client_cert_source = None + if use_client_cert == "true": + if client_options.client_cert_source: + client_cert_source = client_options.client_cert_source + elif mtls.has_default_client_cert_source(): + client_cert_source = mtls.default_client_cert_source() + + # Figure out which api endpoint to use. + if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: + api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint + elif use_mtls_endpoint == "always" or (use_mtls_endpoint == "auto" and client_cert_source): + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + else: + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + return api_endpoint, client_cert_source + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Union[str, SchemaServiceTransport, None] = None, + client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the schema service client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, SchemaServiceTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + if isinstance(client_options, dict): + client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + + api_endpoint, client_cert_source_func = self.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) + + api_key_value = getattr(client_options, "api_key", None) + if api_key_value and credentials: + raise ValueError("client_options.api_key and credentials are mutually exclusive") + + # Save or instantiate the transport. + # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport + # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. + if isinstance(transport, SchemaServiceTransport): + # transport is a SchemaServiceTransport instance. + if credentials or client_options.credentials_file or api_key_value: + raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " + "provide its credentials directly.") + if client_options.scopes: + raise ValueError( + "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " + "directly." + ) + self._transport = transport + else: + import google.auth._default # type: ignore + + if api_key_value and hasattr(google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials"): + credentials = google.auth._default.get_api_key_credentials(api_key_value) + + Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) + self._transport = Transport( + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, + host=api_endpoint, + scopes=client_options.scopes, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, + quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + def create_schema(self, + request: Union[gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + schema: gp_schema.Schema = None, + schema_id: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> gp_schema.Schema: + r"""Creates a schema. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.CreateSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the CreateSchema method. + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to create the + schema. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + schema (google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema): + Required. The schema object to create. + + This schema's ``name`` parameter is ignored. The schema + object returned by CreateSchema will have a ``name`` + made using the given ``parent`` and ``schema_id``. + + This corresponds to the ``schema`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + schema_id (str): + The ID to use for the schema, which will become the + final component of the schema's resource name. + + See + https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names + for resource name constraints. + + This corresponds to the ``schema_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema: + A schema resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent, schema, schema_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest): + request = gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + if schema is not None: + request.schema = schema + if schema_id is not None: + request.schema_id = schema_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_schema] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_schema(self, + request: Union[schema.GetSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> schema.Schema: + r"""Gets a schema. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetSchema method. + name (str): + Required. The name of the schema to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema: + A schema resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a schema.GetSchemaRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, schema.GetSchemaRequest): + request = schema.GetSchemaRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_schema] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_schemas(self, + request: Union[schema.ListSchemasRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListSchemasPager: + r"""Lists schemas in a project. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_schemas(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSchemasRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_schemas(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListSchemas` + method. + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + schemas. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.pagers.ListSchemasPager: + Response for the ListSchemas method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a schema.ListSchemasRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, schema.ListSchemasRequest): + request = schema.ListSchemasRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_schemas] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListSchemasPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_schema(self, + request: Union[schema.DeleteSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Deletes a schema. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_schema(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `DeleteSchema` + method. + name (str): + Required. Name of the schema to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a schema.DeleteSchemaRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, schema.DeleteSchemaRequest): + request = schema.DeleteSchemaRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_schema] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def validate_schema(self, + request: Union[gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + schema: gp_schema.Schema = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse: + r"""Validates a schema. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_validate_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.validate_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateSchemaRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ValidateSchema` + method. + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to validate + schemas. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + schema (google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema): + Required. The schema object to + validate. + + This corresponds to the ``schema`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateSchemaResponse: + Response for the ValidateSchema method. + Empty for now. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent, schema]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest): + request = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + if schema is not None: + request.schema = schema + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.validate_schema] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def validate_message(self, + request: Union[schema.ValidateMessageRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> schema.ValidateMessageResponse: + r"""Validates a message against a schema. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_validate_message(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateMessageRequest( + name="name_value", + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.validate_message(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateMessageRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ValidateMessage` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.ValidateMessageResponse: + Response for the ValidateMessage method. + Empty for now. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a schema.ValidateMessageRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, schema.ValidateMessageRequest): + request = schema.ValidateMessageRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.validate_message] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + + def set_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. + + Replaces any existing policy. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `SetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.set_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does not have a + policy set. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `GetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if + any, should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.get_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + r"""Tests the specified IAM permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. + + If the function does not exist, this will return an empty set + of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest`): + The request object. Request message for + `TestIamPermissions` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, + if any, should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + Response message for ``TestIamPermissions`` method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.test_iam_permissions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-pubsub", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "SchemaServiceClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/pagers.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/pagers.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a950dcd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/pagers.py @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator + +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema + + +class ListSchemasPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_schemas`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``schemas`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListSchemas`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``schemas`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., schema.ListSchemasResponse], + request: schema.ListSchemasRequest, + response: schema.ListSchemasResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = schema.ListSchemasRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[schema.ListSchemasResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[schema.Schema]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.schemas + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListSchemasAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_schemas`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``schemas`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListSchemas`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``schemas`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[schema.ListSchemasResponse]], + request: schema.ListSchemasRequest, + response: schema.ListSchemasResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSchemasResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = schema.ListSchemasRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[schema.ListSchemasResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[schema.Schema]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.schemas: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1a10058f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from typing import Dict, Type + +from .base import SchemaServiceTransport +from .grpc import SchemaServiceGrpcTransport +from .grpc_asyncio import SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +# Compile a registry of transports. +_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[SchemaServiceTransport]] +_transport_registry['grpc'] = SchemaServiceGrpcTransport +_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport + +__all__ = ( + 'SchemaServiceTransport', + 'SchemaServiceGrpcTransport', + 'SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/base.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/base.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d57d3e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import abc +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union +import pkg_resources + +import google.auth # type: ignore +import google.api_core +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + 'google-pubsub', + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +class SchemaServiceTransport(abc.ABC): + """Abstract transport class for SchemaService.""" + + AUTH_SCOPES = ( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', + ) + + DEFAULT_HOST: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com' + def __init__( + self, *, + host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + """ + # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. + if ':' not in host: + host += ':443' + self._host = host + + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": self.AUTH_SCOPES} + + # Save the scopes. + self._scopes = scopes + + # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate + # defaults. + if credentials and credentials_file: + raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") + + if credentials_file is not None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( + credentials_file, + **scopes_kwargs, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id + ) + elif credentials is None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) + + # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. + if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): + credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) + + # Save the credentials. + self._credentials = credentials + + def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): + # Precompute the wrapped methods. + self._wrapped_methods = { + self.create_schema: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_schema: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_schemas: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_schemas, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_schema: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.validate_schema: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.validate_schema, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.validate_message: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.validate_message, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + } + + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest], + Union[ + gp_schema.Schema, + Awaitable[gp_schema.Schema] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.GetSchemaRequest], + Union[ + schema.Schema, + Awaitable[schema.Schema] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_schemas(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.ListSchemasRequest], + Union[ + schema.ListSchemasResponse, + Awaitable[schema.ListSchemasResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.DeleteSchemaRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def validate_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest], + Union[ + gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse, + Awaitable[gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def validate_message(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.ValidateMessageRequest], + Union[ + schema.ValidateMessageResponse, + Awaitable[schema.ValidateMessageResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], + Union[policy_pb2.Policy, Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], + Union[policy_pb2.Policy, Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Union[ + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse, + Awaitable[iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse], + ], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + +__all__ = ( + 'SchemaServiceTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/grpc.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/grpc.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b094262fe --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/grpc.py @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +import google.auth # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema +from .base import SchemaServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO + + +class SchemaServiceGrpcTransport(SchemaServiceTransport): + """gRPC backend transport for SchemaService. + + Service for doing schema-related operations. + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Sequence[str] = None, + channel: grpc.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is + ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. + + Raises: + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + + return grpc_helpers.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: + """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. + """ + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def create_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest], + gp_schema.Schema]: + r"""Return a callable for the create schema method over gRPC. + + Creates a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateSchemaRequest], + ~.Schema]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/CreateSchema', + request_serializer=gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=gp_schema.Schema.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_schema'] + + @property + def get_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.GetSchemaRequest], + schema.Schema]: + r"""Return a callable for the get schema method over gRPC. + + Gets a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetSchemaRequest], + ~.Schema]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/GetSchema', + request_serializer=schema.GetSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=schema.Schema.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_schema'] + + @property + def list_schemas(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.ListSchemasRequest], + schema.ListSchemasResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list schemas method over gRPC. + + Lists schemas in a project. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListSchemasRequest], + ~.ListSchemasResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_schemas' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_schemas'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/ListSchemas', + request_serializer=schema.ListSchemasRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=schema.ListSchemasResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_schemas'] + + @property + def delete_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.DeleteSchemaRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete schema method over gRPC. + + Deletes a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteSchemaRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/DeleteSchema', + request_serializer=schema.DeleteSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_schema'] + + @property + def validate_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest], + gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the validate schema method over gRPC. + + Validates a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ValidateSchemaRequest], + ~.ValidateSchemaResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'validate_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['validate_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/ValidateSchema', + request_serializer=gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['validate_schema'] + + @property + def validate_message(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.ValidateMessageRequest], + schema.ValidateMessageResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the validate message method over gRPC. + + Validates a message against a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ValidateMessageRequest], + ~.ValidateMessageResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'validate_message' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['validate_message'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/ValidateMessage', + request_serializer=schema.ValidateMessageRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=schema.ValidateMessageResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['validate_message'] + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], policy_pb2.Policy]: + r"""Return a callable for the set iam policy method over gRPC. + Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified + function. Replaces any existing policy. + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetIamPolicyRequest], + ~.Policy]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "set_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/SetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], policy_pb2.Policy]: + r"""Return a callable for the get iam policy method over gRPC. + Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetIamPolicyRequest], + ~.Policy]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "get_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/GetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse + ]: + r"""Return a callable for the test iam permissions method over gRPC. + Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + Returns: + Callable[[~.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + ~.TestIamPermissionsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "test_iam_permissions" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/TestIamPermissions", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] + + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + +__all__ = ( + 'SchemaServiceGrpcTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/grpc_asyncio.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/grpc_asyncio.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e59c24506 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/schema_service/transports/grpc_asyncio.py @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore +from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema +from .base import SchemaServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .grpc import SchemaServiceGrpcTransport + + +class SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport(SchemaServiceTransport): + """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for SchemaService. + + Service for doing schema-related operations. + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + + _grpc_channel: aio.Channel + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + """ + + return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: aio.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: + """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return + the same channel. + """ + # Return the channel from cache. + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def create_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[gp_schema.Schema]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create schema method over gRPC. + + Creates a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[~.Schema]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/CreateSchema', + request_serializer=gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=gp_schema.Schema.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_schema'] + + @property + def get_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.GetSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[schema.Schema]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get schema method over gRPC. + + Gets a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[~.Schema]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/GetSchema', + request_serializer=schema.GetSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=schema.Schema.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_schema'] + + @property + def list_schemas(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.ListSchemasRequest], + Awaitable[schema.ListSchemasResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list schemas method over gRPC. + + Lists schemas in a project. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListSchemasRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListSchemasResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_schemas' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_schemas'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/ListSchemas', + request_serializer=schema.ListSchemasRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=schema.ListSchemasResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_schemas'] + + @property + def delete_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.DeleteSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete schema method over gRPC. + + Deletes a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/DeleteSchema', + request_serializer=schema.DeleteSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_schema'] + + @property + def validate_schema(self) -> Callable[ + [gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the validate schema method over gRPC. + + Validates a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ValidateSchemaRequest], + Awaitable[~.ValidateSchemaResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'validate_schema' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['validate_schema'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/ValidateSchema', + request_serializer=gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['validate_schema'] + + @property + def validate_message(self) -> Callable[ + [schema.ValidateMessageRequest], + Awaitable[schema.ValidateMessageResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the validate message method over gRPC. + + Validates a message against a schema. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ValidateMessageRequest], + Awaitable[~.ValidateMessageResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'validate_message' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['validate_message'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.SchemaService/ValidateMessage', + request_serializer=schema.ValidateMessageRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=schema.ValidateMessageResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['validate_message'] + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set iam policy method over gRPC. + Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified + function. Replaces any existing policy. + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetIamPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Policy]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "set_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/SetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get iam policy method over gRPC. + Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetIamPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Policy]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "get_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/GetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Awaitable[iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse], + ]: + r"""Return a callable for the test iam permissions method over gRPC. + Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + Returns: + Callable[[~.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Awaitable[~.TestIamPermissionsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "test_iam_permissions" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/TestIamPermissions", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] + + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + + +__all__ = ( + 'SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bdb44da8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .client import SubscriberClient +from .async_client import SubscriberAsyncClient + +__all__ = ( + 'SubscriberClient', + 'SubscriberAsyncClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/async_client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/async_client.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a364687e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/async_client.py @@ -0,0 +1,2277 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import functools +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, AsyncIterable, Awaitable, AsyncIterator, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .transports.base import SubscriberTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport +from .client import SubscriberClient + + +class SubscriberAsyncClient: + """The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and + to consume messages from a subscription via the ``Pull`` method or + by establishing a bi-directional stream using the ``StreamingPull`` + method. + """ + + _client: SubscriberClient + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = SubscriberClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = SubscriberClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + snapshot_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.snapshot_path) + parse_snapshot_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_snapshot_path) + subscription_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.subscription_path) + parse_subscription_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_subscription_path) + topic_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.topic_path) + parse_topic_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_topic_path) + common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.common_billing_account_path) + parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) + common_folder_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.common_folder_path) + parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_common_folder_path) + common_organization_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.common_organization_path) + parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_common_organization_path) + common_project_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.common_project_path) + parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_common_project_path) + common_location_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.common_location_path) + parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(SubscriberClient.parse_common_location_path) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SubscriberAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return SubscriberClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(SubscriberAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SubscriberAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return SubscriberClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(SubscriberAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + return SubscriberClient.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) # type: ignore + + @property + def transport(self) -> SubscriberTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + SubscriberTransport: The transport used by the client instance. + """ + return self._client.transport + + get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(SubscriberClient).get_transport_class, type(SubscriberClient)) + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + transport: Union[str, SubscriberTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", + client_options: ClientOptions = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the subscriber client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ~.SubscriberTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It + won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + self._client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=credentials, + transport=transport, + client_options=client_options, + client_info=client_info, + + ) + + async def create_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.Subscription, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + topic: str = None, + push_config: pubsub.PushConfig = None, + ack_deadline_seconds: int = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Subscription: + r"""Creates a subscription to a given topic. See the [resource name + rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). If + the subscription already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + + If the name is not provided in the request, the server will + assign a random name for this subscription on the same project + as the topic, conforming to the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Subscription object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Subscription( + name="name_value", + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription, dict]): + The request object. A subscription resource. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the subscription. It must have the + format + ``"projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}"``. + ``{subscription}`` must start with a letter, and contain + only letters (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes + (``-``), underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes + (``~``), plus (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must + be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must + not start with ``"goog"``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + topic (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the topic from which this + subscription is receiving messages. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. The value of this + field will be ``_deleted-topic_`` if the topic has been + deleted. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + push_config (:class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig`): + If push delivery is used with this subscription, this + field is used to configure it. An empty ``pushConfig`` + signifies that the subscriber will pull and ack messages + using API methods. + + This corresponds to the ``push_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_deadline_seconds (:class:`int`): + The approximate amount of time (on a best-effort basis) + Pub/Sub waits for the subscriber to acknowledge receipt + before resending the message. In the interval after the + message is delivered and before it is acknowledged, it + is considered to be outstanding. During that time + period, the message will not be redelivered (on a + best-effort basis). + + For pull subscriptions, this value is used as the + initial value for the ack deadline. To override this + value for a given message, call ``ModifyAckDeadline`` + with the corresponding ``ack_id`` if using non-streaming + pull or send the ``ack_id`` in a + ``StreamingModifyAckDeadlineRequest`` if using streaming + pull. The minimum custom deadline you can specify is 10 + seconds. The maximum custom deadline you can specify is + 600 seconds (10 minutes). If this parameter is 0, a + default value of 10 seconds is used. + + For push delivery, this value is also used to set the + request timeout for the call to the push endpoint. + + If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the + Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message. + + This corresponds to the ``ack_deadline_seconds`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription: + A subscription resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name, topic, push_config, ack_deadline_seconds]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.Subscription(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + if push_config is not None: + request.push_config = push_config + if ack_deadline_seconds is not None: + request.ack_deadline_seconds = ack_deadline_seconds + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Subscription: + r"""Gets the configuration details of a subscription. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetSubscription + method. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the subscription to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription: + A subscription resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Subscription: + r"""Updates an existing subscription. Note that certain + properties of a subscription, such as its topic, are not + modifiable. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_update_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + subscription = pubsub_v1.Subscription() + subscription.name = "name_value" + subscription.topic = "topic_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSubscriptionRequest( + subscription=subscription, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.UpdateSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the UpdateSubscription + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription: + A subscription resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription.name", request.subscription.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_subscriptions(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + project: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListSubscriptionsAsyncPager: + r"""Lists matching subscriptions. + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSubscriptionsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_subscriptions(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListSubscriptions` + method. + project (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + subscriptions. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``project`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.pagers.ListSubscriptionsAsyncPager: + Response for the ListSubscriptions method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project is not None: + request.project = project + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_subscriptions, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("project", request.project), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListSubscriptionsAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Deletes an existing subscription. All messages retained in the + subscription are immediately dropped. Calls to ``Pull`` after + deletion will return ``NOT_FOUND``. After a subscription is + deleted, a new one may be created with the same name, but the + new one has no association with the old subscription or its + topic unless the same topic is specified. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_subscription(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the DeleteSubscription + method. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The subscription to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def modify_ack_deadline(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + ack_ids: Sequence[str] = None, + ack_deadline_seconds: int = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Modifies the ack deadline for a specific message. This method is + useful to indicate that more time is needed to process a message + by the subscriber, or to make the message available for + redelivery if the processing was interrupted. Note that this + does not modify the subscription-level ``ackDeadlineSeconds`` + used for subsequent messages. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_modify_ack_deadline(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.modify_ack_deadline(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the ModifyAckDeadline + method. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_ids (:class:`Sequence[str]`): + Required. List of acknowledgment IDs. + This corresponds to the ``ack_ids`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_deadline_seconds (:class:`int`): + Required. The new ack deadline with respect to the time + this request was sent to the Pub/Sub system. For + example, if the value is 10, the new ack deadline will + expire 10 seconds after the ``ModifyAckDeadline`` call + was made. Specifying zero might immediately make the + message available for delivery to another subscriber + client. This typically results in an increase in the + rate of message redeliveries (that is, duplicates). The + minimum deadline you can specify is 0 seconds. The + maximum deadline you can specify is 600 seconds (10 + minutes). + + This corresponds to the ``ack_deadline_seconds`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, ack_ids, ack_deadline_seconds]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if ack_deadline_seconds is not None: + request.ack_deadline_seconds = ack_deadline_seconds + if ack_ids: + request.ack_ids.extend(ack_ids) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.modify_ack_deadline, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def acknowledge(self, + request: Union[pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + ack_ids: Sequence[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Acknowledges the messages associated with the ``ack_ids`` in the + ``AcknowledgeRequest``. The Pub/Sub system can remove the + relevant messages from the subscription. + + Acknowledging a message whose ack deadline has expired may + succeed, but such a message may be redelivered later. + Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an + error. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_acknowledge(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.AcknowledgeRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.acknowledge(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.AcknowledgeRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the Acknowledge method. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The subscription whose message is being + acknowledged. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_ids (:class:`Sequence[str]`): + Required. The acknowledgment ID for the messages being + acknowledged that was returned by the Pub/Sub system in + the ``Pull`` response. Must not be empty. + + This corresponds to the ``ack_ids`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, ack_ids]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if ack_ids: + request.ack_ids.extend(ack_ids) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.acknowledge, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def pull(self, + request: Union[pubsub.PullRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + return_immediately: bool = None, + max_messages: int = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.PullResponse: + r"""Pulls messages from the server. The server may return + ``UNAVAILABLE`` if there are too many concurrent pull requests + pending for the given subscription. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + max_messages=1277, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.pull(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.PullRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `Pull` method. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The subscription from which messages should be + pulled. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + return_immediately (:class:`bool`): + Optional. If this field set to true, the system will + respond immediately even if it there are no messages + available to return in the ``Pull`` response. Otherwise, + the system may wait (for a bounded amount of time) until + at least one message is available, rather than returning + no messages. Warning: setting this field to ``true`` is + discouraged because it adversely impacts the performance + of ``Pull`` operations. We recommend that users do not + set this field. + + This corresponds to the ``return_immediately`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + max_messages (:class:`int`): + Required. The maximum number of + messages to return for this request. + Must be a positive integer. The Pub/Sub + system may return fewer than the number + specified. + + This corresponds to the ``max_messages`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.PullResponse: + Response for the Pull method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, return_immediately, max_messages]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.PullRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if return_immediately is not None: + request.return_immediately = return_immediately + if max_messages is not None: + request.max_messages = max_messages + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.pull, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def streaming_pull(self, + requests: AsyncIterator[pubsub.StreamingPullRequest] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> Awaitable[AsyncIterable[pubsub.StreamingPullResponse]]: + r"""Establishes a stream with the server, which sends messages down + to the client. The client streams acknowledgements and ack + deadline modifications back to the server. The server will close + the stream and return the status on any error. The server may + close the stream with status ``UNAVAILABLE`` to reassign + server-side resources, in which case, the client should + re-establish the stream. Flow control can be achieved by + configuring the underlying RPC channel. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_streaming_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + stream_ack_deadline_seconds=2813, + ) + + # This method expects an iterator which contains + # 'pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest' objects + # Here we create a generator that yields a single `request` for + # demonstrative purposes. + requests = [request] + def request_generator(): + for request in requests: + yield request + + # Make the request + stream = client.streaming_pull(requests=request_generator()) + for response in stream: + print(response) + + Args: + requests (AsyncIterator[`google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullRequest`]): + The request object AsyncIterator. Request for the `StreamingPull` + streaming RPC method. This request is used to establish + the initial stream as well as to stream acknowledgements + and ack deadline modifications from the client to the + server. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + AsyncIterable[google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullResponse]: + Response for the StreamingPull method. This response is used to stream + messages from the server to the client. + + """ + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.streaming_pull, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.InternalServerError, + core_exceptions.ResourceExhausted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=900.0, + ), + default_timeout=900.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + requests, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def modify_push_config(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + push_config: pubsub.PushConfig = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Modifies the ``PushConfig`` for a specified subscription. + + This may be used to change a push subscription to a pull one + (signified by an empty ``PushConfig``) or vice versa, or change + the endpoint URL and other attributes of a push subscription. + Messages will accumulate for delivery continuously through the + call regardless of changes to the ``PushConfig``. