feat(@graphql-hive/cli): json output #16835
3 errors
run integration tests:
Error: Snapshot `CLIErrorUserInput - { command: 'whoami' } > OUTPUT FORMAT: TEXT 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
:::::::::::::::: CLI FAILURE OUTPUT :::::::::::::::
- › Error: Missing "registry.accessToken"
+ Error: Missing "registry.accessToken"
+ at Whoami.ensure (/home/runner/work/console/console/packages/libraries/cli/src/base-command.ts:303:11)
+ at Whoami.runResult (/home/runner/work/console/console/packages/libraries/cli/src/commands/whoami.ts:100:24)
+ at async Whoami.run (/home/runner/work/console/console/packages/libraries/cli/src/base-command.ts:42:28)
+ at async Whoami._run (/home/runner/work/console/console/node_modules/.pnpm/@oclif+core@3.26.6_patch_hash=mmkrfojzjotwoi5bxkvd7uby5u/node_modules/@oclif/core/lib/command.js:321:22)
+ at async Config.runCommand (/home/runner/work/console/console/node_modules/.pnpm/@oclif+core@3.26.6_patch_hash=mmkrfojzjotwoi5bxkvd7uby5u/node_modules/@oclif/core/lib/config/config.js:436:25)
+ at async run (/home/runner/work/console/console/node_modules/.pnpm/@oclif+core@3.26.6_patch_hash=mmkrfojzjotwoi5bxkvd7uby5u/node_modules/@oclif/core/lib/main.js:93:16)
- __NONE__
+ {}
+ process.env["DEBUG"] undefined
+ execute { dir: '/home/runner/work/console/console/packages/libraries/cli/bin' } { settings: {} }
+ this.scopedEnvVarTrue("DEBUG") true
+ did command.load
+ did runHook
+ will run command.run with this.debug: 1
+ static run
+ will load config
+ opts Config {
+ options: {
+ root: '/home/runner/work/console/console/packages/libraries/cli/bin'
+ },
+ arch: 'x64',
+ bin: 'hive',
+ binAliases: undefined,
+ binPath: undefined,
+ cacheDir: '/home/runner/.cache/@graphql-hive/cli',
+ channel: 'stable',
+ configDir: '/home/runner/.config/@graphql-hive/cli',
+ dataDir: '/home/runner/.local/share/@graphql-hive/cli',
+ debug: 1,
+ dirname: '@graphql-hive/cli',
+ errlog: '/home/runner/.cache/@graphql-hive/cli/error.log',
+ flexibleTaxonomy: false,
+ home: '/home/runner',
+ isSingleCommandCLI: false,
+ name: '@graphql-hive/cli',
+ npmRegistry: undefined,
+ nsisCustomization: undefined,
+ pjson: {
+ name: '@graphql-hive/cli',
+ version: '0.44.4',
+ description: 'A CLI util to manage and control your GraphQL Hive',
+ repository: {
+ type: 'git',
+ url: 'graphql-hive/platform',
+ directory: 'packages/libraries/cli'
+ },
+ homepage: 'https://__PATH__ author: {
+ email: 'contact@the-guild.dev',
+ name: 'The Guild',
+ url: 'https://__PATH__ },
+ license: 'MIT',
+ engines: { node: '>=16.0.0' },
+ bin: { hive: './bin/run' },
+ main: 'dist/index.js',
+ files: [ '/bin', '/dist', '/oclif.manifest.json' ],
+ keywords: [ 'graphql' ],
+ scripts: {
+ build: 'tsc',
+ 'check:types': 'tsc --noEmit',
+ 'oclif:pack': 'npm pack && pnpm oclif pack tarballs --no-xz',
+ 'oclif:upload': 'pnpm oclif upload tarballs --no-xz',
+ postpack: 'rm -f oclif.manifest.json',
+ prebuild: 'rimraf dist',
+ prepack: 'node scripts/replace-workspace.mjs rimraf lib && tsc -b && oclif manifest && oclif readme',
+ prepublishOnly: 'oclif manifest && oclif readme',
+ 'schema:check:federation': 'pnpm start schema:check examples/federation.graphql --service reviews',
+ 'schema:check:single': 'pnpm start schema:check examples/single.graphql',
+ 'schema:check:stitching': 'pnpm start schema:check --service posts examples/stitching.posts.graphql',
+ 'schema:publish:federation': 'pnpm start schema:publish --service reviews --url reviews.com/graphql examples/federation.reviews.graphql',
+ start: './bin/dev',
+ 'typecheck:make-me-work-in-ci': 'pnpm check:types',
+ version: 'oclif readme && git add README.md'
+ },
+ dependencies: {
+ '@graphql-hive/core': 'workspace:*',
+ '@graphql-inspector/core': '5.1.0-al
run integration tests
Process completed with exit code 1.