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EvelyneBalteau edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 11 revisions

Releases and versioning

Important note

In general, using the latest version of the toolbox is recommended. However, for a given study, it is important to process all the data with the same version of the toolbox. Do not update the toolbox version halfway through processing your data!

Please report the release version number used when describing and publishing your results.

Releases and master branch

Official releases and tags are listed on the repository's releases page.

The versions, notable changes between them and their backward compatibility are documented in the file.

The master branch of the repository may include recent developments not included in the last official release, but it is not a development branch. The master branch can include additional small bug fixes and minor changes, but no major changes impairing the backward compatibility of the toolbox. Refer to the diff link on the releases page (commit(s) to master since this release) to compare a release to the current state of the master branch.

Developments are carried out on the developer's own repository forked from the master branch and merged to the master branch when appropriate (see Develop & Contribute for details).


Version numbers

Version numbers follow broadly the principles of the semantic versioning system. The format of the version number is major.minor.patch. For example:

  • Bug fix: increment the patch number (e.g. 1.0.1 to 1.0.2)
  • New feature (with backward compatibility ensuring that toolbox behaviour is identical if not making use of the new feature): increment the minor number and reset patch (e.g. 1.2.2 to 1.3.0)
  • Major change: refactoring and important new features that may or may not alter the backward compatibility (refer to the file to check for compatibility): increment the major number and reset minor and patch (e.g. 1.2.2 to 2.0.0).

Step-by-step release process

These notes describe how to release a new version. They are meant to clarify the way version numbers change and their relation to the current master branch. The process described is applied in a clean copy of the repository, after all bug fixes and changes have been accepted and merged into the master branch for a new release.

  • Run all unit tests - under development
  • Update to include the new version number, the release date and a summary of the changes + Commit
  • Update version.txt (e.g. from v0.1.2-dev to v0.1.2) + Commit
  • Tag the release and upload it to the public repository
  • Update version.txt again (e.g. from v0.1.2 to v0.1.3-dev) + Commit
  • Update with new empty entry (e.g. v0.1.3-dev) + Commit
  • Push all commits to the public repository.

NOTE: Before release, the update of the version number may include more than simply removing the -dev suffix. For example, if the new release includes a major change, the update could go from v0.1.2-dev to v1.0.0. After release, the update of the version number will always increment the patch number only and append the -dev suffix.

Version tracking

Between releases, the file should be kept up-to-date by filling in the new version entry with a summary of the changes. The detailed list of changes can be obtained by checking individual commits.

The version.txt and files are therefore the (humanly readable) landmarks of the current version.

Please report the version number from version.txt when opening an issue or emailing a question. If you're using the version from the master branch, please also report the latest commit hash known on the public repository.

Note that only the version number contained in version.txt is logged in the JSON files accompanying the output of the hMRI-toolbox modules.