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_modify_push_config(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyPushConfigRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.modify_push_config(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ModifyPushConfigRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the ModifyPushConfig + method. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + push_config (:class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig`): + Required. The push configuration for future deliveries. + + An empty ``pushConfig`` indicates that the Pub/Sub + system should stop pushing messages from the given + subscription and allow messages to be pulled and + acknowledged - effectively pausing the subscription if + ``Pull`` or ``StreamingPull`` is not called. + + This corresponds to the ``push_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, push_config]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if push_config is not None: + request.push_config = push_config + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.modify_push_config, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def get_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + snapshot: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Snapshot: + r"""Gets the configuration details of a snapshot. + Snapshots are used in Seek + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetSnapshot method. + snapshot (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the snapshot to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This corresponds to the ``snapshot`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot: + A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + [Seek](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([snapshot]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if snapshot is not None: + request.snapshot = snapshot + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("snapshot", request.snapshot), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_snapshots(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + project: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListSnapshotsAsyncPager: + r"""Lists the existing snapshots. Snapshots are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSnapshotsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_snapshots(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListSnapshots` + method. + project (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + snapshots. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``project`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.pagers.ListSnapshotsAsyncPager: + Response for the ListSnapshots method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project is not None: + request.project = project + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_snapshots, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("project", request.project), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListSnapshotsAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def create_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + subscription: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Snapshot: + r"""Creates a snapshot from the requested subscription. Snapshots + are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + If the snapshot already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the requested subscription doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + If the backlog in the subscription is too old -- and the + resulting snapshot would expire in less than 1 hour -- then + ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` is returned. See also the + ``Snapshot.expire_time`` field. If the name is not provided in + the request, the server will assign a random name for this + snapshot on the same project as the subscription, conforming to + the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Snapshot object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSnapshotRequest( + name="name_value", + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.CreateSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `CreateSnapshot` + method. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. User-provided name for this snapshot. If the + name is not provided in the request, the server will + assign a random name for this snapshot on the same + project as the subscription. Note that for REST API + requests, you must specify a name. See the resource name + rules. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + subscription (:class:`str`): + Required. The subscription whose backlog the snapshot + retains. Specifically, the created snapshot is + guaranteed to retain: (a) The existing backlog on the + subscription. More precisely, this is defined as the + messages in the subscription's backlog that are + unacknowledged upon the successful completion of the + ``CreateSnapshot`` request; as well as: (b) Any messages + published to the subscription's topic following the + successful completion of the CreateSnapshot request. + Format is ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot: + A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + [Seek](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name, subscription]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Snapshot: + r"""Updates an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in + Seek + operations, which allow + you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, + you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an + existing subscription to the state captured by a + snapshot. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_update_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSnapshotRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.UpdateSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the UpdateSnapshot + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot: + A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + [Seek](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("snapshot.name", request.snapshot.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + snapshot: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Removes an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + When the snapshot is deleted, all messages retained in the + snapshot are immediately dropped. After a snapshot is deleted, a + new one may be created with the same name, but the new one has + no association with the old snapshot or its subscription, unless + the same subscription is specified. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_snapshot(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `DeleteSnapshot` + method. + snapshot (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the snapshot to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This corresponds to the ``snapshot`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([snapshot]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if snapshot is not None: + request.snapshot = snapshot + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("snapshot", request.snapshot), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def seek(self, + request: Union[pubsub.SeekRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.SeekResponse: + r"""Seeks an existing subscription to a point in time or to a given + snapshot, whichever is provided in the request. Snapshots are + used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + Note that both the subscription and the snapshot must be on the + same topic. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_seek(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.SeekRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.seek(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.SeekRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `Seek` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.SeekResponse: + Response for the Seek method (this response is empty). + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = pubsub.SeekRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.seek, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. + + Replaces any existing policy. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `SetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `GetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def test_iam_permissions( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + r"""Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. + + If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest`): + The request object. Request message for + `TestIamPermissions` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~iam_policy_pb2.PolicyTestIamPermissionsResponse: + Response message for ``TestIamPermissions`` method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.test_iam_permissions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata((("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc(request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def __aenter__(self): + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-pubsub", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "SubscriberAsyncClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/client.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdbbf3e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/client.py @@ -0,0 +1,2397 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .transports.base import SubscriberTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc import SubscriberGrpcTransport +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +class SubscriberClientMeta(type): + """Metaclass for the Subscriber client. + + This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving + support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance + objects. + """ + _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[SubscriberTransport]] + _transport_registry["grpc"] = SubscriberGrpcTransport + _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + def get_transport_class(cls, + label: str = None, + ) -> Type[SubscriberTransport]: + """Returns an appropriate transport class. + + Args: + label: The name of the desired transport. If none is + provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. + + Returns: + The transport class to use. + """ + # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. + if label: + return cls._transport_registry[label] + + # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one + # in the dictionary). + return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) + + +class SubscriberClient(metaclass=SubscriberClientMeta): + """The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and + to consume messages from a subscription via the ``Pull`` method or + by establishing a bi-directional stream using the ``StreamingPull`` + method. + """ + + @staticmethod + def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): + """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. + + Convert "*.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.googleapis.com" to + "*.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.mtls.googleapis.com" respectively. + Args: + api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. + Returns: + str: converted mTLS api endpoint. + """ + if not api_endpoint: + return api_endpoint + + mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( + r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" + ) + + m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) + name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() + if mtls or not googledomain: + return api_endpoint + + if sandbox: + return api_endpoint.replace( + "sandbox.googleapis.com", "mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + ) + + return api_endpoint.replace(".googleapis.com", ".mtls.googleapis.com") + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "pubsub.googleapis.com" + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + ) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SubscriberClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + SubscriberClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( + filename) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> SubscriberTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + SubscriberTransport: The transport used by the client + instance. + """ + return self._transport + + @staticmethod + def snapshot_path(project: str,snapshot: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified snapshot string.""" + return "projects/{project}/snapshots/{snapshot}".format(project=project, snapshot=snapshot, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_snapshot_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a snapshot path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/snapshots/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def subscription_path(project: str,subscription: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified subscription string.""" + return "projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}".format(project=project, subscription=subscription, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_subscription_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a subscription path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/subscriptions/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def topic_path(project: str,topic: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified topic string.""" + return "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_topic_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a topic path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/topics/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" + return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" + return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" + return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" + return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + use_client_cert = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false") + use_mtls_endpoint = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") + if use_client_cert not in ("true", "false"): + raise ValueError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` must be either `true` or `false`") + if use_mtls_endpoint not in ("auto", "never", "always"): + raise MutualTLSChannelError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT` must be `never`, `auto` or `always`") + + # Figure out the client cert source to use. + client_cert_source = None + if use_client_cert == "true": + if client_options.client_cert_source: + client_cert_source = client_options.client_cert_source + elif mtls.has_default_client_cert_source(): + client_cert_source = mtls.default_client_cert_source() + + # Figure out which api endpoint to use. + if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: + api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint + elif use_mtls_endpoint == "always" or (use_mtls_endpoint == "auto" and client_cert_source): + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + else: + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + return api_endpoint, client_cert_source + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Union[str, SubscriberTransport, None] = None, + client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the subscriber client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, SubscriberTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + if isinstance(client_options, dict): + client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + + api_endpoint, client_cert_source_func = self.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) + + api_key_value = getattr(client_options, "api_key", None) + if api_key_value and credentials: + raise ValueError("client_options.api_key and credentials are mutually exclusive") + + # Save or instantiate the transport. + # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport + # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. + if isinstance(transport, SubscriberTransport): + # transport is a SubscriberTransport instance. + if credentials or client_options.credentials_file or api_key_value: + raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " + "provide its credentials directly.") + if client_options.scopes: + raise ValueError( + "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " + "directly." + ) + self._transport = transport + else: + import google.auth._default # type: ignore + + if api_key_value and hasattr(google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials"): + credentials = google.auth._default.get_api_key_credentials(api_key_value) + + Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) + self._transport = Transport( + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, + host=api_endpoint, + scopes=client_options.scopes, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, + quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + def create_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.Subscription, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + topic: str = None, + push_config: pubsub.PushConfig = None, + ack_deadline_seconds: int = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Subscription: + r"""Creates a subscription to a given topic. See the [resource name + rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). If + the subscription already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + + If the name is not provided in the request, the server will + assign a random name for this subscription on the same project + as the topic, conforming to the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Subscription object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Subscription( + name="name_value", + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription, dict]): + The request object. A subscription resource. + name (str): + Required. The name of the subscription. It must have the + format + ``"projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}"``. + ``{subscription}`` must start with a letter, and contain + only letters (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes + (``-``), underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes + (``~``), plus (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must + be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must + not start with ``"goog"``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic from which this + subscription is receiving messages. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. The value of this + field will be ``_deleted-topic_`` if the topic has been + deleted. + + This corresponds to the ``topic`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + push_config (google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig): + If push delivery is used with this subscription, this + field is used to configure it. An empty ``pushConfig`` + signifies that the subscriber will pull and ack messages + using API methods. + + This corresponds to the ``push_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_deadline_seconds (int): + The approximate amount of time (on a best-effort basis) + Pub/Sub waits for the subscriber to acknowledge receipt + before resending the message. In the interval after the + message is delivered and before it is acknowledged, it + is considered to be outstanding. During that time + period, the message will not be redelivered (on a + best-effort basis). + + For pull subscriptions, this value is used as the + initial value for the ack deadline. To override this + value for a given message, call ``ModifyAckDeadline`` + with the corresponding ``ack_id`` if using non-streaming + pull or send the ``ack_id`` in a + ``StreamingModifyAckDeadlineRequest`` if using streaming + pull. The minimum custom deadline you can specify is 10 + seconds. The maximum custom deadline you can specify is + 600 seconds (10 minutes). If this parameter is 0, a + default value of 10 seconds is used. + + For push delivery, this value is also used to set the + request timeout for the call to the push endpoint. + + If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the + Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message. + + This corresponds to the ``ack_deadline_seconds`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription: + A subscription resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name, topic, push_config, ack_deadline_seconds]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.Subscription. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.Subscription): + request = pubsub.Subscription(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + if topic is not None: + request.topic = topic + if push_config is not None: + request.push_config = push_config + if ack_deadline_seconds is not None: + request.ack_deadline_seconds = ack_deadline_seconds + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_subscription] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Subscription: + r"""Gets the configuration details of a subscription. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetSubscription + method. + subscription (str): + Required. The name of the subscription to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription: + A subscription resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest): + request = pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_subscription] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Subscription: + r"""Updates an existing subscription. Note that certain + properties of a subscription, such as its topic, are not + modifiable. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_update_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + subscription = pubsub_v1.Subscription() + subscription.name = "name_value" + subscription.topic = "topic_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSubscriptionRequest( + subscription=subscription, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.UpdateSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the UpdateSubscription + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription: + A subscription resource. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest): + request = pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_subscription] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription.name", request.subscription.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_subscriptions(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + project: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListSubscriptionsPager: + r"""Lists matching subscriptions. + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSubscriptionsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_subscriptions(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListSubscriptions` + method. + project (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + subscriptions. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``project`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.pagers.ListSubscriptionsPager: + Response for the ListSubscriptions method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest): + request = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project is not None: + request.project = project + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_subscriptions] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("project", request.project), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListSubscriptionsPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_subscription(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Deletes an existing subscription. All messages retained in the + subscription are immediately dropped. Calls to ``Pull`` after + deletion will return ``NOT_FOUND``. After a subscription is + deleted, a new one may be created with the same name, but the + new one has no association with the old subscription or its + topic unless the same topic is specified. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_subscription(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteSubscriptionRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the DeleteSubscription + method. + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest): + request = pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_subscription] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def modify_ack_deadline(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + ack_ids: Sequence[str] = None, + ack_deadline_seconds: int = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Modifies the ack deadline for a specific message. This method is + useful to indicate that more time is needed to process a message + by the subscriber, or to make the message available for + redelivery if the processing was interrupted. Note that this + does not modify the subscription-level ``ackDeadlineSeconds`` + used for subsequent messages. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_modify_ack_deadline(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.modify_ack_deadline(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the ModifyAckDeadline + method. + subscription (str): + Required. The name of the subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + Required. List of acknowledgment IDs. + This corresponds to the ``ack_ids`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_deadline_seconds (int): + Required. The new ack deadline with respect to the time + this request was sent to the Pub/Sub system. For + example, if the value is 10, the new ack deadline will + expire 10 seconds after the ``ModifyAckDeadline`` call + was made. Specifying zero might immediately make the + message available for delivery to another subscriber + client. This typically results in an increase in the + rate of message redeliveries (that is, duplicates). The + minimum deadline you can specify is 0 seconds. The + maximum deadline you can specify is 600 seconds (10 + minutes). + + This corresponds to the ``ack_deadline_seconds`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, ack_ids, ack_deadline_seconds]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest): + request = pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if ack_ids is not None: + request.ack_ids = ack_ids + if ack_deadline_seconds is not None: + request.ack_deadline_seconds = ack_deadline_seconds + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.modify_ack_deadline] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def acknowledge(self, + request: Union[pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + ack_ids: Sequence[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Acknowledges the messages associated with the ``ack_ids`` in the + ``AcknowledgeRequest``. The Pub/Sub system can remove the + relevant messages from the subscription. + + Acknowledging a message whose ack deadline has expired may + succeed, but such a message may be redelivered later. + Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an + error. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_acknowledge(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.AcknowledgeRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.acknowledge(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.AcknowledgeRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the Acknowledge method. + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription whose message is being + acknowledged. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + Required. The acknowledgment ID for the messages being + acknowledged that was returned by the Pub/Sub system in + the ``Pull`` response. Must not be empty. + + This corresponds to the ``ack_ids`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, ack_ids]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest): + request = pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if ack_ids is not None: + request.ack_ids = ack_ids + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.acknowledge] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def pull(self, + request: Union[pubsub.PullRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + return_immediately: bool = None, + max_messages: int = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.PullResponse: + r"""Pulls messages from the server. The server may return + ``UNAVAILABLE`` if there are too many concurrent pull requests + pending for the given subscription. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + max_messages=1277, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.pull(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.PullRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `Pull` method. + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription from which messages should be + pulled. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + return_immediately (bool): + Optional. If this field set to true, the system will + respond immediately even if it there are no messages + available to return in the ``Pull`` response. Otherwise, + the system may wait (for a bounded amount of time) until + at least one message is available, rather than returning + no messages. Warning: setting this field to ``true`` is + discouraged because it adversely impacts the performance + of ``Pull`` operations. We recommend that users do not + set this field. + + This corresponds to the ``return_immediately`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + max_messages (int): + Required. The maximum number of + messages to return for this request. + Must be a positive integer. The Pub/Sub + system may return fewer than the number + specified. + + This corresponds to the ``max_messages`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.PullResponse: + Response for the Pull method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, return_immediately, max_messages]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.PullRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.PullRequest): + request = pubsub.PullRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if return_immediately is not None: + request.return_immediately = return_immediately + if max_messages is not None: + request.max_messages = max_messages + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.pull] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def streaming_pull(self, + requests: Iterator[pubsub.StreamingPullRequest] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> Iterable[pubsub.StreamingPullResponse]: + r"""Establishes a stream with the server, which sends messages down + to the client. The client streams acknowledgements and ack + deadline modifications back to the server. The server will close + the stream and return the status on any error. The server may + close the stream with status ``UNAVAILABLE`` to reassign + server-side resources, in which case, the client should + re-establish the stream. Flow control can be achieved by + configuring the underlying RPC channel. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_streaming_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + stream_ack_deadline_seconds=2813, + ) + + # This method expects an iterator which contains + # 'pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest' objects + # Here we create a generator that yields a single `request` for + # demonstrative purposes. + requests = [request] + def request_generator(): + for request in requests: + yield request + + # Make the request + stream = client.streaming_pull(requests=request_generator()) + for response in stream: + print(response) + + Args: + requests (Iterator[google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullRequest]): + The request object iterator. Request for the `StreamingPull` + streaming RPC method. This request is used to establish + the initial stream as well as to stream acknowledgements + and ack deadline modifications from the client to the + server. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + Iterable[google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullResponse]: + Response for the StreamingPull method. This response is used to stream + messages from the server to the client. + + """ + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.streaming_pull] + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + requests, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def modify_push_config(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest, dict] = None, + *, + subscription: str = None, + push_config: pubsub.PushConfig = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Modifies the ``PushConfig`` for a specified subscription. + + This may be used to change a push subscription to a pull one + (signified by an empty ``PushConfig``) or vice versa, or change + the endpoint URL and other attributes of a push subscription. + Messages will accumulate for delivery continuously through the + call regardless of changes to the ``PushConfig``. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_modify_push_config(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyPushConfigRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.modify_push_config(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ModifyPushConfigRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the ModifyPushConfig + method. + subscription (str): + Required. The name of the subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + push_config (google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig): + Required. The push configuration for future deliveries. + + An empty ``pushConfig`` indicates that the Pub/Sub + system should stop pushing messages from the given + subscription and allow messages to be pulled and + acknowledged - effectively pausing the subscription if + ``Pull`` or ``StreamingPull`` is not called. + + This corresponds to the ``push_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([subscription, push_config]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest): + request = pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + if push_config is not None: + request.push_config = push_config + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.modify_push_config] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def get_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + snapshot: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Snapshot: + r"""Gets the configuration details of a snapshot. + Snapshots are used in Seek + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_get_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.GetSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the GetSnapshot method. + snapshot (str): + Required. The name of the snapshot to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This corresponds to the ``snapshot`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot: + A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + [Seek](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([snapshot]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest): + request = pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if snapshot is not None: + request.snapshot = snapshot + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_snapshot] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("snapshot", request.snapshot), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_snapshots(self, + request: Union[pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + project: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListSnapshotsPager: + r"""Lists the existing snapshots. Snapshots are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_list_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSnapshotsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_snapshots(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `ListSnapshots` + method. + project (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + snapshots. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + + This corresponds to the ``project`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.pagers.ListSnapshotsPager: + Response for the ListSnapshots method. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest): + request = pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project is not None: + request.project = project + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_snapshots] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("project", request.project), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListSnapshotsPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def create_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + subscription: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Snapshot: + r"""Creates a snapshot from the requested subscription. Snapshots + are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + If the snapshot already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the requested subscription doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + If the backlog in the subscription is too old -- and the + resulting snapshot would expire in less than 1 hour -- then + ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` is returned. See also the + ``Snapshot.expire_time`` field. If the name is not provided in + the request, the server will assign a random name for this + snapshot on the same project as the subscription, conforming to + the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Snapshot object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_create_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSnapshotRequest( + name="name_value", + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.CreateSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `CreateSnapshot` + method. + name (str): + Required. User-provided name for this snapshot. If the + name is not provided in the request, the server will + assign a random name for this snapshot on the same + project as the subscription. Note that for REST API + requests, you must specify a name. See the resource name + rules. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription whose backlog the snapshot + retains. Specifically, the created snapshot is + guaranteed to retain: (a) The existing backlog on the + subscription. More precisely, this is defined as the + messages in the subscription's backlog that are + unacknowledged upon the successful completion of the + ``CreateSnapshot`` request; as well as: (b) Any messages + published to the subscription's topic following the + successful completion of the CreateSnapshot request. + Format is ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + + This corresponds to the ``subscription`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot: + A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + [Seek](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name, subscription]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest): + request = pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + request.name = name + if subscription is not None: + request.subscription = subscription + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_snapshot] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.Snapshot: + r"""Updates an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in + Seek + operations, which allow + you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, + you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an + existing subscription to the state captured by a + snapshot. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_update_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSnapshotRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.UpdateSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the UpdateSnapshot + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot: + A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + [Seek](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest): + request = pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_snapshot] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("snapshot.name", request.snapshot.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_snapshot(self, + request: Union[pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest, dict] = None, + *, + snapshot: str = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Removes an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + When the snapshot is deleted, all messages retained in the + snapshot are immediately dropped. After a snapshot is deleted, a + new one may be created with the same name, but the new one has + no association with the old snapshot or its subscription, unless + the same subscription is specified. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_delete_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_snapshot(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.DeleteSnapshotRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `DeleteSnapshot` + method. + snapshot (str): + Required. The name of the snapshot to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This corresponds to the ``snapshot`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([snapshot]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest): + request = pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if snapshot is not None: + request.snapshot = snapshot + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_snapshot] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("snapshot", request.snapshot), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def seek(self, + request: Union[pubsub.SeekRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pubsub.SeekResponse: + r"""Seeks an existing subscription to a point in time or to a given + snapshot, whichever is provided in the request. Snapshots are + used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + Note that both the subscription and the snapshot must be on the + same topic. + + + + .. code-block:: + + from google import pubsub_v1 + + def sample_seek(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.SeekRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.seek(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.pubsub_v1.types.SeekRequest, dict]): + The request object. Request for the `Seek` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.pubsub_v1.types.SeekResponse: + Response for the Seek method (this response is empty). + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a pubsub.SeekRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, pubsub.SeekRequest): + request = pubsub.SeekRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.seek] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("subscription", request.subscription), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + + def set_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. + + Replaces any existing policy. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `SetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.set_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_iam_policy( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> policy_pb2.Policy: + r"""Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does not have a + policy set. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest`): + The request object. Request message for `GetIamPolicy` + method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if + any, should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.policy_pb2.Policy: + Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. + It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud + Platform resources. + A ``Policy`` is a collection of ``bindings``. A + ``binding`` binds one or more ``members`` to a single + ``role``. Members can be user accounts, service + accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). + A ``role`` is a named list of permissions (defined by + IAM or configured by users). A ``binding`` can + optionally specify a ``condition``, which is a logic + expression that further constrains the role binding + based on attributes about the request and/or target + resource. + **JSON Example** + :: + { + "bindings": [ + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", + "members": [ + "user:mike@example.com", + "group:admins@example.com", + "domain:google.com", + "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" + ] + }, + { + "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", + "members": ["user:eve@example.com"], + "condition": { + "title": "expirable access", + "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", + "expression": "request.time < + timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", + } + } + ] + } + **YAML Example** + :: + bindings: + - members: + - user:mike@example.com + - group:admins@example.com + - domain:google.com + - serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin + - members: + - user:eve@example.com + role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer + condition: + title: expirable access + description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 + expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') + For a description of IAM and its features, see the `IAM + developer's + guide `__. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.get_iam_policy, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + request: iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + r"""Tests the specified IAM permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. + + If the function does not exist, this will return an empty set + of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + + Args: + request (:class:`~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest`): + The request object. Request message for + `TestIamPermissions` method. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, + if any, should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + Returns: + ~.iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse: + Response message for ``TestIamPermissions`` method. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + + # The request isn't a proto-plus wrapped type, + # so it must be constructed via keyword expansion. + if isinstance(request, dict): + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest(**request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self._transport.test_iam_permissions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata( + (("resource", request.resource),)), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata,) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-pubsub", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "SubscriberClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/pagers.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/pagers.