This project is intended as a frame for Electron applications, with a UI build on Angular. The only thing that needs to be done to get this up and running is setting your own values for the application like name, description, ..
- Npm must be installed
- Angular CLI must be installed
Setup the "package.json" file. Replace all content between "{{ }}" (brackets included) with your own values:
- {{ApplicationName}} = Name of your application
- {{ApplicationDescription}} = Some description for your application
- {{AuthorName}} = Name of the publisher/maintainer/author/..
- {{AuthorEmail}} = Email, some support mail
- {{AppicationDomain}} = Unique identifier like "" for example
- {{Copyright}} = Copyright for your application
- {{macApplicationCategory}} = Category for the application when on a Mac, documentation about all the possible values
- {{SomeKeyWords}} = Comma-separated list of keywords referring to your application
Run "npm install" in root-directory of the application, this to install all required packages.
Just run "npm run electron"