You can find a running version at
toolbelt is a simple image converter written in Rust and Javascript using WASM and Svelte. The idea is to provide an image converter for every system that has a modern webbrowser.
First we need to install all the necessary tools
Clone the repository and download the node modules for svelte
foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ cd toolbelt/www
foo@bar:~/toolbelt/www$ npm install
Currently you have to manually copy the bootstrap icons fonts folder (node_modules/bootstrap-icons/font/fonts)
into the build folder (public/build)
Build the WASM module
foo@bar:~/toolbelt$ wasm-pack build --target no-modules --out-dir www/public/pkg --no-typescript
Build Svelte and start dev server
foo@bar:~/toolbelt/www$ npm run dev
foo@bar:~/toolbelt$ wasm-pack build --target no-modules --out-dir www/public/pkg --no-typescript --release
Build the Svelte Project
foo@bar:~/toolbelt/www$ npm run build