diff --git a/Cabal-hooks/Cabal-hooks.cabal b/Cabal-hooks/Cabal-hooks.cabal deleted file mode 100644 index 419f15764b9..00000000000 --- a/Cabal-hooks/Cabal-hooks.cabal +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -cabal-version: 2.2 -name: Cabal-hooks -version: 0.1 -copyright: 2023, Cabal Development Team -license: BSD-3-Clause -license-file: LICENSE -author: Cabal Development Team -maintainer: cabal-devel@haskell.org -homepage: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ -bug-reports: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues -synopsis: API for the Hooks build-type -description: - User-facing API for the Hooks build-type. -category: Distribution -build-type: Simple - -extra-source-files: - readme.md changelog.md - -source-repository head - type: git - location: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/ - subdir: Cabal-hooks - -library - default-language: Haskell2010 - hs-source-dirs: src - - build-depends: - Cabal-syntax >= 3.13 && < 3.15, - Cabal >= 3.13 && < 3.15, - base >= 4.11 && < 5, - containers >= && < 0.8, - filepath >= && < 1.5, - transformers >= && < 0.7 - - ghc-options: -Wall -fno-ignore-asserts -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates - - exposed-modules: - Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks - - other-extensions: - BangPatterns - CPP - DefaultSignatures - DeriveDataTypeable - DeriveFoldable - DeriveFunctor - DeriveGeneric - DeriveTraversable - ExistentialQuantification - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - ImplicitParams - KindSignatures - LambdaCase - NondecreasingIndentation - OverloadedStrings - PatternSynonyms - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - Trustworthy - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators - TypeSynonymInstances - UndecidableInstances