List repository stars and info through Github v4 GraphQL API
$ githubstars --lang python
⭐ 38867 awesome-python
⭐ 31578 httpie
⭐ 30981 thefuck
⭐ 29831 flask
⭐ 29402 youtube-dl
$ githubstars django --lang python --count 5 --url --desc
⭐ 28394 django (
- The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
⭐ 13937 sentry (
- Sentry is a cross-platform crash reporting and aggregation platform.
⭐ 8685 django-rest-framework (
- Web APIs for Django.
⭐ 5196 django-cms (
- The easy-to-use and developer-friendly CMS
⭐ 4931 Zappa (
- Serverless Python Web Services
$ pip install githubstars
$ export GITHUB_API_TOKEN="<your token here>"
Since Github require OAuth token to access GraphQL server, you must set personal access token first.
Refer: Authenticating with GraphQL and Creating a personal access token for the command line
$ githubstars -h
usage: githubstars [-h] [--lang] [--count] [--desc] [--url] [--verbose]
List repository stars and info through Github v4 GraphQL API
positional arguments:
repo repository name to search
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--count number of repositories to show
--desc show repo description
--lang search based on language
--new-created created this week
--new-pushed pushed this week
--url show repo url
--verbose show request detail
--version show version