A PowerShell script that correctly uninstalls or reinstalls Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 & 11.
- Remove Edge with its own uninstaller, meaning there aren't leftovers, alongside no breakage as nothing is hardcoded
- Multiple fallback methods for uninstallation
- Can remove Edge installed with a
- Ability to reinstall Edge and WebView2
- Implementable in scripts with parameters
You can use the command below in PowerShell to launch the script. Alternatively, get the latest script from the GitHub releases.
iex(irm https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/he3als/EdgeRemover@main/get.ps1)
Download the script and run Get-Help .\RemoveEdge.ps1
to see its options. You can either use the downloaded file directly with these arguments or put them into the snippet below:
iex "&{$(irm https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/he3als/EdgeRemover@main/get.ps1)} [ARGUMENTS HERE]"
This would uninstall Edge, remove Edge's user-data, and install Edge WebView:
iex "&{$(irm https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/he3als/EdgeRemover@main/get.ps1)} -UninstallEdge -RemoveEdgeData -InstallWebView"
You can use the command below in PowerShell to clear all EdgeUpdate policies, including those that block the reinstallation and update of Edge or WebView.
iex "&{$(irm https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/he3als/EdgeRemover@main/get.ps1)} -ClearUpdateBlocks"
If Edge won't uninstall, try:
- Repairing Edge
- Making sure that Windows is up to date
- Making sure that Edge is up to date
If it still doesn't work, make an issue.