Releases: gretelai/gretel-python-client
Releases · gretelai/gretel-python-client
Bugfixes and optimizations
- 🐛 fixed an issue where iterating backwards in a project stream would yield duplicate records
- ⚙️ enable more flexible ways to pull sample data
- 🐛 fixed an issue where records could not be fetched in their original (un-flattened) state
⚙️ Added new DataTransformPipeline ability to run the pipeline on a Pandas DataFrame. It also returns a DataFrame with the transformed data.
- Docs updates
- Setup updates
Bug fixes
🐛 When transforming data that was originally a numeric value, we also update the original metadata with the new transformed value, this prevents the same field being over-written by its previously untransformed data
Gretel helper package updates
Updates internal package naming conventions.
Beta launch!
Final release before the Gretel Beta 🚀
Support display name setter for project creation