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38abb259f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/pagers.py @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator + +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub + + +class ListSubscriptionsPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_subscriptions`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subscriptions`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListSubscriptions`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subscriptions`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse], + request: pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.Subscription]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.subscriptions + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListSubscriptionsAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_subscriptions`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subscriptions`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListSubscriptions`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subscriptions`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse]], + request: pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSubscriptionsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.Subscription]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.subscriptions: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListSnapshotsPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_snapshots`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``snapshots`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListSnapshots`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``snapshots`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse], + request: pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[pubsub.Snapshot]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.snapshots + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListSnapshotsAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_snapshots`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``snapshots`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListSnapshots`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``snapshots`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse]], + request: pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest, + response: pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.pubsub_v1.types.ListSnapshotsResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[pubsub.Snapshot]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.snapshots: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6306fd04 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from typing import Dict, Type + +from .base import SubscriberTransport +from .grpc import SubscriberGrpcTransport +from .grpc_asyncio import SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +# Compile a registry of transports. +_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[SubscriberTransport]] +_transport_registry['grpc'] = SubscriberGrpcTransport +_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport + +__all__ = ( + 'SubscriberTransport', + 'SubscriberGrpcTransport', + 'SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/base.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/base.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e76959ffb --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import abc +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union +import pkg_resources + +import google.auth # type: ignore +import google.api_core +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + 'google-pubsub', + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +class SubscriberTransport(abc.ABC): + """Abstract transport class for Subscriber.""" + + AUTH_SCOPES = ( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', + ) + + DEFAULT_HOST: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com' + def __init__( + self, *, + host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + """ + # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. + if ':' not in host: + host += ':443' + self._host = host + + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": self.AUTH_SCOPES} + + # Save the scopes. + self._scopes = scopes + + # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate + # defaults. + if credentials and credentials_file: + raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") + + if credentials_file is not None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( + credentials_file, + **scopes_kwargs, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id + ) + elif credentials is None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) + + # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. + if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): + credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) + + # Save the credentials. + self._credentials = credentials + + def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): + # Precompute the wrapped methods. + self._wrapped_methods = { + self.create_subscription: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_subscription: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_subscription: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_subscriptions: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_subscriptions, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_subscription: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_subscription, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.modify_ack_deadline: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.modify_ack_deadline, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.acknowledge: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.acknowledge, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.pull: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.pull, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.streaming_pull: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.streaming_pull, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.InternalServerError, + core_exceptions.ResourceExhausted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=900.0, + ), + default_timeout=900.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.modify_push_config: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.modify_push_config, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_snapshot: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_snapshots: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_snapshots, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.create_snapshot: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_snapshot: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_snapshot: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_snapshot, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.seek: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.seek, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.Aborted, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + core_exceptions.Unknown, + ), + deadline=60.0, + ), + default_timeout=60.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + } + + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.Subscription], + Union[ + pubsub.Subscription, + Awaitable[pubsub.Subscription] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Subscription, + Awaitable[pubsub.Subscription] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Subscription, + Awaitable[pubsub.Subscription] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_subscriptions(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def modify_ack_deadline(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def acknowledge(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def pull(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.PullRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.PullResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.PullResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def streaming_pull(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.StreamingPullRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.StreamingPullResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.StreamingPullResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def modify_push_config(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Snapshot, + Awaitable[pubsub.Snapshot] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_snapshots(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Snapshot, + Awaitable[pubsub.Snapshot] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.Snapshot, + Awaitable[pubsub.Snapshot] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def seek(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.SeekRequest], + Union[ + pubsub.SeekResponse, + Awaitable[pubsub.SeekResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], + Union[policy_pb2.Policy, Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], + Union[policy_pb2.Policy, Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Union[ + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse, + Awaitable[iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse], + ], + ]: + raise NotImplementedError() + +__all__ = ( + 'SubscriberTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/grpc.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/grpc.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ce70509e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/grpc.py @@ -0,0 +1,830 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +import google.auth # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .base import SubscriberTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO + + +class SubscriberGrpcTransport(SubscriberTransport): + """gRPC backend transport for Subscriber. + + The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and + to consume messages from a subscription via the ``Pull`` method or + by establishing a bi-directional stream using the ``StreamingPull`` + method. + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Sequence[str] = None, + channel: grpc.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is + ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. + + Raises: + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + + return grpc_helpers.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: + """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. + """ + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def create_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.Subscription], + pubsub.Subscription]: + r"""Return a callable for the create subscription method over gRPC. + + Creates a subscription to a given topic. See the [resource name + rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). If + the subscription already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + + If the name is not provided in the request, the server will + assign a random name for this subscription on the same project + as the topic, conforming to the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Subscription object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.Subscription], + ~.Subscription]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/CreateSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.Subscription.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Subscription.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_subscription'] + + @property + def get_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest], + pubsub.Subscription]: + r"""Return a callable for the get subscription method over gRPC. + + Gets the configuration details of a subscription. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetSubscriptionRequest], + ~.Subscription]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/GetSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Subscription.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_subscription'] + + @property + def update_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest], + pubsub.Subscription]: + r"""Return a callable for the update subscription method over gRPC. + + Updates an existing subscription. Note that certain + properties of a subscription, such as its topic, are not + modifiable. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateSubscriptionRequest], + ~.Subscription]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/UpdateSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Subscription.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_subscription'] + + @property + def list_subscriptions(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest], + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list subscriptions method over gRPC. + + Lists matching subscriptions. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListSubscriptionsRequest], + ~.ListSubscriptionsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_subscriptions' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_subscriptions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ListSubscriptions', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_subscriptions'] + + @property + def delete_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete subscription method over gRPC. + + Deletes an existing subscription. All messages retained in the + subscription are immediately dropped. Calls to ``Pull`` after + deletion will return ``NOT_FOUND``. After a subscription is + deleted, a new one may be created with the same name, but the + new one has no association with the old subscription or its + topic unless the same topic is specified. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteSubscriptionRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/DeleteSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_subscription'] + + @property + def modify_ack_deadline(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the modify ack deadline method over gRPC. + + Modifies the ack deadline for a specific message. This method is + useful to indicate that more time is needed to process a message + by the subscriber, or to make the message available for + redelivery if the processing was interrupted. Note that this + does not modify the subscription-level ``ackDeadlineSeconds`` + used for subsequent messages. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'modify_ack_deadline' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['modify_ack_deadline'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ModifyAckDeadline', + request_serializer=pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['modify_ack_deadline'] + + @property + def acknowledge(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the acknowledge method over gRPC. + + Acknowledges the messages associated with the ``ack_ids`` in the + ``AcknowledgeRequest``. The Pub/Sub system can remove the + relevant messages from the subscription. + + Acknowledging a message whose ack deadline has expired may + succeed, but such a message may be redelivered later. + Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an + error. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.AcknowledgeRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'acknowledge' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['acknowledge'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/Acknowledge', + request_serializer=pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['acknowledge'] + + @property + def pull(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.PullRequest], + pubsub.PullResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the pull method over gRPC. + + Pulls messages from the server. The server may return + ``UNAVAILABLE`` if there are too many concurrent pull requests + pending for the given subscription. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.PullRequest], + ~.PullResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'pull' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['pull'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/Pull', + request_serializer=pubsub.PullRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.PullResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['pull'] + + @property + def streaming_pull(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.StreamingPullRequest], + pubsub.StreamingPullResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the streaming pull method over gRPC. + + Establishes a stream with the server, which sends messages down + to the client. The client streams acknowledgements and ack + deadline modifications back to the server. The server will close + the stream and return the status on any error. The server may + close the stream with status ``UNAVAILABLE`` to reassign + server-side resources, in which case, the client should + re-establish the stream. Flow control can be achieved by + configuring the underlying RPC channel. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StreamingPullRequest], + ~.StreamingPullResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'streaming_pull' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['streaming_pull'] = self.grpc_channel.stream_stream( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/StreamingPull', + request_serializer=pubsub.StreamingPullRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.StreamingPullResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['streaming_pull'] + + @property + def modify_push_config(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the modify push config method over gRPC. + + Modifies the ``PushConfig`` for a specified subscription. + + This may be used to change a push subscription to a pull one + (signified by an empty ``PushConfig``) or vice versa, or change + the endpoint URL and other attributes of a push subscription. + Messages will accumulate for delivery continuously through the + call regardless of changes to the ``PushConfig``. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ModifyPushConfigRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'modify_push_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['modify_push_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ModifyPushConfig', + request_serializer=pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['modify_push_config'] + + @property + def get_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest], + pubsub.Snapshot]: + r"""Return a callable for the get snapshot method over gRPC. + + Gets the configuration details of a snapshot. + Snapshots are used in Seek + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetSnapshotRequest], + ~.Snapshot]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/GetSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Snapshot.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_snapshot'] + + @property + def list_snapshots(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest], + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list snapshots method over gRPC. + + Lists the existing snapshots. Snapshots are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListSnapshotsRequest], + ~.ListSnapshotsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_snapshots' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_snapshots'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ListSnapshots', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_snapshots'] + + @property + def create_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest], + pubsub.Snapshot]: + r"""Return a callable for the create snapshot method over gRPC. + + Creates a snapshot from the requested subscription. Snapshots + are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + If the snapshot already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the requested subscription doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + If the backlog in the subscription is too old -- and the + resulting snapshot would expire in less than 1 hour -- then + ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` is returned. See also the + ``Snapshot.expire_time`` field. If the name is not provided in + the request, the server will assign a random name for this + snapshot on the same project as the subscription, conforming to + the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Snapshot object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateSnapshotRequest], + ~.Snapshot]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/CreateSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Snapshot.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_snapshot'] + + @property + def update_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest], + pubsub.Snapshot]: + r"""Return a callable for the update snapshot method over gRPC. + + Updates an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in + Seek + operations, which allow + you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, + you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an + existing subscription to the state captured by a + snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateSnapshotRequest], + ~.Snapshot]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/UpdateSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Snapshot.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_snapshot'] + + @property + def delete_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete snapshot method over gRPC. + + Removes an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + When the snapshot is deleted, all messages retained in the + snapshot are immediately dropped. After a snapshot is deleted, a + new one may be created with the same name, but the new one has + no association with the old snapshot or its subscription, unless + the same subscription is specified. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteSnapshotRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/DeleteSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_snapshot'] + + @property + def seek(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.SeekRequest], + pubsub.SeekResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the seek method over gRPC. + + Seeks an existing subscription to a point in time or to a given + snapshot, whichever is provided in the request. Snapshots are + used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + Note that both the subscription and the snapshot must be on the + same topic. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SeekRequest], + ~.SeekResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'seek' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['seek'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/Seek', + request_serializer=pubsub.SeekRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.SeekResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['seek'] + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], policy_pb2.Policy]: + r"""Return a callable for the set iam policy method over gRPC. + Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified + function. Replaces any existing policy. + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetIamPolicyRequest], + ~.Policy]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "set_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/SetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], policy_pb2.Policy]: + r"""Return a callable for the get iam policy method over gRPC. + Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetIamPolicyRequest], + ~.Policy]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "get_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/GetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse + ]: + r"""Return a callable for the test iam permissions method over gRPC. + Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + Returns: + Callable[[~.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + ~.TestIamPermissionsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "test_iam_permissions" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/TestIamPermissions", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] + + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + +__all__ = ( + 'SubscriberGrpcTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/grpc_asyncio.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/grpc_asyncio.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a01e7a542 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/services/subscriber/transports/grpc_asyncio.py @@ -0,0 +1,835 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore +from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore + +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from .base import SubscriberTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .grpc import SubscriberGrpcTransport + + +class SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport(SubscriberTransport): + """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for Subscriber. + + The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and + to consume messages from a subscription via the ``Pull`` method or + by establishing a bi-directional stream using the ``StreamingPull`` + method. + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + + _grpc_channel: aio.Channel + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + """ + + return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'pubsub.googleapis.com', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: aio.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: + """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return + the same channel. + """ + # Return the channel from cache. + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def create_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.Subscription], + Awaitable[pubsub.Subscription]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create subscription method over gRPC. + + Creates a subscription to a given topic. See the [resource name + rules] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). If + the subscription already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + + If the name is not provided in the request, the server will + assign a random name for this subscription on the same project + as the topic, conforming to the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Subscription object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.Subscription], + Awaitable[~.Subscription]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/CreateSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.Subscription.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Subscription.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_subscription'] + + @property + def get_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Subscription]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get subscription method over gRPC. + + Gets the configuration details of a subscription. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[~.Subscription]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/GetSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Subscription.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_subscription'] + + @property + def update_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Subscription]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update subscription method over gRPC. + + Updates an existing subscription. Note that certain + properties of a subscription, such as its topic, are not + modifiable. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[~.Subscription]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/UpdateSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Subscription.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_subscription'] + + @property + def list_subscriptions(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list subscriptions method over gRPC. + + Lists matching subscriptions. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListSubscriptionsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListSubscriptionsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_subscriptions' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_subscriptions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ListSubscriptions', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_subscriptions'] + + @property + def delete_subscription(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete subscription method over gRPC. + + Deletes an existing subscription. All messages retained in the + subscription are immediately dropped. Calls to ``Pull`` after + deletion will return ``NOT_FOUND``. After a subscription is + deleted, a new one may be created with the same name, but the + new one has no association with the old subscription or its + topic unless the same topic is specified. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteSubscriptionRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_subscription' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_subscription'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/DeleteSubscription', + request_serializer=pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_subscription'] + + @property + def modify_ack_deadline(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the modify ack deadline method over gRPC. + + Modifies the ack deadline for a specific message. This method is + useful to indicate that more time is needed to process a message + by the subscriber, or to make the message available for + redelivery if the processing was interrupted. Note that this + does not modify the subscription-level ``ackDeadlineSeconds`` + used for subsequent messages. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'modify_ack_deadline' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['modify_ack_deadline'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ModifyAckDeadline', + request_serializer=pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['modify_ack_deadline'] + + @property + def acknowledge(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the acknowledge method over gRPC. + + Acknowledges the messages associated with the ``ack_ids`` in the + ``AcknowledgeRequest``. The Pub/Sub system can remove the + relevant messages from the subscription. + + Acknowledging a message whose ack deadline has expired may + succeed, but such a message may be redelivered later. + Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an + error. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.AcknowledgeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'acknowledge' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['acknowledge'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/Acknowledge', + request_serializer=pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['acknowledge'] + + @property + def pull(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.PullRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.PullResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the pull method over gRPC. + + Pulls messages from the server. The server may return + ``UNAVAILABLE`` if there are too many concurrent pull requests + pending for the given subscription. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.PullRequest], + Awaitable[~.PullResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'pull' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['pull'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/Pull', + request_serializer=pubsub.PullRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.PullResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['pull'] + + @property + def streaming_pull(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.StreamingPullRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.StreamingPullResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the streaming pull method over gRPC. + + Establishes a stream with the server, which sends messages down + to the client. The client streams acknowledgements and ack + deadline modifications back to the server. The server will close + the stream and return the status on any error. The server may + close the stream with status ``UNAVAILABLE`` to reassign + server-side resources, in which case, the client should + re-establish the stream. Flow control can be achieved by + configuring the underlying RPC channel. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StreamingPullRequest], + Awaitable[~.StreamingPullResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'streaming_pull' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['streaming_pull'] = self.grpc_channel.stream_stream( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/StreamingPull', + request_serializer=pubsub.StreamingPullRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.StreamingPullResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['streaming_pull'] + + @property + def modify_push_config(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the modify push config method over gRPC. + + Modifies the ``PushConfig`` for a specified subscription. + + This may be used to change a push subscription to a pull one + (signified by an empty ``PushConfig``) or vice versa, or change + the endpoint URL and other attributes of a push subscription. + Messages will accumulate for delivery continuously through the + call regardless of changes to the ``PushConfig``. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ModifyPushConfigRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'modify_push_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['modify_push_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ModifyPushConfig', + request_serializer=pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['modify_push_config'] + + @property + def get_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Snapshot]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get snapshot method over gRPC. + + Gets the configuration details of a snapshot. + Snapshots are used in Seek + operations, which allow you to manage message + acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the + acknowledgment state of messages in an existing + subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[~.Snapshot]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/GetSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Snapshot.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_snapshot'] + + @property + def list_snapshots(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list snapshots method over gRPC. + + Lists the existing snapshots. Snapshots are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListSnapshotsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListSnapshotsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_snapshots' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_snapshots'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/ListSnapshots', + request_serializer=pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_snapshots'] + + @property + def create_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Snapshot]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create snapshot method over gRPC. + + Creates a snapshot from the requested subscription. Snapshots + are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + If the snapshot already exists, returns ``ALREADY_EXISTS``. If + the requested subscription doesn't exist, returns ``NOT_FOUND``. + If the backlog in the subscription is too old -- and the + resulting snapshot would expire in less than 1 hour -- then + ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` is returned. See also the + ``Snapshot.expire_time`` field. If the name is not provided in + the request, the server will assign a random name for this + snapshot on the same project as the subscription, conforming to + the [resource name format] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names). The + generated name is populated in the returned Snapshot object. + Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the + request. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[~.Snapshot]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/CreateSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Snapshot.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_snapshot'] + + @property + def update_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.Snapshot]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update snapshot method over gRPC. + + Updates an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in + Seek + operations, which allow + you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, + you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an + existing subscription to the state captured by a + snapshot. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[~.Snapshot]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/UpdateSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.Snapshot.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_snapshot'] + + @property + def delete_snapshot(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete snapshot method over gRPC. + + Removes an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + When the snapshot is deleted, all messages retained in the + snapshot are immediately dropped. After a snapshot is deleted, a + new one may be created with the same name, but the new one has + no association with the old snapshot or its subscription, unless + the same subscription is specified. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteSnapshotRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_snapshot' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_snapshot'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/DeleteSnapshot', + request_serializer=pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_snapshot'] + + @property + def seek(self) -> Callable[ + [pubsub.SeekRequest], + Awaitable[pubsub.SeekResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the seek method over gRPC. + + Seeks an existing subscription to a point in time or to a given + snapshot, whichever is provided in the request. Snapshots are + used in [Seek] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview) + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages + in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + Note that both the subscription and the snapshot must be on the + same topic. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SeekRequest], + Awaitable[~.SeekResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'seek' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['seek'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber/Seek', + request_serializer=pubsub.SeekRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=pubsub.SeekResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['seek'] + + @property + def set_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest], Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set iam policy method over gRPC. + Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified + function. Replaces any existing policy. + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetIamPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Policy]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "set_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/SetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["set_iam_policy"] + + @property + def get_iam_policy( + self, + ) -> Callable[[iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest], Awaitable[policy_pb2.Policy]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get iam policy method over gRPC. + Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. + Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does + not have a policy set. + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetIamPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Policy]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "get_iam_policy" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/GetIamPolicy", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=policy_pb2.Policy.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["get_iam_policy"] + + @property + def test_iam_permissions( + self, + ) -> Callable[ + [iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Awaitable[iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse], + ]: + r"""Return a callable for the test iam permissions method over gRPC. + Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control + policy for a function. If the function does not exist, this will + return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. + Returns: + Callable[[~.TestIamPermissionsRequest], + Awaitable[~.TestIamPermissionsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if "test_iam_permissions" not in self._stubs: + self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + "/google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy/TestIamPermissions", + request_serializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest.SerializeToString, + response_deserializer=iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs["test_iam_permissions"] + + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + + +__all__ = ( + 'SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9bd9fd82 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .pubsub import ( + AcknowledgeRequest, + CreateSnapshotRequest, + DeadLetterPolicy, + DeleteSnapshotRequest, + DeleteSubscriptionRequest, + DeleteTopicRequest, + DetachSubscriptionRequest, + DetachSubscriptionResponse, + ExpirationPolicy, + GetSnapshotRequest, + GetSubscriptionRequest, + GetTopicRequest, + ListSnapshotsRequest, + ListSnapshotsResponse, + ListSubscriptionsRequest, + ListSubscriptionsResponse, + ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, + ListTopicSnapshotsResponse, + ListTopicsRequest, + ListTopicsResponse, + ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, + ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse, + MessageStoragePolicy, + ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, + ModifyPushConfigRequest, + PublishRequest, + PublishResponse, + PubsubMessage, + PullRequest, + PullResponse, + PushConfig, + ReceivedMessage, + RetryPolicy, + SchemaSettings, + SeekRequest, + SeekResponse, + Snapshot, + StreamingPullRequest, + StreamingPullResponse, + Subscription, + Topic, + UpdateSnapshotRequest, + UpdateSubscriptionRequest, + UpdateTopicRequest, +) +from .schema import ( + CreateSchemaRequest, + DeleteSchemaRequest, + GetSchemaRequest, + ListSchemasRequest, + ListSchemasResponse, + Schema, + ValidateMessageRequest, + ValidateMessageResponse, + ValidateSchemaRequest, + ValidateSchemaResponse, + Encoding, + SchemaView, +) + +__all__ = ( + 'AcknowledgeRequest', + 'CreateSnapshotRequest', + 'DeadLetterPolicy', + 'DeleteSnapshotRequest', + 'DeleteSubscriptionRequest', + 'DeleteTopicRequest', + 'DetachSubscriptionRequest', + 'DetachSubscriptionResponse', + 'ExpirationPolicy', + 'GetSnapshotRequest', + 'GetSubscriptionRequest', + 'GetTopicRequest', + 'ListSnapshotsRequest', + 'ListSnapshotsResponse', + 'ListSubscriptionsRequest', + 'ListSubscriptionsResponse', + 'ListTopicSnapshotsRequest', + 'ListTopicSnapshotsResponse', + 'ListTopicsRequest', + 'ListTopicsResponse', + 'ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest', + 'ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse', + 'MessageStoragePolicy', + 'ModifyAckDeadlineRequest', + 'ModifyPushConfigRequest', + 'PublishRequest', + 'PublishResponse', + 'PubsubMessage', + 'PullRequest', + 'PullResponse', + 'PushConfig', + 'ReceivedMessage', + 'RetryPolicy', + 'SchemaSettings', + 'SeekRequest', + 'SeekResponse', + 'Snapshot', + 'StreamingPullRequest', + 'StreamingPullResponse', + 'Subscription', + 'Topic', + 'UpdateSnapshotRequest', + 'UpdateSubscriptionRequest', + 'UpdateTopicRequest', + 'CreateSchemaRequest', + 'DeleteSchemaRequest', + 'GetSchemaRequest', + 'ListSchemasRequest', + 'ListSchemasResponse', + 'Schema', + 'ValidateMessageRequest', + 'ValidateMessageResponse', + 'ValidateSchemaRequest', + 'ValidateSchemaResponse', + 'Encoding', + 'SchemaView', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/pubsub.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/pubsub.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f274228c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/pubsub.py @@ -0,0 +1,1779 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import proto # type: ignore + +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema + + +__protobuf__ = proto.module( + package='google.pubsub.v1', + manifest={ + 'MessageStoragePolicy', + 'SchemaSettings', + 'Topic', + 'PubsubMessage', + 'GetTopicRequest', + 'UpdateTopicRequest', + 'PublishRequest', + 'PublishResponse', + 'ListTopicsRequest', + 'ListTopicsResponse', + 'ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest', + 'ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse', + 'ListTopicSnapshotsRequest', + 'ListTopicSnapshotsResponse', + 'DeleteTopicRequest', + 'DetachSubscriptionRequest', + 'DetachSubscriptionResponse', + 'Subscription', + 'RetryPolicy', + 'DeadLetterPolicy', + 'ExpirationPolicy', + 'PushConfig', + 'ReceivedMessage', + 'GetSubscriptionRequest', + 'UpdateSubscriptionRequest', + 'ListSubscriptionsRequest', + 'ListSubscriptionsResponse', + 'DeleteSubscriptionRequest', + 'ModifyPushConfigRequest', + 'PullRequest', + 'PullResponse', + 'ModifyAckDeadlineRequest', + 'AcknowledgeRequest', + 'StreamingPullRequest', + 'StreamingPullResponse', + 'CreateSnapshotRequest', + 'UpdateSnapshotRequest', + 'Snapshot', + 'GetSnapshotRequest', + 'ListSnapshotsRequest', + 'ListSnapshotsResponse', + 'DeleteSnapshotRequest', + 'SeekRequest', + 'SeekResponse', + }, +) + + +class MessageStoragePolicy(proto.Message): + r"""A policy constraining the storage of messages published to + the topic. + + Attributes: + allowed_persistence_regions (Sequence[str]): + A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages + that are published to the topic may be persisted + in storage. Messages published by publishers + running in non-allowed GCP regions (or running + outside of GCP altogether) will be routed for + storage in one of the allowed regions. An empty + list means that no regions are allowed, and is + not a valid configuration. + """ + + allowed_persistence_regions = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class SchemaSettings(proto.Message): + r"""Settings for validating messages published against a schema. + + Attributes: + schema (str): + Required. The name of the schema that messages published + should be validated against. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. The value of this + field will be ``_deleted-schema_`` if the schema has been + deleted. + encoding (google.pubsub_v1.types.Encoding): + The encoding of messages validated against ``schema``. + """ + + schema = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + encoding = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=gp_schema.Encoding, + ) + + +class Topic(proto.Message): + r"""A topic resource. