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Paest is a pastebin made by hackers, for hackers.
After years of using other pastebins and making our own for collaboration... we finally rage-built something suitable to our workflows.
CLI friendly, simple API, and a minimal web interface that does all the work for you.
Lets break it down...
- Auto redirects you to a unique url when visiting: http://pae.st
- Pick your own url: http://pae.st/MyAwesomePathNameHere
- Enable linting/highlighting via file extension: http://pae.st/fZ.py
- Saves as you type, so dont worry about a submit/save button
- Local Storage backup as you type so you dont lose things if you go offline
- Paests automatically expire after 1 week of inactivity
- You can continue to edit paests you create, others auto-fork. ( Edit me! )
- Open source: http://github.com/paest/paest-web