A Notes Application build in Flutter in which one can jot down quick thoughts or to save longer notes filled with images, tables and formatted text. It has a user friendly interface to give a very good experience to users.
- Data is encrypted using key from android keystore that guarantees your data security.
- Search a note using keyword.
- All options available for text formatting.
- Notes can be switched between ListView and GridView.
- Use of Staggered GridView.
- Flutter SummerNote - Rich Text editor for formatting text.
- Flappy Search Bar - For searching within Notes.
- Path Provider - For referencing path for storing temporary files
- Quill delta - To create Notus documents that helps in modifying and handling RTF documents.
- Image picker - For selecting images and videos from gallery or capturing using camera.
- Photo View - For displaying images.
- Cached Network Image - To reduce image loading time using caching technique.
- Webview Flutter - Plugin that provides a WebView widget.
- Flutter Image Compress - To compress image so as to reduce image size.
- Flutter Secure Storage - API to store data in secure storage.
- Flutter String Encryption - To encrypt string using key.
- Sqflite - Used to connect to sqlite database.
- Flutter Staggered GridView - Supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
- Flutter Html - Widget for rendering HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets.
- Date Time Format - To handle datetime format.
- Toast - Provides very small message which mainly popup at the bottom of the device screen.
- Cupertino Icons - Containing the default set of icon assets used by Flutter's Cupertino widgets.