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The name of the topic. It must have the format + ``"projects/{project}/topics/{topic}"``. ``{topic}`` must + start with a letter, and contain only letters + (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes (``-``), + underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes (``~``), plus + (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must be between 3 and + 255 characters in length, and it must not start with + ``"goog"``. + labels (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic.LabelsEntry]): + See [Creating and managing labels] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/labels). + message_storage_policy (google.pubsub_v1.types.MessageStoragePolicy): + Policy constraining the set of Google Cloud + Platform regions where messages published to the + topic may be stored. If not present, then no + constraints are in effect. + kms_key_name (str): + The resource name of the Cloud KMS CryptoKey to be used to + protect access to messages published on this topic. + + The expected format is + ``projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*``. + schema_settings (google.pubsub_v1.types.SchemaSettings): + Settings for validating messages published + against a schema. + satisfies_pzs (bool): + Reserved for future use. This field is set + only in responses from the server; it is ignored + if it is set in any requests. + message_retention_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Indicates the minimum duration to retain a message after it + is published to the topic. If this field is set, messages + published to the topic in the last + ``message_retention_duration`` are always available to + subscribers. For instance, it allows any attached + subscription to `seek to a + timestamp `__ + that is up to ``message_retention_duration`` in the past. If + this field is not set, message retention is controlled by + settings on individual subscriptions. Cannot be more than 7 + days or less than 10 minutes. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + labels = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + message_storage_policy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='MessageStoragePolicy', + ) + kms_key_name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + schema_settings = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + message='SchemaSettings', + ) + satisfies_pzs = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + ) + message_retention_duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + +class PubsubMessage(proto.Message): + r"""A message that is published by publishers and consumed by + subscribers. The message must contain either a non-empty data field + or at least one attribute. Note that client libraries represent this + object differently depending on the language. See the corresponding + `client library + documentation `__ + for more information. See [quotas and limits] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/quotas) for more information about + message limits. + + Attributes: + data (bytes): + The message data field. If this field is + empty, the message must contain at least one + attribute. + attributes (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage.AttributesEntry]): + Attributes for this message. If this field is + empty, the message must contain non-empty data. + This can be used to filter messages on the + subscription. + message_id (str): + ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message + is published. Guaranteed to be unique within the topic. This + value may be read by a subscriber that receives a + ``PubsubMessage`` via a ``Pull`` call or a push delivery. It + must not be populated by the publisher in a ``Publish`` + call. + publish_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time at which the message was published, populated by + the server when it receives the ``Publish`` call. It must + not be populated by the publisher in a ``Publish`` call. + ordering_key (str): + If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish + order should be respected. If a ``Subscription`` has + ``enable_message_ordering`` set to ``true``, messages + published with the same non-empty ``ordering_key`` value + will be delivered to subscribers in the order in which they + are received by the Pub/Sub system. All ``PubsubMessage``\ s + published in a given ``PublishRequest`` must specify the + same ``ordering_key`` value. + """ + + data = proto.Field( + proto.BYTES, + number=1, + ) + attributes = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + message_id = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + publish_time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + ordering_key = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class GetTopicRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the GetTopic method. + + Attributes: + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + """ + + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class UpdateTopicRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the UpdateTopic method. + + Attributes: + topic (google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic): + Required. The updated topic object. + update_mask (google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask): + Required. Indicates which fields in the provided topic to + update. Must be specified and non-empty. Note that if + ``update_mask`` contains "message_storage_policy" but the + ``message_storage_policy`` is not set in the ``topic`` + provided above, then the updated value is determined by the + policy configured at the project or organization level. + """ + + topic = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Topic', + ) + update_mask = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=field_mask_pb2.FieldMask, + ) + + +class PublishRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the Publish method. + + Attributes: + topic (str): + Required. The messages in the request will be published on + this topic. Format is ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + messages (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage]): + Required. The messages to publish. + """ + + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + messages = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='PubsubMessage', + ) + + +class PublishResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``Publish`` method. + + Attributes: + message_ids (Sequence[str]): + The server-assigned ID of each published + message, in the same order as the messages in + the request. IDs are guaranteed to be unique + within the topic. + """ + + message_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ListTopicsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ListTopics`` method. + + Attributes: + project (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list topics. + Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + page_size (int): + Maximum number of topics to return. + page_token (str): + The value returned by the last ``ListTopicsResponse``; + indicates that this is a continuation of a prior + ``ListTopics`` call, and that the system should return the + next page of data. + """ + + project = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class ListTopicsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ListTopics`` method. + + Attributes: + topics (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Topic]): + The resulting topics. + next_page_token (str): + If not empty, indicates that there may be more topics that + match the request; this value should be passed in a new + ``ListTopicsRequest``. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + topics = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Topic', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ListTopicSubscriptions`` method. + + Attributes: + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic that subscriptions are + attached to. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + page_size (int): + Maximum number of subscription names to + return. + page_token (str): + The value returned by the last + ``ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse``; indicates that this is a + continuation of a prior ``ListTopicSubscriptions`` call, and + that the system should return the next page of data. + """ + + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ListTopicSubscriptions`` method. + + Attributes: + subscriptions (Sequence[str]): + The names of subscriptions attached to the + topic specified in the request. + next_page_token (str): + If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions + that match the request; this value should be passed in a new + ``ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest`` to get more subscriptions. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + subscriptions = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ListTopicSnapshots`` method. + + Attributes: + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic that snapshots are attached + to. Format is ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + page_size (int): + Maximum number of snapshot names to return. + page_token (str): + The value returned by the last + ``ListTopicSnapshotsResponse``; indicates that this is a + continuation of a prior ``ListTopicSnapshots`` call, and + that the system should return the next page of data. + """ + + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class ListTopicSnapshotsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ListTopicSnapshots`` method. + + Attributes: + snapshots (Sequence[str]): + The names of the snapshots that match the + request. + next_page_token (str): + If not empty, indicates that there may be more snapshots + that match the request; this value should be passed in a new + ``ListTopicSnapshotsRequest`` to get more snapshots. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + snapshots = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class DeleteTopicRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``DeleteTopic`` method. + + Attributes: + topic (str): + Required. Name of the topic to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + """ + + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class DetachSubscriptionRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the DetachSubscription method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription to detach. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}``. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class DetachSubscriptionResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the DetachSubscription method. + Reserved for future use. + + """ + + +class Subscription(proto.Message): + r"""A subscription resource. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The name of the subscription. It must have the + format + ``"projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}"``. + ``{subscription}`` must start with a letter, and contain + only letters (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes + (``-``), underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes + (``~``), plus (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must be + between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not + start with ``"goog"``. + topic (str): + Required. The name of the topic from which this subscription + is receiving messages. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. The value of this + field will be ``_deleted-topic_`` if the topic has been + deleted. + push_config (google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig): + If push delivery is used with this subscription, this field + is used to configure it. An empty ``pushConfig`` signifies + that the subscriber will pull and ack messages using API + methods. + ack_deadline_seconds (int): + The approximate amount of time (on a best-effort basis) + Pub/Sub waits for the subscriber to acknowledge receipt + before resending the message. In the interval after the + message is delivered and before it is acknowledged, it is + considered to be outstanding. During that time period, the + message will not be redelivered (on a best-effort basis). + + For pull subscriptions, this value is used as the initial + value for the ack deadline. To override this value for a + given message, call ``ModifyAckDeadline`` with the + corresponding ``ack_id`` if using non-streaming pull or send + the ``ack_id`` in a ``StreamingModifyAckDeadlineRequest`` if + using streaming pull. The minimum custom deadline you can + specify is 10 seconds. The maximum custom deadline you can + specify is 600 seconds (10 minutes). If this parameter is 0, + a default value of 10 seconds is used. + + For push delivery, this value is also used to set the + request timeout for the call to the push endpoint. + + If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the + Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message. + retain_acked_messages (bool): + Indicates whether to retain acknowledged messages. If true, + then messages are not expunged from the subscription's + backlog, even if they are acknowledged, until they fall out + of the ``message_retention_duration`` window. This must be + true if you would like to [``Seek`` to a timestamp] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/replay-overview#seek_to_a_time) + in the past to replay previously-acknowledged messages. + message_retention_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + How long to retain unacknowledged messages in the + subscription's backlog, from the moment a message is + published. If ``retain_acked_messages`` is true, then this + also configures the retention of acknowledged messages, and + thus configures how far back in time a ``Seek`` can be done. + Defaults to 7 days. Cannot be more than 7 days or less than + 10 minutes. + labels (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription.LabelsEntry]): + See + Creating and managing labels. + enable_message_ordering (bool): + If true, messages published with the same ``ordering_key`` + in ``PubsubMessage`` will be delivered to the subscribers in + the order in which they are received by the Pub/Sub system. + Otherwise, they may be delivered in any order. + expiration_policy (google.pubsub_v1.types.ExpirationPolicy): + A policy that specifies the conditions for this + subscription's expiration. A subscription is considered + active as long as any connected subscriber is successfully + consuming messages from the subscription or is issuing + operations on the subscription. If ``expiration_policy`` is + not set, a *default policy* with ``ttl`` of 31 days will be + used. The minimum allowed value for + ``expiration_policy.ttl`` is 1 day. + filter (str): + An expression written in the Pub/Sub `filter + language `__. + If non-empty, then only ``PubsubMessage``\ s whose + ``attributes`` field matches the filter are delivered on + this subscription. If empty, then no messages are filtered + out. + dead_letter_policy (google.pubsub_v1.types.DeadLetterPolicy): + A policy that specifies the conditions for dead lettering + messages in this subscription. If dead_letter_policy is not + set, dead lettering is disabled. + + The Cloud Pub/Sub service account associated with this + subscriptions's parent project (i.e., + service-{project_number}@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com) + must have permission to Acknowledge() messages on this + subscription. + retry_policy (google.pubsub_v1.types.RetryPolicy): + A policy that specifies how Pub/Sub retries + message delivery for this subscription. + + If not set, the default retry policy is applied. + This generally implies that messages will be + retried as soon as possible for healthy + subscribers. RetryPolicy will be triggered on + NACKs or acknowledgement deadline exceeded + events for a given message. + detached (bool): + Indicates whether the subscription is detached from its + topic. Detached subscriptions don't receive messages from + their topic and don't retain any backlog. ``Pull`` and + ``StreamingPull`` requests will return FAILED_PRECONDITION. + If the subscription is a push subscription, pushes to the + endpoint will not be made. + enable_exactly_once_delivery (bool): + If true, Pub/Sub provides the following guarantees for the + delivery of a message with a given value of ``message_id`` + on this subscription: + + - The message sent to a subscriber is guaranteed not to be + resent before the message's acknowledgement deadline + expires. + - An acknowledged message will not be resent to a + subscriber. + + Note that subscribers may still receive multiple copies of a + message when ``enable_exactly_once_delivery`` is true if the + message was published multiple times by a publisher client. + These copies are considered distinct by Pub/Sub and have + distinct ``message_id`` values. + topic_message_retention_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Output only. Indicates the minimum duration for which a + message is retained after it is published to the + subscription's topic. If this field is set, messages + published to the subscription's topic in the last + ``topic_message_retention_duration`` are always available to + subscribers. See the ``message_retention_duration`` field in + ``Topic``. This field is set only in responses from the + server; it is ignored if it is set in any requests. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + push_config = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='PushConfig', + ) + ack_deadline_seconds = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=5, + ) + retain_acked_messages = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + ) + message_retention_duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + labels = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + enable_message_ordering = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + expiration_policy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + message='ExpirationPolicy', + ) + filter = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=12, + ) + dead_letter_policy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='DeadLetterPolicy', + ) + retry_policy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='RetryPolicy', + ) + detached = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=15, + ) + enable_exactly_once_delivery = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=16, + ) + topic_message_retention_duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + +class RetryPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""A policy that specifies how Cloud Pub/Sub retries message delivery. + + Retry delay will be exponential based on provided minimum and + maximum backoffs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_backoff. + + RetryPolicy will be triggered on NACKs or acknowledgement deadline + exceeded events for a given message. + + Retry Policy is implemented on a best effort basis. At times, the + delay between consecutive deliveries may not match the + configuration. That is, delay can be more or less than configured + backoff. + + Attributes: + minimum_backoff (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + The minimum delay between consecutive + deliveries of a given message. Value should be + between 0 and 600 seconds. Defaults to 10 + seconds. + maximum_backoff (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + The maximum delay between consecutive + deliveries of a given message. Value should be + between 0 and 600 seconds. Defaults to 600 + seconds. + """ + + minimum_backoff = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + maximum_backoff = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + +class DeadLetterPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Dead lettering is done on a best effort basis. The same + message might be dead lettered multiple times. + + If validation on any of the fields fails at subscription + creation/updation, the create/update subscription request will + fail. + + Attributes: + dead_letter_topic (str): + The name of the topic to which dead letter messages should + be published. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``.The Cloud Pub/Sub + service account associated with the enclosing subscription's + parent project (i.e., + service-{project_number}@gcp-sa-pubsub.iam.gserviceaccount.com) + must have permission to Publish() to this topic. + + The operation will fail if the topic does not exist. Users + should ensure that there is a subscription attached to this + topic since messages published to a topic with no + subscriptions are lost. + max_delivery_attempts (int): + The maximum number of delivery attempts for any message. The + value must be between 5 and 100. + + The number of delivery attempts is defined as 1 + (the sum + of number of NACKs and number of times the acknowledgement + deadline has been exceeded for the message). + + A NACK is any call to ModifyAckDeadline with a 0 deadline. + Note that client libraries may automatically extend + ack_deadlines. + + This field will be honored on a best effort basis. + + If this parameter is 0, a default value of 5 is used. + """ + + dead_letter_topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + max_delivery_attempts = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + + +class ExpirationPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""A policy that specifies the conditions for resource + expiration (i.e., automatic resource deletion). + + Attributes: + ttl (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Specifies the "time-to-live" duration for an associated + resource. The resource expires if it is not active for a + period of ``ttl``. The definition of "activity" depends on + the type of the associated resource. The minimum and maximum + allowed values for ``ttl`` depend on the type of the + associated resource, as well. If ``ttl`` is not set, the + associated resource never expires. + """ + + ttl = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + +class PushConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for a push delivery endpoint. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + push_endpoint (str): + A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be + pushed. For example, a Webhook endpoint might use + ``https://example.com/push``. + attributes (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig.AttributesEntry]): + Endpoint configuration attributes that can be used to + control different aspects of the message delivery. + + The only currently supported attribute is + ``x-goog-version``, which you can use to change the format + of the pushed message. This attribute indicates the version + of the data expected by the endpoint. This controls the + shape of the pushed message (i.e., its fields and metadata). + + If not present during the ``CreateSubscription`` call, it + will default to the version of the Pub/Sub API used to make + such call. If not present in a ``ModifyPushConfig`` call, + its value will not be changed. ``GetSubscription`` calls + will always return a valid version, even if the subscription + was created without this attribute. + + The only supported values for the ``x-goog-version`` + attribute are: + + - ``v1beta1``: uses the push format defined in the v1beta1 + Pub/Sub API. + - ``v1`` or ``v1beta2``: uses the push format defined in + the v1 Pub/Sub API. + + For example: + + .. raw:: html + +
attributes { "x-goog-version": "v1" } 
+ oidc_token (google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig.OidcToken): + If specified, Pub/Sub will generate and attach an OIDC JWT + token as an ``Authorization`` header in the HTTP request for + every pushed message. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``authentication_method``. + """ + + class OidcToken(proto.Message): + r"""Contains information needed for generating an `OpenID Connect + token `__. + + Attributes: + service_account_email (str): + `Service account + email `__ + to be used for generating the OIDC token. The caller (for + CreateSubscription, UpdateSubscription, and ModifyPushConfig + RPCs) must have the iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for + the service account. + audience (str): + Audience to be used when generating OIDC + token. The audience claim identifies the + recipients that the JWT is intended for. The + audience value is a single case-sensitive + string. Having multiple values (array) for the + audience field is not supported. More info about + the OIDC JWT token audience here: + https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.3 + Note: if not specified, the Push endpoint URL + will be used. + """ + + service_account_email = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + audience = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + push_endpoint = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + attributes = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + oidc_token = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + oneof='authentication_method', + message=OidcToken, + ) + + +class ReceivedMessage(proto.Message): + r"""A message and its corresponding acknowledgment ID. + + Attributes: + ack_id (str): + This ID can be used to acknowledge the + received message. + message (google.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): + The message. + delivery_attempt (int): + The approximate number of times that Cloud Pub/Sub has + attempted to deliver the associated message to a subscriber. + + More precisely, this is 1 + (number of NACKs) + (number of + ack_deadline exceeds) for this message. + + A NACK is any call to ModifyAckDeadline with a 0 deadline. + An ack_deadline exceeds event is whenever a message is not + acknowledged within ack_deadline. Note that ack_deadline is + initially Subscription.ackDeadlineSeconds, but may get + extended automatically by the client library. + + Upon the first delivery of a given message, + ``delivery_attempt`` will have a value of 1. The value is + calculated at best effort and is approximate. + + If a DeadLetterPolicy is not set on the subscription, this + will be 0. + """ + + ack_id = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + message = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='PubsubMessage', + ) + delivery_attempt = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + + +class GetSubscriptionRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the GetSubscription method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The name of the subscription to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class UpdateSubscriptionRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the UpdateSubscription method. + + Attributes: + subscription (google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription): + Required. The updated subscription object. + update_mask (google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask): + Required. Indicates which fields in the + provided subscription to update. Must be + specified and non-empty. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Subscription', + ) + update_mask = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=field_mask_pb2.FieldMask, + ) + + +class ListSubscriptionsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ListSubscriptions`` method. + + Attributes: + project (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + subscriptions. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + page_size (int): + Maximum number of subscriptions to return. + page_token (str): + The value returned by the last + ``ListSubscriptionsResponse``; indicates that this is a + continuation of a prior ``ListSubscriptions`` call, and that + the system should return the next page of data. + """ + + project = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class ListSubscriptionsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ListSubscriptions`` method. + + Attributes: + subscriptions (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Subscription]): + The subscriptions that match the request. + next_page_token (str): + If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions + that match the request; this value should be passed in a new + ``ListSubscriptionsRequest`` to get more subscriptions. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + subscriptions = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Subscription', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class DeleteSubscriptionRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the DeleteSubscription method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ModifyPushConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ModifyPushConfig method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The name of the subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + push_config (google.pubsub_v1.types.PushConfig): + Required. The push configuration for future deliveries. + + An empty ``pushConfig`` indicates that the Pub/Sub system + should stop pushing messages from the given subscription and + allow messages to be pulled and acknowledged - effectively + pausing the subscription if ``Pull`` or ``StreamingPull`` is + not called. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + push_config = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='PushConfig', + ) + + +class PullRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``Pull`` method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription from which messages should be + pulled. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + return_immediately (bool): + Optional. If this field set to true, the system will respond + immediately even if it there are no messages available to + return in the ``Pull`` response. Otherwise, the system may + wait (for a bounded amount of time) until at least one + message is available, rather than returning no messages. + Warning: setting this field to ``true`` is discouraged + because it adversely impacts the performance of ``Pull`` + operations. We recommend that users do not set this field. + max_messages (int): + Required. The maximum number of messages to + return for this request. Must be a positive + integer. The Pub/Sub system may return fewer + than the number specified. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + return_immediately = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + max_messages = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + + +class PullResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``Pull`` method. + + Attributes: + received_messages (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.ReceivedMessage]): + Received Pub/Sub messages. The list will be empty if there + are no more messages available in the backlog. For JSON, the + response can be entirely empty. The Pub/Sub system may + return fewer than the ``maxMessages`` requested even if + there are more messages available in the backlog. + """ + + received_messages = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='ReceivedMessage', + ) + + +class ModifyAckDeadlineRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The name of the subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + Required. List of acknowledgment IDs. + ack_deadline_seconds (int): + Required. The new ack deadline with respect to the time this + request was sent to the Pub/Sub system. For example, if the + value is 10, the new ack deadline will expire 10 seconds + after the ``ModifyAckDeadline`` call was made. Specifying + zero might immediately make the message available for + delivery to another subscriber client. This typically + results in an increase in the rate of message redeliveries + (that is, duplicates). The minimum deadline you can specify + is 0 seconds. The maximum deadline you can specify is 600 + seconds (10 minutes). + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + ack_deadline_seconds = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + + +class AcknowledgeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the Acknowledge method. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription whose message is being + acknowledged. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + Required. The acknowledgment ID for the messages being + acknowledged that was returned by the Pub/Sub system in the + ``Pull`` response. Must not be empty. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class StreamingPullRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``StreamingPull`` streaming RPC method. This request + is used to establish the initial stream as well as to stream + acknowledgements and ack deadline modifications from the client to + the server. + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription for which to initialize the new + stream. This must be provided in the first request on the + stream, and must not be set in subsequent requests from + client to server. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + List of acknowledgement IDs for acknowledging previously + received messages (received on this stream or a different + stream). If an ack ID has expired, the corresponding message + may be redelivered later. Acknowledging a message more than + once will not result in an error. If the acknowledgement ID + is malformed, the stream will be aborted with status + ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``. + modify_deadline_seconds (Sequence[int]): + The list of new ack deadlines for the IDs listed in + ``modify_deadline_ack_ids``. The size of this list must be + the same as the size of ``modify_deadline_ack_ids``. If it + differs the stream will be aborted with + ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``. Each element in this list is applied + to the element in the same position in + ``modify_deadline_ack_ids``. The new ack deadline is with + respect to the time this request was sent to the Pub/Sub + system. Must be >= 0. For example, if the value is 10, the + new ack deadline will expire 10 seconds after this request + is received. If the value is 0, the message is immediately + made available for another streaming or non-streaming pull + request. If the value is < 0 (an error), the stream will be + aborted with status ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``. + modify_deadline_ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + List of acknowledgement IDs whose deadline will be modified + based on the corresponding element in + ``modify_deadline_seconds``. This field can be used to + indicate that more time is needed to process a message by + the subscriber, or to make the message available for + redelivery if the processing was interrupted. + stream_ack_deadline_seconds (int): + Required. The ack deadline to use for the + stream. This must be provided in the first + request on the stream, but it can also be + updated on subsequent requests from client to + server. The minimum deadline you can specify is + 10 seconds. The maximum deadline you can specify + is 600 seconds (10 minutes). + client_id (str): + A unique identifier that is used to distinguish client + instances from each other. Only needs to be provided on the + initial request. When a stream disconnects and reconnects + for the same stream, the client_id should be set to the same + value so that state associated with the old stream can be + transferred to the new stream. The same client_id should not + be used for different client instances. + max_outstanding_messages (int): + Flow control settings for the maximum number of outstanding + messages. When there are ``max_outstanding_messages`` or + more currently sent to the streaming pull client that have + not yet been acked or nacked, the server stops sending more + messages. The sending of messages resumes once the number of + outstanding messages is less than this value. If the value + is <= 0, there is no limit to the number of outstanding + messages. This property can only be set on the initial + StreamingPullRequest. If it is set on a subsequent request, + the stream will be aborted with status ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``. + max_outstanding_bytes (int): + Flow control settings for the maximum number of outstanding + bytes. When there are ``max_outstanding_bytes`` or more + worth of messages currently sent to the streaming pull + client that have not yet been acked or nacked, the server + will stop sending more messages. The sending of messages + resumes once the number of outstanding bytes is less than + this value. If the value is <= 0, there is no limit to the + number of outstanding bytes. This property can only be set + on the initial StreamingPullRequest. If it is set on a + subsequent request, the stream will be aborted with status + ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + modify_deadline_seconds = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + modify_deadline_ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + stream_ack_deadline_seconds = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=5, + ) + client_id = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + max_outstanding_messages = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=7, + ) + max_outstanding_bytes = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=8, + ) + + +class StreamingPullResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``StreamingPull`` method. This response is used to + stream messages from the server to the client. + + Attributes: + received_messages (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.ReceivedMessage]): + Received Pub/Sub messages. This will not be + empty. + acknowlege_confirmation (google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullResponse.AcknowledgeConfirmation): + This field will only be set if + ``enable_exactly_once_delivery`` is set to ``true``. + modify_ack_deadline_confirmation (google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullResponse.ModifyAckDeadlineConfirmation): + This field will only be set if + ``enable_exactly_once_delivery`` is set to ``true``. + subscription_properties (google.pubsub_v1.types.StreamingPullResponse.SubscriptionProperties): + Properties associated with this subscription. + """ + + class AcknowledgeConfirmation(proto.Message): + r"""Acknowledgement IDs sent in one or more previous requests to + acknowledge a previously received message. + + Attributes: + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + Successfully processed acknowledgement IDs. + invalid_ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + List of acknowledgement IDs that were + malformed or whose acknowledgement deadline has + expired. + unordered_ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + List of acknowledgement IDs that were out of + order. + """ + + ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + invalid_ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + unordered_ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + class ModifyAckDeadlineConfirmation(proto.Message): + r"""Acknowledgement IDs sent in one or more previous requests to + modify the deadline for a specific message. + + Attributes: + ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + Successfully processed acknowledgement IDs. + invalid_ack_ids (Sequence[str]): + List of acknowledgement IDs that were + malformed or whose acknowledgement deadline has + expired. + """ + + ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + invalid_ack_ids = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + class SubscriptionProperties(proto.Message): + r"""Subscription properties sent as part of the response. + + Attributes: + exactly_once_delivery_enabled (bool): + True iff exactly once delivery is enabled for + this subscription. + message_ordering_enabled (bool): + True iff message ordering is enabled for this + subscription. + """ + + exactly_once_delivery_enabled = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + message_ordering_enabled = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + + received_messages = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='ReceivedMessage', + ) + acknowlege_confirmation = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=AcknowledgeConfirmation, + ) + modify_ack_deadline_confirmation = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=ModifyAckDeadlineConfirmation, + ) + subscription_properties = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message=SubscriptionProperties, + ) + + +class CreateSnapshotRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``CreateSnapshot`` method. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. User-provided name for this snapshot. If the name + is not provided in the request, the server will assign a + random name for this snapshot on the same project as the + subscription. Note that for REST API requests, you must + specify a name. See the resource name rules. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription whose backlog the snapshot + retains. Specifically, the created snapshot is guaranteed to + retain: (a) The existing backlog on the subscription. More + precisely, this is defined as the messages in the + subscription's backlog that are unacknowledged upon the + successful completion of the ``CreateSnapshot`` request; as + well as: (b) Any messages published to the subscription's + topic following the successful completion of the + CreateSnapshot request. Format is + ``projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}``. + labels (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.CreateSnapshotRequest.LabelsEntry]): + See + Creating and managing labels. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + labels = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class UpdateSnapshotRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the UpdateSnapshot method. + + Attributes: + snapshot (google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot): + Required. The updated snapshot object. + update_mask (google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask): + Required. Indicates which fields in the + provided snapshot to update. Must be specified + and non-empty. + """ + + snapshot = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Snapshot', + ) + update_mask = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=field_mask_pb2.FieldMask, + ) + + +class Snapshot(proto.Message): + r"""A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in + `Seek `__ + operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in + bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in + an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name of the snapshot. + topic (str): + The name of the topic from which this + snapshot is retaining messages. + expire_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The snapshot is guaranteed to exist up until this time. A + newly-created snapshot expires no later than 7 days from the + time of its creation. Its exact lifetime is determined at + creation by the existing backlog in the source subscription. + Specifically, the lifetime of the snapshot is + ``7 days - (age of oldest unacked message in the subscription)``. + For example, consider a subscription whose oldest unacked + message is 3 days old. If a snapshot is created from this + subscription, the snapshot -- which will always capture this + 3-day-old backlog as long as the snapshot exists -- will + expire in 4 days. The service will refuse to create a + snapshot that would expire in less than 1 hour after + creation. + labels (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot.LabelsEntry]): + See [Creating and managing labels] + (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/labels). + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + topic = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + expire_time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + labels = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class GetSnapshotRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the GetSnapshot method. + + Attributes: + snapshot (str): + Required. The name of the snapshot to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + """ + + snapshot = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ListSnapshotsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ListSnapshots`` method. + + Attributes: + project (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list + snapshots. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + page_size (int): + Maximum number of snapshots to return. + page_token (str): + The value returned by the last ``ListSnapshotsResponse``; + indicates that this is a continuation of a prior + ``ListSnapshots`` call, and that the system should return + the next page of data. + """ + + project = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class ListSnapshotsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ListSnapshots`` method. + + Attributes: + snapshots (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Snapshot]): + The resulting snapshots. + next_page_token (str): + If not empty, indicates that there may be more snapshot that + match the request; this value should be passed in a new + ``ListSnapshotsRequest``. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + snapshots = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Snapshot', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class DeleteSnapshotRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``DeleteSnapshot`` method. + + Attributes: + snapshot (str): + Required. The name of the snapshot to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + """ + + snapshot = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class SeekRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``Seek`` method. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + subscription (str): + Required. The subscription to affect. + time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time to seek to. Messages retained in the subscription + that were published before this time are marked as + acknowledged, and messages retained in the subscription that + were published after this time are marked as unacknowledged. + Note that this operation affects only those messages + retained in the subscription (configured by the combination + of ``message_retention_duration`` and + ``retain_acked_messages``). For example, if ``time`` + corresponds to a point before the message retention window + (or to a point before the system's notion of the + subscription creation time), only retained messages will be + marked as unacknowledged, and already-expunged messages will + not be restored. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``target``. + snapshot (str): + The snapshot to seek to. The snapshot's topic must be the + same as that of the provided subscription. Format is + ``projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}``. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``target``. + """ + + subscription = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + oneof='target', + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + snapshot = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + oneof='target', + ) + + +class SeekResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``Seek`` method (this response is empty). + """ + + +__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest)) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/schema.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/schema.