This README provides an overview of three Python scripts designed for geographic data processing. Each script serves a specific function within the context of handling geographic information.
This script is responsible for fetching postal code polygons based on a specified location, filtering and processing the retrieved data, and finally saving it in GeoJSON format.
- osmnx
- geopandas
- shapely
result_data = fetch_and_save_postal_codes(place_name="Germany", tags={"boundary": "postal_code"}, save_file=True)
The purpose of this script is to establish a connection with a MongoDB database, insert GeoJSON data into it, create a 2D spatial index, and then close the connection.
- pymongo
- json
The script retrieves connection parameters from a config.json
python b_MongoDB_Connection.ipynb
This script facilitates querying a MongoDB collection to retrieve the polygon corresponding to a specific postal code, along with its geometry.
- osmnx
- pymongo
- shapely
- json
The MongoDB connection details and the path to the GeoJSON file are specified within the script.
python c_Exploration_Tools.ipynb