- Requires installed NodeJS
npm install
npm run start
open http://localhost:8080
- Stage
- You can find the mocks here: https://marvelapp.com/15chihf
- And here is the Trello board for organising: https://trello.com/b/Kf4aPWQr/berlin-hackathon-website
- npm as packager manager
- Webpack for building
- react
- skeleton.css for grid & reset
npm run build
The site will be deployt on every push to master.
branch goes to stage.mobility-hacks.de- ```master`` goes to prod --> mobility-hacks.de
npm run start
Loading effects: Demo
Resposive font size: Blog post
How should the fonts be loaded? Blog post
OffCanvas: https://www.codementor.io/reactjs/tutorial/how-to-build-a-sliding-menu-using-react-js-and-less-css
Loading effects: http://michalsnik.github.io/aos/