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These configurations are heavily tailored for my personal use.
sudo bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get.freshshell.com)"
sudo pacman -S stow
bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get.freshshell.com)"
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
brew install stow
The config/env
package contains environment variables used by tools. Copy the
example file and replace values with your own.
cp config/env/.env.example config/env/.env
The GNU Stow is a symlink
manager that facilitates the creation of symbolic links from the config
directory to target directories (typically the home directory).
# Required package
stow env
# Essential packages
stow bin freshshell gnustow
# Mac-specific
stow homebrew aerospace borders yabai skhd
# Linux-specific
stow hyprland
# Other packages
stow 1password alacritty asdf aws bundler ctags curl gh git \
gpg neovim npm pip ssh starship tig tmux vim zsh granted
The Freshshell tool is used to fetch and integrate external configurations such as completions, plugins, fonts, and more from online repositories. During the build process, the setup script installs or updates tools, packages, plugins, as well as CLI extensions.
Reload your terminal. The dotfiles are now fresh!