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Array extension methods

hemidemisemipresent edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 4 revisions

Array Extension methods


When modding and dealing with Ninja Kiwi's code, it is often frustrating having to convert/read/edit all sorts of different Array/List-like things

Here are all the types of lists/arrays supported

type of array/list method
System.List<T> .ToList<T>()
Il2CppSystem.List<T> .ToIl2CppList<T>()
Assets.Scripts.Utils.LockList<T> .ToLockList<T>()
Assets.Scripts.Utils.SizedList<T> .ToSizedList<T>()
Il2CppReferenceArray<T> .ToIl2CppReferenceArray<T>()

they can all be seamlessly converted to one another


System.List<AbilityModel> list = new System.List<AbilityModel>();
Il2CppReferenceArray<AbilityModel> a = list.ToIl2CppReferenceArray<AbilityModel>();


The Mod helper also contains other methods for dealing with them

let arr denote the relevant Array/List, e.g. LockList<BloonModel> or Il2CppReferenceArray<AbilityModel>with type TSource or T, and obj an Il2CppSystem.Object of type TCast

method explanation
AddTo<TSource, TCast>(arr, obj) attempts to cast obj into relevant type and add it to arr
Duplicate(arr)<T> duplicates the arr
DuplicateAs<TSource, TCast>(arr) returns a new arr where every item inside will be attempted to be casted to whatever TCast is
GetItemOfType<TSource, TCast>(arr) returns the first item of arr that can be casted to TCast
GetItemsOfType<TSource, TCast>(arr) returns the every item of arr that can be casted to TCast in an arr
HasItemsOfType<TSource, TCast>(arr) returns whether arr has an object that can be casted to TCast
RemoveItem<TSource, TCast>(arr, obj) returns an arr where one item is equal to obj is removed
RemoveItemOfType<TSource, TCast>(arr) returns an arr where one item which can be type-casted to TCast is removed
RemoveItemsOfType<TSource, TCast>(arr) returns an arr where every item which can be type-casted to TCast is removed
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