- 🔊 update logs [48bd045]
- ➕ framer-motion [fa19890]
- ✨ button to add to the scoreboard [b89512f]
- ✨ only on answer could be checked [3405721]
- ✨ delete score from the score board [a6eae65]
- ➕ tabler-icon [d3a4c9a]
- ✨ score from local storage [3453eac]
- ✨ show scoreboard [307eab0]
- ✨ add scoreboard component [9c576d8]
- ✨ reset the quizz [8fc4cec]
- ✨ resetPage function [9aa9d66]
- 🔊 add logs [b3f254e]
- ✨ add button component [3ab4874]
- ✨ add status component [18add99]
- ✨ add question component [8714d0c]
- ✨ add score components [d333413]
- ✨ show wich is the right answer [c436eb7]
- ✨ score [9714892]
- ✨ show result of the question [5bc3122]
- ✨ useStatus [42f3dc9]
- ✨ content app.tsx [6f752fa]
- ✨ useAnswer [fdbec76]
- ✨ usePagination [6052fa5]
- ✨ logic for quizz component [66d66b6]
- ✨ logic for answer component [3875540]
- ➕ zustand [820df35]
- ➕ react-uuid [49b713f]
- ➕ zustand [4bf5a6a]
- 🎉 initial commit, eslint, prettier, ts [df60cc0]
- 💬 change title [2ee62a3]
- 🍱 add preview for the repo [4733421]
- 💄 position [51b0b23]
- 📱 repsonsive phone end of quizz [b8acce1]
- 📱 responsive phone link [9eec871]
- 📱 responsive phone quizz [23d5eb6]
- 📱 responsive phone answer [1b05c64]
- 💄 set width [edfbe5d]
- ♻️ rename [17cdcae]
- 💄 padding [572cd41]
- 💄 border and text color [a885440]
- ♻️ style property [3b3803f]
- ♻️ button component [cd6e68c]
- ♻️ status component [4a3479a]
- ♻️ question component [9938182]
- ♻️ score component [3506c72]
- ♻️ use the status store [e907630]
- 💬 quizz-data [30a5efd]
- 💄 jetbrains fonts [c7afd90]
- 💄 ui answer component [bd5f10e]
- 💄 ui quizz component [0d07d37]
- 💄 jetbrains fonts [28510c1]
- 🔧 custom path [c7b3887]
- 🚨 update eslint rules [8da15d7]
- 🍱 github svg [af958f8]
- 🚚 move files [ecd473e]
- 🔧 ts path [f1c8594]
- 🔧 tsconfig path [96496b8]
- 🔧 config tailwindcss [1a7e8ba]