Export Design Tokens from your Sketch project.
- You can export Design Token file either JSON or YAML format. Token file follow Salesforce Theo spec.
- Layers naming format is type/category/tokenname (e.g. color/background-color/bg-light)
Available categories:
Category | Sketch Layer type | Value |
spacing /space /spacer |
Shape Layer | Layer height |
sizing /size |
Shape Layer | Layer height |
font |
Text Layer | Font weight (type=number) / Font Family (type=...) |
font-style |
Text Layer | Font style |
font-weight |
Text Layer | Font weight |
font-size |
Text Layer | Font Size |
line-height |
Text Layer | Line height |
font-family |
Text Layer | Font Family |
border-style |
Shape Layer | Border style |
border-color |
Shape Layer | Border style or Fill color |
radius |
Shape Layer | Radius |
border-radius |
Shape Layer | Radius |
hr-color |
Shape Layer | Fill color |
background-color |
Shape Layer | Fill color |
gradient |
Shape Layer | Fill gradient |
background-gradient |
Shape Layer | Fill gradient |
drop-shadow |
Shape Layer | Shadows |
box-shadow |
Shape Layer | Shadows |
inner-shadow |
Shape Layer | Inner Shadows |
text-color |
Shape Layer or Text Layer | Text color or Fill color |
text-shadow |
Shape Layer or Text Layer | Layer shadow |
time |
Text Layer | Text layer value |
media-query |
Text Layer | Text layer value |
z-index |
Text Layer | Text layer value |
any |
Shape Layer | Fill color (type=color) |
Export variables from your Sketch project. You can export colors, text, spacing variables and text styles.
- You can choose file format: SCSS, CSS, LESS, JSON, JavaScript (Object/Variables)
- You can choose color format: HEX or RGBA
- You can choose text value: font family, font size, font weight, line height or letter spacing
- You can choose units: Absolute (px) or Relative (rem)
- You can choose naming (kebab-case, camelCase or part of layer name)
- Export Tokens
- Export Color Variables
- Export Text Variables
- Export Spacing Variables
- Export Text Styles
Select layers or one artboard and go to Plugins -> Design Token Exporter -> Export Tokens
Example output - tokens.yml
value: "#fafaf9"
type: "color"
category: "gray"
value: "linear-gradient(180deg, #FAFAF9 0%, #F3F2F2 100%)"
type: "..."
category: "gradient"
value: "16px"
type: "number"
category: "spacing"
value: "24px"
type: "number"
category: "font-size"
Select layers and go to Plugins -> Design Token Exporter -> Export Color Variables
Example output - colors.scss (SCSS, HEX)
$primary1: #b39ddb;
$primary2: #673ab7;
$primary3: #512da8;
$primary4: #311b92;
$secondary1: #b2dfdb;
$secondary2: #4db6ac;
$secondary3: #009688;
$secondary4: #00796b;
$grey1: #cfd8dc;
$grey2: #90a4ae;
$grey3: #607d8b;
$grey4: #37474f;
Select layers and go to Plugins -> Design Token Exporter -> Export Text Variables
Example output - fontsize.json (JSON, Font size, Absolute(px))
"fontSize": {
"xxl": "64px",
"xl": "48px",
"l": "32px",
"m": "24px",
"s": "20px",
"xs": "16px",
"xxs": "12px"
Select layers and go to Plugins -> Design Token Exporter -> Export Spacing Variables
Example output - spacing.css (CSS, Relative(rem))
:root {
--spacing-xxs: 0.25rem;
--spacing-xs: 0.5rem;
--spacing-s: 1rem;
--spacing-m: 1.5rem;
--spacing-l: 3rem;
--spacing-xl: 4rem;
--spacing-xxl: 8rem;
Select layers and go to Plugins -> Design Token Exporter -> Export Text Styles
Example output - textstyles.js (JavaScript Object, Absolute(px))
const textStyles = {
h1: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "64px",
fontWeight: 300,
lineHeight: "64px",
letterSpacing: "normal",
textTransform: "none",
h2: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "48px",
fontWeight: 300,
lineHeight: "48px",
letterSpacing: "normal",
textTransform: "none",
h3: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "32px",
fontWeight: 300,
lineHeight: "48px",
letterSpacing: "normal",
textTransform: "none",
h4: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "24px",
fontWeight: 500,
lineHeight: "36px",
letterSpacing: "normal",
textTransform: "none",
title: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "20px",
fontWeight: 700,
lineHeight: "36px",
letterSpacing: "1.5px",
textTransform: "uppercase",
body: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "16px",
fontWeight: 500,
lineHeight: "24px",
letterSpacing: "normal",
textTransform: "none",
caption: {
fontFamily: "Museo Sans",
fontSize: "12px",
fontWeight: 500,
lineHeight: "18px",
letterSpacing: "normal",
textTransform: "none",
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.