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Minimal and clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms in Php 7.2.
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For running all tests write down:
$ phpunit --bootstrap src/autoload.php unit_test
For running some specific tests you can do this as following (Ex: sort):
$ phpunit --bootstrap src/autoload.php unit_test/bitmap/setTest.php
If you want to use the API algorithms in your code, it is as simple as:
$ composer install algorithms_php
You can test by creating a php file: (Ex: use merge_sort
in sort
use algorithms_php\sort\merge_sort
$my_list = [1, 8, 3, 5, 6];
$my_list = merge_sort($my_list);
If you want to uninstall algorithms, it is as simple as:
$ composer remove -y algorithms_php
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