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415 lines (331 loc) · 13.7 KB

lesson 2: QC

  • Code
# Log into compute node
srun --pty -p interactive -t 0-12:00 --mem 8G /bin/bash

# Create the workshop project
cp -R /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/chipseq_workshop ~

# Load module
module load fastqc/0.11.3

# Run fastqc. Take 2 min
fastqc -o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/fastqc/ ~/chipseq_workshop/data/wt_sample2_chip.fastq.gz

# Log into compute node with multiple cores
srun --pty -c 4 -p interactive -t 0-12:00 --mem 8G /bin/bash

# Run fastqc again. Take less time
fastqc -o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/fastqc/ -t 4 ~/chipseq_workshop/data/wt_sample2_chip.fastq.gz
  • Note
  1. The qualities of all samples (WT and KO) are good.
  2. Review in detail one of the FASTQC reports

lesson 3: Alignment;

  • Code
# Create bowtie2 directory
mkdir ~/chipseq_workshop/results/bowtie2

example code to show in the material

bowtie2 -p 2 -q --local \
-x /n/groups/shared_databases/bowtie2_indexes/mm10 \
-U ~/chipseq_workshop/data/wt_sample2_chip.fastq.gz \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip.sam

samtools view -h -S -b \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip.bam \

Exercise: run the alignment using sbatch file (the expected run time is 48 min)


#SBATCH -p priority
#SBATCH -c 2
#SBATCH -t 0-2:00
#SBATCH --mem 8G

bowtie2 -p 2 -q --local \
-x /n/groups/shared_databases/bowtie2_indexes/mm10 \
-U ~/chipseq_workshop/data/wt_sample2_chip.fastq.gz \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip.sam

samtools view -h -S -b \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip.bam \
  • Note
  1. The rep1_chip WT sample has low alignment rate (35%). Other samples have > 98% alignment.
  2. Present the code for bowtie2 (DO NOT RUN), discuss the parameters
  3. Present code for samtools; discuss samtools and also the need for smaller file
  4. This lesson will include an sbatch script (the first one) as an exercise. Run one sample only as is currently in the lesson

Another exercise question - look at your .err file - comment on the alignment rate Have a note that we are not actually using the SAM file, and we could delete it

lesson 4: filtering (in class)

  • Code
sambamba sort -t 2 \
    -o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip_sorted.bam \

sambamba view -h -t 2 -f bam \
    -F "[XS] == null and not unmapped  and not duplicate" \
    ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip_sorted.bam > ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip_final.bam

# After the alignment, also need to index the final bam files.
samtools index ~/chipseq_workshop/results/wt_sample2_chip_final.bam
  • Note
  1. Running time: 7 min

lesson 5: peak calling (in class)

  • Code

We will have them grab the snapshot files to run this since we have not created filtered BAM files for all

# Create macs2 directory in results/
mkdir ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2

macs2 callpeak -t /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/workshop_material/results/bowtie2/wt_sample1_chip_final.bam \
    -c /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/workshop_material/results/bowtie2/wt_sample1_input_final.bam \
    -f BAM -g mm \
    -n wt_sample1 \
    --outdir ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2 2> ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample1_macs2.log

macs2 callpeak -t /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/workshop_material/results/bowtie2/wt_sample2_chip_final.bam \
    -c /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/workshop_material/results/bowtie2/wt_sample2_input_final.bam \
    -f BAM -g mm \
    -n wt_sample2 \
    --outdir ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2 2> ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample2_macs2.log
  • Note:
  1. Running time: 5 min (sample1), 6 min (sample2)

In class exercise (?) Have them run this on the KO samples too? (but the results are not useful for later wt vs ko plotting, because only peak file for wt will be used).

lesson 6: handling replicate (bedtools)

