Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project! Any contribution you make will be reflected on ✨.
Read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.
In this guide you will get an overview of the contribution workflow from opening an issue, creating a PR, reviewing, and merging the PR.
Use the table of contents icon on the top left corner of this document to get to a specific section of this guide quickly.
To get an overview of the project, read the README file. Here are some resources to help you get started with open source contributions:
- Finding ways to contribute to open source on GitHub
- Set up Git
- GitHub flow
- Collaborating with pull requests
To navigate our codebase with confidence, see the introduction to working in the docs repository 🎊. For more information on how we write our markdown files, see "Using Markdown and Liquid in GitHub Docs."
If you spot a problem with the docs, search if an issue already exists. If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue using a relevant issue form.
Scan through our existing issues to find one that interests you. You can narrow down the search using labels
as filters. See "Label reference" for more information. As a general rule, we don’t assign issues to anyone. If you find an issue to work on, you are welcome to open a PR with a fix.