This library exports a collection of bound native virtual methods - static methods of JavaScript standard built-in objects in their bound form - so that they can be used together with the proposed bind operator.
$ npm install bound-native-methods
import * from 'bound-native-methods';
// Or, be more specific and cut down the build size: //
import {assign, keys} from 'bound-native-methods/object';
[3, 6, 9]::max()::is(9);
// true
{'2015-06-01T15:30:00.000Z': 300}::assign({'2015-07-01T15:30:00.000Z': 42})
.map(x => x::toUnixOffset())
// [1433172600000,1435764600000]
Most static methods have been exported as is, but a few have been renamed or excluded to better fit the context:
Bound Form |
Native Form |
::assign() |
Object.assign() |
::create() |
Object.create() |
::defineProperties() |
Object.defineProperties() |
::defineProperty() |
Object.defineProperty() |
::freeze() |
Object.freeze() |
::getOwnPropertyDescriptor() |
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() |
::getOwnPropertyNames() |
Object.getOwnPropertyNames() |
::getOwnPropertySymbols() |
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() |
::getPrototype() |
Object.getPrototypeOf() |
::is() | |
::isExtensible() |
Object.isExtensible() |
::isFrozen() |
Object.isFrozen() |
::isSealed() |
Object.isSealed() |
::keys() |
Object.keys() |
::observe() |
Object.observe() |
::preventExtensions() |
Object.preventExtensions() |
::seal() |
Object.seal() |
::setPrototype() |
Object.setPrototypeOf() |
Bound Form |
Native Form |
::toSymbol() [1] |
Symbol.for() |
::key() |
Symbol.keyFor() |
Bound Form |
Native Form |
::isFinite() |
Number.isFinite() |
::isInteger() |
Number.isInteger() |
::isNaN() |
Number.isNaN() |
::isSafeInteger() |
Number.isSafeInteger() |
::toFloat() [1] |
Number.parseFloat() |
::toInt() [1] |
Number.parseInt() |
Bound Form |
Native Form |
::abs() |
Math.abs() |
::acos() |
Math.acos() |
::acosh() |
Math.acosh() |
::asin() |
Math.asin() |
::asinh() |
Math.asinh() |
::atan() |
Math.atan() |
::atan2() |
Math.atan2() |
::atanh() |
Math.atanh() |
::cbrt() |
Math.cbrt() |
::ceil() |
Math.ceil() |
::clz32() |
Math.clz32() |
::cos() |
Math.cos() |
::cosh() |
Math.cosh() |
::exp() |
Math.exp() |
::expm1() |
Math.expm1() |
::floor() |
Math.floor() |
::fround() |
Math.fround() |
::hypot() |
Math.hypot() |
::imul() |
Math.imul() |
::log() |
Math.log() |
::log10() |
Math.log10() |
::log1p() |
Math.log1p() |
::log2() |
Math.log2() |
::max() |
Math.max() |
::min() |
Math.min() |
× |
Math.pow() [2] |
× |
Math.random() |
::round() |
Math.round() |
::sign() |
Math.sign() |
::sin() |
Math.sin() |
::sinh() |
Math.sinh() |
::sqrt() |
Math.sqrt() |
::tan() |
Math.tan() |
::tanh() |
Math.tanh() |
::trunc() |
Math.trunc() |
Bound Form |
Native Form |
× |
Date.UTC() |
× | |
::toUnixOffset() [1] |
Date.parse() |
Bound Form |
Native Form |
× |
Array.from() |
× |
Array.of() |
Native Form |
Bound Form |
JSON.parse() |
::toObject() [1] |
JSON.stringify() |
::toJSON() [1] |
- Bound methods whose names start with "to..." are to be applied to strings (with the exception of
which can be applied to a variety of data types)
- Please use the exponentiation operator
MIT © G. Kay Lee