A simple immutable library for vector and matrix maths, written in Scala.
The LWJGL (Lightweight Java Games Library) is a great project, but version 3 removed the useful vector & matrix library.
This project provides a very simple, lightweight zero-dependency library that you can use with LWJGL, and understand and use in seconds.
Just clone and include in your project. There are no dependencies.
The library is very straightforward and basically works exactly how you'd expect:
val m1 = Matrix4x4.identity
val m2 = Matrix4x4.scale(1.0f)
val m3 = Matrix4x4.rotateAroundXAxis(30.0f)
val m4: Matrix4x4 = m3 * m2 * m1
val v1 = Vector4(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 1.0f)
val v2: Vector4 = m4 * v1
There are float (Matrix4x4, Vector3 and Vector4) and double (Matrix4x4d, Vector3d and Vector4d) of everything, so you can get the precision/performance that you need.
To turn into a FloatBuffer ready for use with LWJGL OpenGL:
import java.nio.FloatBuffer
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils
def convertMatrixToBuffer(m: Matrix4x4): FloatBuffer = {
val buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16)
It's released under the MIT licence so do as you please with it. Please feel free to send PRs though.