Our bootcamp is a 6 month immersive training program focused on Front End Development and UX Design. Our learning methodology tries to mimic the workplace and revolves around completing a series of projects of increasing complexity.
Each project is accompanied by a number of suggested topics and self-paced materials.
Projects are assessed by coaches and peers using a standardised rubric, which always includes general, soft skills, tech and ux sections.
The learning/projects roadmap is divided into 4 stages: Admission, Common Core, Deep dive (Front End Dev and UX Designer tracks) and Capstone.
=> Front End Dev => Capstone
Addmission => Common Core
=> UX Designer => Capstone
The admission stage starts before being accepted into our Bootcamp. At the end of each admission process selected candidates will be invited to work on a project in our premises.
- Estimated duration: 1 week.
- Topics: JavaScript Basics, HTML Intro, CSS.
Once admitted into our Bootcamp, everyone starts with the common core. At this stage you will work in the following projects in order, each unlocking the next one. At the end of the common core stage students participate in a series of hackathons working on smaller projects proposed by 3rd party companies/employers.
Project: Cipher
- Estimated duration: 2 weeks.
- Teams: 1 student
- Topics: Flow control, Strings, Testing, HTML, SCM, Shell, Intro a UX Design.
Project: Data Dashboard
- Estimated duration: 3 weeks.
- Teams: 2 students
- Topics: Arrays, Objects, DOM, XHR/fetch, Visual Design.
Project: Social Network
- Estimated duration: 3 weeks.
- Teams: 3 students
- Topics: Mobile-first, Responsive,
Async, Multiple views, Routing, Writing data,
, Firebase.
After the common core stage each group splits into two specialised tracks: JavaScripters and UXers. During this stage students can work on two projects in parallel.
Common topics: Paradigms, Functional JavaScript.
Project: Burger Queen (wip)
- Estimated duration: 4 weeks.
- Teams: 2-3 estudiantes
- Topics: Offline first, Service Workers, Módulos, Serverless, Cloud Functions, Frameworks, React, Redux, Vue, Angular.
Project: Markdown Links (wip)
- Estimated duration: 4 weeks.
- Teams: 1 student
- Topics: Node.js, NPM, File System, Semver, Parsing, Markdown, CLI, HTTP, Modules, Errors, Debugging.
- Estimated duration: 4 weeks.
- Topics: (tbd)
The last month of your Bootcamp - more or less, each student progresses at their own pace - you are expected to work on a capstone project, which can either be based on the topics/technologies covered so far, or can cover any of the suggested topics (electives).
- Estimated duration: 4 weeks.
- Topics: Node server?, Mobile?, Open Source?, Data?, WebOps?, Backend (Rails, Django, Laravel)? (tbd)
- Estimated duration: 4 weeks.
- Topics: (tbd)
In use (v2.x
Work in progress:
- Algorithms
- Angular
- Chatbot?
- Data Structures
- Databases
- Editors
- ESNext
- Modules
- Node
- React
- Redux
- Serverless
- Styleguides
- The web stack
All contributions are grately appreciated.
But PLEASE make sure you read the contribuitors guide before sending a PR.
All materials in this repository are (c) 2018 Laboratoria.
This work is published under the Creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.