  • Code
  1. Filter out black listed region
bedtools intersect \
-v \ 
-a ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample1_peaks.narrowPeak \
-b ~/chipseq_workshop/reference/mm10-blacklist.v2.bed \
> ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample1_peaks_filtered.bed

bedtools intersect \
-v \ 
-a ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample2_peaks.narrowPeak \
-b ~/chipseq_workshop/reference/mm10-blacklist.v2.bed \
> ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample2_peaks_filtered.bed
  1. Finalize overlap peaks with more stringent criteria
# Final code to generate the result
bedtools intersect -a ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample1_peaks_filtered.bed -b ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_sample2_peaks_filtered.bed -wo -f 0.3 -r > ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_peaks_final.bed
  • Note:
  1. Number of peaks before and after filtering out black listed region WT_pair2: 14294 -> 14134 WT_pair3: 20013 -> 19829

lesson7: create bigwigs

  • Code
# Create visualization/bigWig directory in results directory
mkdir ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig

# Create bigwig file
bamCoverage -b ~/chipseq_workshop/results/bowtie2/wt_sample2_chip_final.bam \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ \
--binSize 20
  • Note
  1. Create bigWig for one sample (wt sample2). And then discuss other options for bigWig including normalization, bamCompare.

lesson8: Data visualization

  • Interactively compute matrix for both WT reps.
  • For the ENCODE, provide code and explain it - but we will provide snapshot of compute matrix files
  • Total of 4 plots in this lesson: Wt reps, Encode Fig6A, Encode Fig6B, Wt versus KO
  • Exercise have them run compute Matrix and plotProfile for Wtrep2 and KOrep?
  1. Create signal profile
  • Plot1: WT reps Compute matrix (run 12 min in an interactive node)
computeMatrix reference-point --referencePoint center \
-b 4000 -a 4000 \
-R ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_peaks_final.bed \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ \
--skipZeros \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_matrix.gz \
-p 6

Plot density

# Create figures directory under visualization
mkdir ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures

plotProfile -m ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_matrix.gz \
-out ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures/plot1_wt.png \
--regionsLabel "" \
--perGroup \
--colors red blue \
--samplesLabel "WT_replicate1" "WT_replicate2" \
--refPointLabel "PRDM16 binding sites"
  • Plot2: encode fig 6a

NOTE: the prompt will show the message "The following chromosome names did not match between the bigwig files", which is fine. It is not an error message. run 20 min in an interactive node

computeMatrix reference-point --referencePoint center \
-b 4000 -a 4000 \
-R ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_peaks_final.bed \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ \
--skipZeros \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_encode_matrix.gz \
-p 6

Plot density

plotProfile -m ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_encode_matrix.gz \
-out ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures/plot2_wt_encode.png \
--regionsLabel "" \
--perGroup \
--colors blue green red orange \
--samplesLabel "WT_replicate2" "H3K4me" "H3K4me3" "H3K27me3" \
--refPointLabel "PRDM16 binding sites"
  • Plot2: encode update with K27ac

#SBATCH -p priority
#SBATCH -c 6
#SBATCH -t 0-2:00
#SBATCH --mem 16G
#SBATCH -e 0917_encode_update.err
#SBATCH -o 0917_encode_update.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

module load gcc/6.2.0 python/2.7.12 deeptools/3.0.2 

computeMatrix reference-point --referencePoint center \
-b 4000 -a 4000 \
-R ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_peaks_final.bed \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ \
--skipZeros \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_encode_matrix_update.gz \
-p 6

plotProfile -m ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_encode_matrix_update.gz \
-out ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures/plot2_wt_encode_update.png \
--regionsLabel "" \
--perGroup \
--colors blue green red orange \
--samplesLabel "WT_replicate2" "H3K4me" "H3K27me3" "H3K27ac" \
--refPointLabel "PRDM16 binding sites"
  • Plot3: encode fig 6b
computeMatrix reference-point --referencePoint center \
-b 4000 -a 4000 \
-R ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_peaks_final.bed \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/encode-chipseq/ \
--skipZeros \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_encode_acetylation_matrix.gz \
-p 6

