This setup will run elk
- elasticsearch v5 database
- Logstash v2: receiving and parsing logs <-- tried v5 but it is so slow! unusable...
- Kibana v5: Web interface
- Ngnix Proxy : for SSL + password access
- Docker container is the main source of logs, but we could send anything to syslog 5000/udp
- Filebeat collect files.log and send them to syslog 5001/tcp
- Linux like OS
- Docker, docker-compose
More info: you can find an overview of that setup on my blog:
git clone elk && cd elk
Fix an issue with hungry es v5
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
make it persistent:
nano /etc/sysctl.conf
docker-compose up -d
(For the old version 2, use: docker-compose -f docker-compose-v2.yml up -d)
and send few logs with nc or socat:
nc -w0 -u localhost 5000 <<< "TEST1"
echo "`date +\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%S` vm:`hostname` msg:TEST2" | socat -t 0 - UDP:localhost:5000
http://localhost:5601 (direct without proxy)
https://localhost:5600 (!HTTPS ONLY! enter the credentials admin/Kibana05)
Initialize the index: pressing the green "create" button when log starting to come.
#---------------------- Config -------------------------------
You can run logstash to easily collect input string. Each input you paste in the invite will be process and output on screen by logstash. To setup, please run this container:
docker run -it --rm --name logstash -p 5001:5000 -p 5001:5000/udp -v $PWD/logstash-conf:/opt/logstash/conf.d logstash:2 -f /opt/logstash/conf.d/logstash-test.conf
And paste log messages like this and check if the output is correct. Make modification to logstash-test.conf and restart logstash container to refresh.
<14>2015-08-31T15:20:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 docker/proxyelk[870]: 2015/07/20 17:19:13 routing all to syslog://dev.local:5000
If you got the field tags = ParseFailure, means your parsing is wrong somewhere... :-(
You can use in order to check a log parsing.
docker restart elk_logstash_1
When your tests seems fine and you want containers to automatically send their log output:
nano docker-compose-yml <-- uncomment the logging sections
docker-compose restart
You should see in kibana that elk is collecting your containers logs.
#------ Backup and Restore and optimize ------
Backup index data to a file :
docker run --rm -ti -v /root/backup:/data sherzberg/elasticdump --all=true --input=http://ip:9200/ --output=/data/elkexport.json
docker run --rm -ti -v /root/backup:/data sherzberg/elasticdump --bulk=true --input=/data/elkexport.json --output=http://ip:9200/
More info in file: nano
#------ Issues ------
Try to use image: logstash:5 And run a
docker logs -f elk_logstash_1
You will see that logstashv5 start very slowly (5min sometimes)...