GXB data exchange wallet client-side, functions including transfer, transaction search, block search, account search, data product search, alliance search, merchant and data source authentication are supported
This project was forked form official light wallet of BitShares2.0 bitshares-ui, trade modules were removed, modification based on the need of GXB data exchange, some extra modules were not removed due to dependent coupling issues, will be solved in the following version。
Required: Node 6+
Operation system: OSX、Ubuntu
Recommend to use NVM(Node Version Manager)for installation:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.30.2/install.sh | bash
. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm install v6
nvm use v6
Clone project:
git clone https://github.com/gxchain/gxb-light.git
cd gxb-light
Shift to /web
catalog to install dependencies :
cd web
npm install
Develop mode depend on Express and webpack2, after install dependencies, under catalog /web
and execute below scripts to start the project:
npm start
open: localhost:8080
in your browser.
Hot reload is supported.
Compile static web page by using commands below
npm run build
Results in the catalog /dist
, Deploy through nginx、apache or others based on your preference
Electron is used to packing the wallet, Windows, OSX, Linux ,and Debian are supported.Execute the following scripts for packing:
cd web
npm run electron
cd ../electron ##First time launch need execute install depend npm install
npm run release
Under different environment, packing corresponding installation package, respectively
- bug prioritization
We highly recommend to use eslint for formating your code