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d13dfba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/pubsub_v1/types/schema.py @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import proto # type: ignore + + +__protobuf__ = proto.module( + package='google.pubsub.v1', + manifest={ + 'SchemaView', + 'Encoding', + 'Schema', + 'CreateSchemaRequest', + 'GetSchemaRequest', + 'ListSchemasRequest', + 'ListSchemasResponse', + 'DeleteSchemaRequest', + 'ValidateSchemaRequest', + 'ValidateSchemaResponse', + 'ValidateMessageRequest', + 'ValidateMessageResponse', + }, +) + + +class SchemaView(proto.Enum): + r"""View of Schema object fields to be returned by GetSchema and + ListSchemas. + """ + SCHEMA_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + BASIC = 1 + FULL = 2 + + +class Encoding(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible encoding types for messages.""" + ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + JSON = 1 + BINARY = 2 + + +class Schema(proto.Message): + r"""A schema resource. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. Name of the schema. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + type_ (google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema.Type): + The type of the schema definition. + definition (str): + The definition of the schema. This should contain a string + representing the full definition of the schema that is a + valid schema definition of the type specified in ``type``. + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible schema definition types.""" + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PROTOCOL_BUFFER = 1 + AVRO = 2 + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + type_ = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=Type, + ) + definition = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class CreateSchemaRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the CreateSchema method. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to create the + schema. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + schema (google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema): + Required. The schema object to create. + + This schema's ``name`` parameter is ignored. The schema + object returned by CreateSchema will have a ``name`` made + using the given ``parent`` and ``schema_id``. + schema_id (str): + The ID to use for the schema, which will become the final + component of the schema's resource name. + + See + https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names + for resource name constraints. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + schema = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='Schema', + ) + schema_id = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class GetSchemaRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the GetSchema method. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The name of the schema to get. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + view (google.pubsub_v1.types.SchemaView): + The set of fields to return in the response. If not set, + returns a Schema with ``name`` and ``type``, but not + ``definition``. Set to ``FULL`` to retrieve all fields. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + view = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='SchemaView', + ) + + +class ListSchemasRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ListSchemas`` method. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to list schemas. + Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + view (google.pubsub_v1.types.SchemaView): + The set of Schema fields to return in the response. If not + set, returns Schemas with ``name`` and ``type``, but not + ``definition``. Set to ``FULL`` to retrieve all fields. + page_size (int): + Maximum number of schemas to return. + page_token (str): + The value returned by the last ``ListSchemasResponse``; + indicates that this is a continuation of a prior + ``ListSchemas`` call, and that the system should return the + next page of data. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + view = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='SchemaView', + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListSchemasResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ListSchemas`` method. + + Attributes: + schemas (Sequence[google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema]): + The resulting schemas. + next_page_token (str): + If not empty, indicates that there may be more schemas that + match the request; this value should be passed in a new + ``ListSchemasRequest``. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + schemas = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Schema', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class DeleteSchemaRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``DeleteSchema`` method. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. Name of the schema to delete. Format is + ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ValidateSchemaRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ValidateSchema`` method. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to validate + schemas. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + schema (google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema): + Required. The schema object to validate. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + schema = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='Schema', + ) + + +class ValidateSchemaResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ValidateSchema`` method. Empty for now. + """ + + +class ValidateMessageRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for the ``ValidateMessage`` method. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The name of the project in which to validate + schemas. Format is ``projects/{project-id}``. + name (str): + Name of the schema against which to validate. + + Format is ``projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}``. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``schema_spec``. + schema (google.pubsub_v1.types.Schema): + Ad-hoc schema against which to validate + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``schema_spec``. + message (bytes): + Message to validate against the provided ``schema_spec``. + encoding (google.pubsub_v1.types.Encoding): + The encoding expected for messages + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + oneof='schema_spec', + ) + schema = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + oneof='schema_spec', + message='Schema', + ) + message = proto.Field( + proto.BYTES, + number=4, + ) + encoding = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=5, + enum='Encoding', + ) + + +class ValidateMessageResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for the ``ValidateMessage`` method. Empty for now. + """ + + +__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest)) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4505b4854 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[mypy] +python_version = 3.6 +namespace_packages = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/noxfile.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/noxfile.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7644f48f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/noxfile.py @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import pathlib +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys + + +import nox # type: ignore + +CURRENT_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() + +LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE = CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "constraints.txt" +PACKAGE_NAME = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "setup.py", "--name"], encoding="utf-8") + + +nox.sessions = [ + "unit", + "cover", + "mypy", + "check_lower_bounds" + # exclude update_lower_bounds from default + "docs", +] + +@nox.session(python=['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10']) +def unit(session): + """Run the unit test suite.""" + + session.install('coverage', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'asyncmock', 'pytest-asyncio') + session.install('-e', '.') + + session.run( + 'py.test', + '--quiet', + '--cov=google/pubsub_v1/', + '--cov-config=.coveragerc', + '--cov-report=term', + '--cov-report=html', + os.path.join('tests', 'unit', ''.join(session.posargs)) + ) + + +@nox.session(python='3.9') +def cover(session): + """Run the final coverage report. + This outputs the coverage report aggregating coverage from the unit + test runs (not system test runs), and then erases coverage data. + """ + session.install("coverage", "pytest-cov") + session.run("coverage", "report", "--show-missing", "--fail-under=100") + + session.run("coverage", "erase") + + +@nox.session(python=['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9']) +def mypy(session): + """Run the type checker.""" + session.install('mypy', 'types-pkg_resources') + session.install('.') + session.run( + 'mypy', + '--explicit-package-bases', + 'google', + ) + + +@nox.session +def update_lower_bounds(session): + """Update lower bounds in constraints.txt to match setup.py""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + session.run( + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'update', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + + +@nox.session +def check_lower_bounds(session): + """Check lower bounds in setup.py are reflected in constraints file""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + session.run( + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'check', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + +@nox.session(python='3.9') +def docs(session): + """Build the docs for this library.""" + + session.install("-e", ".") + session.install("sphinx==4.0.1", "alabaster", "recommonmark") + + shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) + session.run( + "sphinx-build", + "-W", # warnings as errors + "-T", # show full traceback on exception + "-N", # no colors + "-b", + "html", + "-d", + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), + os.path.join("docs", ""), + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), + ) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e369e842 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_CreateTopic_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_create_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Topic( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_CreateTopic_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f48bcf080 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_CreateTopic_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_create_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Topic( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_CreateTopic_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_delete_topic_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_delete_topic_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d9073d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_delete_topic_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DeleteTopic_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_delete_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_topic(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DeleteTopic_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_delete_topic_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_delete_topic_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a27947b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_delete_topic_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DeleteTopic_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_delete_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_topic(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DeleteTopic_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_detach_subscription_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_detach_subscription_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..496831c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_detach_subscription_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DetachSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DetachSubscription_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_detach_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DetachSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.detach_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DetachSubscription_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_detach_subscription_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_detach_subscription_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c087ec19 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_detach_subscription_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DetachSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DetachSubscription_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_detach_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DetachSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.detach_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_DetachSubscription_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_get_topic_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_get_topic_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..944f8dca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_get_topic_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_GetTopic_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_get_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_GetTopic_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_get_topic_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_get_topic_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8100981e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_get_topic_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_GetTopic_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_get_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetTopicRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_GetTopic_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_snapshots_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_snapshots_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..735204472 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_snapshots_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListTopicSnapshots +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSnapshots_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_list_topic_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_snapshots(request=request) + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSnapshots_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_snapshots_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_snapshots_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16c057d4d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_snapshots_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListTopicSnapshots +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSnapshots_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_list_topic_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_snapshots(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSnapshots_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_subscriptions_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_subscriptions_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9bcec1fd --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_subscriptions_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListTopicSubscriptions +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSubscriptions_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_list_topic_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_subscriptions(request=request) + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSubscriptions_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_subscriptions_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_subscriptions_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15f5851f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topic_subscriptions_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListTopicSubscriptions +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSubscriptions_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_list_topic_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topic_subscriptions(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopicSubscriptions_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topics_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topics_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f307674e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topics_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListTopics +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopics_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_list_topics(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topics(request=request) + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopics_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topics_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topics_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe57171a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_list_topics_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListTopics +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopics_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_list_topics(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListTopicsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_topics(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_ListTopics_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_publish_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_publish_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fc090769 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_publish_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Publish +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_Publish_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_publish(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PublishRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.publish(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_Publish_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_publish_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_publish_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..552c7410c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_publish_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Publish +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_Publish_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_publish(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PublishRequest( + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.publish(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_Publish_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_update_topic_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_update_topic_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a8199726 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_update_topic_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_UpdateTopic_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_update_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + topic = pubsub_v1.Topic() + topic.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateTopicRequest( + topic=topic, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_UpdateTopic_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_update_topic_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_update_topic_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe87c23a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_update_topic_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateTopic +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_UpdateTopic_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_update_topic(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + topic = pubsub_v1.Topic() + topic.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateTopicRequest( + topic=topic, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_topic(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_UpdateTopic_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_create_schema_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_create_schema_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c46541d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_create_schema_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_CreateSchema_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_create_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_CreateSchema_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_create_schema_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_create_schema_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10645c890 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_create_schema_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_CreateSchema_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_create_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_CreateSchema_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_delete_schema_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_delete_schema_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..371fd2050 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_delete_schema_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_DeleteSchema_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_delete_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_schema(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_DeleteSchema_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_delete_schema_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_delete_schema_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54967d11a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_delete_schema_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_DeleteSchema_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_delete_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_schema(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_DeleteSchema_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_get_schema_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_get_schema_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c09ea913 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_get_schema_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_GetSchema_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_get_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_GetSchema_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_get_schema_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_get_schema_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a60f0a0e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_get_schema_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_GetSchema_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_get_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSchemaRequest( + name="name_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_GetSchema_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_list_schemas_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_list_schemas_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77ba4d41c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_list_schemas_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListSchemas +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ListSchemas_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_list_schemas(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSchemasRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_schemas(request=request) + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ListSchemas_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_list_schemas_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_list_schemas_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0179ad38 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_list_schemas_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListSchemas +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ListSchemas_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_list_schemas(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSchemasRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_schemas(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ListSchemas_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_message_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_message_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0630590cd --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_message_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ValidateMessage +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateMessage_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_validate_message(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateMessageRequest( + name="name_value", + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.validate_message(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateMessage_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_message_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_message_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0405bc55 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_message_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ValidateMessage +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateMessage_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_validate_message(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateMessageRequest( + name="name_value", + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.validate_message(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateMessage_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_schema_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_schema_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce302c4b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_schema_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ValidateSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateSchema_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_validate_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.validate_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateSchema_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_schema_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_schema_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6308e02e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_schema_service_validate_schema_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ValidateSchema +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateSchema_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_validate_schema(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SchemaServiceClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + schema = pubsub_v1.Schema() + schema.name = "name_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.ValidateSchemaRequest( + parent="parent_value", + schema=schema, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.validate_schema(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_SchemaService_ValidateSchema_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_acknowledge_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_acknowledge_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f69526bc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_acknowledge_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Acknowledge +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Acknowledge_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_acknowledge(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.AcknowledgeRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.acknowledge(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Acknowledge_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_acknowledge_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_acknowledge_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7b1cf1d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_acknowledge_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Acknowledge +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Acknowledge_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_acknowledge(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.AcknowledgeRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.acknowledge(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Acknowledge_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_snapshot_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_snapshot_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0c2414da --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_snapshot_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSnapshot_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_create_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSnapshotRequest( + name="name_value", + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSnapshot_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_snapshot_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_snapshot_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33084f617 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_snapshot_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSnapshot_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_create_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.CreateSnapshotRequest( + name="name_value", + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSnapshot_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_subscription_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_subscription_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b85874270 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_subscription_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSubscription_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_create_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Subscription( + name="name_value", + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSubscription_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_subscription_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_subscription_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e0902b65b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_create_subscription_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSubscription_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_create_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.Subscription( + name="name_value", + topic="topic_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_CreateSubscription_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_snapshot_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_snapshot_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b4f05075 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_snapshot_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSnapshot_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_delete_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_snapshot(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSnapshot_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_snapshot_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_snapshot_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..847978e46 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_snapshot_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSnapshot_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_delete_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_snapshot(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSnapshot_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_subscription_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_subscription_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fa526dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_subscription_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSubscription_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_delete_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_subscription(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSubscription_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_subscription_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_subscription_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5e999dac --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_delete_subscription_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSubscription_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_delete_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.DeleteSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_subscription(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_DeleteSubscription_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_snapshot_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_snapshot_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..09725ec77 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_snapshot_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSnapshot_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_get_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSnapshot_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_snapshot_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_snapshot_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d20dd2f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_snapshot_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSnapshot_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_get_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSnapshotRequest( + snapshot="snapshot_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSnapshot_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_subscription_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_subscription_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4510d9fb --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_subscription_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSubscription_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_get_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSubscription_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_subscription_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_subscription_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36e12af4f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_get_subscription_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSubscription_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_get_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.GetSubscriptionRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_GetSubscription_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_snapshots_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_snapshots_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01bcfdaa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_snapshots_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListSnapshots +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSnapshots_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_list_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSnapshotsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_snapshots(request=request) + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSnapshots_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_snapshots_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_snapshots_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19aebee83 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_snapshots_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListSnapshots +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSnapshots_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_list_snapshots(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSnapshotsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_snapshots(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSnapshots_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_subscriptions_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_subscriptions_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52aa2bf58 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_subscriptions_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListSubscriptions +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSubscriptions_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_list_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSubscriptionsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_subscriptions(request=request) + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSubscriptions_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_subscriptions_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_subscriptions_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d510c7f42 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_list_subscriptions_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListSubscriptions +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSubscriptions_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_list_subscriptions(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ListSubscriptionsRequest( + project="project_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_subscriptions(request=request) + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ListSubscriptions_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_ack_deadline_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_ack_deadline_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9748ed069 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_ack_deadline_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ModifyAckDeadline +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyAckDeadline_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_modify_ack_deadline(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.modify_ack_deadline(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyAckDeadline_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_ack_deadline_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_ack_deadline_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db1b8aca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_ack_deadline_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ModifyAckDeadline +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyAckDeadline_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_modify_ack_deadline(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value_1', 'ack_ids_value_2'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.modify_ack_deadline(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyAckDeadline_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_push_config_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_push_config_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79748cbb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_push_config_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ModifyPushConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyPushConfig_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_modify_push_config(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyPushConfigRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.modify_push_config(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyPushConfig_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_push_config_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_push_config_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc54c8835 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_modify_push_config_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ModifyPushConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyPushConfig_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_modify_push_config(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.ModifyPushConfigRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.modify_push_config(request=request) + + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_ModifyPushConfig_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_pull_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_pull_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3ce71ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_pull_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Pull +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Pull_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + max_messages=1277, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.pull(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Pull_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_pull_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_pull_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d9a069d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_pull_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Pull +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Pull_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.PullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + max_messages=1277, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.pull(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Pull_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_seek_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_seek_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..adb53d39b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_seek_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Seek +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Seek_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_seek(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.SeekRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.seek(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Seek_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_seek_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_seek_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6da2de339 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_seek_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for Seek +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Seek_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_seek(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.SeekRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.seek(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_Seek_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f29380c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for StreamingPull +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_StreamingPull_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_streaming_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + stream_ack_deadline_seconds=2813, + ) + + # This method expects an iterator which contains + # 'pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest' objects + # Here we create a generator that yields a single `request` for + # demonstrative purposes. + requests = [request] + def request_generator(): + for request in requests: + yield request + + # Make the request + stream = await client.streaming_pull(requests=request_generator()) + async for response in stream: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_StreamingPull_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18cbb04da --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for StreamingPull +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_StreamingPull_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_streaming_pull(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest( + subscription="subscription_value", + stream_ack_deadline_seconds=2813, + ) + + # This method expects an iterator which contains + # 'pubsub_v1.StreamingPullRequest' objects + # Here we create a generator that yields a single `request` for + # demonstrative purposes. + requests = [request] + def request_generator(): + for request in requests: + yield request + + # Make the request + stream = client.streaming_pull(requests=request_generator()) + for response in stream: + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_StreamingPull_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5a0a45d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSnapshot_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_update_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSnapshotRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSnapshot_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99dfa8137 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateSnapshot +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSnapshot_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_update_snapshot(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSnapshotRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_snapshot(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSnapshot_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_async.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b6c480d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSubscription_async] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +async def sample_update_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + subscription = pubsub_v1.Subscription() + subscription.name = "name_value" + subscription.topic = "topic_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSubscriptionRequest( + subscription=subscription, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSubscription_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b52de8f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateSubscription +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-pubsub + + +# [START pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSubscription_sync] +from google import pubsub_v1 + + +def sample_update_subscription(): + # Create a client + client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + subscription = pubsub_v1.Subscription() + subscription.name = "name_value" + subscription.topic = "topic_value" + + request = pubsub_v1.UpdateSubscriptionRequest( + subscription=subscription, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_subscription(request=request) + + # Handle response + print(response) + +# [END pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSubscription_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_pubsub_v1.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_pubsub_v1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c35ef2c67 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_pubsub_v1.json @@ -0,0 +1,2707 @@ +{ + "snippets": [ + { + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Publisher" + }, + "shortName": "CreateTopic" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_publisher_create_topic_async.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Publisher_CreateTopic_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 44, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 38, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 41, + "start": 39, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 45, + "start": 42, + 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"RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + }, + { + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Subscriber" + }, + "shortName": "StreamingPull" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_async.