Plot density

plotProfile -m ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_encode_acetylation_matrix.gz \
-out ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures/plot3_wt_encode_acetylation.png \
--regionsLabel "" \
--perGroup \
--colors blue red green \
--samplesLabel "WT_replicate2" "H3K27ac Embryonic" "H3K27ac Adult" \
--refPointLabel "PRDM16 binding sites"
  • Plot4: WT vs KO Script to process KO samples: provide snapshot of KO bigwig file
# Navigate to results directory
computeMatrix reference-point --referencePoint center \
-b 4000 -a 4000 \
-R ~/chipseq_workshop/results/macs2/wt_peaks_final.bed \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ /n/groups/hbctraining/harwell-datasets/workshop_material/results/visualization/bigWig/ \
--skipZeros \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_ko_matrix.gz \
-p 6

plotProfile -m ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_ko_matrix.gz \
-out ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures/plot4_wt_ko.png \
--regionsLabel "" \
--perGroup \
--colors blue red \
--samplesLabel "WT" "KO" \
--refPointLabel "PRDM16 binding sites"
  • Plot5: TSS region

#SBATCH -p priority
#SBATCH -c 6
#SBATCH -t 0-4:00
#SBATCH --mem 16G
#SBATCH -e 0917_TSS.err
#SBATCH -o 0917_TSS.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

module load gcc/6.2.0 python/2.7.12 deeptools/3.0.2 

computeMatrix reference-point --referencePoint TSS \
-b 4000 -a 4000 \
-R ~/chipseq_workshop/reference_data/mm10-allknownGenes.bed \
-S ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/bigWig/ \
--skipZeros \
-o ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_matrix_allGenes_TSS.gz \
-p 6

plotProfile -m ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/wt_matrix_allGenes_TSS.gz \
-out ~/chipseq_workshop/results/visualization/figures/plot1_wt_TSS.png \
--regionsLabel "" \
--perGroup \
--colors red blue \
--samplesLabel "WT_replicate1" "WT_replicate2" \
--refPointLabel "TSS" \
--yMax 12
  • Note
  1. Use the range of 4 kb before and after the center
  2. Need to lift the encode profile from mm9 to mm10 (using CrossMap)

lesson 10: Automating script


# This script takes a fastq file of ChIP-seq data, runs FastQC and outputs a BAM file that is ready for peak calling. Bowtie2 is the aligner used, and the BAM file is sorted by genomic coordinates and has multi-mappers and duplicate reads removed using samtools.
# USAGE: sh <path to the fastq file>

# initialize a variable with an intuitive name to store the name of the input fastq file

# grab base of filename for naming outputs
base=`basename $fq .fastq.gz`
echo "Start processing $base ..."    

# directory with bowtie genome index

# make all of the output directories
# The -p option means mkdir will create the whole path if it 
# does not exist and refrain from complaining if it does exist
mkdir -p ~/chipseq_workshop/results/fastqc
mkdir -p ~/chipseq_workshop/results/bowtie2

# set up output filenames and locations

## set up file names

# set up the software environment
module load fastqc/0.11.3
module load gcc/6.2.0  
module load bowtie2/2.2.9
module load samtools/1.9
export PATH=/n/app/bcbio/tools/bin:$PATH 	# for using 'sambamba'

echo "FastQC analysis ..."

# Run FastQC and place the output to the appropriate folder
fastqc -o $fastqc_out $fq

echo "Bowtie2 alignment ..."

# Run bowtie2
bowtie2 -p 2 -q --local -x $genome -U $fq -S $align_sam

echo "Convert SAM to BAM ..."

# Create BAM from SAM
samtools view -h -S -b -o $align_bam $align_sam

echo "Filtering BAM file ..."

# Sort BAM file by genomic coordinates
samtools sort $align_bam -o $align_sorted 

# Filter out duplicates
sambamba view -h -t 2 -f bam -F "[XS] == null and not unmapped " $align_sorted > $align_final

# Create indices for all the bam files for visualization and QC
samtools index $align_final

echo "The process for $base is finished!"
#! /bin/bash

for fq in ~/chipseq_workshop/raw_data/*.fastq.gz

sbatch -p short -t 0-2:00 -n 8 --job-name chipseq-analysis -o %j.out -e %j.err \
--wrap="sh ~/chipseq_workshop/scripts/ $fq"

sleep 1	    # wait 1 second between each job submission