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_StreamingPull_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 53, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 53, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "start": 49, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 54, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + }, + { + "clientMethod": { + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Subscriber" + }, + "shortName": "StreamingPull" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_streaming_pull_sync.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_StreamingPull_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 53, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 53, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "start": 49, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 54, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + }, + { + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Subscriber" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateSnapshot" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_async.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSnapshot_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 43, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 43, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 37, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + }, + { + "clientMethod": { + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Subscriber" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateSnapshot" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_snapshot_sync.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSnapshot_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 43, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 43, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 37, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + }, + { + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Subscriber" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateSubscription" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_async.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSubscription_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 42, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 45, + "start": 43, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 49, + "start": 46, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + }, + { + "clientMethod": { + "method": { + "service": { + "shortName": "Subscriber" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateSubscription" + } + }, + "file": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_subscriber_update_subscription_sync.py", + "regionTag": "pubsub_generated_pubsub_v1_Subscriber_UpdateSubscription_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 33, + "start": 31, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 42, + "start": 34, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 45, + "start": 43, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 49, + "start": 46, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/fixup_pubsub_v1_keywords.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/fixup_pubsub_v1_keywords.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..039fa1e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/fixup_pubsub_v1_keywords.py @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import argparse +import os +import libcst as cst +import pathlib +import sys +from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple) + + +def partition( + predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], + iterator: Sequence[Any] +) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: + """A stable, out-of-place partition.""" + results = ([], []) + + for i in iterator: + results[int(predicate(i))].append(i) + + # Returns trueList, falseList + return results[1], results[0] + + +class pubsubCallTransformer(cst.CSTTransformer): + CTRL_PARAMS: Tuple[str] = ('retry', 'timeout', 'metadata') + METHOD_TO_PARAMS: Dict[str, Tuple[str]] = { + 'acknowledge': ('subscription', 'ack_ids', ), + 'create_schema': ('parent', 'schema', 'schema_id', ), + 'create_snapshot': ('name', 'subscription', 'labels', ), + 'create_subscription': ('name', 'topic', 'push_config', 'ack_deadline_seconds', 'retain_acked_messages', 'message_retention_duration', 'labels', 'enable_message_ordering', 'expiration_policy', 'filter', 'dead_letter_policy', 'retry_policy', 'detached', 'enable_exactly_once_delivery', 'topic_message_retention_duration', ), + 'create_topic': ('name', 'labels', 'message_storage_policy', 'kms_key_name', 'schema_settings', 'satisfies_pzs', 'message_retention_duration', ), + 'delete_schema': ('name', ), + 'delete_snapshot': ('snapshot', ), + 'delete_subscription': ('subscription', ), + 'delete_topic': ('topic', ), + 'detach_subscription': ('subscription', ), + 'get_schema': ('name', 'view', ), + 'get_snapshot': ('snapshot', ), + 'get_subscription': ('subscription', ), + 'get_topic': ('topic', ), + 'list_schemas': ('parent', 'view', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'list_snapshots': ('project', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'list_subscriptions': ('project', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'list_topics': ('project', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'list_topic_snapshots': ('topic', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'list_topic_subscriptions': ('topic', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'modify_ack_deadline': ('subscription', 'ack_ids', 'ack_deadline_seconds', ), + 'modify_push_config': ('subscription', 'push_config', ), + 'publish': ('topic', 'messages', ), + 'pull': ('subscription', 'max_messages', 'return_immediately', ), + 'seek': ('subscription', 'time', 'snapshot', ), + 'streaming_pull': ('subscription', 'stream_ack_deadline_seconds', 'ack_ids', 'modify_deadline_seconds', 'modify_deadline_ack_ids', 'client_id', 'max_outstanding_messages', 'max_outstanding_bytes', ), + 'update_snapshot': ('snapshot', 'update_mask', ), + 'update_subscription': ('subscription', 'update_mask', ), + 'update_topic': ('topic', 'update_mask', ), + 'validate_message': ('parent', 'name', 'schema', 'message', 'encoding', ), + 'validate_schema': ('parent', 'schema', ), + 'get_iam_policy': ('resource', 'options', ), + 'set_iam_policy': ('resource', 'policy', ), + 'test_iam_permissions': ('resource', 'permissions', ), + } + + def leave_Call(self, original: cst.Call, updated: cst.Call) -> cst.CSTNode: + try: + key = original.func.attr.value + kword_params = self.METHOD_TO_PARAMS[key] + except (AttributeError, KeyError): + # Either not a method from the API or too convoluted to be sure. + return updated + + # If the existing code is valid, keyword args come after positional args. + # Therefore, all positional args must map to the first parameters. + args, kwargs = partition(lambda a: not bool(a.keyword), updated.args) + if any(k.keyword.value == "request" for k in kwargs): + # We've already fixed this file, don't fix it again. + return updated + + kwargs, ctrl_kwargs = partition( + lambda a: a.keyword.value not in self.CTRL_PARAMS, + kwargs + ) + + args, ctrl_args = args[:len(kword_params)], args[len(kword_params):] + ctrl_kwargs.extend(cst.Arg(value=a.value, keyword=cst.Name(value=ctrl)) + for a, ctrl in zip(ctrl_args, self.CTRL_PARAMS)) + + request_arg = cst.Arg( + value=cst.Dict([ + cst.DictElement( + cst.SimpleString("'{}'".format(name)), +cst.Element(value=arg.value) + ) + # Note: the args + kwargs looks silly, but keep in mind that + # the control parameters had to be stripped out, and that + # those could have been passed positionally or by keyword. + for name, arg in zip(kword_params, args + kwargs)]), + keyword=cst.Name("request") + ) + + return updated.with_changes( + args=[request_arg] + ctrl_kwargs + ) + + +def fix_files( + in_dir: pathlib.Path, + out_dir: pathlib.Path, + *, + transformer=pubsubCallTransformer(), +): + """Duplicate the input dir to the output dir, fixing file method calls. + + Preconditions: + * in_dir is a real directory + * out_dir is a real, empty directory + """ + pyfile_gen = ( + pathlib.Path(os.path.join(root, f)) + for root, _, files in os.walk(in_dir) + for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".py" + ) + + for fpath in pyfile_gen: + with open(fpath, 'r') as f: + src = f.read() + + # Parse the code and insert method call fixes. + tree = cst.parse_module(src) + updated = tree.visit(transformer) + + # Create the path and directory structure for the new file. + updated_path = out_dir.joinpath(fpath.relative_to(in_dir)) + updated_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + + # Generate the updated source file at the corresponding path. + with open(updated_path, 'w') as f: + f.write(updated.code) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="""Fix up source that uses the pubsub client library. + +The existing sources are NOT overwritten but are copied to output_dir with changes made. + +Note: This tool operates at a best-effort level at converting positional + parameters in client method calls to keyword based parameters. + Cases where it WILL FAIL include + A) * or ** expansion in a method call. + B) Calls via function or method alias (includes free function calls) + C) Indirect or dispatched calls (e.g. the method is looked up dynamically) + + These all constitute false negatives. The tool will also detect false + positives when an API method shares a name with another method. +""") + parser.add_argument( + '-d', + '--input-directory', + required=True, + dest='input_dir', + help='the input directory to walk for python files to fix up', + ) + parser.add_argument( + '-o', + '--output-directory', + required=True, + dest='output_dir', + help='the directory to output files fixed via un-flattening', + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + input_dir = pathlib.Path(args.input_dir) + output_dir = pathlib.Path(args.output_dir) + if not input_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"input directory '{input_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if not output_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if os.listdir(output_dir): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' is not empty", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + fix_files(input_dir, output_dir) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/setup.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/setup.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c17ed743 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import io +import os +import setuptools # type: ignore + +version = '0.1.0' + +package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +readme_filename = os.path.join(package_root, 'README.rst') +with io.open(readme_filename, encoding='utf-8') as readme_file: + readme = readme_file.read() + +setuptools.setup( + name='google-pubsub', + version=version, + long_description=readme, + packages=setuptools.PEP420PackageFinder.find(), + namespace_packages=('google',), + platforms='Posix; MacOS X; Windows', + include_package_data=True, + install_requires=( + 'google-api-core[grpc] >= 1.28.0, < 3.0.0dev', + 'libcst >= 0.2.5', + 'proto-plus >= 1.19.7', + 'grpc-google-iam-v1 >= 0.12.3, < 0.13dev', + ), + python_requires='>=3.6', + classifiers=[ + 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', + 'Intended Audience :: Developers', + 'Operating System :: OS Independent', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', + 'Topic :: Internet', + 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', + ], + zip_safe=False, +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b54a5fcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b54a5fcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b54a5fcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b54a5fcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_publisher.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_publisher.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06c8c90fa --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_publisher.py @@ -0,0 +1,4154 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import mock + +import grpc +from grpc.experimental import aio +import math +import pytest +from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule + + +from google.api_core import client_options +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.api_core import path_template +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import options_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher import PublisherAsyncClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher import PublisherClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher import transports +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +import google.auth + + +def client_cert_source_callback(): + return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" + + +# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. +# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different +# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. +def modify_default_endpoint(client): + return "foo.googleapis.com" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + +def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): + api_endpoint = "example.googleapis.com" + api_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.googleapis.com" + sandbox_endpoint = "example.sandbox.googleapis.com" + sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + non_googleapi = "api.example.com" + + assert PublisherClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None + assert PublisherClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert PublisherClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert PublisherClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert PublisherClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert PublisherClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + PublisherClient, + PublisherAsyncClient, +]) +def test_publisher_client_from_service_account_info(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + info = {"valid": True} + client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ + (transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_publisher_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) + use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) + + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) + use_jwt.assert_not_called() + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + PublisherClient, + PublisherAsyncClient, +]) +def test_publisher_client_from_service_account_file(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +def test_publisher_client_get_transport_class(): + transport = PublisherClient.get_transport_class() + available_transports = [ + transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, + ] + assert transport in available_transports + + transport = PublisherClient.get_transport_class("grpc") + assert transport == transports.PublisherGrpcTransport + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(PublisherClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(PublisherClient)) +@mock.patch.object(PublisherAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(PublisherAsyncClient)) +def test_publisher_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(PublisherClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + client = client_class(transport=transport) + gtc.assert_not_called() + + # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(PublisherClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + gtc.assert_called() + + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name, client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has + # unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case quota_project_id is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(PublisherClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(PublisherClient)) +@mock.patch.object(PublisherAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(PublisherAsyncClient)) +@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) +def test_publisher_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): + # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default + # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. + + # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_client_cert_source = None + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = None + else: + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + PublisherClient, PublisherAsyncClient +]) +@mock.patch.object(PublisherClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(PublisherClient)) +@mock.patch.object(PublisherAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(PublisherAsyncClient)) +def test_publisher_client_get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_class): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "false"}): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert doesn't exist. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=False): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert exists. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=mock_client_cert_source): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_publisher_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case scopes are provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + scopes=["1", "2"], + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=["1", "2"], + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_publisher_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +def test_publisher_client_client_options_from_dict(): + with mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.transports.PublisherGrpcTransport.__init__') as grpc_transport: + grpc_transport.return_value = None + client = PublisherClient( + client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} + ) + grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_publisher_client_create_channel_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # test that the credentials from file are saved and used as the credentials. + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "load_credentials_from_file", autospec=True + ) as load_creds, mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "default", autospec=True + ) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel" + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + file_creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + load_creds.return_value = (file_creds, None) + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "pubsub.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=file_creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + scopes=None, + default_host="pubsub.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.Topic, + dict, +]) +def test_create_topic(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic( + name='name_value', + kms_key_name='kms_key_name_value', + satisfies_pzs=True, + ) + response = client.create_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.Topic() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Topic) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.kms_key_name == 'kms_key_name_value' + assert response.satisfies_pzs is True + + +def test_create_topic_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_topic() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.Topic() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_topic_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.Topic): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic( + name='name_value', + kms_key_name='kms_key_name_value', + satisfies_pzs=True, + )) + response = await client.create_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.Topic() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Topic) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.kms_key_name == 'kms_key_name_value' + assert response.satisfies_pzs is True + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_topic_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_topic_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_topic_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.Topic() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + client.create_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_topic_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.Topic() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic()) + await client.create_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_topic_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_topic( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_topic_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_topic( + pubsub.Topic(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_topic_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_topic( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_topic_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_topic( + pubsub.Topic(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_topic(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic( + name='name_value', + kms_key_name='kms_key_name_value', + satisfies_pzs=True, + ) + response = client.update_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Topic) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.kms_key_name == 'kms_key_name_value' + assert response.satisfies_pzs is True + + +def test_update_topic_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_topic), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_topic() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_topic_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic( + name='name_value', + kms_key_name='kms_key_name_value', + satisfies_pzs=True, + )) + response = await client.update_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Topic) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.kms_key_name == 'kms_key_name_value' + assert response.satisfies_pzs is True + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_topic_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_topic_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_topic_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest() + + request.topic.name = 'topic.name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + client.update_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic.name=topic.name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_topic_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.UpdateTopicRequest() + + request.topic.name = 'topic.name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic()) + await client.update_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic.name=topic.name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.PublishRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_publish(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.PublishResponse( + message_ids=['message_ids_value'], + ) + response = client.publish(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.PublishRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.PublishResponse) + assert response.message_ids == ['message_ids_value'] + + +def test_publish_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + client.publish() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.PublishRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_publish_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.PublishRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.PublishResponse( + message_ids=['message_ids_value'], + )) + response = await client.publish(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.PublishRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.PublishResponse) + assert response.message_ids == ['message_ids_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_publish_async_from_dict(): + await test_publish_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_publish_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.PublishRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.PublishResponse() + client.publish(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_publish_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.PublishRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.PublishResponse()) + await client.publish(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_publish_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.PublishResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.publish( + topic='topic_value', + messages=[pubsub.PubsubMessage(data=b'data_blob')], + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].messages + mock_val = [pubsub.PubsubMessage(data=b'data_blob')] + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_publish_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.publish( + pubsub.PublishRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + messages=[pubsub.PubsubMessage(data=b'data_blob')], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_publish_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.publish), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.PublishResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.PublishResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.publish( + topic='topic_value', + messages=[pubsub.PubsubMessage(data=b'data_blob')], + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].messages + mock_val = [pubsub.PubsubMessage(data=b'data_blob')] + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_publish_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.publish( + pubsub.PublishRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + messages=[pubsub.PubsubMessage(data=b'data_blob')], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.GetTopicRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_topic(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic( + name='name_value', + kms_key_name='kms_key_name_value', + satisfies_pzs=True, + ) + response = client.get_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetTopicRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Topic) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.kms_key_name == 'kms_key_name_value' + assert response.satisfies_pzs is True + + +def test_get_topic_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_topic() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetTopicRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_topic_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.GetTopicRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic( + name='name_value', + kms_key_name='kms_key_name_value', + satisfies_pzs=True, + )) + response = await client.get_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetTopicRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Topic) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.kms_key_name == 'kms_key_name_value' + assert response.satisfies_pzs is True + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_topic_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_topic_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_topic_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.GetTopicRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + client.get_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_topic_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.GetTopicRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic()) + await client.get_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_topic_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_topic( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_topic_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_topic( + pubsub.GetTopicRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_topic_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Topic() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Topic()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_topic( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_topic_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_topic( + pubsub.GetTopicRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ListTopicsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_topics(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_topics(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTopicsPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_topics_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_topics() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicsRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ListTopicsRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_topics(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTopicsAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_topics_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_topics_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListTopicsRequest() + + request.project = 'project/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicsResponse() + client.list_topics(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'project=project/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListTopicsRequest() + + request.project = 'project/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicsResponse()) + await client.list_topics(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'project=project/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_topics_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_topics( + project='project_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project + mock_val = 'project_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_topics_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_topics( + pubsub.ListTopicsRequest(), + project='project_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_topics( + project='project_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project + mock_val = 'project_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_topics( + pubsub.ListTopicsRequest(), + project='project_value', + ) + + +def test_list_topics_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('project', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_topics(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, pubsub.Topic) + for i in results) +def test_list_topics_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_topics(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_async_pager(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_topics(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, pubsub.Topic) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topics_async_pages(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topics), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicsResponse( + topics=[ + pubsub.Topic(), + pubsub.Topic(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_topics(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_topic_subscriptions(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=['subscriptions_value'], + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_topic_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsPager) + assert response.subscriptions == ['subscriptions_value'] + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_topic_subscriptions_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_topic_subscriptions() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=['subscriptions_value'], + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_topic_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTopicSubscriptionsAsyncPager) + assert response.subscriptions == ['subscriptions_value'] + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_topic_subscriptions_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_topic_subscriptions_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse() + client.list_topic_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse()) + await client.list_topic_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_topic_subscriptions_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_topic_subscriptions( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_topic_subscriptions_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_topic_subscriptions( + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_topic_subscriptions( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_topic_subscriptions( + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +def test_list_topic_subscriptions_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('topic', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_topic_subscriptions(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, str) + for i in results) +def test_list_topic_subscriptions_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_topic_subscriptions(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_async_pager(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_topic_subscriptions(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, str) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_subscriptions_async_pages(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_subscriptions), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_topic_subscriptions(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_topic_snapshots(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=['snapshots_value'], + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_topic_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsPager) + assert response.snapshots == ['snapshots_value'] + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_topic_snapshots_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_topic_snapshots() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=['snapshots_value'], + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_topic_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTopicSnapshotsAsyncPager) + assert response.snapshots == ['snapshots_value'] + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_topic_snapshots_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_topic_snapshots_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse() + client.list_topic_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse()) + await client.list_topic_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_topic_snapshots_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_topic_snapshots( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_topic_snapshots_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_topic_snapshots( + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_topic_snapshots( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_topic_snapshots( + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +def test_list_topic_snapshots_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('topic', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_topic_snapshots(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, str) + for i in results) +def test_list_topic_snapshots_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_topic_snapshots(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_async_pager(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_topic_snapshots(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, str) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_topic_snapshots_async_pages(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_topic_snapshots), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + str(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + str(), + str(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_topic_snapshots(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_topic(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.delete_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_delete_topic_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_topic() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_topic_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.delete_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_topic_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_topic_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_topic_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.delete_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_topic_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest() + + request.topic = 'topic/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.delete_topic(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'topic=topic/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_topic_flattened(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_topic( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_topic_flattened_error(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_topic( + pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_topic_flattened_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_topic), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_topic( + topic='topic_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_topic_flattened_error_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_topic( + pubsub.DeleteTopicRequest(), + topic='topic_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_detach_subscription(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.detach_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse( + ) + response = client.detach_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse) + + +def test_detach_subscription_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.detach_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + client.detach_subscription() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_detach_subscription_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.detach_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse( + )) + response = await client.detach_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_detach_subscription_async_from_dict(): + await test_detach_subscription_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_detach_subscription_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.detach_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse() + client.detach_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_detach_subscription_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DetachSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.detach_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.DetachSubscriptionResponse()) + await client.detach_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_credentials_transport_error(): + # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = PublisherClient( + client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a transport instance. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = PublisherClient( + client_options=options, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a credential. + options = mock.Mock() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = PublisherClient( + client_options=options, + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + + # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = PublisherClient( + client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, + transport=transport, + ) + + +def test_transport_instance(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + client = PublisherClient(transport=transport) + assert client.transport is transport + +def test_transport_get_channel(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ + transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, + transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, +]) +def test_transport_adc(transport_class): + # Test default credentials are used if not provided. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class() + adc.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_grpc_default(): + # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert isinstance( + client.transport, + transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, + ) + +def test_publisher_base_transport_error(): + # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error + with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): + transport = transports.PublisherTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + +def test_publisher_base_transport(): + # Instantiate the base transport. + with mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.transports.PublisherTransport.__init__') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + transport = transports.PublisherTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Every method on the transport should just blindly + # raise NotImplementedError. + methods = ( + 'create_topic', + 'update_topic', + 'publish', + 'get_topic', + 'list_topics', + 'list_topic_subscriptions', + 'list_topic_snapshots', + 'delete_topic', + 'detach_subscription', + 'set_iam_policy', + 'get_iam_policy', + 'test_iam_permissions', + ) + for method in methods: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + + +def test_publisher_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.transports.PublisherTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.PublisherTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +def test_publisher_base_transport_with_adc(): + # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.publisher.transports.PublisherTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.PublisherTransport() + adc.assert_called_once() + + +def test_publisher_auth_adc(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + PublisherClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, + transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_publisher_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_scopes=( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub',), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class,grpc_helpers", + [ + (transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), + (transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) + ], +) +def test_publisher_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + transport_class( + quota_project_id="octopus", + scopes=["1", "2"] + ) + + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "pubsub.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_host="pubsub.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_publisher_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( + transport_class +): + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + + # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: + mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() + transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=cred, + ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds + ) + mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls + # is used. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: + transport_class( + credentials=cred, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback + ) + expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() + mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=expected_cert, + private_key=expected_key + ) + + +def test_publisher_host_no_port(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='pubsub.googleapis.com'), + ) + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +def test_publisher_host_with_port(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='pubsub.googleapis.com:8000'), + ) + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:8000' + +def test_publisher_grpc_transport_channel(): + channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +def test_publisher_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): + channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_publisher_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( + transport_class +): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred + + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (cred, None) + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, + ) + adc.assert_called_once() + + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" + ) + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.PublisherGrpcTransport, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_publisher_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( + transport_class +): + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + with mock.patch.multiple( + "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", + __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), + ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), + ): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=mock_cred, + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=None, + ) + + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + + +def test_schema_path(): + project = "squid" + schema = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}".format(project=project, schema=schema, ) + actual = PublisherClient.schema_path(project, schema) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_schema_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "schema": "octopus", + } + path = PublisherClient.schema_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_schema_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_subscription_path(): + project = "oyster" + subscription = "nudibranch" + expected = "projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}".format(project=project, subscription=subscription, ) + actual = PublisherClient.subscription_path(project, subscription) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_subscription_path(): + expected = { + "project": "cuttlefish", + "subscription": "mussel", + } + path = PublisherClient.subscription_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_subscription_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_topic_path(): + project = "winkle" + topic = "nautilus" + expected = "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + actual = PublisherClient.topic_path(project, topic) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_topic_path(): + expected = { + "project": "scallop", + "topic": "abalone", + } + path = PublisherClient.topic_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_topic_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_billing_account_path(): + billing_account = "squid" + expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + actual = PublisherClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): + expected = { + "billing_account": "clam", + } + path = PublisherClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_folder_path(): + folder = "whelk" + expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + actual = PublisherClient.common_folder_path(folder) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_folder_path(): + expected = { + "folder": "octopus", + } + path = PublisherClient.common_folder_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_organization_path(): + organization = "oyster" + expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + actual = PublisherClient.common_organization_path(organization) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_organization_path(): + expected = { + "organization": "nudibranch", + } + path = PublisherClient.common_organization_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_project_path(): + project = "cuttlefish" + expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + actual = PublisherClient.common_project_path(project) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_project_path(): + expected = { + "project": "mussel", + } + path = PublisherClient.common_project_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_common_project_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_location_path(): + project = "winkle" + location = "nautilus" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + actual = PublisherClient.common_location_path(project, location) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_location_path(): + expected = { + "project": "scallop", + "location": "abalone", + } + path = PublisherClient.common_location_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = PublisherClient.parse_common_location_path(path) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_client_with_default_client_info(): + client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + with mock.patch.object(transports.PublisherTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + with mock.patch.object(transports.PublisherTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + transport_class = PublisherClient.get_transport_class() + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + +def test_set_iam_policy(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + + response = client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + ) + + response = await client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +def test_set_iam_policy_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(policy_pb2.Policy()) + + await client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_set_iam_policy_from_dict(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + response = client.set_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "policy": policy_pb2.Policy(version=774), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_from_dict_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy() + ) + + response = await client.set_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "policy": policy_pb2.Policy(version=774), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +def test_get_iam_policy(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + + response = client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + ) + + response = await client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +def test_get_iam_policy_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(policy_pb2.Policy()) + + await client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_get_iam_policy_from_dict(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + response = client.get_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "options": options_pb2.GetPolicyOptions(requested_policy_version=2598), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_from_dict_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy() + ) + + response = await client.get_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "options": options_pb2.GetPolicyOptions(requested_policy_version=2598), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +def test_test_iam_permissions(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse( + permissions=["permissions_value"], + ) + + response = client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse) + + assert response.permissions == ["permissions_value"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse(permissions=["permissions_value"],) + ) + + response = await client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse) + + assert response.permissions == ["permissions_value"] + + +def test_test_iam_permissions_field_headers(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + + client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_field_headers_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + ) + + await client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_test_iam_permissions_from_dict(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + + response = client.test_iam_permissions( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "permissions": ["permissions_value"], + } + ) + call.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_from_dict_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + ) + + response = await client.test_iam_permissions( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "permissions": ["permissions_value"], + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = PublisherAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + 'grpc', + ] + for transport in transports: + client = PublisherClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class", [ + (PublisherClient, transports.PublisherGrpcTransport), + (PublisherAsyncClient, transports.PublisherGrpcAsyncIOTransport), +]) +def test_api_key_credentials(client_class, transport_class): + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials", create=True + ) as get_api_key_credentials: + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + get_api_key_credentials.return_value = mock_cred + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_schema_service.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_schema_service.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32f6d258d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_schema_service.py @@ -0,0 +1,3113 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import mock + +import grpc +from grpc.experimental import aio +import math +import pytest +from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule + + +from google.api_core import client_options +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.api_core import path_template +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import options_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service import SchemaServiceAsyncClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service import SchemaServiceClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service import transports +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema +from google.pubsub_v1.types import schema as gp_schema +import google.auth + + +def client_cert_source_callback(): + return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" + + +# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. +# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different +# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. +def modify_default_endpoint(client): + return "foo.googleapis.com" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + +def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): + api_endpoint = "example.googleapis.com" + api_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.googleapis.com" + sandbox_endpoint = "example.sandbox.googleapis.com" + sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + non_googleapi = "api.example.com" + + assert SchemaServiceClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None + assert SchemaServiceClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert SchemaServiceClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert SchemaServiceClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert SchemaServiceClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert SchemaServiceClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + SchemaServiceClient, + SchemaServiceAsyncClient, +]) +def test_schema_service_client_from_service_account_info(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + info = {"valid": True} + client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ + (transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_schema_service_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) + use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) + + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) + use_jwt.assert_not_called() + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + SchemaServiceClient, + SchemaServiceAsyncClient, +]) +def test_schema_service_client_from_service_account_file(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +def test_schema_service_client_get_transport_class(): + transport = SchemaServiceClient.get_transport_class() + available_transports = [ + transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, + ] + assert transport in available_transports + + transport = SchemaServiceClient.get_transport_class("grpc") + assert transport == transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SchemaServiceClient)) +@mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SchemaServiceAsyncClient)) +def test_schema_service_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + client = client_class(transport=transport) + gtc.assert_not_called() + + # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + gtc.assert_called() + + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name, client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has + # unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case quota_project_id is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SchemaServiceClient)) +@mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SchemaServiceAsyncClient)) +@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) +def test_schema_service_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): + # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default + # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. + + # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_client_cert_source = None + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = None + else: + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + SchemaServiceClient, SchemaServiceAsyncClient +]) +@mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SchemaServiceClient)) +@mock.patch.object(SchemaServiceAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SchemaServiceAsyncClient)) +def test_schema_service_client_get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_class): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "false"}): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert doesn't exist. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=False): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert exists. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=mock_client_cert_source): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_schema_service_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case scopes are provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + scopes=["1", "2"], + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=["1", "2"], + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_schema_service_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +def test_schema_service_client_client_options_from_dict(): + with mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport.__init__') as grpc_transport: + grpc_transport.return_value = None + client = SchemaServiceClient( + client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} + ) + grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_schema_service_client_create_channel_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # test that the credentials from file are saved and used as the credentials. + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "load_credentials_from_file", autospec=True + ) as load_creds, mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "default", autospec=True + ) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel" + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + file_creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + load_creds.return_value = (file_creds, None) + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "pubsub.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=file_creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + scopes=None, + default_host="pubsub.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_create_schema(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = gp_schema.Schema( + name='name_value', + type_=gp_schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER, + definition='definition_value', + ) + response = client.create_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, gp_schema.Schema) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.type_ == gp_schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER + assert response.definition == 'definition_value' + + +def test_create_schema_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_schema() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_schema_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(gp_schema.Schema( + name='name_value', + type_=gp_schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER, + definition='definition_value', + )) + response = await client.create_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, gp_schema.Schema) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.type_ == gp_schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER + assert response.definition == 'definition_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_schema_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_schema_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_schema_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = gp_schema.Schema() + client.create_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_schema_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(gp_schema.Schema()) + await client.create_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_schema_flattened(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = gp_schema.Schema() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_schema( + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + schema_id='schema_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].schema + mock_val = gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].schema_id + mock_val = 'schema_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_schema_flattened_error(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_schema( + gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + schema_id='schema_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_schema_flattened_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = gp_schema.Schema() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(gp_schema.Schema()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_schema( + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + schema_id='schema_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].schema + mock_val = gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].schema_id + mock_val = 'schema_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_schema_flattened_error_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_schema( + gp_schema.CreateSchemaRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + schema_id='schema_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + schema.GetSchemaRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_schema(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.Schema( + name='name_value', + type_=schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER, + definition='definition_value', + ) + response = client.get_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.GetSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, schema.Schema) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.type_ == schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER + assert response.definition == 'definition_value' + + +def test_get_schema_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_schema() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.GetSchemaRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_schema_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=schema.GetSchemaRequest): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.Schema( + name='name_value', + type_=schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER, + definition='definition_value', + )) + response = await client.get_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.GetSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, schema.Schema) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.type_ == schema.Schema.Type.PROTOCOL_BUFFER + assert response.definition == 'definition_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_schema_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_schema_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_schema_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.GetSchemaRequest() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = schema.Schema() + client.get_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_schema_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.GetSchemaRequest() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.Schema()) + await client.get_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_schema_flattened(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.Schema() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_schema( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_schema_flattened_error(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_schema( + schema.GetSchemaRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_schema_flattened_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.Schema() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.Schema()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_schema( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_schema_flattened_error_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_schema( + schema.GetSchemaRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + schema.ListSchemasRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_schemas(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.ListSchemasResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_schemas(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.ListSchemasRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListSchemasPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_schemas_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_schemas() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.ListSchemasRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=schema.ListSchemasRequest): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.ListSchemasResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_schemas(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.ListSchemasRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListSchemasAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_schemas_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_schemas_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.ListSchemasRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = schema.ListSchemasResponse() + client.list_schemas(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.ListSchemasRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.ListSchemasResponse()) + await client.list_schemas(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_schemas_flattened(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.ListSchemasResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_schemas( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_schemas_flattened_error(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_schemas( + schema.ListSchemasRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_flattened_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.ListSchemasResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.ListSchemasResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_schemas( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_flattened_error_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_schemas( + schema.ListSchemasRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +def test_list_schemas_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('parent', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_schemas(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, schema.Schema) + for i in results) +def test_list_schemas_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_schemas(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_async_pager(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_schemas(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, schema.Schema) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_schemas_async_pages(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_schemas), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + schema.ListSchemasResponse( + schemas=[ + schema.Schema(), + schema.Schema(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_schemas(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + schema.DeleteSchemaRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_schema(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.delete_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.DeleteSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_delete_schema_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_schema() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.DeleteSchemaRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_schema_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=schema.DeleteSchemaRequest): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.delete_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.DeleteSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_schema_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_schema_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_schema_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.DeleteSchemaRequest() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.delete_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_schema_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.DeleteSchemaRequest() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.delete_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_schema_flattened(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_schema( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_schema_flattened_error(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_schema( + schema.DeleteSchemaRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_schema_flattened_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_schema( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_schema_flattened_error_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_schema( + schema.DeleteSchemaRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_validate_schema(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse( + ) + response = client.validate_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse) + + +def test_validate_schema_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + client.validate_schema() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_schema_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse( + )) + response = await client.validate_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_schema_async_from_dict(): + await test_validate_schema_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_validate_schema_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse() + client.validate_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_schema_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse()) + await client.validate_schema(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_validate_schema_flattened(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.validate_schema( + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].schema + mock_val = gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_validate_schema_flattened_error(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.validate_schema( + gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_schema_flattened_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_schema), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(gp_schema.ValidateSchemaResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.validate_schema( + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].schema + mock_val = gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_schema_flattened_error_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.validate_schema( + gp_schema.ValidateSchemaRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + schema=gp_schema.Schema(name='name_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + schema.ValidateMessageRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_validate_message(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_message), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = schema.ValidateMessageResponse( + ) + response = client.validate_message(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.ValidateMessageRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, schema.ValidateMessageResponse) + + +def test_validate_message_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_message), + '__call__') as call: + client.validate_message() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.ValidateMessageRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_message_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=schema.ValidateMessageRequest): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_message), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.ValidateMessageResponse( + )) + response = await client.validate_message(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == schema.ValidateMessageRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, schema.ValidateMessageResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_message_async_from_dict(): + await test_validate_message_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_validate_message_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.ValidateMessageRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_message), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = schema.ValidateMessageResponse() + client.validate_message(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_validate_message_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = schema.ValidateMessageRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.validate_message), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(schema.ValidateMessageResponse()) + await client.validate_message(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_credentials_transport_error(): + # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + client_options=options, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a credential. + options = mock.Mock() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + client_options=options, + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + + # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, + transport=transport, + ) + + +def test_transport_instance(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + client = SchemaServiceClient(transport=transport) + assert client.transport is transport + +def test_transport_get_channel(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ + transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, + transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, +]) +def test_transport_adc(transport_class): + # Test default credentials are used if not provided. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class() + adc.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_grpc_default(): + # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert isinstance( + client.transport, + transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, + ) + +def test_schema_service_base_transport_error(): + # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error + with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): + transport = transports.SchemaServiceTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + +def test_schema_service_base_transport(): + # Instantiate the base transport. + with mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.transports.SchemaServiceTransport.__init__') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + transport = transports.SchemaServiceTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Every method on the transport should just blindly + # raise NotImplementedError. + methods = ( + 'create_schema', + 'get_schema', + 'list_schemas', + 'delete_schema', + 'validate_schema', + 'validate_message', + 'set_iam_policy', + 'get_iam_policy', + 'test_iam_permissions', + ) + for method in methods: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + + +def test_schema_service_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.transports.SchemaServiceTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.SchemaServiceTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +def test_schema_service_base_transport_with_adc(): + # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.schema_service.transports.SchemaServiceTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.SchemaServiceTransport() + adc.assert_called_once() + + +def test_schema_service_auth_adc(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + SchemaServiceClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, + transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_schema_service_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_scopes=( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub',), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class,grpc_helpers", + [ + (transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), + (transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) + ], +) +def test_schema_service_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + transport_class( + quota_project_id="octopus", + scopes=["1", "2"] + ) + + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "pubsub.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_host="pubsub.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_schema_service_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( + transport_class +): + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + + # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: + mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() + transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=cred, + ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds + ) + mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls + # is used. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: + transport_class( + credentials=cred, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback + ) + expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() + mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=expected_cert, + private_key=expected_key + ) + + +def test_schema_service_host_no_port(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='pubsub.googleapis.com'), + ) + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +def test_schema_service_host_with_port(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='pubsub.googleapis.com:8000'), + ) + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:8000' + +def test_schema_service_grpc_transport_channel(): + channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +def test_schema_service_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): + channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_schema_service_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( + transport_class +): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred + + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (cred, None) + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, + ) + adc.assert_called_once() + + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" + ) + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_schema_service_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( + transport_class +): + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + with mock.patch.multiple( + "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", + __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), + ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), + ): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=mock_cred, + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=None, + ) + + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + + +def test_schema_path(): + project = "squid" + schema = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}".format(project=project, schema=schema, ) + actual = SchemaServiceClient.schema_path(project, schema) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_schema_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "schema": "octopus", + } + path = SchemaServiceClient.schema_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SchemaServiceClient.parse_schema_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_billing_account_path(): + billing_account = "oyster" + expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + actual = SchemaServiceClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): + expected = { + "billing_account": "nudibranch", + } + path = SchemaServiceClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_folder_path(): + folder = "cuttlefish" + expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + actual = SchemaServiceClient.common_folder_path(folder) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_folder_path(): + expected = { + "folder": "mussel", + } + path = SchemaServiceClient.common_folder_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_organization_path(): + organization = "winkle" + expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + actual = SchemaServiceClient.common_organization_path(organization) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_organization_path(): + expected = { + "organization": "nautilus", + } + path = SchemaServiceClient.common_organization_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_project_path(): + project = "scallop" + expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + actual = SchemaServiceClient.common_project_path(project) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_project_path(): + expected = { + "project": "abalone", + } + path = SchemaServiceClient.common_project_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_project_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_location_path(): + project = "squid" + location = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + actual = SchemaServiceClient.common_location_path(project, location) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_location_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "location": "octopus", + } + path = SchemaServiceClient.common_location_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SchemaServiceClient.parse_common_location_path(path) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_client_with_default_client_info(): + client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + with mock.patch.object(transports.SchemaServiceTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + with mock.patch.object(transports.SchemaServiceTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + transport_class = SchemaServiceClient.get_transport_class() + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + +def test_set_iam_policy(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + + response = client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + ) + + response = await client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +def test_set_iam_policy_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(policy_pb2.Policy()) + + await client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_set_iam_policy_from_dict(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + response = client.set_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "policy": policy_pb2.Policy(version=774), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_from_dict_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy() + ) + + response = await client.set_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "policy": policy_pb2.Policy(version=774), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +def test_get_iam_policy(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + + response = client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + ) + + response = await client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +def test_get_iam_policy_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(policy_pb2.Policy()) + + await client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_get_iam_policy_from_dict(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + response = client.get_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "options": options_pb2.GetPolicyOptions(requested_policy_version=2598), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_from_dict_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy() + ) + + response = await client.get_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "options": options_pb2.GetPolicyOptions(requested_policy_version=2598), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +def test_test_iam_permissions(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse( + permissions=["permissions_value"], + ) + + response = client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse) + + assert response.permissions == ["permissions_value"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse(permissions=["permissions_value"],) + ) + + response = await client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse) + + assert response.permissions == ["permissions_value"] + + +def test_test_iam_permissions_field_headers(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + + client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_field_headers_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + ) + + await client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_test_iam_permissions_from_dict(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + + response = client.test_iam_permissions( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "permissions": ["permissions_value"], + } + ) + call.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_from_dict_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + ) + + response = await client.test_iam_permissions( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "permissions": ["permissions_value"], + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = SchemaServiceAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + 'grpc', + ] + for transport in transports: + client = SchemaServiceClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class", [ + (SchemaServiceClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcTransport), + (SchemaServiceAsyncClient, transports.SchemaServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport), +]) +def test_api_key_credentials(client_class, transport_class): + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials", create=True + ) as get_api_key_credentials: + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + get_api_key_credentials.return_value = mock_cred + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_subscriber.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_subscriber.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d6bd2b9b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/pubsub_v1/test_subscriber.py @@ -0,0 +1,5493 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import mock + +import grpc +from grpc.experimental import aio +import math +import pytest +from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule + + +from google.api_core import client_options +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.api_core import path_template +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError +from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import options_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber import SubscriberAsyncClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber import SubscriberClient +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber import pagers +from google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber import transports +from google.pubsub_v1.types import pubsub +import google.auth + + +def client_cert_source_callback(): + return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" + + +# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. +# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different +# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. +def modify_default_endpoint(client): + return "foo.googleapis.com" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + +def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): + api_endpoint = "example.googleapis.com" + api_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.googleapis.com" + sandbox_endpoint = "example.sandbox.googleapis.com" + sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + non_googleapi = "api.example.com" + + assert SubscriberClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None + assert SubscriberClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert SubscriberClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert SubscriberClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert SubscriberClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert SubscriberClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + SubscriberClient, + SubscriberAsyncClient, +]) +def test_subscriber_client_from_service_account_info(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + info = {"valid": True} + client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ + (transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_subscriber_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) + use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) + + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) + use_jwt.assert_not_called() + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + SubscriberClient, + SubscriberAsyncClient, +]) +def test_subscriber_client_from_service_account_file(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +def test_subscriber_client_get_transport_class(): + transport = SubscriberClient.get_transport_class() + available_transports = [ + transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, + ] + assert transport in available_transports + + transport = SubscriberClient.get_transport_class("grpc") + assert transport == transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(SubscriberClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SubscriberClient)) +@mock.patch.object(SubscriberAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SubscriberAsyncClient)) +def test_subscriber_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(SubscriberClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + client = client_class(transport=transport) + gtc.assert_not_called() + + # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(SubscriberClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + gtc.assert_called() + + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name, client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has + # unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case quota_project_id is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(SubscriberClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SubscriberClient)) +@mock.patch.object(SubscriberAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SubscriberAsyncClient)) +@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) +def test_subscriber_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): + # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default + # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. + + # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_client_cert_source = None + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = None + else: + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + SubscriberClient, SubscriberAsyncClient +]) +@mock.patch.object(SubscriberClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SubscriberClient)) +@mock.patch.object(SubscriberAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(SubscriberAsyncClient)) +def test_subscriber_client_get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_class): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "false"}): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert doesn't exist. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=False): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert exists. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=mock_client_cert_source): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_subscriber_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case scopes are provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + scopes=["1", "2"], + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=["1", "2"], + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_subscriber_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +def test_subscriber_client_client_options_from_dict(): + with mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport.__init__') as grpc_transport: + grpc_transport.return_value = None + client = SubscriberClient( + client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} + ) + grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_subscriber_client_create_channel_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # test that the credentials from file are saved and used as the credentials. + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "load_credentials_from_file", autospec=True + ) as load_creds, mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "default", autospec=True + ) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel" + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + file_creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + load_creds.return_value = (file_creds, None) + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "pubsub.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=file_creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + scopes=None, + default_host="pubsub.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.Subscription, + dict, +]) +def test_create_subscription(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + retain_acked_messages=True, + enable_message_ordering=True, + filter='filter_value', + detached=True, + enable_exactly_once_delivery=True, + ) + response = client.create_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.Subscription() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Subscription) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + assert response.ack_deadline_seconds == 2066 + assert response.retain_acked_messages is True + assert response.enable_message_ordering is True + assert response.filter == 'filter_value' + assert response.detached is True + assert response.enable_exactly_once_delivery is True + + +def test_create_subscription_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_subscription() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.Subscription() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_subscription_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.Subscription): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + retain_acked_messages=True, + enable_message_ordering=True, + filter='filter_value', + detached=True, + enable_exactly_once_delivery=True, + )) + response = await client.create_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.Subscription() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Subscription) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + assert response.ack_deadline_seconds == 2066 + assert response.retain_acked_messages is True + assert response.enable_message_ordering is True + assert response.filter == 'filter_value' + assert response.detached is True + assert response.enable_exactly_once_delivery is True + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_subscription_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_subscription_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_subscription_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.Subscription() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + client.create_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_subscription_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.Subscription() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription()) + await client.create_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_subscription_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].push_config + mock_val = pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_deadline_seconds + mock_val = 2066 + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_subscription_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_subscription( + pubsub.Subscription(), + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_subscription_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].topic + mock_val = 'topic_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].push_config + mock_val = pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_deadline_seconds + mock_val = 2066 + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_subscription_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_subscription( + pubsub.Subscription(), + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_subscription(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + retain_acked_messages=True, + enable_message_ordering=True, + filter='filter_value', + detached=True, + enable_exactly_once_delivery=True, + ) + response = client.get_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Subscription) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + assert response.ack_deadline_seconds == 2066 + assert response.retain_acked_messages is True + assert response.enable_message_ordering is True + assert response.filter == 'filter_value' + assert response.detached is True + assert response.enable_exactly_once_delivery is True + + +def test_get_subscription_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_subscription() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_subscription_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + retain_acked_messages=True, + enable_message_ordering=True, + filter='filter_value', + detached=True, + enable_exactly_once_delivery=True, + )) + response = await client.get_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Subscription) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + assert response.ack_deadline_seconds == 2066 + assert response.retain_acked_messages is True + assert response.enable_message_ordering is True + assert response.filter == 'filter_value' + assert response.detached is True + assert response.enable_exactly_once_delivery is True + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_subscription_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_subscription_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_subscription_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + client.get_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_subscription_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription()) + await client.get_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_subscription_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_subscription( + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_subscription_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_subscription( + pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_subscription_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_subscription( + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_subscription_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_subscription( + pubsub.GetSubscriptionRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_subscription(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + retain_acked_messages=True, + enable_message_ordering=True, + filter='filter_value', + detached=True, + enable_exactly_once_delivery=True, + ) + response = client.update_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Subscription) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + assert response.ack_deadline_seconds == 2066 + assert response.retain_acked_messages is True + assert response.enable_message_ordering is True + assert response.filter == 'filter_value' + assert response.detached is True + assert response.enable_exactly_once_delivery is True + + +def test_update_subscription_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_subscription() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_subscription_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + retain_acked_messages=True, + enable_message_ordering=True, + filter='filter_value', + detached=True, + enable_exactly_once_delivery=True, + )) + response = await client.update_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Subscription) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + assert response.ack_deadline_seconds == 2066 + assert response.retain_acked_messages is True + assert response.enable_message_ordering is True + assert response.filter == 'filter_value' + assert response.detached is True + assert response.enable_exactly_once_delivery is True + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_subscription_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_subscription_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_subscription_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription.name = 'subscription.name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Subscription() + client.update_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription.name=subscription.name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_subscription_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.UpdateSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription.name = 'subscription.name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Subscription()) + await client.update_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription.name=subscription.name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_subscriptions(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListSubscriptionsPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_subscriptions_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_subscriptions() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListSubscriptionsAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_subscriptions_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_subscriptions_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest() + + request.project = 'project/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse() + client.list_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'project=project/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest() + + request.project = 'project/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse()) + await client.list_subscriptions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'project=project/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_subscriptions_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_subscriptions( + project='project_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project + mock_val = 'project_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_subscriptions_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_subscriptions( + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest(), + project='project_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_subscriptions( + project='project_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project + mock_val = 'project_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_subscriptions( + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsRequest(), + project='project_value', + ) + + +def test_list_subscriptions_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('project', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_subscriptions(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, pubsub.Subscription) + for i in results) +def test_list_subscriptions_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_subscriptions(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_async_pager(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_subscriptions(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, pubsub.Subscription) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_subscriptions_async_pages(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_subscriptions), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse( + subscriptions=[ + pubsub.Subscription(), + pubsub.Subscription(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_subscriptions(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_subscription(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.delete_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_delete_subscription_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_subscription() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_subscription_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.delete_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_subscription_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_subscription_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_subscription_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.delete_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_subscription_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.delete_subscription(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_subscription_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_subscription( + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_subscription_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_subscription( + pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_subscription_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_subscription), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_subscription( + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_subscription_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_subscription( + pubsub.DeleteSubscriptionRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_modify_ack_deadline(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.modify_ack_deadline(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_modify_ack_deadline_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + client.modify_ack_deadline() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_ack_deadline_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.modify_ack_deadline(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_ack_deadline_async_from_dict(): + await test_modify_ack_deadline_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_modify_ack_deadline_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.modify_ack_deadline(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_ack_deadline_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.modify_ack_deadline(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_modify_ack_deadline_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.modify_ack_deadline( + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_ids + mock_val = ['ack_ids_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_deadline_seconds + mock_val = 2066 + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_modify_ack_deadline_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.modify_ack_deadline( + pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_ack_deadline_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_ack_deadline), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.modify_ack_deadline( + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_ids + mock_val = ['ack_ids_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_deadline_seconds + mock_val = 2066 + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_ack_deadline_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.modify_ack_deadline( + pubsub.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ack_deadline_seconds=2066, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_acknowledge(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.acknowledge(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_acknowledge_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + client.acknowledge() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_acknowledge_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.acknowledge(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_acknowledge_async_from_dict(): + await test_acknowledge_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_acknowledge_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.acknowledge(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_acknowledge_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.acknowledge(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_acknowledge_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.acknowledge( + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_ids + mock_val = ['ack_ids_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_acknowledge_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.acknowledge( + pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_acknowledge_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.acknowledge), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.acknowledge( + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].ack_ids + mock_val = ['ack_ids_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_acknowledge_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.acknowledge( + pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + ack_ids=['ack_ids_value'], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.PullRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_pull(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.PullResponse( + ) + response = client.pull(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.PullRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.PullResponse) + + +def test_pull_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + client.pull() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.PullRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_pull_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.PullRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.PullResponse( + )) + response = await client.pull(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.PullRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.PullResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_pull_async_from_dict(): + await test_pull_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_pull_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.PullRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.PullResponse() + client.pull(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_pull_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.PullRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.PullResponse()) + await client.pull(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_pull_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.PullResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.pull( + subscription='subscription_value', + return_immediately=True, + max_messages=1277, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].return_immediately + mock_val = True + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].max_messages + mock_val = 1277 + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_pull_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.pull( + pubsub.PullRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + return_immediately=True, + max_messages=1277, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_pull_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.pull), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.PullResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.PullResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.pull( + subscription='subscription_value', + return_immediately=True, + max_messages=1277, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].return_immediately + mock_val = True + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].max_messages + mock_val = 1277 + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_pull_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.pull( + pubsub.PullRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + return_immediately=True, + max_messages=1277, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.StreamingPullRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_streaming_pull(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + requests = [request] + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.streaming_pull), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iter([pubsub.StreamingPullResponse()]) + response = client.streaming_pull(iter(requests)) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert next(args[0]) == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + for message in response: + assert isinstance(message, pubsub.StreamingPullResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_streaming_pull_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.StreamingPullRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + requests = [request] + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.streaming_pull), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = mock.Mock(aio.StreamStreamCall, autospec=True) + call.return_value.read = mock.AsyncMock(side_effect=[pubsub.StreamingPullResponse()]) + response = await client.streaming_pull(iter(requests)) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert next(args[0]) == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + message = await response.read() + assert isinstance(message, pubsub.StreamingPullResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_streaming_pull_async_from_dict(): + await test_streaming_pull_async(request_type=dict) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_modify_push_config(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.modify_push_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_modify_push_config_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + client.modify_push_config() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_push_config_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.modify_push_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_push_config_async_from_dict(): + await test_modify_push_config_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_modify_push_config_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.modify_push_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_push_config_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.modify_push_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_modify_push_config_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.modify_push_config( + subscription='subscription_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].push_config + mock_val = pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_modify_push_config_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.modify_push_config( + pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_push_config_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.modify_push_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.modify_push_config( + subscription='subscription_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].push_config + mock_val = pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_modify_push_config_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.modify_push_config( + pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest(), + subscription='subscription_value', + push_config=pubsub.PushConfig(push_endpoint='push_endpoint_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_snapshot(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ) + response = client.get_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Snapshot) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + + +def test_get_snapshot_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_snapshot() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_snapshot_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + )) + response = await client.get_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Snapshot) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_snapshot_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_snapshot_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_snapshot_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest() + + request.snapshot = 'snapshot/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + client.get_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'snapshot=snapshot/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_snapshot_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest() + + request.snapshot = 'snapshot/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot()) + await client.get_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'snapshot=snapshot/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_snapshot_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_snapshot( + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].snapshot + mock_val = 'snapshot_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_snapshot_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_snapshot( + pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest(), + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_snapshot_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_snapshot( + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].snapshot + mock_val = 'snapshot_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_snapshot_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_snapshot( + pubsub.GetSnapshotRequest(), + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_snapshots(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListSnapshotsPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_snapshots_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_snapshots() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListSnapshotsAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_snapshots_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_snapshots_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest() + + request.project = 'project/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse() + client.list_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'project=project/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest() + + request.project = 'project/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse()) + await client.list_snapshots(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'project=project/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_snapshots_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_snapshots( + project='project_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project + mock_val = 'project_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_snapshots_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_snapshots( + pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest(), + project='project_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_snapshots( + project='project_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project + mock_val = 'project_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_snapshots( + pubsub.ListSnapshotsRequest(), + project='project_value', + ) + + +def test_list_snapshots_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('project', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_snapshots(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, pubsub.Snapshot) + for i in results) +def test_list_snapshots_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_snapshots(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_async_pager(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_snapshots(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, pubsub.Snapshot) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_snapshots_async_pages(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_snapshots), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + pubsub.ListSnapshotsResponse( + snapshots=[ + pubsub.Snapshot(), + pubsub.Snapshot(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_snapshots(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_create_snapshot(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ) + response = client.create_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Snapshot) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + + +def test_create_snapshot_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_snapshot() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_snapshot_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + )) + response = await client.create_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Snapshot) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_snapshot_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_snapshot_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_snapshot_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + client.create_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_snapshot_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest() + + request.name = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot()) + await client.create_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_snapshot_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_snapshot( + name='name_value', + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_snapshot_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_snapshot( + pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest(), + name='name_value', + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_snapshot_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_snapshot( + name='name_value', + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].subscription + mock_val = 'subscription_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_snapshot_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_snapshot( + pubsub.CreateSnapshotRequest(), + name='name_value', + subscription='subscription_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_snapshot(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + ) + response = client.update_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Snapshot) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + + +def test_update_snapshot_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_snapshot() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_snapshot_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot( + name='name_value', + topic='topic_value', + )) + response = await client.update_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.Snapshot) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.topic == 'topic_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_snapshot_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_snapshot_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_snapshot_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest() + + request.snapshot.name = 'snapshot.name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.Snapshot() + client.update_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'snapshot.name=snapshot.name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_snapshot_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.UpdateSnapshotRequest() + + request.snapshot.name = 'snapshot.name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.Snapshot()) + await client.update_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'snapshot.name=snapshot.name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_snapshot(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.delete_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_delete_snapshot_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_snapshot() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_snapshot_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.delete_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_snapshot_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_snapshot_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_snapshot_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest() + + request.snapshot = 'snapshot/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.delete_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'snapshot=snapshot/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_snapshot_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest() + + request.snapshot = 'snapshot/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.delete_snapshot(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'snapshot=snapshot/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_snapshot_flattened(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_snapshot( + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].snapshot + mock_val = 'snapshot_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_snapshot_flattened_error(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_snapshot( + pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest(), + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_snapshot_flattened_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_snapshot), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_snapshot( + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].snapshot + mock_val = 'snapshot_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_snapshot_flattened_error_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_snapshot( + pubsub.DeleteSnapshotRequest(), + snapshot='snapshot_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + pubsub.SeekRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_seek(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.seek), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = pubsub.SeekResponse( + ) + response = client.seek(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.SeekRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.SeekResponse) + + +def test_seek_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.seek), + '__call__') as call: + client.seek() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.SeekRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_seek_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=pubsub.SeekRequest): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.seek), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.SeekResponse( + )) + response = await client.seek(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == pubsub.SeekRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pubsub.SeekResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_seek_async_from_dict(): + await test_seek_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_seek_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.SeekRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.seek), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = pubsub.SeekResponse() + client.seek(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_seek_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = pubsub.SeekRequest() + + request.subscription = 'subscription/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.seek), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(pubsub.SeekResponse()) + await client.seek(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'subscription=subscription/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_credentials_transport_error(): + # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SubscriberClient( + client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SubscriberClient( + client_options=options, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a credential. + options = mock.Mock() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SubscriberClient( + client_options=options, + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + + # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = SubscriberClient( + client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, + transport=transport, + ) + + +def test_transport_instance(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + client = SubscriberClient(transport=transport) + assert client.transport is transport + +def test_transport_get_channel(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ + transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, + transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, +]) +def test_transport_adc(transport_class): + # Test default credentials are used if not provided. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class() + adc.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_grpc_default(): + # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert isinstance( + client.transport, + transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, + ) + +def test_subscriber_base_transport_error(): + # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error + with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): + transport = transports.SubscriberTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + +def test_subscriber_base_transport(): + # Instantiate the base transport. + with mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.transports.SubscriberTransport.__init__') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + transport = transports.SubscriberTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Every method on the transport should just blindly + # raise NotImplementedError. + methods = ( + 'create_subscription', + 'get_subscription', + 'update_subscription', + 'list_subscriptions', + 'delete_subscription', + 'modify_ack_deadline', + 'acknowledge', + 'pull', + 'streaming_pull', + 'modify_push_config', + 'get_snapshot', + 'list_snapshots', + 'create_snapshot', + 'update_snapshot', + 'delete_snapshot', + 'seek', + 'set_iam_policy', + 'get_iam_policy', + 'test_iam_permissions', + ) + for method in methods: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + + +def test_subscriber_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.transports.SubscriberTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.SubscriberTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +def test_subscriber_base_transport_with_adc(): + # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('google.pubsub_v1.services.subscriber.transports.SubscriberTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.SubscriberTransport() + adc.assert_called_once() + + +def test_subscriber_auth_adc(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + SubscriberClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, + transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_subscriber_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_scopes=( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub',), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class,grpc_helpers", + [ + (transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), + (transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) + ], +) +def test_subscriber_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + transport_class( + quota_project_id="octopus", + scopes=["1", "2"] + ) + + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "pubsub.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub', +), + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_host="pubsub.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_subscriber_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( + transport_class +): + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + + # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: + mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() + transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=cred, + ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds + ) + mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls + # is used. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: + transport_class( + credentials=cred, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback + ) + expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() + mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=expected_cert, + private_key=expected_key + ) + + +def test_subscriber_host_no_port(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='pubsub.googleapis.com'), + ) + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:443' + + +def test_subscriber_host_with_port(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='pubsub.googleapis.com:8000'), + ) + assert client.transport._host == 'pubsub.googleapis.com:8000' + +def test_subscriber_grpc_transport_channel(): + channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +def test_subscriber_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): + channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_subscriber_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( + transport_class +): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred + + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (cred, None) + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, + ) + adc.assert_called_once() + + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" + ) + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_subscriber_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( + transport_class +): + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + with mock.patch.multiple( + "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", + __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), + ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), + ): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=mock_cred, + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=None, + ) + + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + + +def test_snapshot_path(): + project = "squid" + snapshot = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/snapshots/{snapshot}".format(project=project, snapshot=snapshot, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.snapshot_path(project, snapshot) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_snapshot_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "snapshot": "octopus", + } + path = SubscriberClient.snapshot_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_snapshot_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_subscription_path(): + project = "oyster" + subscription = "nudibranch" + expected = "projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}".format(project=project, subscription=subscription, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.subscription_path(project, subscription) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_subscription_path(): + expected = { + "project": "cuttlefish", + "subscription": "mussel", + } + path = SubscriberClient.subscription_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_subscription_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_topic_path(): + project = "winkle" + topic = "nautilus" + expected = "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.topic_path(project, topic) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_topic_path(): + expected = { + "project": "scallop", + "topic": "abalone", + } + path = SubscriberClient.topic_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_topic_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_billing_account_path(): + billing_account = "squid" + expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): + expected = { + "billing_account": "clam", + } + path = SubscriberClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_folder_path(): + folder = "whelk" + expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.common_folder_path(folder) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_folder_path(): + expected = { + "folder": "octopus", + } + path = SubscriberClient.common_folder_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_organization_path(): + organization = "oyster" + expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.common_organization_path(organization) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_organization_path(): + expected = { + "organization": "nudibranch", + } + path = SubscriberClient.common_organization_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_project_path(): + project = "cuttlefish" + expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.common_project_path(project) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_project_path(): + expected = { + "project": "mussel", + } + path = SubscriberClient.common_project_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_common_project_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_location_path(): + project = "winkle" + location = "nautilus" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + actual = SubscriberClient.common_location_path(project, location) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_location_path(): + expected = { + "project": "scallop", + "location": "abalone", + } + path = SubscriberClient.common_location_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = SubscriberClient.parse_common_location_path(path) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_client_with_default_client_info(): + client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + with mock.patch.object(transports.SubscriberTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + with mock.patch.object(transports.SubscriberTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + transport_class = SubscriberClient.get_transport_class() + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + +def test_set_iam_policy(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + + response = client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + ) + + response = await client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +def test_set_iam_policy_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(policy_pb2.Policy()) + + await client.set_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_set_iam_policy_from_dict(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + response = client.set_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "policy": policy_pb2.Policy(version=774), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_iam_policy_from_dict_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.set_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy() + ) + + response = await client.set_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "policy": policy_pb2.Policy(version=774), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +def test_get_iam_policy(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + + response = client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy(version=774, etag=b"etag_blob",) + ) + + response = await client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, policy_pb2.Policy) + + assert response.version == 774 + + assert response.etag == b"etag_blob" + + +def test_get_iam_policy_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(policy_pb2.Policy()) + + await client.get_iam_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_get_iam_policy_from_dict(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = policy_pb2.Policy() + + response = client.get_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "options": options_pb2.GetPolicyOptions(requested_policy_version=2598), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_iam_policy_from_dict_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.get_iam_policy), "__call__") as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + policy_pb2.Policy() + ) + + response = await client.get_iam_policy( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "options": options_pb2.GetPolicyOptions(requested_policy_version=2598), + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +def test_test_iam_permissions(transport: str = "grpc"): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse( + permissions=["permissions_value"], + ) + + response = client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse) + + assert response.permissions == ["permissions_value"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_async(transport: str = "grpc_asyncio"): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse(permissions=["permissions_value"],) + ) + + response = await client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse) + + assert response.permissions == ["permissions_value"] + + +def test_test_iam_permissions_field_headers(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + + client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_field_headers_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsRequest() + request.resource = "resource/value" + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + ) + + await client.test_iam_permissions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ("x-goog-request-params", "resource=resource/value",) in kw["metadata"] + + +def test_test_iam_permissions_from_dict(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + + response = client.test_iam_permissions( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "permissions": ["permissions_value"], + } + ) + call.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_test_iam_permissions_from_dict_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.test_iam_permissions), "__call__" + ) as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + iam_policy_pb2.TestIamPermissionsResponse() + ) + + response = await client.test_iam_permissions( + request={ + "resource": "resource_value", + "permissions": ["permissions_value"], + } + ) + call.assert_called() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = SubscriberAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + 'grpc', + ] + for transport in transports: + client = SubscriberClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class", [ + (SubscriberClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcTransport), + (SubscriberAsyncClient, transports.SubscriberGrpcAsyncIOTransport), +]) +def test_api_key_credentials(client_class, transport_class): + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials", create=True + ) as get_api_key_credentials: + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + get_api_key_credentials.return_value = mock_cred + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + )